18 research outputs found

    Engineering of Structural Variants using CRISPR/Cas in Mice

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    Structural variations (SVs) contribute to the variability of our genome and are often associated with disease. Their study in model systems was hampered until now by labor-intensive genetic targeting procedures and multiple mouse crossing steps. Here we present the use of CRISPR/Cas for the fast (10 weeks) and efficient generation of SVs in mice. We specifically produced deletions, inversions, and also duplications at six different genomic loci ranging from 1.1 kb to 1.6 Mb with efficiencies up to 42%. After PCR-based selection, clones were successfully used to create mice via aggregation. To test the practicability of the method, we reproduced a human 500 kb disease-associated deletion and were able to recapitulate the human phenotype in mice. Furthermore, we evaluated the regulatory potential of a large genomic interval by deleting a 1.5 Mb fragment. The method presented permits rapid in vivo modeling of genomic rearrangements

    Repression and 3D-restructuring resolves regulatory conflicts in evolutionarily rearranged genomes

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    Regulatory landscapes drive complex developmental gene expression, but it remains unclear how their integrity is maintained when incorporating novel genes and functions during evolution. Here, we investigated how a placental mammal-specific gene, Zfp42, emerged in an ancient vertebrate topologically associated domain (TAD) without adopting or disrupting the conserved expression of its gene, Fat1. In ESCs, physical TAD partitioning separates Zfp42 and Fat1 with distinct local enhancers that drive their independent expression. This separation is driven by chromatin activity and not CTCF/cohesin. In contrast, in embryonic limbs, inactive Zfp42 shares Fat1’s intact TAD without responding to active Fat1 enhancers. However, neither Fat1 enhancer-incompatibility nor nuclear envelope-attachment account for Zfp42’s unresponsiveness. Rather, Zfp42’s promoter is rendered inert to enhancers by context-dependent DNA methylation. Thus, diverse mechanisms enabled the integration of independent Zfp42 regulation in the Fat1 locus. Critically, such regulatory complexity appears common in evolution as, genome wide, most TADs contain multiple independently expressed genes.We thank the Montpellier Ressources Imagerie facility (BioCampus Montpellier, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS], INSERM, University of Montpellier) and for computer resources from CINECA (ISCRA grant thanks to computer resources from INFN and CINECA [ISCRA Grant HP10C8JWU7]). G.C., Q.S., and F.B. were supported by a grant from the European Research Council (Advanced Grant 3DEpi, 788972) and by the CNRS. This work was funded by EMBO and the Wellcome Trust (ALTF1554-2016 and 206475/Z/17/Z; to M.I.R.) as well as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KR3985/7-3 and MU 880/16-1 to S.M.)

    The role of chromatin architecture in regulating Shh gene during mouse limb development

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    Die physische Nähe zwischen Genpromotoren und regulatorischen Elementen (Enhancer) spielt eine entscheidene Rolle in der Genexpression, um präzise räumliche und zeitliche Genexpressionmuster während der Embryogenese zu erzeugen. Abhängig von der Aktivität der Zielgene lassen sich zwei Typen von Interaktionen unterscheiden. Zum einen führen dynamische Enhancer-Promoter Interaktionen unmittelbar zur Genexpression, wohingegen in anderen Fällen stabile Interaktionen bereits vor der Genexpression existieren. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Rolle der stabilen Interaktion zwischen dem Shh Gen und dem Extremitätenenhancer, der ZRS, während der Embryonalentwicklung in der Maus untersucht. Der Verlust der konstitutiven Transkription, die den ZRS Enhancer abdeckt, führte zu einer Verschiebung innerhalb der Shh-ZRS Kontakte und einer moderaten Reduzierung der Shh Genexpression. Im Gegensatz dazu führte die Mutation von CTCF Bindungsstellen, die den ZRS Enhancer umgeben, zu einem Verlust der stabilen Shh-ZRS Interaktion und einem 50%igen Rückgang in der Shh Genexpression. Dieser Expressionsverlust hatte jedoch keine phänotypischen Auswirkungen in den Deletionsmutanten, was darauf hindeutet, dass die restliche Genaktivität und Enhancer-Promotor-Interaktion über einen zusätzlichen, CTCF-unabhängigen Mechanismus erfolgt. Erst die kombinierte Deletion von CTCF-Bindungsmotiven und einem hypomorphen ZRS-Allel führte zu einem fast vollständigen Expressionsverlust von Shh und damit zu einem schweren Funktionsverlust und Gliedmaßen-Agenesie. Die hier präsentierten Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die stabile Chromatinstruktur am Shh Locus von mehreren Komponenten getragen wird und die physicalische Interaktion zwischen Enhancern und Promotern für eine robuste Transkription während der Embryonalentwicklung benötigt werden.Long-range gene regulation involves physical proximity between enhancers and promoters to generate precise patterns of gene expression in space and time. However, in some cases proximity coincides with gene activation, whereas in others preformed topologies already exist before activation. In this study, we investigate the preformed configuration underlying the regulation of the Shh gene by its unique limb enhancer, the ZRS, in vivo during mouse development. Abrogating the constitutive transcription covering the ZRS region led to a shift within the Shh-ZRS contacts and a moderate reduction in Shh transcription. Deletion of the CTCF binding sites around the ZRS resulted in a loss of the Shh-ZRS preformed interaction and a 50% decrease in Shh expression but no phenotype, suggesting an additional, CTCF-independent mechanism of promoter-enhancer communication. This residual activity, however, was diminished by combining the loss of CTCF binding with a hypomorphic ZRS allele resulting in severe Shh loss-of-function and digit agenesis. Our results indicate that the preformed chromatin structure of the Shh locus is sustained by multiple components and acts to reinforce enhancer-promoter communication for robust transcription

    The role of cis-regulatory elements and chromatin structure in the evolution of appendages

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    Trabajo presentado en el 19th International Congress of Developmental Biology, celebrado en Guia (Portugal) del 16 al 20 de octubre de 2022

    Preformed chromatin topology assists transcriptional robustness of Shh during limb development

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    Long-range gene regulation involves physical proximity between enhancers and promoters to generate precise patterns of gene expression in space and time. However, in some cases, proximity coincides with gene activation, whereas, in others, preformed topologies already exist before activation. In this study, we investigate the preformed configuration underlying the regulation of the Shh gene by its unique limb enhancer, the ZRS, in vivo during mouse development. Abrogating the constitutive transcription covering the ZRS region led to a shift within the Shh-ZRS contacts and a moderate reduction in Shh transcription. Deletion of the CTCF binding sites around the ZRS resulted in the loss of the Shh-ZRS preformed interaction and a 50% decrease in Shh expression but no phenotype, suggesting an additional, CTCF-independent mechanism of promoter-enhancer communication. This residual activity, however, was diminished by combining the loss of CTCF binding with a hypomorphic ZRS allele, resulting in severe Shh loss of function and digit agenesis. Our results indicate that the preformed chromatin structure of the Shh locus is sustained by multiple components and acts to reinforce enhancer-promoter communication for robust transcription

    Repression and 3D-restructuring resolves regulatory conflicts in evolutionarily rearranged genomes

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    Regulatory landscapes drive complex developmental gene expression, but it remains unclear how their integrity is maintained when incorporating novel genes and functions during evolution. Here, we investigated how a placental mammal-specific gene, Zfp42, emerged in an ancient vertebrate topologically associated domain (TAD) without adopting or disrupting the conserved expression of its gene, Fat1. In ESCs, physical TAD partitioning separates Zfp42 and Fat1 with distinct local enhancers that drive their independent expression. This separation is driven by chromatin activity and not CTCF/cohesin. In contrast, in embryonic limbs, inactive Zfp42 shares Fat1's intact TAD without responding to active Fat1 enhancers. However, neither Fat1 enhancer-incompatibility nor nuclear envelope-attachment account for Zfp42's unresponsiveness. Rather, Zfp42's promoter is rendered inert to enhancers by context-dependent DNA methylation. Thus, diverse mechanisms enabled the integration of independent Zfp42 regulation in the Fat1 locus. Critically, such regulatory complexity appears common in evolution as, genome wide, most TADs contain multiple independently expressed genes