106 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Exergy Analysis of the EU DEMO Fusion Reactor

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    Purpose of the present study is the exergy analysis of EU DEMO pulsed fusion power plant considering the Primary Heat Transfer Systems, the Intermediate Heat Transfer System (IHTS) including the Energy Storage System (ESS) as a first option to ensure the continuity of electric power released to the grid. A second option here considered is a methane fired auxiliary boiler replacing the ESS. The Power Conversion System (PCS) performance is evaluated as well in the overall balance. The performance analysis is based on the exergy method to specifically assess the amount of exergy destruction determined by irreversible phenomena along the whole cyclic process. The pulse and dwell phases of the reactor operation are evaluated considering the state of the art of the ESS adopting molten salts alternate heating and storage in a hot tank followed by a cooling and recovery of molten salt in a cold tank to ensure the continuity of power release to the electrical grid. The second option of the plant configuration is evaluated on the basis of an auxiliary boiler replacing the ESS with a 10% of the power produced by the reactor during both pulse and dwell modes

    Defeating jamming with the power of silence: a game-theoretic analysis

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    The timing channel is a logical communication channel in which information is encoded in the timing between events. Recently, the use of the timing channel has been proposed as a countermeasure to reactive jamming attacks performed by an energy-constrained malicious node. In fact, whilst a jammer is able to disrupt the information contained in the attacked packets, timing information cannot be jammed and, therefore, timing channels can be exploited to deliver information to the receiver even on a jammed channel. Since the nodes under attack and the jammer have conflicting interests, their interactions can be modeled by means of game theory. Accordingly, in this paper a game-theoretic model of the interactions between nodes exploiting the timing channel to achieve resilience to jamming attacks and a jammer is derived and analyzed. More specifically, the Nash equilibrium is studied in the terms of existence, uniqueness, and convergence under best response dynamics. Furthermore, the case in which the communication nodes set their strategy and the jammer reacts accordingly is modeled and analyzed as a Stackelberg game, by considering both perfect and imperfect knowledge of the jammer's utility function. Extensive numerical results are presented, showing the impact of network parameters on the system performance.Comment: Anti-jamming, Timing Channel, Game-Theoretic Models, Nash Equilibriu

    SDR-LoRa, an open-source, full-fledged implementation of LoRa on Software-Defined-Radios: Design and potential exploitation

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    In this paper, we present SDR-LoRa, an open-source, full-fledged Software Defined Radio (SDR) implementation of a LoRa transceiver. First, we conduct a thorough analysis of the LoRa physical layer (PHY) functionalities, encompassing processes such as packet modulation, demodulation, and preamble detection. Then, we leverage on this analysis to create a pioneering SDR-based LoRa PHY implementation. Accordingly, we thoroughly describe all the implementation details. Moreover, we illustrate how SDR-LoRa can help boost research on the LoRa protocol by presenting three exemplary key applications that can be built on top of our implementation, namely fine-grained localization, interference cancellation, and enhanced link reliability. To validate SDR-LoRa and its applications, we test it on two different platforms: (i) a physical setup involving USRP radios and off-the-shelf commercial devices, and (ii) the Colosseum wireless channel emulator. Our experimental findings reveal that (i) SDR-LoRa performs comparably to conventional commercial LoRa systems, and (ii) all the aforementioned applications can be successfully implemented on top of SDR-LoRa with remarkable results. The complete details of the SDR-LoRa implementation code have been publicly shared online, together with a plug-and-play Colosseum container

    an application of cosmo sky med to coastal erosion studies

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    AbstractStarted in 2009, the COSMOCoast project aims to the investigation of the potential of Remote Sensing in support to the management of coastal areas. Particular attention is paid to the contribution of data acquired from the COSMO-SkyMed constellation, in view of their frequency of acquisitions and ground resolution; in particular this paper aims at assessing the potential of COSMO-SkyMed data for coastline delineation. The results are conceived to be of particular interest for public administration bodies in charge of coastal defense. Keywords: Remote Sensing, Coastal Zones Management, COSMO-SkyMed

    Bacterial ligands as flexible and sensitive detectors in rapid tests for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2

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    Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) is widely employed as point-of-care tests (POCT) for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The accuracy of LFIA largely depends on the quality of the immunoreagents used. Typical LFIAs to reveal the immune response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) employ anti-human immunoglobulin (hIG) antibodies and recombinant viral antigens, which usually are unstable and poorly soluble. Broad selective bacterial proteins, such as Staphylococcal protein A (SpA) and Streptococcal protein G (SpG) can be considered alternatives to anti-hIG to increase versatility and sensitivity of serological LFIAs because of their high binding capacity, interspecies reactivity, and robustness. We developed two colorimetric LFA devices including SpA and SpG linked to gold nanoparticles (GNP) as detectors and explored the use of a specific, stable, and soluble immunodominant fraction of the nucleocapsid protein from SARS-CoV-2 as the capturing agent. The optimal amount of SpA-GNP and SpG-GNP conjugates and the protein-to-GNP ratios were defined through a full factorial experimental design to maximize the diagnostic sensitivity of the LFIAs. The new LFA devices were applied to analyze 105 human serum samples (69 positive and 36 negatives according to reference molecular diagnostic methods). The results showed higher sensitivity (89.9%, 95% CI 82.7-97.0) and selectivity (91.7%, 82.6-100) for the SpA-based compared to the SpG-based LFA. In addition, 18 serum samples from cats and dogs living with COVID-19 patients were analyzed and 14 showed detectable levels of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, thus illustrating the flexibility of the SpA- and SpG-based LFAs

    Analisi di impatto di budget di pasireotide in pazienti con Acromegalia nella prospettiva del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale

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    Background: L’obiettivo dell’analisi è stato quello di valutare l’impatto economico dell’introduzione di pasireotide nella prospettiva del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). Metodi: I dati epidemiologici e di costo che hanno implementato il modello di budget impact (BI) sono stati ottenuti tramite una revisione sistematica della letteratura. Il BI è stato stimato confrontando uno scenario senza l’introduzione di pasireotide rispetto ad uno scenario con nella prospettiva del SSN. Inoltre, è stata sviluppate una analisi di sensibilità deterministica (DSA) e l’applicazione del metodo payoff. Risultati: Il modello ha stimato un totale di circa 2.314 pazienti acromegalici ad oggi trattati con una seconda linea farmacologica. L’introduzione di pasireotide consente una riduzione complessiva di spesa pari a € 662.095 nei 5 anni di analisi. La DSA ed il valore atteso di pay-off confermano la robustezza dei risultati. Conclusioni: L’introduzione sul mercato di pasireotide non comporta un aggravio di spesa per il SSN, ma genera una reale riduzione dei cost

    Monitoreo y simulaciones de desempeño térmico de aulas de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNNE en días de verano y condiciones reales de uso

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    Se exponen los resultados del monitoreo térmico, contrastado con simulaciones mediante ECOTECT, de seis aulas del edificio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (FAU) de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), durante un período de 15 días de verano, en la ciudad de Resistencia, Chaco. El objetivo fue detectar posibles problemas de disconfort y completar un diagnóstico de situación higrotérmica, cuya primera etapa la constituyó el monitoreo y simulaciones previas del mismo edificio, durante Julio de 2011, así como validar los resultados de las simulaciones. Por los resultados obtenidos, el edificio monitoreado, que constituye una tipología constructiva tradicional representativa de muchos edificios institucionales de la década del ’50 (en servicio activo en varias provincias del país), constituye un caso de desempeño térmico deficiente durante días de verano típicos de la zona “Ib”, con temperaturas interiores por encima del límite superior confortable definido, durante el 95% del tiempo de monitoreo.This work presents the thermal monitoring’s results, contrasted with simulations by ECOTECT, of six classrooms of the building of Architecture and Urbanism Faculty (FAU) of Northeast National University (UNNE) during a period of 15 summer days, in Resistencia city. The objective was to validate the results of the simulations and to detect potential thermal discomfort problems and complete a diagnosis of hygrothermal situation, whose first stage was the previous monitoring and simulations of the same building during a period of July 2011. As the results, the monitored building, which is a traditional building type, representative of many institutional buildings of the ´50s (on active duty in several argentine provinces), is a case of poor thermal performance during typical summer days in the "Ib" zone, with indoor temperatures above the upper defined comfort limit , during 95% of monitoring time.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Monitoreo y simulaciones de desempeño térmico de aulas de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNNE en días de verano y condiciones reales de uso

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    Se exponen los resultados del monitoreo térmico, contrastado con simulaciones mediante ECOTECT, de seis aulas del edificio de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (FAU) de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE), durante un período de 15 días de verano, en la ciudad de Resistencia, Chaco. El objetivo fue detectar posibles problemas de disconfort y completar un diagnóstico de situación higrotérmica, cuya primera etapa la constituyó el monitoreo y simulaciones previas del mismo edificio, durante Julio de 2011, así como validar los resultados de las simulaciones. Por los resultados obtenidos, el edificio monitoreado, que constituye una tipología constructiva tradicional representativa de muchos edificios institucionales de la década del ’50 (en servicio activo en varias provincias del país), constituye un caso de desempeño térmico deficiente durante días de verano típicos de la zona “Ib”, con temperaturas interiores por encima del límite superior confortable definido, durante el 95% del tiempo de monitoreo.This work presents the thermal monitoring’s results, contrasted with simulations by ECOTECT, of six classrooms of the building of Architecture and Urbanism Faculty (FAU) of Northeast National University (UNNE) during a period of 15 summer days, in Resistencia city. The objective was to validate the results of the simulations and to detect potential thermal discomfort problems and complete a diagnosis of hygrothermal situation, whose first stage was the previous monitoring and simulations of the same building during a period of July 2011. As the results, the monitored building, which is a traditional building type, representative of many institutional buildings of the ´50s (on active duty in several argentine provinces), is a case of poor thermal performance during typical summer days in the "Ib" zone, with indoor temperatures above the upper defined comfort limit , during 95% of monitoring time.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    2-Pentadecyl-2-oxazoline ameliorates memory impairment and depression-like behaviour in neuropathic mice: possible role of adrenergic alpha2- and H3 histamine autoreceptors

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    Neuropathic pain (NP) remains an untreatable disease due to the complex pathophysiology that involves the whole pain neuraxis including the forebrain. Sensory dysfunctions such as allodynia and hyperalgesia are only part of the symptoms associated with neuropathic pain that extend to memory and affectivity deficits. The development of multi-target molecules might be a promising therapeutic strategy against the symptoms associated with NP. 2-pentadecyl-2-oxazoline (PEA-OXA) is a plant-derived agent, which has shown effectiveness against chronic pain and associated neuropsychiatric disorders. The molecular mechanisms by which PEA-OXA exerts its effects are, however, only partially known. In the current study, we show that PEA-OXA, besides being an alpha2 adrenergic receptor antagonist, also acts as a modulator at histamine H3 receptors, and report data on its effects on sensory, affective and cognitive symptoms associated with the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain in mice. Treatment for 14 days with PEA-OXA after the onset of the symptoms associated with neuropathic pain resulted in the following effects: (i) allodynia was decreased; (ii) affective/cognitive impairment associated with SNI (depression, spatial, and working memories) was counteracted; (iii) long-term potentiation in vivo in the lateral entorhinal cortex-dentate gyrus (perforant pathway, LPP) was ameliorated, (iv) hippocampal glutamate, GABA, histamine, norepinephrine and dopamine level alterations after peripheral nerve injury were reversed, (v) expression level of the TH positive neurons in the Locus Coeruleus were normalized. Thus, a 16-day treatment with PEA-OXA alleviates the sensory, emotional, cognitive, electrophysiological and neurochemical alterations associated with SNI-induced neuropathic pain