675 research outputs found

    Hierarchical graph transformations with meta-rules

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    This paper is concerned with hierarchical graph models and graph transformation rules, specifically with the problem of transforming a part of graph which may contain subordinated nodes and edges. Meta-rules are proposed as a formal way of representing transformations which remove or duplicate a node along with its contents. The paper discusses the behaviour of meta-rules when applied to different types of hierarchical graphs, possible failure cases, and concludes by introducing a type of hierarchical graphs in which meta-rules can always be successfully expanded

    Comparison of Internal Forces Redistribution and Displacements Subjected to the Dynamic Wind Gusts depending of Point Fixed Glass Connector Model Shape

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    This paper presents an analysis of the redistribution of stresses and displacements in numerical models of various shapes of glass connectors. Two states of dynamic wind gusts were analyzed: the maximum value of suction and the maximum value of wind pressure. For the sake of simplicity, wind gusts were assumed periodically as a sinusoidal function. The model adopts a rectangular glass plate that transmits wind pressure and suction through the point fixed glass connectors. Therefore, single-arm cross connectors were not only subjected to bending stress, but also to torsion. Four different shapes of connectors were analyzed. In the first part of the numerical analysis, T-shaped and C-shaped cross-sections were adopted, and in the next part, both connectors were modified by adding fillet welds to the models. The dynamic numerical analysis was performed using the finite element method in the ADINA program

    Early abdominal aortic rupture after Nellix endovascular aneurysm sealing

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    Abstract This case concerns a 73 year-old woman, that suffered form Symptomatic Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm. Due to the complex anatomy of the aneurysm she was treated with Nellix Endovascular Aneurysm Seal Device. The implantation was successful, and the completion angiography showed no endoleak. At day 9 after the procedure, the patient presented severe abdominal pain with peritoneal symptoms, significant anemia and hypovolemic shock. The patient was subject to emergency laparotomy. The aortic rupture was identified. The Nellix device was removed and replaced with bifurcated silver-covered PTFE graft

    Assessing the role of environmental factors on Baltic cod recruitment, a complex adaptive system emergent property

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    For decades, fish recruitment has been a subject of intensive research with stock–recruitment models commonly used for recruitment prediction often only explaining a small fraction of the inter-annual recruitment variation. The use of environmental information to improve our ability to predict recruitment, could contribute considerably to fisheries management. However, the problem remains difficult because the mechanisms behind such complex relationships are often poorly understood; this in turn, makes it difficult to determine the forecast estimation robustness, leading to the failure of some relationships when new data become available. The utility of machine learning algorithms such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) for solving complex problems has been demonstrated in aquatic studies and has led many researchers to advocate ANNs as an attractive, non-linear alternative to traditional statistical methods. The goal of this study is to design a Baltic cod recruitment model (FishANN) that can account for complex ecosystem interactions. To this end, we (1) build a quantitative model representation of the conceptual understanding of the complex ecosystem interactions driving Baltic cod recruitment dynamics, and (2) apply the model to strengthen the current capability to project future changes in Baltic cod recruitment. FishANN is demonstrated to bring multiple stressors together into one model framework and estimate the relative importance of these stressors while interpreting the complex nonlinear interactions between them. Additional requirements to further improve the current study in the future are also proposed

    Powikłania ostre cukrzycy u dzieci

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    Nierecenzowany artykuł poglądowyPraca, którą opracowałam dotyczy powikłań ostrych cukrzycy u dzieci. W badaniach epidemiologicznych z ostatnich lat ukazano, że jest coraz więcej przypadków zachorowań na cukrzycę w grupie najmłodszych dzieci . Najczęściej rozpoznawana jest cukrzyca typu 1, lecz z rozwojem badań immunologicznych i genetycznych pojawia się oraz więcej przypadków cukrzycy typu 2. Bardzo ważna jest prawidłowa diagnostyka tej choroby, ponieważ wpływa ona na sposób dalszego leczenia, a także na jakość życia pacjenta. Do najczęstszych objawów choroby zaliczamy: wzmożone pragnienie, częste oddawanie moczu, utrata wagi, senność, osłabienie. Rodzaj prowadzonego leczenia, zależy od typu cukrzycy, wieku pacjenta, jak również jego możliwości i potrzeb. Najczęstszą metodą leczenie jest, stosowanie substancji insuliny, bądź doustnych leków przeciwcukrzycowych . Ważne jest również monitorowanie glikemii, dieta oraz prowadzenie aktywnego tryby życia. Do częsty powikłań cukrzycy zaliczamy hipoglikemie oraz hiperglikemie. Dziecko chore na cukrzycę wraz z rodzicami powinno być objęte zespołem specjalistów, którzy mają doświadczenie i rozumieją jego potrzeby.The paper I have developed concerns the complications of acute diabetes in children. In epidemiological studies from recent years it has been shown that there are more and more cases of diabetes in the group of the youngest children. Typically, diagnosed is type 1 diabetes, but with the development of immunological and genetic tests, there are more and more cases of type 2 diabetes. Very important is correct diagnostics of this disease because it affects the procedure of further treatment as well as the quality of life of the patient concerned. The most common symptoms of the disease include: polydipsia, frequent urination, weight loss, drowsiness, weakness. The type of treatment depends on the type of diabetes, the age of the patient as well as his or her abilities and needs. The most common treatment method is the use of insulin substances or oral antidiabetic drugs. It is also important to monitor glycemia, diet and active lifestyle. Frequent complications of diabetes include hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. A child with diabetes and their parents should be covered by a team of experienced specialists who understand their needs

    Historia Polskiego Wydziału Lekarskiego przy Uniwersytecie w Edynburgu, 1941-1949. Nowa perspektywa badawcza

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    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki wieloletnich badań nad historią Polskiego Wydziału Lekarskiego (PWL) przy Uniwersytecie w Edynburgu. W odniesieniu do istniejącej literatury przedmiotu, w której ta założona w czasie II wojny światowej uczelnia prezentowana jest zarówno jako instytucja bez precedensu w historii świata jak i kontynuacja przedwojennych polskich uniwersytetów, niniejsza praca proponuje spojrzenie na ten temat z perspektywy historii emigracji przymusowej z kontynentalnej Europy w pierwszej połowie XX w. Nieznane wcześniej fakty na temat powstania i likwidacji PWL przedstawiono w szerszym kontekście zmieniających się postaw wobec lekarzy-uchodźców w Wielkiej Brytanii. Ponadto podkreślono transnarodowy charakter PWL i kluczową rolę, jaką w jej powstaniu odegrały kompetencje transkulturowe naukowców, takich jak Francis Crew i Antoni Jurasz. Wreszcie zasugerowano, że kreatywne połączenie polskich i szkockich programów i metod nauczania w czasie studiów medycznych na PWL ułatwiło po wojnie integrację polskich lekarzy- -uchodźców nie tylko w Wielkiej Brytanii, lecz również w innych krajach osiedlenia, takich jak USA, Kanada, Australia czy Nowa Zelandia. = This article presents the results of many years of research on the history of the Polish School of Medicine (PSM) at the University of Edinburgh. With reference to the existing literature in which this wartime faculty is portrayed both as an institution that was unprecedented in the history of the world and as a continuation of pre-war Polish universities, this paper looks at the topic from the perspective of the history of forced migration from continental Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Previously unknown facts on the origins and liquidation of the PSM are discussed in the broader context of the changing attitudes towards medical refugees in Great Britain. The transnational character of the PSM and the essential role played in its creation by the transcultural competence of academics, such as Francis Crew and Antoni Jurasz, has also been emphasised. Finally, it is suggested that a creative combination of Polish and Scottish programmes and methods of teaching during medical studies at the PSM facilitated the postwar integration of Polish medical refugees not only in Great Britain but also in other countries of settlement, such as USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand

    Towards a graph-based model of computer games

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    This paper proposes a new holistic approach to a formal model of computer games. The story and structure of a computer game is represented by a hierarchical layered graph, meanwhile the way that the game is played – by graph transformations. This approach enables comparative description of different games, analysis of dependencies between a game structure and players’ strategies, automatic gameplay generation, and switching from single- to multi­player mode

    Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean\u27s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish - The VOICE Initiative

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    Multidisciplinary ocean observing activities provide critical ocean information to satisfy ever-changing socioeconomic needs and require coordinated implementation. The upper oxycline (transition between high and low oxygen waters) is fundamentally important for the ecosystem structure and can be a useful proxy for multiple observing objectives connected to eastern boundary systems (EBSs) that neighbor oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). The variability of the oxycline and its impact on the ecosystem (VOICE) initiative demonstrates how societal benefits drive the need for integration and optimization of biological, biogeochemical, and physical components of regional ocean observing related to EBS. In liaison with the Global Ocean Oxygen Network, VOICE creates a roadmap toward observation-model syntheses for a comprehensive understanding of selected oxycline-dependent objectives. Local to global effects, such as habitat compression or deoxygenation trends, prompt for comprehensive observing of the oxycline on various space and time scales, and for an increased awareness of its impact on ecosystem services. Building on the Framework for Ocean Observing (FOO), we present a first readiness level assessment for ocean observing of the oxycline in EBS. This was to determine current ocean observing design and future needs in EBS regions (e.g., the California Current System, the Equatorial Eastern Pacific off Ecuador, the Peru-Chile Current system, the Northern Benguela off Namibia, etc.) building on the FOO strategy. We choose regional champions to assess the ocean observing design elements proposed in the FOO, namely, requirement processes, coordination of observational elements, and data management and information products and the related best practices. The readiness level for the FOO elements was derived for each EBS through a similar and very general ad hoc questionnaire. Despite some weaknesses in the questionnaire design and its completion, an assessment was achievable. We found that fisheries and ecosystem management are a societal requirement for all regions, but maturity levels of observational elements and data management and information products differ substantially. Identification of relevant stakeholders, developing strategies for readiness level improvements, and building and sustaining infrastructure capacity to implement these strategies are fundamental milestones for the VOICE initiative over the next 2-5 years and beyond

    Polish School of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh (1941-1949): a case study in the transnational history of Polish wartime migration to Great Britain

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    More than 400 Polish medical refugees were associated with the Polish School of Medicine (PSM) at the University of Edinburgh between 1941 and 1949. This dissertation argues that the history of the PSM can fully be understood only as a part of the refugees’ broader experience of impelled or forced migration during and immediately after the Second World War. The key findings of this case study demonstrate that the opportunity to study or work at the PSM enabled the majority of Polish exiles to overcome, to a varying extent, their refugee predicament, while medical qualifications, transferable skills and trans-cultural competency obtained in wartime Britain allowed them to pursue professional and academic careers in different countries of post-war settlement, thus in turn contributing to a global circulation of medical knowledge and practice, especially between the University of Edinburgh and Poland. This specific case study contributes to the existing knowledge of Polish wartime migration to Britain in three interrelated ways. Firstly, an overarching transnational approach is used to combine and transcend Polish and British scholarly perspectives on, respectively, emigration or immigration. Secondly, the conceptual insularity of the existing literature on the topic is challenged by analysing archival, published and digital sources pertaining to the PSM with the help of various theoretical models and concepts borrowed from forced migration and diaspora studies. Thirdly, the conventional historiography of Polish-British wartime relations is challenged by emphasising the genuinely global ramifications of the PSM’s history. By interpreting the history of the PSM with the help of different analytical tools, such as Kunz’s and Johansson’s models of refugee movement and Tweed’s theory of diasporic religion, this dissertation provides a conceptual blueprint for further research on Polish wartime migration to Britain. In turn, this case study contributes to the development of forced migration and diaspora studies not only by empirically testing the explanatory power of existing theoretical models, but also by suggesting possible new conceptual avenues, such as analysing the pre-existing trans-cultural experiences of both Polish medical refugees and their hosts at the University of Edinburgh, and adding to the ‘triadic relationship’ of diaspora, homeland and host society a fourth dimension, i.e. conflict and cooperation between different migrant or refugee communities within the same host society

    Zawieranie umów o udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej

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    Artykuł dotyczy procesu zawierania umów o udzielenie zamówienia na świadczenia zdrowotne, tzw. kontraktów w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej. Dokonano analizy przyczyn rozwoju tej formy działalności leczniczej lekarzy, pielęgniarek i innego personelu medycznego w dwóch aspektach. Pierwsze ujęcie dotyczy elastyczności zarządzania czasem pracy i zasobami ludzkimi w zakładach opieki zdrowotnej. Z drugiej strony przedstawiono proces zawierania umów kontraktowych jako wyraz wzrastającej konkurencyjności na rynku usług medycznych. Dokonano próby oceny skutków rozwoju umów cywilnoprawnych dla zarządzania systemem opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce. Praca zawiera również szczegółowy opis procesu zawierania umów kontraktowych na przykładzie doświadczeń własnych Autorki