169 research outputs found

    Free software evaluation for administrative archives management

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    Se evalúan tres aplicaciones de software libre de gestión de archivos administrativos para su implantación en el archivo de una universidad: Archon, Archivists' toolkit e ICA-AtoM. En la comparativa se tuvieron en cuenta doce requisitos concernientes a la gestión de metadatos, normas de descripción y préstamo, análisis y ciclo de vida del documento. Los resultados indican si el software posee determinadas características. Las aplicaciones analizadas no cumplen con todos los requisitos de un gestor de archivos, no obstante como software libre permiten la actualización e integración a nuevos contextosWe evaluated three free software applications for administrative archives management and their implementation in university archives. Software evaluated was: Archon, Archivists’ toolkit and ICA-AtoM. The comparative analysis considered 12 requirements concerning metadata management, description standards and lending, and document life-cycle analysis. The results show the requirements met by each software application evaluated. Although currently they do not satisfy all archive management requirements, open software can be customized and integrated with new contexts

    Treatment of status epilepticus: use of the antiepileptic drugs and outcomes in hospitals of level 4 in Colombia

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    Introducción: el estado epiléptico (EE) es una emergencia neurológica con alta morbi-mortalidad asociada, el tratamiento se debe fundamentar en las guías internacionales. Objetivo: describir la frecuencia de uso de los anticonvulsivantes empleados en el manejo del EE en dos hospitales de cuarto nivel en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: serie de pacientes mayores de 14,5 años, con diagnóstico de EE establecido por el servicio de Neurología, tratados entre agosto de 2013 y julio de 2014. Resultados: se incluyeron 84 casos, con una mediana de edad de 52,5 años rango intercuartílico (RIQ 27-71,5); el 64,3% de los pacientes (n=54) tenían antecedentes de epilepsia. El tipo de estado epiléptico más frecuente fue tónico-clónico en el 57,1% (n=48) y la causa principal epilepsia no controlada en el 53,6% (n=46). Para el manejo de primera línea, la mitad de los pacientes recibieron combinaciones de benzodiazepinas con otro anticonvulsivante, los más usados fueron fenitoina y ácido valproico. Todos los fármacos antiepilépticos de primera línea se administraron por vía endovenosa. En 32 pacientes (38,1%) se requirió el manejo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. El resultado, muerte de 17 pacientes (20,2%) y secuelas neurológicas sin muerte en 6 pacientes (7,2%). Conclusión: los fármacos antiepilépticos clásicos, entre los que se encuentran la fenitoina y el ácido valproico, continúan siendo la elección en la primera línea para el tratamiento del EE. La combinación de ácido valproico y levetiracetam puede ser efectiva en el EE refractario. Las medidas alternativas durante el tratamiento del EE no fueron observadasIntroduction: Status Epilepticus (SE) is a neurological emergency associated with high morbidity and mortality; treatment should be based on international guidelines. Objective: To describe the frequency of application of anticonvulsants used for the treatment of SE in hospitals of level 4 in Colombia. Materials and methods: A series of patients over 14.5 years old, with the diagnosis of SE registered by the neurologist, treated between August 2013 and July 2014. Results: A series of 84 cases, with a median patient age of 52,5 years (IQR 27-71,5); 64.3% of patients (n=54) have featured the previous history of epilepsy. The most frequent type of epileptic status was tonic and clonic among 57,1% (n=48), and the main cause has been uncontrolled epilepsy among 53,6% (n=46). The first-line treatment of the patients was combinations of benzodiazepine with other anticonvulsants, among which themost applied were phenytoin and valproic acid. All anticonvulsants were administered intravenously. 32 patients (38,1%) have required management in intensive care unit. The outcomes were death in 17 cases (20,2%) and 6 patients (7,2%) had neurological sequels without death. Conclusion: The classical antiepileptic drugs, among which are phenytoin and valproic acid, remain the election in the first-line treatment of SE. The combination of valproic acid and levetiracetam may be effective in refractory SE. Alternative therapies of SE were not observed in hospitals of the study

    Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico protético em pacientes com hérnia incisional

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    Introduction: incisional hernias are currently considered a public health problem throughout the world that affects 10 to 15% of the general population, with a significant impact on the social and work performance of people of economically active age.Objective: to evaluate the result of surgical treatment with the use of a prosthesis in this type of hernia.Methods: a descriptive and longitudinal investigation of a series of cases was carried out, followed by a qualitative, evaluative investigation in patients with incisional hernia operated in the General Surgery Service of the General Teaching Hospital "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" in the period from January 2013 until December 2016. The universe was made up of 171 patients; the sample consisted of 146 incisional hernia surgery.Results: 146 incisional hernia patients were operated with the use of a pre-peritoneal prosthesis by the Rives technique. The majority were women (111) with 76%. Regarding the hernial defect, 89 predominated as medium with 61%, of which 74 (50.7%) underwent elective surgery and 15 (10.3%) urgently, while 52 large (35.6%), 44 (30.2%) underwent elective surgery and 8 (5.4%) urgently. In relation to complications, there was a predominance of recurrence that reached 16.4%. 97.3% of users considered the medical care received adequate.Conclusions: the result obtained allows to improve the knowledge about its approach, to reincorporate the patients to social and work life by reducing early relapses in the first two years after the operation and making it possible to carry out subsequent investigations.Introducción: las hernias incisionales son consideradas en la actualidad un problema de salud pública en todo el mundo que afecta del 10 al 15 % de la población general, con una importante repercusión en el desempeño social y laboral de personas en edad económicamente activa.Objetivo: evaluar el resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico con empleo de prótesis en este tipo de hernia.Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y longitudinal de serie de casos y a continuación una cualitativa de tipo evaluativa en pacientes con hernia incisional operados en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital General Docente “Carlos Manuel de Céspedes” en el período comprendido desde enero del 2013 hasta diciembre del 2016. El universo estuvo constituido por 171 pacientes, la muestra fue conformada por 146 operados de hernia incisional.Resultados: fueron operados 146 pacientes de hernia incisional con empleo de prótesis pre-peritoneal por la técnica de Rives. La mayoría fueron mujeres (111) con 76 %. En relación al defecto herniario predominando 89 como medianas con 61 %, de las cuales 74 (50,7%) se operaron de forma electiva y 15 (10,3 %) de urgencia, mientras, 52 grandes (35,6 %), 44 (30,2 %) se intervinieron electivamente y 8 (5,4 %) urgentes. En relación a las complicaciones existió predominio de la recidiva que alcanzó el 16,4 %. El 97,3 % de los usuarios consideró adecuada la atención médica recibida.Conclusiones: el resultado obtenido permite mejorar los conocimientos sobre su abordaje, reincorporar los pacientes a la vida social y laboral al reducir recidivas tempranas en los dos primeros años de operados y posibilita realizar investigaciones posteriores.Introdução: as hérnias incisionais são atualmente consideradas um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo que atinge de 10 a 15% da população em geral, com impacto significativo no desempenho social e laboral de pessoas em idade economicamente ativa.Objetivo: avaliar o resultado do tratamento cirúrgico com uso de prótese neste tipo de hérnia. Métodos: foi realizada investigação descritiva e longitudinal de uma série de casos, seguida de investigação qualitativa avaliativa em doentes com hérnia incisional operados no Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do Hospital Geral Universitário "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" no período de janeiro de 2013 até dezembro de 2016. O universo foi composto por 171 pacientes, a amostra foi composta por 146 cirurgias de hérnia incisional.Resultados: 146 pacientes com hérnia incisional foram operados com uso de prótese pré-peritoneal pela técnica de Rives. A maioria eram mulheres (111) com 76%. Em relação ao defeito herniário, 89 predominaram como médios com 61%, dos quais 74 (50,7%) realizaram cirurgia eletiva e 15 (10,3%) com urgência, enquanto 52 grandes (35,6%), 44 (30,2%) realizaram cirurgia eletiva e 8 (5,4%) com urgência. Em relação às complicações, houve predomínio de recidivas que chegou a 16,4%. 97,3% dos usuários consideraram o atendimento médico recebido adequado.Conclusões: o resultado obtido permite aprimorar o conhecimento sobre sua abordagem, reincorporar os pacientes à vida social e profissional, reduzindo as recaídas precoces nos primeiros dois anos de pós-operatório e possibilitando a realização de investigações posteriores.

    Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition.

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    RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are.BACKGROUND: ErbB2-positive breast cancer is characterized by highly aggressive phenotypes and reduced responsiveness to standard therapies. Although specific ErbB2-targeted therapies have been designed, only a small percentage of patients respond to these treatments and most of them eventually relapse. The existence of this population of particularly aggressive and non-responding or relapsing patients urges the search for novel therapies. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cannabinoids might constitute a new therapeutic tool for the treatment of ErbB2-positive breast tumors. We analyzed their antitumor potential in a well established and clinically relevant model of ErbB2-driven metastatic breast cancer: the MMTV-neu mouse. We also analyzed the expression of cannabinoid targets in a series of 87 human breast tumors. RESULTS: Our results show that both Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the most abundant and potent cannabinoid in marijuana, and JWH-133, a non-psychotropic CB2 receptor-selective agonist, reduce tumor growth, tumor number, and the amount/severity of lung metastases in MMTV-neu mice. Histological analyses of the tumors revealed that cannabinoids inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cancer cell apoptosis, and impair tumor angiogenesis. Cannabinoid antitumoral action relies, at least partially, on the inhibition of the pro-tumorigenic Akt pathway. We also found that 91% of ErbB2-positive tumors express the non-psychotropic cannabinoid receptor CB2. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results provide a strong preclinical evidence for the use of cannabinoid-based therapies for the management of ErbB2-positive breast cancer

    Impact on the soil and the infiltration as a consequence of oil palm cultivation (Elaeis guineensis jacq) in Tabasco

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    Objective: To evaluate the possible negative impacts on soil fertility, as a result of the soil use change from the grassland to oil palm. Design/methodology/approach: The following variables were evaluated: soil organic matter (SOM), bulk density (BD), mechanical penetration resistance (MPR), root system distribution, and infiltration in 5-, 11- and 25-year-old oil palm plantations, as well as in an adjoining grassland —whose land use had not changed to oil palm cultivation. Results: During the first years of cultivation, the substitution of the grassland for oil palm caused SOM losses, increased BD and MPR, and reduced infiltration levels. After 11 years, these effects became stable and were reversed. Therefore, in mature plantations of >25 years, the soil and infiltration conditions improved, even surpassing the grassland. These changes occur at a depth of 40 cm and are attributable to the SOM provided by the root system; consequently, root distribution does not block infiltration, becoming a beneficial factor, particularly in mature plantations. Study limitations/implications: The research must be replicated under other soil conditions, in order to observe the fertility behavior. Findings/conclusions: After the grassland is replaced by oil palm, soil fertility deteriorates during the first years; fertility becomes stable and recovers after 11 years. Meanwhile, the effect reverses and surpasses grassland fertility levels after 25 years

    A late iron age dump area "La Carrasca" in Los Ausines (Burgos, Spain)

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    [ES] Basurero de la Segunda Edad del Hierro entre los castros de Castromayor y El Castillejo en Los Ausines, ambos a corta distancia. Los restos encontrados corresponden a las épocas preceltibérica y celtibérica.[EN] Dump area from the Late Iron Age between the hill fort of Castromayor and El Castillejo in Los Ausines, both a short distance away. The remains found correspond to the pre-Celtiberian and Celtiberian times.Peer reviewe

    Universidad y sociedad. Extensión universitaria, conocimiento y redes sociales

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    A pesar de las múltiples inflexiones que en los últimos siglos se han dado en el mundo (Kuhn, 1962), aún se mantiene el empeño de entenderlo a través de un pensamiento limitado que debe conducir a una reflexión acerca de cómo se entiende y cómo evoluciona la vida. La transformación y el cambio de paradigmas de los últimos años no son más que una manifestación de la evolución del pensamiento humano y de las visiones de la realidad (Fritjof, 2004). La extensión del conocimiento es una respuesta a la inquietud social respecto a la necesidad sentida de un cambio en los modos de actuar y en las estructuras del pensamiento (innovación social), en la que se desarrolle un proceso de trasformación de las instituciones y la aplicación de los valores, para reorientar el curso del desarrollo humano, es decir, el curso de la realidad, para lo cual es necesaria una nueva visión de la vida

    Economic impact of immunoglobulin replacement therapy in secondary immunodeficiency to hematological cancer: a single center observational study

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    This is the first report of the health economic benefits derived from preventing infections through Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy (IgRT) in patients with secondary immunodeficiency due to hematological malignancies. We conducted a retrospective population-based cohort study using patient medical history and pharmacy data from the Hospital Clínico San Carlos for 21 patients between 2011 and 2020. The pharmacoeconomic impact of using prophylactic IgRT was assessed by comparing characteristics of the SID patients 1 year before and after initiating IgRT measured by direct medical and tangible indirect costs. Results indicate a marked reduction in hospitalization days following IgRT initiation, decreasing from an average of 13.9 to 6.1 days per patient, with the elimination of ICU admissions. While emergency department visits decreased significantly, the number of routine consultations remained unchanged. Notably, absenteeism from work dropped substantially. The financial analysis revealed significant reductions in medication use and fewer ancillary tests, resulting in considerable cost savings. Specifically, total expenditure dropped from €405,088.18 pre-IgRT to €295,804.42 post-IgRT—including the cost of IgRT itself at €156,309.60. Overall, the annual savings amounted to €109,283.84, validating the cost-effectiveness of IgRT in managing SID in patients with hematological cancers

    Demostrador del módulo posterior del radiómetro de 30 GHZ de Planck

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    A radiometer back end module based on broadband low noise amplifiers and band pass filters is presented. Low noise amplifiers are multistage HEMT MMIC chips. A 20% of bandwidth at 30 GHz have been achieved. The passband is fixed by coupled lines microstrip filters. A complete module containing two identical branches of amplification and filtering stages with a gain greater than 30 dB has been developed. The low 1/f noise behavior of gain fluctuations allows the module to be used as the back end module for the differential radiometers in the european scientific mission Planck. Details of the MMICs chips and filters assembly as well as experimental results are included

    Reliability of a novel electro-medical device for wheal size measurement in allergy skin testing: An exploratory clinical trial

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    Skin prick testing (SPT) is the cornerstone of IgE-mediated allergy diagnosis,1 due to its high sensitivity and specificity.2 However, a uniform method for wheal measurement does not exist. Ansotegui et al.2 recommends to measure wheals in millimeters with a ruler, in many centers they are outlined with a pen and transfer by tape to a paper and then measured. Subsequently, the specialist is able to manually measure the maximum (MD) and orthogonal diameter (OD) of the wheal. This procedure is time consuming and makes repro-ducible measurements difficult.2,3 Knowing the wheal's area could help make a more accurate diagnosis.4 Over the last 30 years, many attempts have been made to develop a device to measure the size of SPT.3 Nexkin DSPT® (Figure S1A,B) is a novel mechatronic system based on 3D laser technology, that automatically locates allergen's wheal and measures its size (MD, OD and area in square millimeters) (Figure S1C)