637 research outputs found
Deglaciación en los grandes estratovolcanes mexicanos en 1994/95
[Resumen] Los grandes estratovolcanes mexicanos activos, Popocatepetl (5.450 m) y Pico e Orizaba (5.700 m), están cubiertos por glaciares en sus laderas septentrionales. Este trabajo analiza el retroceso de estos glaciares desde febrero de 1994 a octubre de 1995 y sus consecuencias geomorfológicas. Los resultados de la observación demuestran que la deglaciación está suponiendo un incremento de los procesos erosivos y la formación generalizada de hielo residual cubierto por depósitos.[Abstract] The northern slopes of Mexico's great, active stratovolcanoes: Popocatepetl (5450 m a.s.l.) and Pico de Orizaba (5700 m) are covered by glaciers. This paper analyzes the glaciers' retreat between February 1994 to October 1995, and its geomorphological consequences. The results of field observations showed that deglaciation had increased the amount of erosion and had lead to the widespread formation of deposits that buried cover ice
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Exemplar Competition: A Variation on Category Learning in the Competition Model
Two cue validity models for category learning were compared to the exemplar model of Medin & Schaffer (1978). The cue validity models tested for the use of two cue validity measures from the Competition Model of Bates & MacWhinney (1982, 1987, 1989) ("reUabiUty" and "overall validity"); one of these models additionally tested for "rote" associations between items and categories. Twenty-four undergraduate subjects learned to classify pseudowords into two categories over 40 blocks of trials. The overall fit of the cue validity model without rote associations was poor, but the fit of the model that included these was nearly identical to the exemplar model {R^ = .89 V3 .90). However, both cue validity models failed to capture differences predicted by exemplar similarity, but not cue validity, that were apparent as early as the first block of learning trials. The critical parameters in the Medin-SchaiFer model were fit as a logarithmic function of the learning block to provide a uniform account of learning across the 40 blocks of trials. The evidence that we provide suggests that competition at the level of exemplars should be considered as a possible extension of the Competition Model
Educação na Internet
The Internet doesn't only offer research resources to those interested in studying Education. Rather, it constitutes a powerful work tool to employ in educational terms.A Internet não oferece apenas recursos de pesquisa ao interessado em estudar a Educação, mas se constitui numa poderosa ferramenta de trabalho para se atuar em termos educacionais
Convergence and memory: journalism, context and history
Nunca em tempos históricos esteve nossa sociedade tão envolvida e ocupada em processos de produção de memória; nunca o estoque de memória social esteve tão fácil e rapidamente disponível e nunca esteve o jornalismo – enquanto prática social - tão centralmente localizado em meio a tudo isso. Partindo desta tese, e no contexto das mídias digitais, este ensaio explora as recentes transformações nas relações entre Memória e Jornalismo, tanto no que diz respeito à concepção do Jornalismo enquanto um repositório de memória para a produção de relatos históricos, quanto no que diz respeito aos padrões do trabalho de memória acionados na própria produção dos textos jornalísticos.Never before was our society so wrapped and occupied in processes of production of memory; the stock of social memory was never before so easily and quickly available and never before has journalism – as a social practice - been so centrally located amid this accelerated process of production and preservation of memory. Starting from these ideas, and within the context of digital media, this essay explores recent transformations in the relationship between Memory and Journalism, both as it concerns Journalism as a repository of memory for the production of historical works, as in terms of changing patterns and effects of the work of memory operated in the production of journalistic texts
Fake News e a emergência das agências de checagem: terceirização da credibilidade jornalística?
Duas premissas básicas servem como pontos de partida neste texto: a) notícias falsas, imprecisas ou enviesadas, seja por deficiência de apuração, seja por fabricação intencional ou incompetência profissional sempre existiram; b) a checagem dos fatos (facts cheking) constituintes de uma notícia é uma das características definidoras do chamado Jornalismo Moderno.
Importa por isso tentar compreender o que mudou e porquê, bem como que efeitos tais mudanças podem acarretar para a credibilidade jornalística
Memory as a criterion for quality assessment in online newspapers: some considerations
The consolidation of cyberjournalism as a new form of journalistic production in recent years brought about the need to evaluate the quality of newspapers and magazines produced for the Web. Using the same concepts and analytic tools developed for the traditional press in the evaluation of cyberjournalism leads to the undervaluation of specific characteristics of journalistic products designed for the new medium. On the other hand, analytic tools used for website evaluation are generally too generic and ill adapted for the specificities of cyberjournalism. In this article we explore some of the difficulties involved in quality assessment of online journalism. The difficulties in analyzing memory in cyberjournalism is used to indicate some of the challenges posed for the webnewspaper analyst
CULTURA Y MEMORIA: Fases y Escalas de los Estudios de Memoria y el Desafío del Antropoceno
Este ensaio tem por objetivo estabelecer um breve recorrido cronológico e destacar uma divisão em fases dos Estudos de Memória, sugerindo-se que, presentemente, há algo de novo a ser confrontado no âmbito dessa área de pesquisa, exigindo uma inflexão no paradigma ora vigente, ou ao menos seu alargamento. Inicialmente traça-se um breve resumo das diferentes fases de constituição dos Estudos de Memória, enquanto um campo acadêmico específico e multidisciplinar, com ênfase em suas escalas de abrangência: local, nacional e global. Partindo-se de tal caracterização, uma quarta fase é sugerida, com a adoção de uma nova escala de construção da memória coletiva, com base no conceito de Antropoceno, cuja introdução traz consigo a necessidade de se ressituar os Estudos de Memória, agora em escala planetária. O texto está organizado em três partes: Antecedências, Incidências e Sequências.
Palavras-chave: Estudos de Memória; Memória Coletiva; Memória Social; Antropoceno; Ecologia.
This essay aims to establish a brief chronological overview and highlight distinctive phases of Memory Studies, suggesting that presently there is something new to be confronted within this field of research, requiring an inflection in the current paradigm or at least its enlargement. Initially, a brief summary of the different phases of constitution of Memory Studies as a specific and multidisciplinary academic field is presented, with emphasis on its scales of coverage: local, national and global. Starting from such a characterization, a fourth phase is suggested, with the adoption of a new scale of collective memory construction, based on the concept of Anthropocene, whose introduction brings with it the need to reposition Memory Studies, now on a planetary scale. The text is organized in three parts: antecedents, incidents and sequences.
KEYWORDS: Memory Studies; Collective Memory; Social Memory; Anthropocene; Ecology.
Este ensayo tiene por objetivo establecer un breve recorrido cronológico y destacar una división en fases de los Estudios de Memoria, sugiriendo que, actualmente, hay algo nuevo que se enfrenta en el ámbito de esta área de investigación, exigiendo una inflexión en el paradigma actual, o al menos su ampliación. Inicialmente se traza un breve resumen de las diferentes fases de constitución de los Estudios de Memoria, como un campo académico específico y multidisciplinario, con énfasis en sus escalas de alcance: local, nacional y global. A partir de tal caracterización, una cuarta fase es sugerida, con la adopción de una nueva escala de construcción de la memoria colectiva, con base en el concepto de Antropoceno, cuya introducción trae consigo la necesidad de resituar los Estudios de Memoria, ahora a escala planetario. El texto está organizado en tres partes: Antecedentes, Incidencias y Secuencias.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Estudios de memoria; Memoria Colectiva; Memoria Social; Antropoceno; EcologíaThis essay aims to establish a brief chronological overview and highlight distinctive phases of Memory Studies, suggesting that presently there is something new to be confronted within this field of research, requiring an inflection in the current paradigm or at least its enlargement. Initially, a brief summary of the different phases of constitution of Memory Studies as a specific and multidisciplinary academic field is presented, with emphasis on its scales of coverage: local, national and global. Starting from such a characterization, a fourth phase is suggested, with the adoption of a new scale of collective memory construction, based on the concept of Anthropocene, whose introduction brings with it the need to reposition Memory Studies, now on a planetary scale. The text is organized in three parts: antecedents, incidents and sequences.
KEYWORDS: Memory Studies; Collective Memory; Social Memory; Anthropocene; Ecology.Este ensayo tiene por objetivo establecer un breve recorrido cronológico y destacar una división en fases de los Estudios de Memoria, sugiriendo que, actualmente, hay algo nuevo que se enfrenta en el ámbito de esta área de investigación, exigiendo una inflexión en el paradigma actual, o al menos su ampliación. Inicialmente se traza un breve resumen de las diferentes fases de constitución de los Estudios de Memoria, como un campo académico específico y multidisciplinario, con énfasis en sus escalas de alcance: local, nacional y global. A partir de tal caracterización, una cuarta fase es sugerida, con la adopción de una nueva escala de construcción de la memoria colectiva, con base en el concepto de Antropoceno, cuya introducción trae consigo la necesidad de resituar los Estudios de Memoria, ahora a escala planetario. El texto está organizado en tres partes: Antecedentes, Incidencias y Secuencias.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Estudios de memoria; Memoria Colectiva; Memoria Social; Antropoceno; Ecologí
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