279 research outputs found

    Study of sub-barrier and near-barrier fusion of halo nuclei

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    Elastic Scattering and Total Reaction Cross Section for the 6He + 27Al System

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    The elastic scattering of the radioactive halo nucleus 6He on 27Al target was measured at four energies close to the Coulomb barrier using the RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil) facility. The Sao Paulo Potential(SPP) was used and its diffuseness and imaginary strength were adjusted to fit the elastic scattering angular distributions. Reaction cross-sections were extracted from the optical model fits. The reduced reaction cross-sections of 6He on 27Al are similar to those for stable, weakly bound projectiles as {6,7}Li, 9Be and larger than stable, tightly bound projectile as 16O on 27Al.Comment: 7 pages, 1 table, 3 figure

    Investigation of the 6He cluster structures

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    The 4He+2n and t+t clustering of the 6He ground state were investigated by means of the transfer reaction 6He(p,t)4He at 25 MeV/nucleon. The experiment was performed in inverse kinematics at GANIL with the SPEG spectrometer coupled to the MUST array. Experimental data for the transfer reaction were analyzed by a DWBA calculation including the two neutrons and the triton transfer. The couplings to the 6He --> 4He + 2n breakup channels were taken into account with a polarization potential deduced from a coupled-discretized-continuum channels analysis of the 6He+1H elastic scattering measured at the same time. The influence on the calculations of the 4He+t exit potential and of the triton sequential transfer is discussed. The final calculation gives a spectroscopic factor close to one for the 4He+2n configuration as expected. The spectroscopic factor obtained for the t+t configuration is much smaller than the theoretical predictions.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, accepted in PR

    Full pf shell study of A = 47 and A = 49 nuclei

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    Complete diagonalizations in the pf major shell, lead to very good agreement with the experimental data (level schemes, transitions rates, and static moments) for the A=47 and A=49 isotopes of Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn. Gamow-Teller and M1 strength functions are calculated. The necessary monopole modifications to the realistic interactions are shown to be critically tested by the spectroscopic factors for one particle transfer from 48Ca, reproduced in detail by the calculations. The collective behaviour of 47Ti, and of the mirror pairs 47V-47Cr and 49Cr-49Mn is found to follow at low spins the particle plus rotor model. It is then analysed in terms of the approximate quasi-SU(3) symmetry, for which some new results are given.Comment: 30 Pages, RevTeX and epsf.sty, 23 figures included. Postscript version available at http://www.ft.uam.es/~gabriel/a47-49.ps.g

    Sub- and above barrier fusion of loosely bound 6^6Li with 28^{28}Si

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    Fusion excitation functions are measured for the system 6^6Li+28^{28}Si using the characteristic γ\gamma-ray method, encompassing both the sub-barrier and above barrier regions, viz., ElabE_{lab}= 7-24 MeV. Two separate experiments were performed, one for the above barrier region (ElabE_{lab}= 11-24 MeV) and another for the below barrier region (ElabE_{lab}= 7-10 MeV). The results were compared with our previously measured fusion cross section for the 7^7Li+28^{28}Si system. We observed enhancement of fusion cross section at sub-barrier regions for both 6^6Li and 7^7Li, but yield was substantially larger for 6^6Li. However, for well above barrier regions, similar type of suppression was identified for both the systems.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, as accepted for publication in Eur.Phys.J.

    Identification of medium mass (A=60-80) ejectiles from 15 MeV/nucleon peripheral heavy-ion collisions with the MAGNEX large-acceptance spectrometer

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    An approach to identify medium-mass ejectiles from peripheral heavy-ion reactions in the energy region of 15 MeV/nucleon is developed for data obtained with a large acceptance magnetic spectrometer. This spectrometer is equipped with a focal plane multidetector, providing position, angle, energy loss and residual energy of the ions along with measurement of the time-of-flight. Ion trajectory reconstruction is performed at high order and ion mass is obtained with a resolution of better than 1/150. For the unambiguous particle identification however, the reconstruction of both the atomic number Z and the ionic charge q of the ions is critical and it is suggested, within this work, to be performed prior to mass identification. The new proposed method was successfully applied to MAGNEX spectrometer data, for identifying neutron-rich ejectiles related to multinucleon transfer generated in the 70Zn+ 64Ni collision at 15 MeV/nucleon. This approach opens up the possibility of employing heavy-ion reactions with medium-mass beams below the Fermi energy (i.e., in the region 15-25 MeV/nucleon) in conjunction with large acceptance ray tracing spectrometers, first, to study the mechanism(s) of nucleon transfer in these reactions and, second, to produce and study very neutron-rich or even new nuclides in previously unexplored regions of the nuclear landscape.Comment: 6 pages, 6figure

    Low-lying states and structure of the exotic 8^8He via direct reactions on the proton

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    International audienceThe structure of the light exotic nucleus 8He was investigated using direct reactions of the 8He SPIRAL beam on a proton-rich target. The (p,p') scattering to the Click to view the MathML source state, the (p,d)7He and (p,t)6He transfer reactions, were measured at the energy Elab=15.7 A.MeV. The light charged particles (p,d,t) were detected in the MUST Si-strip telescope array. The excitation spectrum of 8He was extracted from the (p,p') reaction. Above the known Click to view the MathML source excited state at 3.6 MeV, a second resonance was found around 5.4 MeV. The cross sections were analyzed within the coupled-reaction channels framework, using microscopic potentials. It is inferred that the 8He ground state has a more complex neutron-skin structure than suggested by previous α+4n models assuming a pure (1p3/2)4 configuration

    Structure of low-lying states of 10,11^{10,11}C from proton elastic and inelastic scattering

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    NESTER PTH, expérience GANIL, équipement SISSITo probe the ground state and transition densities, elastic and inelastic scattering on a proton target were measured in inverse kinematics for the unstable 10^{10}C and 11^{11}C nuclei at 45.3 and 40.6 MeV/nucleon, respectively. The detection of the recoil proton was performed by the MUST telescope array, in coincidence with a wall of scintillators for the quasiprojectile. The differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering to the first excited states are compared to the optical model calculations performed within the framework of the microscopic nucleon-nucleus Jeukenne-Lejeune-Mahaux potential. Elastic scattering is sensitive to the matter-root-mean square radius found to be 2.42±\pm0.1 and 2.33±\pm0.1 fm, for 10,11^{10,11}C, respectively. The transition densities from cluster and mean-field models are tested, and the cluster model predicts the correct order of magnitude of cross sections for the transitions of both isotopes. Using the Bohr-Mottelson prescription, a profile for the 10^{10}C transition density from the 0+0^+ ground to the 21+2_1^+ state is deduced from the data. The corresponding neutron transition matrix element is extracted: Mn=5.51±\pm1.09 fm2^2

    Experimental evidence for subshell closure in 8^{8}He and indication of a resonant state in 7^{7}He below 1 MeV

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    NESTERThe spectroscopy of the unstable 8^{8}He and unbound 7^{7}He nuclei is investigated via the p(8^{8}He, d) transfer reaction with a 15.7A MeV 8^{8}He beam from the SPIRAL facility. The emitted deuterons were detected by the telescope array MUST. The results are analyzed within the coupled-channels Born approximation framework, and a spectroscopic factor C2C^2S=4.4±1.3 for neutron pickup to the 7^{7}He_g.s.isdeduced.Thisvalueisconsistentwithafullp3/2subshellfor is deduced. This value is consistent with a full p3/2 subshell for ^{8}He.TentativeevidenceforthefirstexcitedstateofHe. Tentative evidence for the first excited state of ^{7}HeisfoundatHe is found at E^*=0.9±0.5MeV(width=0.9±0.5 MeV (width \Gamma=1.0±0.9MeV).Thesecondoneisobservedatapositioncompatiblewithpreviousmeasurements,=1.0±0.9 MeV). The second one is observed at a position compatible with previous measurements, E^*$=2.9±0.1 MeV. Both are in agreement with previous separate measurements. The reproduction of the first excited state below 1 MeV would be a challenge for the most sophisticated nuclear theories

    Resonances of 6He via the 8He(p,t)6He reaction

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    CERN-Proceedings-2010-001 available at http://www.fluka.org/Varenna2009/procmat.htmInternational audienceWe investigated the low-lying spectroscopy of 6He via the 2-neutron transfer reaction induced by the 8He SPIRAL beam at 15.4 A.MeV on a proton-rich target. The light charged recoil particles produced by the direct reactions were measured using theMUST2 Si-strip telescope array. Two new resonances were observed above the known 2+ state in 6He, and the angular momentum transfer was deduced through the analysis of the angular distributions. Results are discussed in comparison with the recent calculations of various nuclear structure theories which include the coupling to the continuum technique and to the ones which give an understanding of the cluster correlations in the light weakly-bound nuclei