228 research outputs found

    The Diffuse Source at the Center of LMC SNR 0509-67.5 is a Background Galaxy at z = 0.031

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    Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are well-known for their use in the measurement of cosmological distances, but our continuing lack of concrete knowledge about their progenitor stars is both a matter of debate and a source of systematic error. In our attempts to answer this question, we presented unambiguous evidence that LMC SNR 0509-67.5, the remnant of an SN Ia that exploded in the Large Magellanic Cloud 400 +/- 50 years ago, did not have any point sources (stars) near the site of the original supernova explosion, from which we concluded that this particular supernova must have had a progenitor system consisting of two white dwarfs (Schaefer & Pagnotta 2012). There is, however, evidence of nebulosity near the center of the remnant, which could have been left over detritus from the less massive WD, or could have been a background galaxy unrelated to the supernova explosion. We obtained long-slit spectra of the central nebulous region using GMOS on Gemini South to determine which of these two possibilities is correct. The spectra show H-alpha emission at a redshift of z = 0.031, which implies that the nebulosity in the center of LMC SNR 0509-67.5 is a background galaxy, unrelated to the supernova.Comment: 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    More than one dynamic crossover in protein hydration water

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    Studies of liquid water in its supercooled region have led to many insights into the structure and behavior of water. While bulk water freezes at its homogeneous nucleation temperature of approximately 235 K, for protein hydration water, the binding of water molecules to the protein avoids crystallization. Here we study the dynamics of the hydrogen bond (HB) network of a percolating layer of water molecules, comparing measurements of a hydrated globular protein with the results of a coarse-grained model that has been shown to successfully reproduce the properties of hydration water. With dielectric spectroscopy we measure the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of protons charge fluctuations. These fluctuations are associated to the dynamics of the HB network of water molecules adsorbed on the protein surface. With Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and mean--field (MF) calculations we study the dynamics and thermodynamics of the model. In both experimental and model analyses we find two dynamic crossovers: (i) one at about 252 K, and (ii) one at about 181 K. The agreement of the experiments with the model allows us to relate the two crossovers to the presence of two specific heat maxima at ambient pressure. The first is due to fluctuations in the HB formation, and the second, at lower temperature, is due to the cooperative reordering of the HB network

    Application of double-pulse micro-LIBS 3D compositional mapping to the analysis of ceramics

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    We developed a new Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) instrument for 3D compositional mappings of archaeological objects. The system, based on the Modì double-pulse instrument, allows the reconstruction of maps with lateral resolution up to 20 microns and sub-micron depth resolution

    A hybrid calibration-free/artificial neural networks approach to the quantitative analysis of LIBS spectra

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    A 'hybrid' method is proposed for the quantitative analysis of materials by LIBS, combining the precision of the calibration-free LIBS (CF-LIBS) algorithm with the quickness of artificial neural networks. The method allows the precise determination of the samples' composition even in the presence of relatively large laser fluctuations and matrix effects. To show the strength and robustness of this approach, a number of synthetic LIBS spectra of Cu-Ni binary alloys with different composition were computer-simulated, in correspondence of different plasma temperatures, electron number densities and ablated mass. The CFLIBS/ANN approach here proposed demonstrated to be capable, after appropriate training, of 'learning' the basic physical relations between the experimentally measured line intensities and the plasma parameters. Because of that the composition of the sample can be correctly determined, as in CF-LIBS measurements, but in a much shorter time

    An artificial neural network approach to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy quantitative analysis

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    The usual approach to laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) quantitative analysis is based on the use of calibration curves, suitably built using appropriate reference standards. More recently, statistical methods relying on the principles of artificial neural networks (ANN) are increasingly used. However, ANN analysis is often used as a 'black box' system and the peculiarities of the LIBS spectra are not exploited fully. An a priori exploration of the raw data contained in the LIBS spectra, carried out by a neural network to learn what are the significant areas of the spectrum to be used for a subsequent neural network delegated to the calibration, is able to throw light upon important information initially unknown, although already contained within the spectrum. This communication will demonstrate that an approach based on neural networks specially taylored for dealing with LIBS spectra would provide a viable, fast and robust method for LIBS quantitative analysis. This would allow the use of a relatively limited number of reference samples for the training of the network, with respect to the current approaches, and provide a fully automatizable approach for the analysis of a large number of samples

    Classification studies on Etruscan archaeological copper-based alloy findings from the Necropolis of ‘Pratino’ in Tuscania

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    In this communication, an extensive study and its results are presented about the composition of some Etruscan copper alloy findings. The objects came from Tomb 20 of the “Pratino” necropolis in Tuscania, near Viterbo (Italy), dating back to the late Hellenistic period. The excavation and study of the site was granted to the Lorenzo de' Medici Italian International Institute (Ld’M) in 2005. Since 2011, the activity is directed by the Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies (CAMNES). The archaeological materials were classified according to their composition, determined by a portable Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) instrument

    Green-synthetized silver nanoparticles for Nanoparticle-Enhanced Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NELIBS) using a mobile instrument

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    When compared to other analytical techniques, LIBS shows relatively low precision and, generally, high Limits of Detection (LODs). Until recently, the attempts in improving the LIBS performances have been based on the use of more stable/powerful lasers, high sensitivity detectors or controlled environmental parameters. This can hinder the competitiveness of LIBS by increasing the instrumental setup cost and the difficulty of operation. Sample treatment has proved to be a viable and simple way to increase the LIBS signal; in particular, the Nanoparticle-Enhanced Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (NELIBS) methodology uses a deposition of metal nanoparticles on the sample to greatly increase the emission of the LIBS plasma. In this work, we used a simple, fast, â\u80\u9cgreenâ\u80\u9d and low-cost method to synthetize silver nanoparticles by using coffee extract as reducing agents for a silver nitrate solution. This allowed us to obtain nanoparticles of about 25 nm in diameter. We then explored the application of such nanoparticles to the NELIBS analysis of metallic samples with a mobile LIBS instrument. By adjusting the laser parameters and optimizing the sample preparation procedure, we obtained a NELIBS signal that is 4 times the LIBS one. This showed the potential of green-synthetized nanoparticle for NELIBS applications and suggests the possibility of an in-situ application of the technique

    Combined acl and segond repair in combined acute proximal acl tears and segond fracture

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    A renewed interest in anterior cruciate ligament preservation has been noted using arthroscopic primary repair in patients with proximal tears, but the main concern remained the control of the rotational instability. Segond fracture occurs in less than 10% of cases of acute anterolateral instability, but it can result in continued rotation instability. The aim of this study is to describe the surgical technique to acutely repair both the anterior cruciate ligament and Segond fracture in the acute setting

    The dysregulation of OGT/OGA cycle mediates Tau and APP neuropathology in down syndrome

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    Protein O-GlcNAcylation is a nutrient-related post-translational modification that, since its discovery some 30 years ago, has been associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases. As reported in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), flaws in the cerebral glucose uptake translate into reduced hexosamine biosynthetic pathway flux and subsequently lead to aberrant protein O-GlcNAcylation. Notably, the reduction of O-GlcNAcylated proteins involves also tau and APP, thus promoting their aberrant phosphorylation in AD brain and the onset of AD pathological markers. Down syndrome (DS) individuals are characterized by the early development of AD by the age of 60 and, although the two conditions present the same pathological hallmarks and share the alteration of many molecular mechanisms driving brain degeneration, no evidence has been sought on the implication of O-GlcNAcylation in DS pathology. Our study aimed to unravel for the first time the role of protein O-GlcNacylation in DS brain alterations positing the attention of potential trisomy-related mechanisms triggering the aberrant regulation of OGT/OGA cycle. We demonstrate the disruption of O-GlcNAcylation homeostasis, as an effect of altered OGT and OGA regulatory mechanism, and confirm the relevance of O-GlcNAcylation in the appearance of AD hallmarks in the brain of a murine model of DS. Furthermore, we provide evidence for the neuroprotective effects of brain-targeted OGA inhibition. Indeed, the rescue of OGA activity was able to restore protein O-GlcNAcylation, and reduce AD-related hallmarks and decreased protein nitration, possibly as effect of induced autophagy