911 research outputs found

    Influence of Fluorination on the Solubilities of Carbon Dioxide, Ethane, and Nitrogen in 1‑n‑Fluoro-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(n‑fluoroalkylsulfonyl)amide Ionic Liquids

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    International audienceThe effect on gas solubilities of adding partially fluorinated alkyl side chains either on imidazolium-based cations or on bis(perfluoroalkylsulfonyl)amide anions was studied. The aim was to gain knowledge of the mechanisms of dissolution of gases in fluorinated ionic liquids and, if possible, to improve physical absorption of carbon dioxide in ionic liquids. We have determined experimentally, in the temperature range of 298–343 K and at pressures close to atmospheric pressure, the solubility and thermodynamics of solvation of carbon dioxide, ethane, and nitrogen in the ionic liquids 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[trifluoromethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8mim][NTf2]), 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[pentafluoroethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8mim][BETI]), 1-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)-3-methylimidazolium bis[trifluoromethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8H4F13mim][NTf2]), and 1-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-tridecafluorooctyl)-3-methylimidazolium bis[pentafluoroethylsulfonyl]amide ([C8H4F13mim][BETI]). Ionic liquids with partial fluorination on the cation were found to exhibit higher carbon dioxide and nitrogen mole fraction solubilities but lower ethane solubilities, compared to those of their hydrogenated counterparts. Molecular simulation provided insights about the mechanisms of solvation of the different gases in the ionic liquids

    Preparaciones de base líquida vs. citología convencional: adecuación de las muestras y coincidencia de diagnóstico en lesiones orales

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    Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de la muestra y la coincidencia de diagnostico entre preparaciones de base liquida y frotis convencionales en lesiones orales, y probar la viabilidad de la prueba inmuno-citoquimica en preparaciones de base liquida de lesiones de carcinoma oral. Material y Metodos: Se obtuvieron muestras de 44 pacientes. Primeramente se prepararon frotis convencionales, usando un dispositivo cytobrush. A continuacion se sumergio el cepillo que contenia el material residual en un liquido conservante. La muestra en el mismo fue procesada de acuerdo con las indicaciones del fabricante (AutoCyte, Inc. Elon College, North Carolina, USA). Se tineron preparaciones de ambas tecnicas de acuerdo con el metodo de Papanicolaou. Para la prueba inmuno-citoquimica se usaron conjuntamente AE1/AE3 (Dako, CA, USA) para las lesiones de carcinoma oral, de acuerdo con el metodo de la Estreptovidina-biotina-peroxidasa. Se uso la prueba exacta de Fisher; fijandose la probabilidad significativa en p . 0.05. Resultados: Ambas tecnicas coincidieron en el diagnostico citologico en todos los casos donde se uso una muestra adecuada; en 3 casos el frotis convencional mostro hipocelularidad y, por lo tanto, resulto inadecuado para el analisis. En el analisis de muestras, la citologia de base liquida mostro una mejora general estadisticamente significativa), de un 41% en espesura de frotis y de un 66% en la distribucion de celulas (p . 0.05), ademas de una reduccion en la superposicion de celulas y la presencia de sangre (p . 0.05). La morfologia celular se observó mejor en las preparaciones de base líquida. Las reacciones de la prueba inmuno-citoquímica fueron positivas en todos los casos de malignidad, siendo especialmente clara la observación de células inmuno-marcadas. Conclusión: Tanto las preparaciones de base líquida como los frotis convencionales son dignos de confianza desde el punto de vista del diagnóstico; el método de base líquida mostró una mejora general en la preservación de muestras, adecuación de ejemplares, observación de morfología celular y reproducibilidad.Objective: To compare specimen adequacy and diagnostic agreement between liquid-based preparations and conventional smears in oral lesions, and to test the viability of immunocytochemical assay in liquid-based preparations from oral carcinoma lesions. Material and Methods: Samples were collected from 44 patients. Conventional smears were prepared first, using a cytobrush device. Then the brush, containing the residual material, was immersed in a preservative fluid. The sample in the preservative fluid was processed according to the manufacturer directions (AutoCyte, Inc. Elon College, North Carolina, USA). Slides of both techniques were stained by Papanicolaou method. For immunocytochemical assay, a cytokeratin pool AE1/AE3 (Dako, CA, USA) was applied in liquid-based preparations from oral carcinoma lesions following the Streptavidin-biotinperoxidase method. Fisher's exact test was used; significance was set for p = 0.05. Results: Both techniques agreed on cytologic diagnosis in every case they yielded an adequate specimen; in 3 cases conventional smear resulted in hypocellularity and therefore inadequate for analysis. On specimen analysis, the liquid-based cytology demonstrated a statistically significant, 41% overall improvement in smear thickness and 66% in cell distribution (p = 0.05), and a reduction in cell overlapping and presence of blood (p = 0.05). The cell morphology was better visualized in the liquid-based preparations. The immunocytochemical assay reactions were positive in all malignant cases, the visualization of the immu-nostained cells being especially clear. Conclusion: Both, the liquid-based preparation and conventional smear, are diagnostically reliable; the liquid-based method showed an overall improvement on sample preservation, specimen adequacy, visualization of cell morphology and reproducibility

    Generalised Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiments with Bosons and Fermions

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    The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) dip plays an important role in recent linear optics experiments. It is crucial for quantum computing with photons and can be used to characterise the quality of single photon sources and linear optics setups. In this paper, we consider generalised HOM experiments with NN bosons or fermions passing simultaneously through a symmetric Bell multiport beam splitter. It is shown that for even numbers of bosons, the HOM dip occurs naturally in the coincidence detection in the output ports. In contrast, fermions always leave the setup separately exhibiting perfect coincidence detection. Our results can be used to verify or employ the quantum statistics of particles experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, more references adde

    Reação de genótipos de abacaxizeiro ao nematoide Pratylenchus Brachyurus.

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    Os fitonematoides são considerados um dos principais fatores limitantes ao cultivo do abacaxizeiro. Estes patógenos causam danos consideráveis às raízes das plantas, diminuindo a eficiência das adubações pela redução da absorção de nutrientes. As plantas apresentam sistema radicular reduzido, folhas cloróticas, estreitas e de tamanho reduzido. Consequentemente, a produção é retardada e com frutos de baixo peso e valor comercial reduzido (Arieira et al., 2008)

    Association of Injury History and Incident Injury in Cadet Basic Military Training

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    To determine the association between injury history at enrollment and incident lower extremity (LE) injury during cadet basic training among first-year military cadets


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    Prevalence of marine litter along the Indian beaches : A preliminary account on its status and composition

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    Beach litter are man-made objects discarded directly or indirectly. This study brings out synoptic picture of status and composition of beach litter from 254 selected beaches along the maritime States of Peninsular coast of India as well as the Union Territories of Andaman and Lakshadweep Islands from the one time observation conducted between October 2013 and January 2014 for the first time. These beaches were classified and graded with colour codes according to the levels of beach litter. Beach litter from different maritime States and the UTs showed that Odisha coast has the lowest (0.31 g/m2) quantity and Goa coast (205.75 g/m2) the highest quantity of beach debris. Archipelagic coasts of Andamans as well as Lakshadweep recorded values higher than Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. Samples of debris collected from beaches revealed that all the items were domestic and anthropogenic discards. Plastic litters such as single use carry bags and sachets of soft drinks, edible oils, detergents, beverages, cases of cosmetics, toothpaste, PET bottles, ice cream containers etc., recorded highest mean of 25.47g/m2 from Goa coast and the lowest (0.08 g/m2) from Odisha. The relative percentage of mean values of plastic (B group) items in beach debris along the Indian coast registered highest mean percentage from Maharashtra (81 %) and the lowest mean from beaches of Andhra Pradesh (7%). The two island Union Territories registered 40% (Lakshadweep) and 47% (Andamans) of plastics over the total debris, while the national average was only 14%. Available online at: www.mbai.org.in doi: 10.6024/jmbai.2017.59.1.1953-03 Out of the total 254 beaches surveyed, 51 beaches were graded as very clean with green (<1 g/m2) colour, 122 beaches were graded as Clean and depicted by blue colour. Beaches of very clean grade (<1 g/m2) were found in Kerala (17), Maharashtra (12), Tamil Nadu (2), Andhra Pradesh (4), Odisha (7) and West Bengal (3). Whereas extremely littered beaches (>100 g/m2) were found in Karnataka (13), Goa, Gujarat, and Andaman Island. With reference to the coastal population and per capita share of beach debris, Goa registered highest values (40.97 kg/head) and the Odisha coast registered the lowest values (0.005 kg/head)

    Prognostic factors for response to treatment by corticosteroid injection or surgery in carpal tunnel syndrome (PaLMS study): a prospective multi‐centre cohort study

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    Introduction: Studies of prognosis for surgery and corticosteroid injection for carpal tunnel syndrome have considered only a limited range of explanatory variables for outcome. Methods: Data were prospectively collected on patient‐reported symptoms, physical and psychological functioning, comorbidity and quality of life at baseline and 6 monthly for up to 2 years. Outcomes were patient‐rated change over a 6‐month period and symptom‐severity score at 18 months. Results: 754 patients with CTS completed baseline questionnaires and 626 (83%) completed follow‐up to 18 months. Multivariable modelling identified, independent of symptom severity at outset, higher health utility, fewer comorbidities and lower anxiety as significant predictors of better outcome from surgery. In patients treated by steroid injection, independent of symptom severity at outset, shorter duration of symptoms and having no prior injection were significant predictors of better outcome. Discussion: These multivariable models of outcome may inform shared decision‐making about treatment for CTS