43 research outputs found

    Promoting digital competence in secondary education: are schools there? Insights from a case study

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    In recent years, a large number of educational systems, following the recommendations of international organisations, have introduced a competence-based emphasis into their traditionally subject-based curriculum. This move, beyond what any document can deal with, does not seem to find its way into everyday school practice easily or with instant results. This paper explores encounters and clashes between policy and practice regarding a competence-based curriculum framework. We refer firstly to the notions about information processing and digital competence held by international organisations and the Spanish and Catalan Ministry of Education, and the implications of said notions for teaching. Then, from evidence collected through class observations, interviews with students and teachers, and documents analysis in a case study, we draw on four teaching and learning scenarios where ICT is regularly used. Promoting students' digital competence is one of the key competences prescribed in the curriculum; however, our study showed that the backgrounds and educational views of teachers, as well as the teaching culture and organisation of schools, should be deeply challenged to foster this competence

    Críticas Piagetianas e Psicanalíticas à Atual Formação de Professores

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    Neste artigo, parte-se das teorias piagetianas e psicanalíticas para criticar algumas práticas atuais na formação de educadores. Pela teoria psicanalítica, é impossível chegar a um meio termo ideal entre repressão excessiva e falta de limites, mas é possível criticar a idéia de ajustar medidas educativas aos educandos por dificultar a ação educativa e aumentar a impotência de pais e professores. Pela teoria piagetiana, parece claro que a mera repetição de teorias apresentadas em cursos não causa grande impacto na prática educativa e que uma alternativa viável mais interessante para mudar a educação seriam cursos nos quais os educadores possam construir sua

    Students' perspectives on engagement, learning and pedagogy: self-evaluations of university students in Spain.

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    Student engagement in higher education has been studied from different theoretical perspectives and in different countries. Current issues include both concerns regarding students' attitudes and ambivalence and, in addition, the definition of the concept of student engagement and how various pedagogical approaches may contribute to contrasting definitions. The present study thematically analyzed self-evaluations of 46 students attending two pedagogy courses of the University of Barcelona; both courses included lectures and discussions. Special attention was given to how participants described their engagement and related it to their learning, the teacher's pedagogy, and the course content. Different forms of engagement emerged, both with the lecture and discussion sessions of the classes, that suggest some aspects of student engagement may (a) be invisible to the teacher and (b) follow an independent decision-making process that may favor passing over learning

    Entre o necessário e o impossível: o ensino da teoria psicanalítica na formação de psicanalistas

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    The psychoanalytical theory, even though between reinvention and repetition, is still part of the psychoanalytical formation and its teaching is required by many psychoanalytical institutions. The theory may avoid the psychoanalysis transmission to be reduced to transmitting powers, but its teaching may lead to subjection. The psychoanalytical theoretical framework applied to educational processes allow the identification here of disciples formation and, among those who teach, the not so spoken desire of future analysts that don’t resist to theory. A psychoanalysis compatible teaching should refrain from subjection strategies and be open to the unconscious effects.La teoría psicoanalítica, mismo que se quede entre la reinvención y la repetición, es parte de la formación analítica y su enseñanza es exigida por varias instituciones psicoanalíticas. La teoría puede evitar que la transmisión del psicoanálisis sea reducida a pasar poderes, pero su enseñanza puede ser sujetadora. El cuadro teórico psicoanalítico aplicado a los procesos educativos permite aquí identificar la formación de discípulos y, entre quien enseña, el deseo no asumido de futuros psicoanalistas que no resistan a la teoría. Una enseñanza compatible con el psicoanálisis debería abdicar de estrategias de sujeción y ser permeable a los efectos del inconsciente.A teoria psicanalítica, ainda que fique entre a reinvenção e a repetição, continua parte da formação analítica e seu ensino é exigido por várias instituições psicanalíticas. A teoria pode evitar que a transmissão da psicanálise seja reduzida a transmitir poderes, mas seu ensino pode ser assujeitante. O crivo teórico psicanalítico aplicado a processos educativos permite aqui identificar a formação de discípulos e, entre aqueles que ensinam, o desejo nem tão assumido de futuros psicanalistas que não resistam à teoria. Um ensino compatível com a psicanálise deveria abdicar de estratégias de sujeição e ser permeável aos efeitos do inconsciente

    La relación con el Otro en una investigación educativa con jóvenes

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    The article discusses the dominant narratives about school failure based on two empirical studies. Our position drew from Charlot’s (2000) notion of savoir in order to use it as an alternative for rethinking the discourse surrounding school “failure”. This inquiry led us to undertake a study based on the life stories of young people who did not complete the requirements of secondary school. In the second project, we explored the relationship young people have with savior, producing (collaboratively with the youth participants) biographical narratives of young people who either did or did not succeed in meeting the expectations of their secondary school. In light of these results, this paper discusses what this research experience has meant for the investigators who were involved. We consider what it has meant to position ourselves in relation to the Other in an investigation where we looked at how young people position themselves inrelation to savior, the world, and to others.Key words: narrative inquiry, researching with youth, youth research, school failure andsuccess, savior.El artículo discute las narrativas dominantes sobre el fracaso escolar, con base en dos estudios empíricos. A partir de la posición de Charlot (2000), que considera la noción de “saber” como alternativa a la de “fracaso” escolar, en el primer estudio se analizó historias biográficas sobre jóvenes que no habían cumplido con las expectativas de la escuela secundaria. En el segundo proyecto, fueron exploradas las relaciones de los jóvenes con el saber, mediante narrativas biográficas escritas con jóvenes que habían cumplido con estas expectativas junto a otros que no las habían cubierto. Con base en eses estudios, este artículo da cuenta de lo que ha significado para los investigadores este tránsito a la hora de situar nuestra posición en la relación con el Otro, en la investigación entorno a la relación de los jóvenes con el saber de sí mismo, del mundo y de los otros.Palabras clave: investigación narrativa, investigación con jóvenes, investigación sobre jóvenes, éxito y fracaso escolar, saber

    El no-saber en las cartografías sobre nuestro aprender como investigadores: una mirada post-cualitativa

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    The starting point of this article is a project about how teachers learn using cartographies to represent their learning scenarios, their transits and the relations of schools with what is outside them. Before beginning our research with kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers, our group built their own cartographies.  They are understood as an investigation methodology that is both narrative and artistic and allows us to explore interstices, displacements, unstable trajectories, forms of knowing, assemblages and plots which teachers use for learning. The process of building cartographies about how, where and why we learn how to be researchers made us change the focus of our research. It also made us change the lens through which we look and the angle from which we observe. We did research about ourselves with a view to inquiring through artistic methods. This paradigm puts the researcher in a position of fragility and insecurity. In the article we situated ourselves in an unknown position with a view to reviewing and studying the process of building our cartographies. On the other hand, we tried to explain samples of our epistemological, ontological, ethical and methodological processes which stemmed from post-qualitative investigation assumptions.Partimos de un proyecto sobre cómo aprenden los docentes a partir de la creación de cartografías sobre sus escenarios de aprendizaje, los tránsitos y la relación dentro-fuera de la escuela/instituto. Antes de empezar nuestra investigación con el profesorado de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria, nuestro grupo de investigación empezó construyendo sus propias cartografías. Éstas son entendidas como una metodología de investigación narrativa y artística que nos ha permitido explorar intersticios, desplazamientos, trayectorias inestables, maneras de saber, montajes y enredos a través de los cuales los profesores siguen sus caminos de aprendizaje. El proceso de construcción de la cartografía sobre cómo, dónde y porqué aprendemos a ser investigadores nos obligó a cambiar el foco de la investigación. También nos obligó a cambiar la lente con la que miramos y el ángulo desde el que observamos. Investigarse para posteriormente investigar partiendo de metodologías artísticas: un paradigma que coloca al investigador en una posición de inseguridad y fragilidad. En el artículo partimos desde una posición de no-saber para realizar una revisión y estudio sobre la construcción de nuestras propias cartografías. Por otro lado, intentamos dar cuenta de muestras del proceso de cuestionamiento epistemológico, ontológico, ético y metodológico que parten de nuestro acercamiento a postulados de investigación post-cualitativos

    La competencia digital en la educación secundaria: ¿dónde están los centros? Aportaciones de un estudio de caso

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    In recent years, a large number of educational systems, following the recommendations of international organisations, have introduced a competence-based emphasis into their traditionally subject-based curriculum. This move, beyond what any document can deal with, does not seem to find its way into everyday school practice easily or with instant results. This paper explores encounters and clashes between policy and practice regarding a competence-based curriculum framework. We refer firstly to the notions about information processing and digital competence held by international organisations and the Spanish and Catalan Ministry of Education, and the implications of said notions for teaching. Then, from evidence collected through class observations, interviews with students and teachers, and documents analysis in a case study, we draw on four teaching and learning scenarios where ICT is regularly used. Promoting students’ digital competence is one of the key competences prescribed in the curriculum; however, our study showed that the backgrounds and educational views of teachers, as well as the teaching culture and organisation of schools, should be deeply challenged to foster this competence.En los últimos años, un gran número de sistemas educativos, siguiendo las recomendaciones de las organizaciones internacionales, han introducido un mayor énfasis en las competencias en currículos tradicionalmente basados en las materias curriculares. Este movimiento, más allá de lo que cualquier documento puede tratar, no parece encontrar su camino en la práctica escolar cotidiana con facilidad o con resultados instantáneos. Este trabajo explora encuentros y desencuentros entre la política y la práctica en relación con un marco curricular basado en competencias. Nos referimos en primer lugar a las nociones relativas al tratamiento de la información y la competencia digital, sostenidas por las organizaciones internacionales y de los Ministerios de Educación español y catalán, y a sus implicaciones para la enseñanza. A continuación, a partir de las evidencias recogidas, a través de las observaciones de clase, las entrevistas a estudiantes y profesores, y los documentos analizados en un estudio de caso, configuramos cuatro escenarios de enseñanza y aprendizaje en los que se utilizan regularmente las TIC. El desarrollo del tratamiento de la información y la competencia digital por parte de los estudiantes es una de las habilidades básicas previstas en el currículo; sin embargo, nuestro estudio muestra que el bagaje del profesorado, la cultura educativa y docente del centro y su organización deberían cambiar en profundidad para fomentar esta competencia.Funded by: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain. Funder Identifier: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003329 Award: SEJ2007-67562, EDU2015-68718-REDT

    What Is Inclusive Education? Voices and Views From a Carpentry Classroom Workshop

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    Theories of inclusive education usually assume the schooling of all students within the same educational contexts, focusing on presence, participation, and success. However, the current implementation of inclusive education in regular schools has encountered resistance and difficulties that have led to special education schools assuming a complementary role in ensuring that all students' educational needs are met. In this context, the limited scope of inclusive education theories is evident. Therefore, the present case study addresses the need to develop new theories to adapt inclusive practices to a carpentry classroom workshop. Our research took place in a carpentry classroom workshop in a Catalan special education school and aimed to identify the various meanings that participants (students and teachers) give to inclusive education, especially regarding presence, participation, success, and relationships between students. The results indicate that, while literature on inclusive education is divergent, literature on the Sloyd methodology converges. In conclusion, we invite readers to consider the need for more research on inclusive education in a given context and in relation to the Sloyd educational methodology

    Using cartographies to map time and space in teacher learning in and outside school

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    This article explores the relations between teachers' visual cartographies and oral narratives to better understand the spatial and temporal relations on teacher learning. It builds on a research project whose main questions were: 1) How and where do secondary school teachers learn to teach? 2) What are the consequences of this learning in their pedagogical relations and their students' learning processes and results? Since narrative research has been a common way of approaching the subject and have led to an emphasis on learning as a journey across contexts and over time, some of its contributions to explore teachers' learning paths are theoretically discussed, and visual methods, particularly cartographies, are also examined. Furthermore, the article presents the analysis of cartographies and video recordings of 29 secondary school teachers focusing on the interactions in different spaces and moments in time described by them. Findings suggest that learning to be a teacher may happen in interactions with objects, people and spaces beyond the boundaries of school, university and formal places of training and learning. They also show that the rhizomatic character of the cartographies may not prevent teleological thinking or the idea that any kind of learning is purposeful. Finally, this paper concludes that teachers' learning does not fit the representational frame that distinguishes between formal contents and leisure activities, classrooms and private spaces, lessons and bodies, emotions and knowledge

    Comparing Teachers' and Students' Perspectives of Student Engagement in Higher Education: Between Performativity and Invisibility

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    Student engagement in higher education has been studied from various perspectives, but few studies have compared teachers' and students' perspectives on the subject. Considering that student engagement may be reduced to a performativity scarcely related to learning outcomes and that a good deal of it may be invisible to teachers, further studies are needed to contrast teachers' and students' views of student engagement in higher education. This article presents the results of a quantitative study about definitions and indicators of student engagement carried out with 118 students and 45 teachers of Law, Education and Nursing from two Catalan public universities (Spain). The results confirm the performativity associated with the concept by both teachers and students, and reveal that students may appreciate silent and invisible engagement more than teachers. The results also show that teachers may conflate signs of student engagement with good academic results and learning, risking an oversimplification of both student engagement and learning