53 research outputs found

    Classification models of action research arm test activities in post-stroke patients based on human hand motion

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    The Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) presents a ceiling effect that prevents the detection of improvements produced with rehabilitation treatments in stroke patients with mild finger joint impairments. The aim of this study was to develop classification models to predict whether activities with similar ARAT scores were performed by a healthy subject or by a subject post-stroke using the extension and flexion angles of 11 finger joints as features. For this purpose, we used three algorithms: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). The dataset presented class imbalance, and the classification models presented a low recall, especially in the stroke class. Therefore, we implemented class balance using Borderline-SMOTE. After data balancing the classification models showed significantly higher accuracy, recall, f1-score, and AUC. However, after data balancing, the SVM classifier showed a higher performance with a precision of 98%, a recall of 97.5%, and an AUC of 0.996. The results showed that classification models based on human hand motion features in combination with the oversampling algorithm Borderline-SMOTE achieve higher performance. Furthermore, our study suggests that there are differences in ARAT activities performed between healthy and post-stroke individuals that are not detected by the ARAT scoring process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Adaptation and validation of a scale to assess digital teaching competence in soccer coaches

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    Since 2015, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has held a convention with the aim of updating its technical qualifications for the training of its football coaches. It has proposed widespread changes, but with a particular recommendation for the creation of a subject about New Technologies. This proposal is in line with the natural evolution of today's society and with an increasing digital presence in all professional fields. The overarching concern for quality teaching in digital competences involves, first and foremost, the necessary adoption of these digital competences by their trainers. As a result, the aim of this research is to adapt and validate a scale, previously validated in other training contexts, to assess the digital teaching competence (hereafter, DTC) of soccer coaches. The study sample consists of 612 coaches at different levels who are registered in the Football Federation of the Valencian Community (hereafter, FFCV). The sample contains a higher percentage of men (91.7%) than women (8.3%) and a mean age of 30.88 years. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed, which revealed five factors grouping 31 indicators: Information and Literacy (5 items), Communication and Collaboration (6 items), Digital Content Creation (9 items), Security (6 items) and Problem Solving (5 items). Goodness-of-Fit indicators showed adequate values: (x2 /gl=2.82); RMSA= 0.6 (Confidence Interval= 0.6-0.7); CFI=.91; IFI= .91. Reliability was tested by Composite Reliability, Cronbach's Alpha and Mean Variance Extracted values. The results of the research support the reliability and validity of the questionnaire that was adapted for the purpose of assessing the digital teaching competence of soccer coaches.Educació

    Quantitative assessment of hand function in healthy subjects and post-stroke patients with the action research arm test

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    The Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) can provide subjective results due to the difficulty assessing abnormal patterns in stroke patients. The aim of this study was to identify joint impairments and compensatory grasping strategies in stroke patients with left (LH) and right (RH) hemiparesis. An experimental study was carried out with 12 patients six months after a stroke (three women and nine men, mean age: 65.2 ± 9.3 years), and 25 healthy subjects (14 women and 11 men, mean age: 40.2 ± 18.1 years. The subjects were evaluated during the performance of the ARAT using a data glove. Stroke patients with LH and RH showed significantly lower flexion angles in the MCP joints of the Index and Middle fingers than the Control group. However, RH patients showed larger flexion angles in the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints of the Index, Middle, Ring, and Little fingers. In contrast, LH patients showed larger flexion angles in the PIP joints of the Middle and Little fingers. Therefore, the results showed that RH and LH patients used compensatory strategies involving increased flexion at the PIP joints for decreased flexion in the MCP joints. The integration of a data glove during the performance of the ARAT allows the detection of finger joint impairments in stroke patients that are not visible from ARAT scores. Therefore, the results presented are of clinical relevancePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hand motion analysis during the execution of the action research arm test using multiple sensors

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    The Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) is a standardized outcome measure that can be improved by integrating sensors for hand motion analysis. The purpose of this study is to measure the flexion angle of the finger joints and fingertip forces during the performance of three subscales (Grasp, Grip, and Pinch) of the ARAT, using a data glove (CyberGlove II®) and five force-sensing resistors (FSRs) simultaneously. An experimental study was carried out with 25 healthy subjects (right-handed). The results showed that the mean flexion angles of the finger joints required to perform the 16 activities were Thumb (Carpometacarpal Joint (CMC) 28.56°, Metacarpophalangeal Joint (MCP) 26.84°, and Interphalangeal Joint (IP) 13.23°), Index (MCP 46.18°, Index Proximal Interphalangeal Joint (PIP) 38.89°), Middle (MCP 47.5°, PIP 42.62°), Ring (MCP 44.09°, PIP 39.22°), and Little (MCP 31.50°, PIP 22.10°). The averaged fingertip force exerted in the Grasp Subscale was 8.2 N, in Grip subscale 6.61 N and Pinch subscale 3.89 N. These results suggest that the integration of multiple sensors during the performance of the ARAT has clinical relevance, allowing therapists and other health professionals to perform a more sensitive, objective, and quantitative assessment of the hand function.Postprint (published version

    Virtual human hand: wrist movements

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    Hand model with 25 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) was developed and implemented considering forward and inverse kinematics. However, the model, after some experience and use need to add new DOF. The proposed model is with 29 DOF, these new DOF serve to simulate the arc of the palm in the part of the wrist. Once we locate a new coordinates system in the end of the radius close to scaphoid we apply Denavit-Hartenberg for all the joints. Forward and inverse kinematics will be applied. Ligaments to apply restrictions in wrist movement are included. This affect to the fingertip position. New model of virtual human hand with more accuracy in presented and validated with a Cyberglove™ and Leap Motion.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Evaluación del novimiento de la mano mediante el controlador Leap motion

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    En los últimos años se han realizado distintas investigaciones sobre el análisis del movimiento de la mano humana mediante el uso de diversos sensores, en áreas como los son: robótica, ingeniería biomédica, biomecánica e interacción hombre-ordenador (HCI). En este trabajo se propone la utilización del controlador Leap Motion (LMC), como una herramienta para analizar y evaluar el movimiento de la mano humana con el objetivo de que médicos y terapeutas puedan brindar una mejor atención en el proceso de rehabilitación de la mano. El sistema permite la adquisición de datos en tiempo real como lo son: la posición de la mano y el ángulo de las falanges distales, medias y proximales de cada uno de los dedos de la mano. Se realizó un estudio experimental con tres sujetos mayores de dieciocho años, diestros, sin ninguna lesión en sus manos, con el objetivo de probar y evaluar el rendimiento del sistema propuesto. Los resultados demuestran que el sistema diseñado tiene un buen desempeño realizando una correcta adquisición de datos. La siguiente etapa del proyecto consiste en evaluar a pacientes que hayan tenido alguna lesión en alguna de sus articulaciones. Este sistema puede convertirse en una herramienta innovadora para médicos y terapeutas en el proceso de rehabilitación médica.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Olfactory ensheathing cells abutting the embryonic olfactory bulb express Frzb, whose deletion disrupts olfactory axon targeting.

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    We and others previously showed that in mouse embryos lacking the transcription factor Sox10, olfactory ensheathing cell (OEC) differentiation is disrupted, resulting in defective olfactory axon targeting and fewer gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons entering the embryonic forebrain. The underlying mechanisms are unclear. Here, we report that OECs in the olfactory nerve layer express Frzb-encoding a secreted Wnt inhibitor with roles in axon targeting and basement membrane breakdown-from embryonic day (E)12.5, when GnRH neurons first enter the forebrain, until E16.5, the latest stage examined. The highest levels of Frzb expression are seen in OECs in the inner olfactory nerve layer, abutting the embryonic olfactory bulb. We find that Sox10 is required for Frzb expression in OECs, suggesting that loss of Frzb could explain the olfactory axon targeting and/or GnRH neuron migration defects seen in Sox10-null mice. At E16.5, Frzb-null embryos show significant reductions in both the volume of the olfactory nerve layer expressing the maturation marker Omp and the number of Omp-positive olfactory receptor neurons in the olfactory epithelium. As Omp upregulation correlates with synapse formation, this suggests that Frzb deletion indeed disrupts olfactory axon targeting. In contrast, GnRH neuron entry into the forebrain is not significantly affected. Hence, loss of Frzb may contribute to the olfactory axon targeting phenotype, but not the GnRH neuron phenotype, of Sox10-null mice. Overall, our results suggest that Frzb secreted from OECs in the olfactory nerve layer is important for olfactory axon targeting

    Desarrollo Consulta de Enfermería Clínica en el manejo de las enfermedades reumáticas

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    Se presenta la actividad desarrollada por la Consulta Experta de Enfermería Reumatológica del Hospital Moisés Broggi.Incluye una revisión de los criterios de derivación desde las consultas clínicas de Reumatología así como recomendaciones prácticas sobre la actividad que en ella se desarrolla

    Proteome Regulation during Olea europaea Fruit Development

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    Widespread in the Mediterranean basin, Olea europaea trees are gaining worldwide popularity for the nutritional and cancer-protective properties of the oil, mechanically extracted from ripe fruits. Fruit development is a physiological process with remarkable impact on the modulation of the biosynthesis of compounds affecting the quality of the drupes as well as the final composition of the olive oil. Proteomics offers the possibility to dig deeper into the major changes during fruit development, including the important phase of ripening, and to classify temporal patterns of protein accumulation occurring during these complex physiological processes.In this work, we started monitoring the proteome variations associated with olive fruit development by using comparative proteomics coupled to mass spectrometry. Proteins extracted from drupes at three different developmental stages were separated on 2-DE and subjected to image analysis. 247 protein spots were revealed as differentially accumulated. Proteins were identified from a total of 121 spots and discussed in relation to olive drupe metabolic changes occurring during fruit development. In order to evaluate if changes observed at the protein level were consistent with changes of mRNAs, proteomic data produced in the present work were compared with transcriptomic data elaborated during previous studies.This study identifies a number of proteins responsible for quality traits of cv. Coratina, with particular regard to proteins associated to the metabolism of fatty acids, phenolic and aroma compounds. Proteins involved in fruit photosynthesis have been also identified and their pivotal contribution in oleogenesis has been discussed. To date, this study represents the first characterization of the olive fruit proteome during development, providing new insights into fruit metabolism and oil accumulation process