124 research outputs found

    Прізвища у творах Сомерсета Моема

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    Ми простежимо основні віхи в історії вивчення антропоніміки в лінгвістиці; дослідимо етимологію деяких влас них імен особових англійської мови; розглянемо деякі значення власних імен, що постають в якості стилістичних й експресивних засобів в англійській художній прозі; систематизуємо ономастичний матеріал творів В.С. Моема. (The topicality of the research is substantiated by the increased interest in the study of anthroponomy in terms of language and culture communication. All proper names have meaning of objectivity, that is the part of their contents (denotation) is a kind of notification of the existence of an object (or the essence of what we envision as an object). The most proper names denote a class of objects, including one object stands out. Proper names, denoting an individual object, fix in their meaning adefinite deal to call this object in a definite way.

    The basics of project activity of vocational school students in Ukraine

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    Стаття присвячена теоретичним засадам проектної технології викладання та шляхам її реалізації у професійно-технічних навчальних закладах. Зокрема, розглянуто зміст і цілі проектної діяльності учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів, типи проектів, методи їх реалізації та роль учителя професійної підготовки в організації проектної діяльності.The article is devoted to the theoretical foundations of project technology of teaching and the ways of its realization in vocational educational establishments. In particular content and goals of project activity of pupils of vocational schools, project types, methods of their implementation and evaluation and role of the teacher of vocational training in the organization of project activity are considered


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    Abstract. The main task was to investigate the pollution by heavy metals of abiotic component in theVyrlytsa Lake. Was determined the amount of movable form of heavy metals in the water and bottomsediments by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. Anthropogenic pollution of the lake is connectedwith discharges of waste waters from enterprises that situated in the industrial zone.Keywords: abiotic component, heavy metals, migration, mobile form


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    Abstract. The main task was to investigate the pollution by heavy metals of abiotic component in theVyrlytsa Lake. Was determined the amount of movable form of heavy metals in the water and bottomsediments by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy. Anthropogenic pollution of the lake is connectedwith discharges of waste waters from enterprises that situated in the industrial zone.Keywords: abiotic component, heavy metals, migration, mobile form

    Oсобливості метафоризації у прозі A.Федя

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    Дослідивши вживання метафори в романі «Переддень доби Водолієвої», ми з›ясували, що вона необхідна для створення в читача образного ставлення до героїв, що призводить до глибшого та повного розуміння смислу тексту. А.Федь використовує метафори з метою апеляції до уяви читача та підкреслення основних ідей роману, ставить безліч проблем, які глибоко хвилюють самого письменника, серед яких – проблема відносин між людьми; окремої лю- дини із самим собою та навколишнім світом. Розв’язання цих проблем читач шукає безпосередньо в тексті. І в цьому не останню роль відіграють метафори, вони уможливлюють інтерпретацію тексту по-своєму. (Cultural studies scholars and fine art experts often analyze metaphors. In particular, they study metaphors in fiction. They regard metaphors as literary language phenomenon from the point of literary criticism and linguistics. They study etymological concept of metaphors and their connection to myths. It seems appropriate to consider the metaphor through the prism of cognitive linguistics. Cognitive theory is the study of mental information that is information stored in the mental lexicon in the brain that makes the basis of human consciousness. In modern linguistics there is a tendency to consider the word as a complex structure and a multi-layer complex. Metaphor as a mysterious artistic phenomenon has attracted the attention of researchers from antiquity to the present day. Despite numerous scientific papers devoted to the metaphor, the aesthetics of the metaphorical space and its contents are still poorly understood. The language of literary works by writers of our native land Slovyanschyna is even less studied. Examining the use of metaphor in this work, we found that metaphor is really necessary to create descriptive attitude to the characters in reader’s imagination, which in turn leads to a deeper and more complete understanding of the meaning of the text. A.Fed uses metaphors in the novel with the aim of appealing to the reader’s imagination and enhance the main ideas of the novel, raises many issues that deeply concern the writer, among them – the problem of human relations; the individual approach to himself and the world around him. A reader is looking for solving these problems in the text. And this is not the last role played by metaphors. They make it possible to interpret the text differently.


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    Competence of the head of an educational institution and its management During the Covid-19 pandemic, a large number of different legal acts and measures are required. They require a large amount of diligence and immediate action in the application of new regulations. All innovations require regular reporting on progress, thus adding to the workload of staff. The results of the research show that a modern school principal does not have enough only pedagogical competences, but at the same time must be both a leader who guides the team towards the goal, and a manager with a strategic vision, the ability to plan and implement these plans, in addition, one must be able to navigate legal acts and their application. The aim of the research: to study the competence of the head of an educational institution and its management possibilities in the conditions of COVID-19. Research tasks: to study the normative regulation of the education system; to perform the analysis of the competence of the head of the educational institution in the conditions of COVID-19; to study the impact of the measures and restrictions introduced by COVID-19 on the management context of the educational institution; summarization and analysis of the obtained survey data. Research methods: scientific literature, internet sources, documents and statistical data research, data processing and analysis of the results of the survey data.

    Морской аварийный случай, связанный с загрязнением морской среды: международно-правовые аспекты

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    Падалка А. В. Морской аварийный случай, связанный с загрязнением морской среды: международно-правовые аспекты / А. В. Падалка // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П. Є. Казанського : матеріали четвертої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 8–9 лист. 2013 р.) / відп. за випуск к.ю.н., доц. М. І. Пашковський; Національний університет "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 442-446

    Спосіб клінічної експрес-діагностики недостатності фтору в емалі зубів

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    Спосіб клінічної експрес-діагностики недостатності фтору в емалі зубів, що включає протравлювання емалі 11 або 21 інтактного зуба 1 N (3 %) соляною кислотою та визначення інтенсивності забарвлення протравленої ділянки емалі водним розчином 1 % метиленового синього, крім того виконується в стоматологічному кабінеті в умовах порожнини рота; не потребує видалення зуба та дорогоцінної апаратури; емаль зуба протравлюється кислотою 10 секунд один раз; додатково для провокації змін в проникності протравленої емалі на неї на 3-15 хвилин наноситься 0,15 % водний розчин амінофториду в розрахунку на іон фтору; для виявлення зниження проникності протравленої емалі після аплікації амінофториду на неї на 10 секунд наноситься розчин метиленового синього; інтенсивність забарвлення протравленої ділянки емалі оцінюється два рази - після протравлювання емалі кислотою та після аплікації амінофториду; зменшення інтенсивності забарвлення протравленої ділянки в синій колір після аплікації амінофториду свідчить про здатність емалі засвоювати фтор в зв'язку з його недостатністю

    Problems of Threats to Russia’s Economic Security in Cooperation with the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the Context of Administrative and Legal Regulation

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    The paper examines topical the problems of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation, problems arising in the organization of this work and the direction of their improvement. The objective of the study is to comprehensively study, analyze and summarize the theoretical provisions and results of practical activities in the sphere of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation. Methodology: Approved scientific methods for the comprehensive study of phenomena and processes in their interdependence and, above all, the didactic method of cognition. In the process of collection and processing of empirical material, the author used a comprehensive, systemic, axiological and synergetic approaches that ensure a comprehensive study of the problems of minimizing threats to Russia’s economic security when interacting with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of administrative and legal regulation. Results: it is necessary to confess that government activity on providing of economic security and defense of national interests of country in area of economy must come true on permanent basis.     Keywords: minimization of threats of economic security to Russia; Eurasian Economic Union; administrative legal regulation; system of theoretical knowledge and practical recommendations of minimization of threats of economic security to Russia at cooperating with the countries of the Eurasian economic union; assistance to development of small and middle enterprise due to the decline of financial and administrative expenses; diagnostics and monitoring of economic strength security

    Some Directions of using the Forensic Odorology in the Field of the Fixing Evidences in the Pre-Trial Proceedings in Ukraine

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    All over the world, the issue of detecting crimes committed is the main task of the state and its law enforcement agencies. The detection of crimes and the prosecution of those who committed them are in most cases based on evidence gathered by law enforcement officers. The issue of evidence is also quite debatable, because the legislation of different countries perceives different aspects of evidence and the evidence itself. The article covers the issue of individual issues related to obtaining evidence with the help of specially trained dogs. These forms and methods were used by Ukrainian law enforcement officials during their stay in the international peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. Currently, some evidence-gathering issues can be used in the process of investigating and prosecuting criminals with trained dogs. However, this area is not widely used, as there are a number of both practical and regulatory, as well as legislative problems. This direction in the activities of the police and other law enforcement agencies is called forensic odorology. The issue of using dogs in the process of detecting and investigating crimes is quite controversial and they are used differently in different countries