2,094 research outputs found

    Arte paleolítico en Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar)

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    En este trabajo presentamos las novedades sobre el arte paleolítico de la cueva de Gorham. En el apartado mobiliar, abordamos una aproximación multidisciplinar en la que se analizan los datos petrográficos, deposicionales, diagenéticos, tafonómicos y antrópicos (técnicos o iconográficos) identificados en dos plaquetas de arte mueble. El arte parietal de Gorham se amplía con las manifestaciones localizadas en una Galería ubicada al final del cavernamiento. En ambos casos, la procedencia estratigráfica o los rasgos estilísticos permiten su atribución al Magdaleniense.We present the news on Palaeolithic art of Gorham’s cave. In paragraph of mobiliary art, we discuss a multidisciplinary approach in analyzing the petrographic, depositional, diagenetic, taphonomic and anthropic (technical or iconographic) data identified of two plaquettes of portable art. The Gorham’s cave art expands with the paintings located in the gallery located at the end of the cave. In both cases, the stratigraphic provenance or stylistic features allow its attribution to the Magdalenian

    Parámetros reproductivos y distribución geográfica potencial de las áreas de anidación de Grus canadensis nesiotes (Aves, Gruidae) en Cuba: implicaciones para su conservación

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    Grus canadensis nesiotes (grulla cubana) es una subespecie endémica de Cuba que se encuentra en peligro de extinción. A pesar de estar directamente relacionada con los humedales, no existen estudios que contribuyan a su gestión y conservación. Por ello, se registraron parámetros reproductivos de la subespecie durante ocho temporadas reproductivas entre 2005 y 2015 en un humedal de Cuba; asimismo, se modeló y caracterizó la distribución geográfica potencial de las áreas de anidación, y se analizó su representación dentro de las áreas protegidas (AP). Para elaborar el modelo, se utilizaron el algoritmo de máxima entropía y variables de hábitat (100  m de tamaño de píxel). Para caracterizar la distribución potencial, se calculó la superficie ocupada por cada uso de suelo y tipo de vegetación dentro de dicha área de distribución. Se empleó el mismo procedimiento para calcular la superficie de la distribución que está protegida. Se localizaron 151  nidos en herbazales de ciénaga. Se trataba de plataformas simples sobre suelo húmedo o agua; los más grandes se observaron en 2006. El 70% de los nidos tuvieron dos huevos (1,7 huevos/nido) y el 63,5% fueron exitosos con 1,6 polluelos/nido exitoso. El hábitat potencial de anidación es estrecho (242 km2) y se localiza en el centro del humedal. De la distribución prevista, la superficie con alta probabilidad de presencia es del 13,8%. El 60% del herbazal de ciénaga de la zona del estudio estaba comprendido dentro de la distribución potencial, mientras que la proporción de cultivos (1,2%) y pastizales (2,1%) era baja. Las AP gestionadas solo protegen el 39,1% de la distribución potencial de los sitios de anidación y el 12% de las zonas con alta probabilidad. Se proponen tres sitios prioritarios para estudiar la anidación de la subespecie y hacer un seguimiento de la misma. Las medidas de conservación de la subespecie deberían considerar la distribución geográfica potencial de los sitios de anidación dentro y fuera de las AP.Grus canadensis nesiotes (grulla cubana) es una subespecie endémica de Cuba que se encuentra en peligro de extinción. A pesar de estar directamente relacionada con los humedales, no existen estudios que contribuyan a su gestión y conservación. Por ello, se registraron parámetros reproductivos de la subespecie durante ocho temporadas reproductivas entre 2005 y 2015 en un humedal de Cuba; asimismo, se modeló y caracterizó la distribución geográfica potencial de las áreas de anidación, y se analizó su representación dentro de las áreas protegidas (AP). Para elaborar el modelo, se utilizaron el algoritmo de máxima entropía y variables de hábitat (100  m de tamaño de píxel). Para caracterizar la distribución potencial, se calculó la superficie ocupada por cada uso de suelo y tipo de vegetación dentro de dicha área de distribución. Se empleó el mismo procedimiento para calcular la superficie de la distribución que está protegida. Se localizaron 151  nidos en herbazales de ciénaga. Se trataba de plataformas simples sobre suelo húmedo o agua; los más grandes se observaron en 2006. El 70% de los nidos tuvieron dos huevos (1,7 huevos/nido) y el 63,5% fueron exitosos con 1,6 polluelos/nido exitoso. El hábitat potencial de anidación es estrecho (242 km2) y se localiza en el centro del humedal. De la distribución prevista, la superficie con alta probabilidad de presencia es del 13,8%. El 60% del herbazal de ciénaga de la zona del estudio estaba comprendido dentro de la distribución potencial, mientras que la proporción de cultivos (1,2%) y pastizales (2,1%) era baja. Las AP gestionadas solo protegen el 39,1% de la distribución potencial de los sitios de anidación y el 12% de las zonas con alta probabilidad. Se proponen tres sitios prioritarios para estudiar la anidación de la subespecie y hacer un seguimiento de la misma. Las medidas de conservación de la subespecie deberían considerar la distribución geográfica potencial de los sitios de anidación dentro y fuera de las AP.Reproductive parameters and potential geographical distribution of nesting areas of Grus canadensis nesiotes (Aves, Gruidae) in Cuba: conservation implications Grus canadensis nesiotes (Cuban sandhill crane) is an endemic and endangered subspecies from Cuba. Protection of wetland habitats is essential for survival of this species, but studies that could contribute to its management and conservation are lacking. In this study we recorded the reproductive parameters of Grus canadensis nesiotes in eight breeding seasons between 2005 and 2015 in a wetland of Cuba. We modeled and characterized the potential geographical distribution of the nesting areas, analyzing its representation within protected areas. Maximum entropy algorithm and habitat variables were used for modeling (100 m of pixel size). To characterize the potential distribution we calculated each land–use–vegetation within the potential distribution. We used the same procedure to determine the extent of the protected area. A hundred and fifty–one nests were located in marsh grasslands. These nests were simple platforms built on wet soil/water; the largest nests were observed in 2006. Seventy percent of nests had two eggs (1.7 eggs/nest) and 63.5% were successful with 1.6 chicks per successful nest. The potential nesting habitat is a narrow stretch (242 km2) located in the center of the wetland. The area with high probability of presence makes up 13.8% of the predicted distribution. Sixty percent of marsh grassland of the study area was included in the potential distribution, while the proportion of crops (1.2%) and pastures (2.1%) was low. Managed protected areas cover only 39.1% of the potential distribution of the nesting sites and 12% of the high probability areas. We propose three priority sites to study and monitor nesting of the subspecies. Species conservation actions should consider the potential geographical distribution of nesting sites both inside and outside the protected areas

    The QUEST RR Lyrae Survey: Confirmation of the Clump at 50 kpc and Other Over-Densities in the Outer Halo

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    We have measured the periods and light curves of 148 RR Lyrae variables from V=13.5 to 19.7 from the first 100 sq. degrees of the QUEST RR Lyrae survey. Approximately 55% of these stars belong to the clump of stars detected earlier by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. According to our measurements, this feature has ~10 times the background density of halo stars, spans at least 37.5 deg by 3.5 deg in right ascension and declination (>=30 by >=3 kpc), lies ~50 kpc from the Sun, and has a depth along the line of sight of ~5 kpc (1 sigma). These properties are consistent with the recent models that suggest it is a tidal stream from the Sgr dSph galaxy. The mean period of the type ab variables, 0.58 d, is also consistent. In addition, we have found two smaller over-densities in the halo, one of which may be related to the globular cluster Pal 5.Comment: 12 pages (including 4 figures). Accepted for publication in the ApJ Letter

    Multiple Sclerosis and Its Relationship with Oxidative Stress, Glutathione Redox System, ATPase System, and Membrane Fluidity

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) with a focus on inflammation, demyelination, and damage to axons leading to neurological deficits. MS pathology is associated with excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and generation of reactive nitrogen species (RNS), causing oxidative/nitrosative stress. Deregulation of glutathione homeostasis and alterations in glutathione‐dependent enzymes are implicated in MS. Reactive oxygen species enhance both monocyte adhesion and migration across brain endothelial cells. In addition, ROS can activate the expression of the nuclear transcription factor‐kappa, which upregulates the expression of many genes involved in MS, such as tumor necrosis factor‐α and nitric oxide synthase, among others, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and energy deficits that result in mitochondrial and cellular calcium overload. Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential can increase the release of cytochrome c, one pathway that leads to neuronal apoptosis. Clinical studies suggest that omega‐3 long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have anti‐inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects in MS and animal models of MS. Here, we review the relationship of oxidative stress, the glutathione redox system, the ATPase system, and membrane fluidity with the development of MS. In addition, we describe the main findings of a clinical trial conducted with relapsing‐remitting MS patients who received a diet supplemented with 4 g/day of fish oil or olive oil. The effects of PUFAs supplementation on the parameters indicated above are analyzed in this work

    Different reactions to adverse neighborhoods in games of cooperation

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    In social dilemmas, cooperation among randomly interacting individuals is often difficult to achieve. The situation changes if interactions take place in a network where the network structure jointly evolves with the behavioral strategies of the interacting individuals. In particular, cooperation can be stabilized if individuals tend to cut interaction links when facing adverse neighborhoods. Here we consider two different types of reaction to adverse neighborhoods, and all possible mixtures between these reactions. When faced with a gloomy outlook, players can either choose to cut and rewire some of their links to other individuals, or they can migrate to another location and establish new links in the new local neighborhood. We find that in general local rewiring is more favorable for the evolution of cooperation than emigration from adverse neighborhoods. Rewiring helps to maintain the diversity in the degree distribution of players and favors the spontaneous emergence of cooperative clusters. Both properties are known to favor the evolution of cooperation on networks. Interestingly, a mixture of migration and rewiring is even more favorable for the evolution of cooperation than rewiring on its own. While most models only consider a single type of reaction to adverse neighborhoods, the coexistence of several such reactions may actually be an optimal setting for the evolution of cooperation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in PLoS ON

    Immunology and Oxidative Stress in Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Basic Approach

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) exhibits many of the hallmarks of an inflammatory autoimmune disorder including breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), the recruitment of lymphocytes, microglia, and macrophages to lesion sites, the presence of multiple lesions, generally being more pronounced in the brain stem and spinal cord, the predominantly perivascular location of lesions, the temporal maturation of lesions from inflammation through demyelination, to gliosis and partial remyelination, and the presence of immunoglobulin in the central nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid. Lymphocytes activated in the periphery infiltrate the central nervous system to trigger a local immune response that ultimately damages myelin and axons. Pro-inflammatory cytokines amplify the inflammatory cascade by compromising the BBB, recruiting immune cells from the periphery, and activating resident microglia. inflammation-associated oxidative burst in activated microglia and macrophages plays an important role in the demyelination and free radical-mediated tissue injury in the pathogenesis of MS. The inflammatory environment in demyelinating lesions leads to the generation of oxygen- and nitrogen-free radicals as well as proinflammatory cytokines which contribute to the development and progression of the disease. Inflammation can lead to oxidative stress and vice versa. Thus, oxidative stress and inflammation are involved in a self-perpetuating cycle

    Discovery of the Optical Transient of the Gamma Ray Burst 990308

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    The optical transient of the faint Gamma Ray Burst 990308 was detected by the QUEST camera on the Venezuelan 1-m Schmidt telescope starting 3.28 hours after the burst. Our photometry gives V=18.32±0.07V = 18.32 \pm 0.07, R=18.14±0.06R = 18.14 \pm 0.06, B=18.65±0.23B = 18.65 \pm 0.23, and R=18.22±0.05R = 18.22 \pm 0.05 for times ranging from 3.28 to 3.47 hours after the burst. The colors correspond to a spectral slope of close to fνν1/3f_{\nu} \propto \nu^{1/3}. Within the standard synchrotron fireball model, this requires that the external medium be less dense than 104cm310^{4} cm^{-3}, the electrons contain >20> 20% of the shock energy, and the magnetic field energy must be less than 24% of the energy in the electrons for normal interstellar or circumstellar densities. We also report upper limits of V>12.0V > 12.0 at 132 s (with LOTIS), V>13.4V > 13.4 from 132-1029s (with LOTIS), V>15.3V > 15.3 at 28.2 min (with Super-LOTIS), and a 8.5 GHz flux of <114μJy< 114 \mu Jy at 110 days (with the Very Large Array). WIYN 3.5-m and Keck 10-m telescopes reveal this location to be empty of any host galaxy to R>25.7R > 25.7 and K>23.3K > 23.3. The lack of a host galaxy likely implies that it is either substantially subluminous or more distant than a red shift of 1.2\sim 1.2.Comment: ApJ Lett submitted, 5 pages, 2 figures, no space for 12 coauthor

    Multiple Sexual Partners and Condom use among 10 - 19 Year-olds in four Districts in Tanzania: What do we Learn?

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    Although some studies in Tanzania have addressed the question of sexuality and STIs among adolescents, mostly those aged 15 - 19 years, evidence on how multiple sexual partners influence condom use among 10 - 19 year-olds is limited. This study attempts to bridge this gap by testing a hypothesis that sexual relationships with multiple partners in the age group 10 - 19 years spurs condom use during sex in four districts in Tanzania. Secondary analysis was performed using data from the Adolescents Module of the cross-sectional household survey on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) that was done in Kigoma, Kilombero, Rufiji and Ulanga districts, Tanzania in 2008. A total of 612 adolescents resulting from a random sample of 1200 households participated in this study. Pearson Chi-Square was used as a test of association between multiple sexual partners and condom use. Multivariate logistic regression model was fitted to the data to assess the effect of multiple sexual partners on condom use, having adjusted for potential confounding variables. STATA (10) statistical software was used to carry out this process at 5% two-sided significance level. Of the 612 adolescents interviewed, 23.4% reported being sexually active and 42.0% of these reported having had multiple (> 1) sexual partners in the last 12 months. The overall prevalence of condom use among them was 39.2%. The proportion using a condom at the last sexual intercourse was higher among those who knew that they can get a condom if they want than those who did not. No evidence of association was found between multiple sexual partners and condom use (OR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.35 - 1.67, P = 0.504). With younger adolescents (10 - 14 years) being a reference, condom use was associated with age group (15 - 19: OR = 3.69, 95% CI = 1.21 - 11.25, P = 0.022) and district of residence (Kigoma: OR = 7.45, 95% CI = 1.79 - 31.06, P = 0.006; Kilombero: OR = 8.89, 95% CI = 2.91 - 27.21, P < 0.001; Ulanga: OR = 5.88, 95% CI = 2.00 - 17.31, P = 0.001), Rufiji being a reference category. No evidence of association was found between multiple sexual partners and condom use among adolescents in the study area. The large proportion of adolescents who engage in sexual activity without using condoms, even those with multiple partners, perpetuates the risk of transmission of HIV infections in the community. Strategies such as sex education and easing access to and making a friendly environment for condom availability are important to address the risky sexual behaviour among adolescents