47 research outputs found

    Uso do sal de bixina extraído do urucum (Bixa orellana L.) como substituinte do nitrito de sódio em produtos cárneos reestruturados

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Sandra Mara Woranovicz BarreiraCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rocha GarciaCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. Obdulio Gomes MiguelDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 02/06/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: O nitrito de sódio é um aditivo de múltiplas funções tecnológicas na indústria cárnea. No entanto, em razão da crescente preocupação quanto à sua toxicidade, diversos estudos buscam alternativas para reduzir seu uso. O urucum (Bixa orellana L.) é um vegetal fonte de carotenoides, como bixina e norbixina, amplamente utilizado como corante alimentício. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o sal de bixina extraído do urucum como substituinte do nitrito de sódio (NaNO2) em produtos cárneos reestruturados. As peças cárneas foram elaboradas utilizando como matéria prima cortes comerciais de patinho bovino (Vastus lateralis), caracterizadas quanto à composição química, congeladas a -16ºC e avaliadas, na forma crua ou grelhada, por até 60 dias. O sal de bixina foi obtido a partir de sementes de urucum submetidas a gradiente de extração de crescente polaridade provida por solventes orgânicos (hexano, clorofórmio, acetato de etila e etanol). Os cristais de bixina obtidos (5,1% de rendimento) foram saponificados utilizando hidróxido de potássio (KOH) resultando em um sal. A substituição do NaNO2 foi avaliada nas seguintes condições: NIT (150:0); BIXNIT (250:75); BIX (500:0) e CTRL (0:0). O efeito da substituição do NaNO2 pelo sal de bixina foi avaliado quanto às concentrações residuais de nitritos, níveis de TBARS, cor (componentes L*, a* e b*), teste sensorial de preferência e parâmetros microbiológicos. Os níveis residuais de nitrito sofreram redução acima 35% e 60%, ao termino do processo e após 7 dias de armazenamento, respecitvamente, e não foram mais passíveis de detecção em análises realizadas após o 30º dia. O NaNO2 proporcionou o maior efeito antioxidante, porém, o sal de bixina durante o período de armazenamento reduziu a oxidação aproximadamente entre 60% e 30% nos tratamentos BIXNIT e BIX, respectivamente, durante o armazenamento. O sal de bixina promoveu cor vermelha (a*) e amarela (b*) e essas foram estáveis durante o período de análises (60 dias) nas amostras avaliadas cruas ou congeladas. Após 60 dias de armazenamento, a aceitação visual das amostras cruas NIT (45) foi inferior ao CTRL (82) e superadas por BIX (83) e BIXNIT (80); de forma geral, este comportamento se repetiu durante o período avaliado e também no produto grelhado. Nas condições avaliadas não foi verificada significativa ação antimicrobiana nos tratamentos com nitrito ou contendo bixina. O uso do sal de bixina se mostrou uma alternativa viável para prover cor e ação antioxidante nos produtos cárneos reestruturados em substituição total e parcial ao nitrito de sódio.Abstract: Sodium nitrite is an additive with multiple technology function in the meat industry. However, due to the increasing concern about its toxicity, many studies seek alternatives to reduce its use. Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) is a natural source of carotenoids such as bixin and norbixina, widely used as food coloring. This study aimed to evaluate the salt extracted from annatto bixin as a substitute for sodium nitrite (NaNO2) in restructured meat products. Meat pieces were prepared using raw retail cuts of beef Duckling (Vastus lateralis), chemical composition characterized, frozen at -16 º C and evaluated raw or grilled for up to 60 days. The salt of bixin was obtained from annatto seeds subjected to extraction gradient of increasing polarity provided by organic solvents (hexane: chloroform: ethyl acetate: ethanol). The bixin crystals obtained (5.1% yield) were saponified using potassium hydroxide (KOH) resulting in a salt. Substitution of NaNO2 was evaluated under the following conditions NIT (150:0); BIXNIT (250:75); BIX (500:0) e CTRL (0:0). The effect of replacing NaNO2 with bixin salt was evaluated through residual concentrations of nitrite, TBARS, color (L components*, a* and b*), sensory preference test and microbiological parameters. Residual nitrite levels were reduced above 35% and 60% at the conclusion of the process and after seven days of storage, respectively. There were no detection on nitrite levels after the 30th day. NaNO2 showed the highest antioxidant effect; however, bixin salt reduced oxidation between approximately 60% and 30% in BIXNIT and BIX treatments, respectively, during storage. The salt of bixin promoted red (a*) and yellow coloring (b*) which were stable during the tests (60 days) measured in both fresh and frozen samples. After 60 days of storage, the visual acceptability of raw samples NIT (45) was lower than the CTRL (82) less than BIX (83) and BIXNIT (80); in general, this behavior was repeated during the study period and also with the grilled product. This study showed no significant antimicrobial activity in treatments with nitrite or containing bixin. The use of bixin salt proved to be a viable alternative to provide color and antioxidant activity in restructured meat products to replace sodium nitrite

    Guía de prevención de riesgo músculo esqueléticos para operarios de limpieza que laboran en Instituciones prestadoras de salud (IPS) en Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca-Colombia

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    El operario de limpieza forma parte fundamental de los centros de salud, IPS, hospitales y otros. Con frecuencia ostentan múltiples riesgos, siendo muchas veces víctimas de enfermedades y/o accidentes laborales. Los TME son las afecciones que presentan con mayor frecuencia, por no tener información, inducciones y/o guías de trabajo instructivas y preventivas que expliquen las formas adecuadas para realizar sus funciones. Este grupo de trabajadores es vulnerable dentro de las IPS entre otras razones porque las tareas que ejecutan son vistas con poca o nula complejidad, sin embargo, estos trabajadores son indispensables para el funcionamiento de las instituciones. Por tanto, una guía de prevención de riesgo musculoesqueléticos dirigida a los operarios de limpieza que laboran en instituciones prestadoras de salud (IPS) del municipio de Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca-Colombia es una herramienta para el sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo de las empresas, para contrarrestar, prevenir y controlar los peligros ergonómicos a los cuales están expuestos los trabajadores en el desempeño de sus actividades diarias. Finalmente, la construcción de esta guía de prevención genera beneficios en una población de trabajadores actualmente desprotegida, brinda conocimiento de cómo realizar sus labores diarias con el menor riesgo posible y permite incentivar a otros investigadores a trabajar en herramientas de prevención de TME para fomentar la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, permite a los empleadores garantizar condiciones laborales más saludables y seguras, reducir costos por incapacidad y enfermedades laborales.The cleaning operator is a fundamental part of health centers, IPS, hospitals and others. They often have multiple risks, many times being victims of occupational diseases and / or accidents. MSDS are the conditions that most frequently, present because they do not have information, inductions and / or instructive and preventive work guides that explain the appropriate ways to perform their functions. This group of workers is vulnerable within the IPS, among other reasons because the tasks they perform are seen with little or no complexity, however, these workers are essential for the functioning of the institutions. Therefore, a musculoskeletal risk prevention guide aimed at cleaning workers who work in health care institutions (IPS) of the municipality of Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca-Colombia is a tool for the occupational health and safety system of companies, to counteract, prevent and control ergonomic hazards to which workers are exposed in the performance of their daily activities. Finally, the construction of this prevention guide generates benefits in a currently unprotected population of workers, provides knowledge of how to carry out their daily tasks with the least possible risk and allows other researchers to be encouraged to work on MSD prevention tools to promote quality life of workers, allows employers to guarantee healthier and safer working conditions, reduce costs due to disability and occupational diseases.TABLA DE CONTENIDO Nota De Aceptación 7 Resumen 8 Abstract 9 Introducción 10 1. Título 12 2. Problema de Investigación 13 2.1. Descripción Del Problema 13 2.2. Formulación Del Problema 17 3. Objetivos De La Investigación 18 3.1. Objetivo General 18 3.2. Objetivos Específicos 18 4. Justificación 19 4.1. Justificación del Problema 19 4.2. Delimitación 21 4.2.1. Delimitación Espacio 21 4.2.2. Delimitación Tiempo 21 4.3. Limitaciones 22 5. Marco de Referencia 23 5.1 Estado del Arte. 23 5.1.1 Estado del Arte Nacional 24 5.1.2 Estado del Arte Internacional 30 5.2 Marco Teórico 36 5.3 Marco Legal 70 6. Diseño Metodológico 82 6.1. Método de Análisis 82 6.2. Tipo de Investigación 82 6.3. Tipo de Fuentes 83 6.4. Fases del Diseño Metodológico 83 6.5. Instrumento 85 6.6. Población 85 7. Diseño De La Guía De Prevención De Riesgo Músculo Esqueléticos Para Operarios De Limpieza Que Laboran En Instituciones Prestadoras De Salud (IPS) En Fusagasugá Cundinamarca - Colombia. 86 7.1. Caracterizar el funcionamiento actual de las IPS En Fusagasugá - Cundinamarca y los prestadores del servicio de aseo que tienen cobertura en las mismas. 86 7.1.1 Red de servicios de salud en Fusagasugá 87 7.2. Describir las condiciones laborales y funciones que exponen a los operarios que prestan el servicio de aseo en las IPS de Cundinamarca a factores de riesgo osteomuscular. 89 7.2.1 Funciones Generales De Los Trabajadores De Limpieza 91 7.2.2 Las Tareas que ejecuta el trabajador de limpieza están encaminadas: 92 7.2.3 Tipo de esfuerzo realizado por el personal de limpieza 94 7.2.4 Implementos de trabajo utilizados por los operarios de limpieza. 95 7.2.5 Factores y riesgos laborales asociados a TME según la actividad y/o Tarea. 101 7.3 Construir Una Guía Instructiva Para La Prevención De Riesgos Musculo esqueléticos Para Operarios De Limpieza Que Laboran En IPS De Cundinamarca Colombia. 105 CONCLUSIONES 106 RECOMENDACIONES 108 BIBLIOGRAFÍA 110EspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoEspecialización en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabaj

    Situação profissional dos licenciados em ortoprotesia pela ESTeSL desde 2004/2005 a 2012/2013: retrato sociográfico

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    A ortoprotesia tem um recente percurso formativo. Caracterização e análise da população de licenciados de Ortoprotesia formados na ESTeSL, entre os anos lectivos 2004/2005 e 2012/2013. Abrangendo questões sociodemográficas, componentes de formação, percurso académico e trajecto profissional. Os resultados obtidos pretendem quantificar a sua situação profissional através de um retrato sociográfico constituindo-se assim como uma ferramenta de reflexão sobre as perspectivas profissionais futuras

    Professional situation of prosthetics and orthotics recent graduates in ESTeSL

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    The career of prosthetics and orthotics in Portugal have a recent formative path: need to investigate the employability and employment of the graduates in Prosthetic and Orthotics (P&O) in ESTeSL between the academic years of 2004/05 and 2012/13; approaching to socio-demographic data and also academic and professional path. The questionnaire was applied to the P&O professional population graduated in ESTeSL. The results had been important to observe the future perspectives trends for the profession


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    The analysis of antioxidant potential activity, from skins and seeds of the species Vitis vinifera cv. Tannat and Vitis labrusca cv. Bordeaux, obtained after the first stage of fermentation of their respective wines, performed from crude ethanol extract. Dried skins and seeds of the species Vitis vinifera cv. Tannat and Vitis labrusca cv. Bordeaux, obtained after the first stage of fermentation of their respective wines, analyzed for antioxidant potential. For that, a crude ethanol extract made. First, a Liquid Chromatography High Efficiency (HPLC) method was developed for detection and confirmation of the presence of the compounds responsible for antioxidant potential in grapes The antioxidant potential was verified using three types of tests: DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), phosphomolybdenum complex, and lipid peroxidation (TBARs- thiobarbituric acid). The results showed that even though there is an extraction of phenolic compounds during alcoholic fermentation, the remaining material still possesses various phenolic compounds that maintain their antioxidant characteristics. Antioxidation capabilities were more active with DPPH, then in lipid peroxidation, and the lowest result concerning the standards analyzed with phosphomolybdenum method. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the 5% level between the two varieties studied. These results show the presence of compounds with antioxidant activity in the waste from winemaking and for this reason, the analyzed material is promising for use in various pharmaceutical fields such as medicines, cosmetic and food technology. The present study aimed to clarify the existence of antioxidative properties in the wine waste thus adding value to the residue

    Professional situation of prosthetics and orthotics recent graduates in ESTeSL 2004/2005 to 2012/2013: a sociographic portrait

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    Introduction – Nowadays the high unemployment rate and the emigration of young graduated population is the reason why this population has been insecure about their career and professional future in their home country. By some way the existence of a reflexive analysis about their actual professional situation could clarify the future for students and recently-graduated in prosthetics and orthotics area. Objectives – Quantifying the professional situation of the graduated population in prosthetics and orthotics on Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) and also create a reflection tool about future professional perspectives. Methodology – Application of a questionnaire through the platform LimeSurvey® to the universe of prosthetists and orthotists graduates in ESTeSL and characterize by the quantitative data. Results/Discussion – The majority of the graduates are young and females. 78.3% of the inquired are working on the prosthetics and orthotics area and the unemployment rate is 8.7%. It’s notice a geographical mobility to the district of Lisbon to study and to work. Conclusion – The unemployment rate in prosthetics and orthotics graduates is lower than the national average. In opposition with another graduated health groups, the National Health System is a minor employer of these population. It was noticed a desertification of the big urban centres, in what concerns to the first job and actual jo

    Breve caracterização da situação profissional dos licenciados em ortoprotesia pela ESTeSL entre 2004/2005 e 2012/2013

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    Introdução – Atualmente, devido à elevada taxa de desemprego e à emigração de jovens licenciados, estes veem a carreira e o futuro profissional comprometidos no seu país de origem. Deste modo, a existência de uma reflexão sobre a sua situação profissional poderá clarificar o futuro dos estudantes e recém-licenciados da área de ortoprotesia. Objetivos – Quantificar a situação profissional dos licenciados em ortoprotesia pela Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) e criar uma ferramenta de reflexão sobre as perspetivas profissionais futuras. Metodologia – Estudo quantitativo: aplicação de um questionário fechado online, através da plataforma LimeSurvey® ao universo dos ortoprotésicos licenciados na ESTeSL. Resultados/Discussão – A maioria dos licenciados é jovem e do sexo feminino e uma minoria possui ou está em formação pós graduada (17%). Dos inquiridos, a maioria encontra-se empregada na área da ortoprotesia (78,3%) e a taxa de desemprego situa-se em 8,7%. Constata-se uma mobilidade geográfica para o distrito de Lisboa, quer para estudos como posteriormente para o local de emprego. Conclusão – A elevada taxa de desemprego verificada nos jovens licenciados em Portugal não parece ter um impacto direto na população analisada, uma vez que a taxa de desemprego obtida e a duração da procura do primeiro emprego obtidas são ambas reduzidas; contudo a, taxa de desemprego é semelhante à de outros cursos das tecnologias da saúde. Registe-se a carência de investimento em formação pós-graduada ou de complementos de formação após a licenciatura


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    This study aimed to evaluate bixin potassium salt as a replacement for sodium nitrite (NaNO2) in restructured meat products. Bixin was obtained from the chloroform extract of annatto seeds using a Soxhlet apparatus. Restructured meat samples were prepared using raw retail cuts of beef (vastus lateralis), stored at −16º C, and evaluated during storage at 60 days. The efficacy of bixin potassium salt as a NaNO2 replacement in restructured meat was evaluated by measuring residual concentrations of TBARS, color (L*, a*, and b* components), a sensory preference test, and microbiological parameters. Bixin potassium salt proved to be a viable alternative to nitrites for preserving the color and inhibiting the oxidative degradation of restructured meat. The outcomes showed that the effect of bixin potassium salt on microbiological stabilization was quite variable, depending on the bacterial species considered

    Culture: A Right for Everyone? Action Research Proposal on Cultural Rights from the Clown Language in Young People from Lima, Peru

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    This article aims to reflect on a challenging process of artistic creation of collective writing from an anthropological perspective, arising from academic research, around which a clown performance event was built. This scenic event, in turn, proceeded to be transferred from its original live performance format to an audiovisual recording format of that same performance. The transition from a situation of simultaneous presence of the clown and his audience, to another where the corporeal, sensory, emotional participation of the audiences is “mediated” by the production decisions that “compose” a “gaze” expressed by the camera that, as deferred “narrator,” assumes the leadership of an expressive communication process about the human values and emotions defined by a culture, in front of an anonymous audience. Confronting the initial challenge of finding significant expressive ways to “translate” the legal discourse (abstract, with a bias of supposed universality assumed to be homogeneous) on human rights and citizenship, a proposal was progressively developed, one that intuitively combined within a general logic of action research, strategies of collective creation, artistic performance research, specificallyclown, as well as the design of a technical proposal for audiovisual media that suggests an explanation of cultural rights (core part of the human rights set) as basis for the full exercise of an also expanded definition of citizenship; one based on cultural diversity, and its mark in the identity generation processes.El presente artículo se propone reflexionar, desde la Antropología, sobreun retador proceso de creación artística de escritura colectiva, surgido de una investigación académica, a partir del cual se construyó un hecho escénico clown. La puesta en escena, a su vez, se trasladó desde su formato original de performance en vivo hacia otro audiovisualmente registrado. El tránsito desde una situación de presencia simultánea del clown y su audiencia, hacia otra donde la participación corpórea, sensorial, emotiva de las audiencias es «mediada» por las decisiones de producción que «componen» una «mirada» desde la cámara que, en tanto «narradora» diferida ante una audiencia anónima, asume la conducción de un proceso de comunicación expresiva de los valores y emociones humanos definidos por una cultura. Ante el reto inicial de encontrar maneras expresivas significativas de «traducir» el discurso jurídico —abstracto, con un sesgo de supuesta universalidad asumida como homogénea— sobre derechos humanos y ciudadanía, se desarrolló progresivamente una propuesta queintuitivamente combinó, al interior de una lógica general de investigaciónacción, la creación colectiva, la investigación artística de performance, concretamente clown, y el diseño de una propuesta audiovisual que sirviera para explicar amigablemente los derechos culturales —componente del conjunto de los derechos humanos— entendidos como base del pleno ejercicio de ciudadanía, cuya definición ampliada parta de la diversidad cultural y se estructure desde los derechos culturales

    Factors associated with compliance among users of solar water disinfection in rural Bolivia

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of childhood mortality, with an estimated 1.3 million deaths per year. Promotion of Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS) has been suggested as a strategy for reducing the global burden of diarrhoea by improving the microbiological quality of drinking water. Despite increasing support for the large-scale dissemination of SODIS, there are few reports describing the effectiveness of its implementation. It is, therefore, important to identify and understand the mechanisms that lead to adoption and regular use of SODIS. METHODS: We investigated the behaviours associated with SODIS adoption among households assigned to receive SODIS promotion during a cluster-randomized trial in rural Bolivia. Distinct groups of SODIS-users were identified on the basis of six compliance indicators using principal components and cluster analysis. The probability of adopting SODIS as a function of campaign exposure and household characteristics was evaluated using ordinal logistic regression models. RESULTS: Standardised, community-level SODIS-implementation in a rural Bolivian setting was associated with a median SODIS use of 32% (IQR: 17-50). Households that were more likely to use SODIS were those that participated more frequently in SODIS promotional events (OR = 1.07, 95%CI: 1.01-1.13), included women (OR = 1.18, 95%CI: 1.07-1.30), owned latrines (OR = 3.38, 95%CI: 1.07-10.70), and had severely wasted children living in the home (OR = 2.17, 95%CI: 1.34-3.49). CONCLUSIONS: Most of the observed household characteristics showed limited potential to predict compliance with a comprehensive, year-long SODIS-promotion campaign; this finding reflects the complexity of behaviour change in the context of household water treatment. However, our findings also suggest that the motivation to adopt new water treatment habits and to acquire new knowledge about drinking water treatment is associated with prior engagements in sanitary hygien and with the experience of contemporary family health concerns.Household-level factors like the ownership of a latrine, a large proportion of females and the presence of a malnourished child living in a home are easily assessable indicators that SODIS-programme managers could use to identify early adopters in SODIS promotion campaigns. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT0073149