3,538 research outputs found


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    Snappers are edible fish of great commercial importance in Panama since their meat is highly appreciated for its excellent texture and taste; all species in the family are commercially exploited. Lutjanus peru (Nichols and Murphy, 1922) is an important species for the artisanal, industrial and recreational fisheries. The main objective was to describe at microscopic level the cycle of ripeness of the females of the red / silk snapper. Samples of histological cuts were prepared with the Hematoxilin-Eosin's dye routine. Due to the presence of oocytes at different stages of maturation throughout the year, this histological review allows us to deduce that Lutjanus peru has a spaced reproduction period that coincides with the rainy season, with a peak in June and most likely another spawning period towards November and December. Red snapper’s, has a reproductive period spread with a maximum gonadal maturation in June. As we find evidence that the total length (Lt) of catches has decreased and that most of the captured females are young specimens, this implies the need to improve management measures.Lutjanus peru (Nichols y Murphy, 1922) es una especie importante para la pesca artesanal, industrial y recreativa. El objetivo principal fue describir a nivel microscópico el ciclo de madurez de las hembras del pargo rojo/seda. Este análisis histológico nos permite deducir que Lutjanus peru tiene un período de reproducción espaciado que coincide con la temporada de lluvias, con un pico en junio. Las muestras de cortes histológicos fueron preparadas con la rutina de tinción de hematoxilina-eosina. Observamos que en una década (1990-1999) las longitudes totales promedio de la hembra del pargo de seda han disminuido, esto permite entender la necesidad de mejorar las medidas de manejo de la especie, con especial atención en la supervisión continua y cuidadosa de las capturas, del esfuerzo de pesca y de la selectividad para prevenir o controlar la captura de los especímenes menores a 40 cm. &nbsp

    Detección de outliers aplicando algoritmo de optimización basado en el apareo de abejas

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    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de sumar una propuesta para la detección de casos atípicos. Es decir, detectar datos pertenecientes a una muestra que posean valores extremos que los diferencia del resto y permitan al investigador sospechar acerca del origen de los mismos. En cuanto a la metodología utilizada en este trabajo, se ha optado por un método heurístico, ya que se pretende alcanzar el objetivo antes señalado a través del estudio teórico y empírico recogido de la literatura sobre algoritmos heurísticos. En esta propuesta presentamos una heurística conocido como Algoritmo de Optimización basado en el Apareo de Abejas, con el propósito de encontrar soluciones factibles eficazmente. Los resultados experimentales sobre distintos datasets de la literatura, demuestran la calidad de nuestro algoritmo comparado con el algoritmo heurístico basado en búsqueda local (LSA) de Zengyou HeThis work has the objective of adding a proposition for the detection of outliers. That is to say, to detect data belonging to a sample that possess extreme values that the difference of the rest and allow the investigator to suspect about the origin of the same ones. As for the methodology used in this work, it has been opted by a heuristic method, since it is sought to reach the objective before signal through the picked up theoretical and empiric study of the literature it has more than enough heuristic algorithms. In this proposal we present a heuristic one well-known as Honey Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm, with the purpose of finding feasible solutions efficiently. The experimental results on different datasets of the literature, demonstrate the quality of our algorithm compared with the heuristic algorithm based on local search (LSA) of Zengyou HePresentado en el Congreso GeneralRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Detección de outliers aplicando algoritmo de optimización basado en el apareo de abejas

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    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de sumar una propuesta para la detección de casos atípicos. Es decir, detectar datos pertenecientes a una muestra que posean valores extremos que los diferencia del resto y permitan al investigador sospechar acerca del origen de los mismos. En cuanto a la metodología utilizada en este trabajo, se ha optado por un método heurístico, ya que se pretende alcanzar el objetivo antes señalado a través del estudio teórico y empírico recogido de la literatura sobre algoritmos heurísticos. En esta propuesta presentamos una heurística conocido como Algoritmo de Optimización basado en el Apareo de Abejas, con el propósito de encontrar soluciones factibles eficazmente. Los resultados experimentales sobre distintos datasets de la literatura, demuestran la calidad de nuestro algoritmo comparado con el algoritmo heurístico basado en búsqueda local (LSA) de Zengyou HeThis work has the objective of adding a proposition for the detection of outliers. That is to say, to detect data belonging to a sample that possess extreme values that the difference of the rest and allow the investigator to suspect about the origin of the same ones. As for the methodology used in this work, it has been opted by a heuristic method, since it is sought to reach the objective before signal through the picked up theoretical and empiric study of the literature it has more than enough heuristic algorithms. In this proposal we present a heuristic one well-known as Honey Bee Mating Optimization Algorithm, with the purpose of finding feasible solutions efficiently. The experimental results on different datasets of the literature, demonstrate the quality of our algorithm compared with the heuristic algorithm based on local search (LSA) of Zengyou HePresentado en el Congreso GeneralRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Unusually long path length for a nearly scatter-free solar particle event observed by Solar Orbiter at 0.43 au

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    Context: After their acceleration and release at the Sun, solar energetic particles (SEPs) are injected into the interplanetary medium and are bound to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) by the Lorentz force. The expansion of the IMF close to the Sun focuses the particle pitch-angle distribution, and scattering counteracts this focusing. Solar Orbiter observed an unusual solar particle event on 9 April 2022 when it was at 0.43 astronomical units (au) from the Sun. // Aims: We show that the inferred IMF along which the SEPs traveled was about three times longer than the nominal length of the Parker spiral and provide an explanation for this apparently long path. // Methods: We used velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) information to infer the spiral length along which the electrons and ions traveled and infer their solar release times and arrival direction. // Results: The path length inferred from VDA is approximately three times longer than the nominal Parker spiral. Nevertheless, the pitch-angle distribution of the particles of this event is highly anisotropic, and the electrons and ions appear to be streaming along the same IMF structures. The angular width of the streaming population is estimated to be approximately 30 degrees. The highly anisotropic ion beam was observed for more than 12 h. This may be due to the low level of fluctuations in the IMF, which in turn is very probably due to this event being inside an interplanetary coronal mass ejection The slow and small rotation in the IMF suggests a flux-rope structure. Small flux dropouts are associated with very small changes in pitch angle, which may be explained by different flux tubes connecting to different locations in the flare region. // Conclusions: The unusually long path length along which the electrons and ions have propagated virtually scatter-free together with the short-term flux dropouts offer excellent opportunities to study the transport of SEPs within interplanetary structures. The 9 April 2022 solar particle event offers an especially rich number of unique observations that can be used to limit SEP transport models

    Stomatal Density and its Relationship with Yield of Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) Fertilized with Biol Produced from Sugar Cane Residues

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    The impact of agro-industrial waste can be reduced by using it in crop fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stomatal density and yield of radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) fertilized with biol at different concentrations, produced from sugar cane residues. A completely randomized blocks design statistical model was used, which consisted of 5 tests with 3 repetitions for each one, being T1 the control trial, and T2, T3, T4 and T5 the treatments using 2, 3, 4 and 5 L of biol in 200 L of water respectively. In terms of crop physical characteristics, the T5 treatment excelled in plant length, equatorial diameter, plant weight, as well as yield with 12.71 t/ha. Likewise, in the chemical analysis of the radish leaves, the T5 treatment showed an increase in K, Ca, Zn and MN, while the T2 did it in N, P and Cu, the T3 in Fe and the T4 in Mg. In terms of stomatal density, T5 stood out with 122 stomatal/mm2. Based on this, it is concluded that the increase in the dose of biol influences the increase in nutrient and stomatal density and hence the yield of the radish crop

    Analysis of the Yield of Radish (Raphanus Sativus L.) Fertilized with Compost Based on Organic Waste from Markets and its Relationship with its Stomatal Density

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    For higher yields in vegetable cultivation, the availability of soil nutrients must be improved. Therefore, the aim of this research was to establish the relationship between stomatal density and the yield of the radish crop fertilized with compost made from organic market waste. A completely randomized block design was used, which consisted of 3 blocks and 5 treatments, which were T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 with 00, 10, 15, 15, 20 and 25 g compost/plant respectively. The physical characteristics of the plants were evaluated from sowing to harvest and the data obtained were processed by analysis of variance and Duncan's test. Chemical analysis of the compost and soil was carried out, as well as a foliar analysis to determine the nutrient concentration by treatment. The results determined that the treatment (T4) stood out in plant length with 28.96 cm, plant weight with 43.33 g, yield of 10.82 t/ha and bulb diameter of 3.92 cm; likewise, in the concentration of nutrients in the leaves, the treatment (T5) highlighted in N with 5.94%, Ca 4.84%, Mg 1.29%, Zn 64.58 ppm and a stomatal density of 642 stomas/mm2. It is concluded that, at an adequate dose of compost, the concentration of nutrients increases, as well as the stomatal density, resulting in higher yields

    Slotted Polyimide-Aerogel-Filled-Waveguide Arrays

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    This presentation discussed the potential advantages of developing Slotted Waveguide Arrays using polyimide aerogels. Polyimide (PI) aerogels offer great promise as an enabling technology for lightweight aerospace antenna systems. PI aerogels are highly porous solids possessing low density and low dielectric permittivity combined with good mechanical properties. For slotted waveguide array applications, there are significant advantages in mass that more than compensate for the slightly higher loss of the aerogel filled waveguide when compared to state of practice commercial waveguide

    When the optimal is not the best: parameter estimation in complex biological models

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    Background: The vast computational resources that became available during the past decade enabled the development and simulation of increasingly complex mathematical models of cancer growth. These models typically involve many free parameters whose determination is a substantial obstacle to model development. Direct measurement of biochemical parameters in vivo is often difficult and sometimes impracticable, while fitting them under data-poor conditions may result in biologically implausible values. Results: We discuss different methodological approaches to estimate parameters in complex biological models. We make use of the high computational power of the Blue Gene technology to perform an extensive study of the parameter space in a model of avascular tumor growth. We explicitly show that the landscape of the cost function used to optimize the model to the data has a very rugged surface in parameter space. This cost function has many local minima with unrealistic solutions, including the global minimum corresponding to the best fit. Conclusions: The case studied in this paper shows one example in which model parameters that optimally fit the data are not necessarily the best ones from a biological point of view. To avoid force-fitting a model to a dataset, we propose that the best model parameters should be found by choosing, among suboptimal parameters, those that match criteria other than the ones used to fit the model. We also conclude that the model, data and optimization approach form a new complex system, and point to the need of a theory that addresses this problem more generally