2,048 research outputs found

    Roman Legal Tradition and the Mismanagement of Hunting Resources

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    Hunting and game-preservation are interrelated: hunting must respect the intentions of game-preservation, and game-preservation must rely on hunting as one method to achieve its intentions. HASENKAMP (1995) applied the Economic Theory of Common Resources to the problem to provide conclusions about the management and conservation of hunting resources. These conclusions are reflected in the existing relevant legal hunting setting in Germany. German Law contains legal principles that confronts the hunter with the objectives of hunting preservation and held him the responsibility for pursuing these goals. In our paper, we derive a model of hunting management, adapting the GORDON/SCHAEFER fisheries model. The conclusions of the model, similar with those of Hasenkamp, are confronted with Portuguese hunting regulation. We conclude that Portugal has a Roman legal tradition with respect to hunting propertyrights. To the Roman conception, the wild animals constitute res nullius (things without owner) that all men can appropriate by ocupatio. The classification of free land implicates the idea that the hunter has the freedom of access to hunt in other’s land, although respecting imposed norms. This tradition of open access is the root-cause of hunting depletion. But, at the same time, the legislator sees it as a form of giving the hunters without land, the possibility of enjoying this activity. This is compatible with the Portuguese tradition, which almost attributes a personality right to the right of hunting.

    A new credit monitoring framework for agents' networks

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    The purpose of this work is to develop a practicable approach for Telecom firms to manage the credit risk exposition to their commercial agents’ network. Particularly it will try to approach the problem of credit concession to clients’ from a corporation perspective and explore the particular scenario of agents that are part of the commercial chain of the corporation and therefore are not end-users. The agents’ network that served as a model for the presented study is composed by companies that, at the same time, are both clients and suppliers of the Telecommunication Company. In that sense the credit exposition analysis must took into consideration all financial fluxes, both inbound and outbound. The current strain on the Financial Sector in Portugal, and other peripheral European economies, combined with the high leverage situation of most companies, generates an environment prone to credit default risk. Due to these circumstances managing credit risk exposure is becoming increasingly a critical function for every company Financial Department. The approach designed in the current study combined two traditional risk monitoring tools: credit risk scoring and credit limitation policies. The objective was to design a new credit monitoring framework that is more flexible, uses both external and internal relationship history to assess risk and takes into consideration commercial objectives inside the agents’ network. Although not explored at length, the blueprint of a Credit Governance model was created for implementing the new credit monitoring framework inside the telecom firm. The Telecom Company that served as a model for the present work decided to implement the new Credit Monitoring framework after this was presented to its Executive Commission

    Discovering Rehabilitation trends in Spain: A bibliometric analysis

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    The main purpose of this study is to offer an overview of the rehabilitation research area in Spain from 1970 to 2018 through a bibliometric analysis. Analysis of performance and a co-word science mapping analysis were conducted to highlight the topics covered. The software tool SciMAT was used to analyse the themes concerning their performance and impact measures. A total of 3,564 documents from the Web of Science were retrieved. Univ Deusto, Univ Rey Juan Carlos and Basque Foundation for Science are the institutions with highest relative priority. The most important research themes are IntellectualDisability, Neck-Pain and Pain

    Los programas deportivos radiofónicos en la medianoche: La supremacía del fútbol en los contenidos

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    Every midnight, sports programs are one of the basic references in radio programming. The three major Spanish radio networks, SER, Onda Cero and COPE, competing in the same time schedules for sports fans to win listeners. The desire to give football information sometimes comes to extreme lengths in specialized sports media, leaving other sports. This article will analyze the contents of these areas overlapping with the Christmas holiday break from football matches in Spain.Cada medianoche, los programas deportivos son uno de los referentes básicos en la programación radiofónica. Las tres principales cadenas radiofónicas españolas, SER, Onda Cero y COPE, compiten en la misma franja por ganar oyentes. El afán por dar información futbolística llega a veces hasta extremos insospechados en los medios especializados deportivos, que dejan de lado otras disciplinas deportivas. En este artículo, se analizarán los contenidos de estos espacios coincidiendo en parte con el descanso vacacional navideño de la competición futbolística en España

    An efficient and accurate framework for large-scale sequences of DNA barcodes

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaDNA barcodes are short sequences of pre-defined gene regions that contain a sufficient amount of intra- and inter-species genetic information. High-throughput sequencing techniques are currently used to identify large sequences of DNA barcodes in a species genome, in a relatively short time. Domain experts require adequate self-contained tools to accurately and efficiently process DNA barcode data in a reasonable time, taking advantage of current parallel and heterogeneous computing systems. They also expect to use these tools on different computing platforms, from laptops to high-performance servers, without requiring a broad knowledge in software engineering to develop efficient computational applications. The main goal of this project was to develop a framework and associated user-friendly tools for domain experts to efficiently support DNA barcoding studies, providing an abstraction of the performance issues. 4SpecID is the key outcome of this work: an application software that integrates a semi-automated auditing and annotation tool for reference libraries, to ensure the quality standards of the compiled data, aiming to enable a grounded decision when identifying species from DNA barcodes. Its graphics interface aids the end user to specify the operations and it also simplifies data filtering and remote file handling. The C++ ported version (from MATLAB) was fully tested and is more robust than the original version. Architecture features common to laptop and compute servers were exploited, namely parallel programming techniques and memory models. The presented validation and performance results show significant improvements on execution times, not only on the sequential version, but also by using the available parallel capabilities of the underlying computing platforms.Os códigos de barras de ADN são pequenas sequência de regiões genéticas predefinidas que contêm uma quantidade suficiente de informação genética intra e interespécies. Técnicas de sequenciamento de alto desempenho são usadas na identificação de grandes sequências de códigos de barras de ADN no genoma de uma espécie. No entanto, é necessário que sejam desenvolvidas ferramentas adequadas para que os especialistas de domínio processem dados de código de barras de ADN de forma precisa e num intervalo de tempo viável, utilizando os sistemas de computação paralelos e heterogêneos que existem. Destas ferramentas é esperado que possam ser utilizadas recorrendo a diferentes plataformas de computação, de laptops a servidores de alto desempenho, sem exigir um amplo conhecimento em engenharia de software para serem utilizadas ou usadas para a criação de outras ferramentas. O objetivo principal deste projeto é desenvolver uma estrutura que forneça uma abstração dos possíveis desafios de desempenho e permitir que especialistas no domínio tenham uma forma computacional eficiente para realizar um estudo de código de barras de DNA. Neste projecto desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta, 4SpecID, que visa permitir uma decisão fundamentada na identificação de espécies através de códigos de barras de DNA: uma auditoria semi-automática e ferramenta de anotação para bibliotecas de referência, para garantir os padrões de qualidade dos dados compilados. Este projeto também explorou as vantagens das arquiteturas de servidores de computação e laptops mais comuns, como técnicas de programação paralela e modelos de memória. Os resultados de validação e desempenho apresentados mostram que é possível obter melhores tempos de execução utilizando as características disponíveis das plataformas subjacentes

    Hydrodynamical simulations of massive stars collisions

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    openSince the detection of gravitational waves traveling through our universe, a new field of astrophysics has opened up, and with it many hypotheses and theoretical predictions have been put to the test. This is the case of the pair-instability mass gap (60 and 120 Msun. Gravitational wave signals have been detected whose primary and secondary black holes fall within the mass range where it was previously thought unthinkable that they could exist as a product of stellar evolution. Different mechanisms could explain these observations, among which the gravitational collapse of a particular type of remnant from a collision between two predecessor stars stands out. Multiple studies support this hypothesis, however, it is necessary to determine the incidence of the collision parameters on the main characteristics of the post-coalescence star, especially to corroborate that its final mass and chemical composition made it a suitable remnant to produce these special black holes. To achieve this goal, the hydrodynamic simulations of stellar collisions are a perfect tool. In this thesis, we have analyzed a set of simulations produced with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code StarSmasher. This set explores different configurations of mass, radius, stellar evolution time, velocity at infinity and impact parameter for the two colliding stars. We have been able to analyze the temporal evolution of the percentage of unbound mass for all cases, obtaining that collisions produce a range of mass loss between 9.7 % and 19.3 %, with the impact parameter being the most influential value in the increase of this percentage. We have also visualized that the relaxation of the final remnant occurs quite quickly after the impact as long as the collision is radial. Only two days are necessary for the remnant mass to remain stable, as well as its velocity. In the case of non-radial collisions, the relaxation of the post-coalescence star is much more complex, since it is altered by successive collisions between the cores of the two primary stars. Finally, we also found that non-radial collisions are the only ones that result in a remnant with tangential rotational velocity, a fact that would favor the chemical enrichment of its constituent layers and modify its subsequent evolution.Since the detection of gravitational waves traveling through our universe, a new field of astrophysics has opened up, and with it many hypotheses and theoretical predictions have been put to the test. This is the case of the pair-instability mass gap (60 and 120 Msun. Gravitational wave signals have been detected whose primary and secondary black holes fall within the mass range where it was previously thought unthinkable that they could exist as a product of stellar evolution. Different mechanisms could explain these observations, among which the gravitational collapse of a particular type of remnant from a collision between two predecessor stars stands out. Multiple studies support this hypothesis, however, it is necessary to determine the incidence of the collision parameters on the main characteristics of the post-coalescence star, especially to corroborate that its final mass and chemical composition made it a suitable remnant to produce these special black holes. To achieve this goal, the hydrodynamic simulations of stellar collisions are a perfect tool. In this thesis, we have analyzed a set of simulations produced with the smoothed particle hydrodynamics code StarSmasher. This set explores different configurations of mass, radius, stellar evolution time, velocity at infinity and impact parameter for the two colliding stars. We have been able to analyze the temporal evolution of the percentage of unbound mass for all cases, obtaining that collisions produce a range of mass loss between 9.7 % and 19.3 %, with the impact parameter being the most influential value in the increase of this percentage. We have also visualized that the relaxation of the final remnant occurs quite quickly after the impact as long as the collision is radial. Only two days are necessary for the remnant mass to remain stable, as well as its velocity. In the case of non-radial collisions, the relaxation of the post-coalescence star is much more complex, since it is altered by successive collisions between the cores of the two primary stars. Finally, we also found that non-radial collisions are the only ones that result in a remnant with tangential rotational velocity, a fact that would favor the chemical enrichment of its constituent layers and modify its subsequent evolution

    Analysis of the normative framework of education in the global context

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    El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el marco normativo de la educación en el contexto global: internacional y nacional de Colombia. Se fundamentó teóricamente en los postulados de expertos en el área educativa, documentos y basamentos legales que permitieron contrastar diferentes concepciones sobre la temática en cuestión. El estudio se desarrolló bajo el paradigma cualitativo de corte exploratorio, desde la revisión documental. Entre los resultados más significantes se develó que los documentos generados en los eventos internacionales dan seguimiento y respuesta a la problemática educativa; asimismo, el marco normativo facilita la construcción de políticas públicas concebidas como justificación legal garantes del derecho a la educación para todos los ciudadanos, como un deber constitucional del cual depende la realización del proyecto de vida individual, colectivo y cultural en la sociedad, proporcionando así valor a los intangibles producto del conocimiento y del desarrollo sostenible. Palabras clave: marco normativo; globalización; sociedad de conocimiento; políticas públicas; desarrollo sostenible.The purpose of this research was to analyze the normative framework of education in the global, international, and national context of Colombia. It was theoretically based on the postulates of experts in the educational area, documents, and legal foundations that allowed contrasting different conceptions on the subject in question. The study was developed under the exploratory qualitative paradigm, based on a documentary review. Among the most significant results, it was revealed that the documents generated in international events provide follow-up and response to the educational problem; likewise, the normative framework facilitates the construction of public policies conceived as legal justification guaranteeing the right to education for all citizens, as a constitutional duty on which depends the realization of the individual, collective and cultural life project in society, thus providing value to the intangible products of knowledge and sustainable development. Keywords: normative framework; globalization; knowledge society; public policies; sustainable development

    Digital music and the “death of the long tail”

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    Digital distribution is a new technology that is revolutionizing the pop-rock music market. Extensive debate exists on the long tail theory that predicts a niche strategy in the pop-rock market versus the conventional wisdom of a “superstar effect” that predicts skewness in the market outcomes for artists. This research tests the empirical evidence of such effects and elaborates on how the firms respond to this disruptive technological revolution and how this response changes strategic management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio