528 research outputs found

    Control of plastidial metabolism by the Clp protease complex

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    Plant metabolism is strongly dependent on plastids. Besides hosting the photosynthetic machinery, these endosymbiotic organelles synthesize starch, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotides, tetrapyrroles, and isoprenoids. Virtually all enzymes involved in plastid-localized metabolic pathways are encoded by the nuclear genome and imported into plastids. Once there, protein quality control systems ensure proper folding of the mature forms and remove irreversibly damaged proteins. The Clp protease is the main machinery for protein degradation in the plastid stroma. Recent work has unveiled an increasing number of client proteins of this proteolytic complex in plants. Notably, a substantial proportion of these substrates are required for normal chloroplast metabolism, including enzymes involved in the production of essential tetrapyrroles and isoprenoids such as chlorophylls and carotenoids. The Clp protease complex acts in coordination with nuclear-encoded plastidial chaperones for the control of both enzyme levels and proper folding (i.e. activity). This communication involves a retrograde signaling pathway, similarly to the unfolded protein response previously characterized in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Coordinated Clp protease and chaperone activities appear to further influence other plastid processes, such as the differentiation of chloroplasts into carotenoid-accumulating chromoplasts during fruit ripening

    Diseño instalaciones electromecánicas de un centro comercial

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    Este proyecto se realiza exclusivamente a efectos de la obtención del título de Ingeniero Técnico Industrial especialidad Electricidad por parte de su autor. El objeto de este proyecto de fin de carrera es planificar, describir, calcular y presupuestar la instalaciones electromecánicas de baja y media tensión y la protección de contra incendios mediante agentes gaseosos. El centro comercial esta situado en la Avenida de Utopía nº π, Leganés (Madrid), C.P. 28911. El centro comercial consta de planta baja, ocupada principalmente por la sala de ventas (aproximadamente 7000 m2), zona de reservas, almacenes, cámaras, y zona de carga o descarga (aproximadamente 2000 m2), y la planta primera ocupada en su totalidad por oficinas, dependencias del personal y locales técnicos con una superficie de 700 m2, la superficie total construida es de 9567 m2. Al ser un local comercial se deberá tratar como local de pública concurrencia.Ingeniería Técnica en Electricida

    El crecimiento del comercio electrónico. Repercusión en el comercio tradicional

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    “El comercio es la actividad mediante la cual se intercambian, venden o compran productos.” La forma de comprar ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de la historia, comenzando con el trueque, pasando por el comercio tradicional hasta llegar al comercio electrónico gracias a la aparición de internet. En la actualidad el comercio tradicional se ve cada vez más desfavorecido por el ecommerce, aunque los dos tienen la misma finalidad el comercio tradicional no puede competir con el electrónico por las grandes ventajas que este último ofrece. Durante 2020, un hecho histórico que ha influenciado en nuestra forma de comprar ha sido la pandemia del coronavirus o también conocida como Covid'19, provocando esta el cierre de muchos comercios minoristas y aumentando las compras mediante internet. Esto ha obligado a que muchos de los comercios tradicionales tengan que reinventarse ofreciendo también el servicio online y las ventajas que este conlleva. ¿Realmente vivimos en una sociedad donde la mayoría compra online?¿Es toda la población partidaria de este método de compra? Mediante una encuesta online resolveremos estas cuestiones."Commerce is the activity through which products are exchanged, sold or bought." The way of buying has evolved throughout history, starting with barter, going through traditional commerce until reaching electronic commerce thanks to the appearance of the internet. At present, traditional commerce is increasingly disadvantaged by e-commerce, although both have the same purpose, traditional commerce cannot compete with electronic commerce due to the great advantages that the latter offers. During 2020, a historical event that has influenced our way of buying has been the coronavirus pandemic or also known as Covid'19, causing the closure of many retail stores and increasing purchases through the internet. This has forced many of the traditional businesses to reinvent themselves by also offering the online service and the advantages that this entails. Do we really live in a society where the majority buy online? Is the entire population in favor of this method of purchase? Through an online survey we will solve these questions.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Finanzas y Contabilida

    Tourism as a tool for economic development in poor countries

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    Most scientific literature have begun to argue that while tourism growth can influence the economic and sociocultural development of society, the impacts of tourism do not always lead to increased economic development, especially in less developed countries. However, in spite of these limitations, some international organizations defend that tourism has become an economic activity that many poor countries are considering or implementing as part of their efforts to alleviate poverty. In this context, the aim of this research has been to determine whether the economic growth experienced in the poor countries over the last decade influences an increase in their level of economic development. The results prove that, in poor countries, tourism growth does not influence the level of economic development, which supports the claims of some of the most recent scientific literature, and contradicts the position of many international organizations that make an indiscriminate use of tourism as a tool to enhance economic development in the poorest countries

    Tributación de actividades turísticas: revisión de los 50 principales destinos turísticos

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    Public authorities have played a key role in tourism competitiveness, as this agent is obliged to provide certain infrastructure and services. This has led to incurring certain additional costs that may be financed by contributions from the implementation of fiscal instruments. The objective of the present work is to identify the tourist taxes implemented in the 50 main world tourist destinations. To do this, different official, national and international sources have been consulted. Tourist taxes have been identified in 49 of the 50 main tourist destinations; and have been configured, therefore, as an effective instrument for obtaining the necessary financingLos poderes públicos han desempeñado un papel clave en la competitividad turística, al recaer sobre este agente la obligación de proporcionar determinadas infraestructuras y servicios. Ello ha provocado incurrir en determinados costes adicionales, ante lo cual, la implantación de instrumentos fiscales puede contribuir a obtener la financiación necesaria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los tributos de carácter turístico implantados en los cincuenta principales destinos turísticos mundiales. Para ello, se han consultado distintas fuentes oficiales, nacionales e internacionales. Se han identificado tributos de carácter turístico en 49 de los 50 principales destinos turísticos; configurándose, por tanto, como un instrumento eficaz para obtener la financiación necesari

    Tourists’ willingness to pay to improve sustainability and experience at destination

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    Consolidated tourism destinations face certain challenges derived from aspects such as new client demands, growing competition, the problems of overtourism and tourism-phobia, and the modernization of infrastructures. The creation of taxes and/or public fees that affect tourism activities is one potential option for public managers facing these difficulties. The objective of this study is to determine tourists’ willingness to pay in order to increase the income of public managers to create these types of policies. The study was carried out in Andalusia, a region of southern Spain with high rates of tourism, which received some 32.4 million tourists in 2019. A survey was conducted on 1068 tourists at the main tourism arrival points of this region. First, factors influencing the willingness and amount to be paid by each tourist were identified; for this, distinct statistical techniques were used (binary logistic regression and decision trees). Second, the sensitivity of tourism demand was analyzed with regard to the establishment of these types of taxes and public fees, concluding that tourism demand is inelastic in the face of a moderate increase in prices resulting from the creation of taxes and/or public fees

    Implementación y puesta a punto de un algoritmo de búsqueda automatizada de secuencias homólogas

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    Motivación: El término “homología” hace referencia al origen evolutivo común entre dos proteínas que han divergido, presentando características comunes a nivel de secuencia y estructura (Fitch, 1970). Generalmente, la búsqueda de proteínas homólogas a una proteína de interés se realiza de forma manual, mediante el uso del algoritmo PSI-BLAST, ya sea en un ordenador propio o en un portal web como el del NCBI (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi). La búsqueda de homólogos de forma manual es tediosa y requiere de mucho tiempo y conocimientos básicos de bioinformática. Una alternativa para la búsqueda de homólogos es el uso de algoritmos de acceso abierto disponibles en la web. Adicionalmente, existen muchas bases de datos que recogen conjuntos de proteínas homólogas previamente formados. El problema principal, tanto de los algoritmos como de las bases de datos es su dificultad de uso, ya que por lo general ninguno de estos recursos está destinado ni preparado para investigadores de laboratorio. Resultados: Se ha desarrollado una herramienta escrita en lenguaje de programación Perl para la búsqueda automatizada de proteínas homólogas a una secuencia inicial de interés. El funcionamiento del algoritmo se ha probado con distintos conjuntos de secuencias, a partir de cuyos resultados se han optimizado los parámetros que rigen su funcionamiento. El algoritmo desarrollado es eficiente (sensible, específico y rápido), exhaustivo a la hora de buscar secuencias homólogas y admite el uso de bases de datos del propio usuario. La modificación de los parámetros por defecto permite que el usuario pueda primar un mejor dato de sensibilidad en detrimento del valor de especificidad, o viceversa. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado una aplicación web de libre acceso para cualquier usuario (http://www.bioinfocabd.upo.es/cgi-bin/orthoFinder/ortholog2.cgi) para el uso del algoritmo. Sólo es necesario subir un archivo con la secuencia de interés para iniciar la ejecución básica del programa, usando los parámetros óptimos por defecto. La simplicidad de la interfaz facilita la ejecución del algoritmo por parte del usuario. Los resultados de una búsqueda están disponibles generalmente en menos de dos minutos, y quedan allí almacenados durante una semana para posibles consultas recurrentes. La facilidad de uso del programa por medio de la aplicación web, así como el método de presentación de los resultados, permiten generar una interfaz de uso del programa por y para distintos tipos de usuarios

    «Otras visiones de la UNED», el alumno con discapacidades visuales

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    Within the last years, the UNED has experienced a great rise in the profiles of its students, which implies an adaptation to the new demands inherent to the different groups of students that are enrolled in this university. According to these facts and taking into consideration the hypothesis that the handicapped students’ motivations, together with their study demands and needs, may differ from the ones other student groups have, handicapped students should be considered a main concern by the institution. So, paying attention to the handicapped students’ demands entails the implementation of general mechanisms of adaptation to the students, that at the same time could give an answer to the common needs that people who choose theDistance University show.La UNED ha contemplado en los últimos años un crecimiento en la variedad de perfiles de su alumnado y esto implica una adaptación a las nuevas demandas presentadas por los diferentes colectivos de alumnos. Desde tales presupuestos, el alumnado discapacitado ha de ocupar un lugar protagonista en las preocupaciones de la institución, bajo la hipótesis de que sus motivaciones para los estudios universitarios así como sus necesidades y las demandas que tienen sobre la UNED pueden diferenciarse de las de otros colectivos. Si bien, la atención a sus demandas supone la puesta en marcha de mecanismos generales de adaptación al alumnado que responderían a su vez a las necesidades comunes de las personas que optan por la Universidada Distanci

    Tomato fruit carotenoid biosynthesis is adjusted to actual ripening progression by a light-dependent mechanism

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    Carotenoids are isoprenoid compounds that are essential for plants to protect the photosynthetic apparatus against excess light. They also function as health-promoting natural pigments that provide colors to ripe fruit, promoting seed dispersal by animals. Work in Arabidopsis thaliana unveiled that transcription factors of the phytochrome-interacting factor (PIF) family regulate carotenoid gene expression in response to environmental signals (i.e. light and temperature), including those created when sunlight reflects from or passes though nearby vegetation or canopy (referred to as shade). Here we show that PIFs use a virtually identical mechanism to modulate carotenoid biosynthesis during fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). However, instead of integrating environmental information, PIF-mediated signaling pathways appear to fulfill a completely new function in the fruit. As tomatoes ripen, they turn from green to red due to chlorophyll breakdown and carotenoid accumulation. When sunlight passes through the flesh of green fruit, a self-shading effect within the tissue maintains high levels of PIFs that directly repress the master gene of the fruit carotenoid pathway, preventing undue production of carotenoids. This effect is attenuated as chlorophyll degrades, causing degradation of PIF proteins and boosting carotenoid biosynthesis as ripening progresses. Thus, shade signaling components may have been co-opted in tomato fruit to provide information on the actual stage of ripening (based on the pigment profile of the fruit at each moment) and thus finely coordinate fruit color change. We show how this mechanism may be manipulated to obtain carotenoid-enriched fruits.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Parameterization, Analysis, and Risk Management in a Comprehensive Management System with Emphasis on Energy and Performance (ISO 50001: 2018)

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    [EN] The future of business development relies on the effective management of risks, opportunities, and energy and water resources. Here, we evaluate the application of best practices to identify, analyze, address, monitor, and control risks and opportunities (R/O) according to ISO 31000 and 50000. Furthermore, we shed light on tools, templates, ISO guides, and international documents that contribute to classifying, identifying, formulating control, and managing R/O parameterization in a comprehensive management system model, namely CMS QHSE3+, which consists of quality (Q), health and safety (HS), environmental management (E), energy efficiency (E2), and other risk components (+) that include comprehensive biosecurity and biosafety. By focusing on the deployment of R/O-based thinking (ROBT) at strategic and operational levels, we show vulnerability reduction in CMS QHSE3+ by managing energy, efficiency, and sustainability.We express our gratitude for the support from Cajacopi Atlantico, QUARA Technology, ASTEQ Technology, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and to all the personnel and companies who offered us their contributions and their valuable points of view.Poveda-Orjuela, PP.; García-Díaz, JC.; Pulido-Rojano, A.; Cañón-Zabala, G. (2020). Parameterization, Analysis, and Risk Management in a Comprehensive Management System with Emphasis on Energy and Performance (ISO 50001: 2018). Energies. 13(21):1-44. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13215579S1441321SDBS Business Demography Indicatorshttps://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?queryid=70734The World Economy on a Tightrope. 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ISO 50001: 2018 and Its Application in a Comprehensive Management System with an Energy-Performance Focus. Energies, 12(24), 4700. doi:10.3390/en12244700Continuity Planning for Your Businesshttps://www.westpac.com.au/content/dam/public/wbc/documents/pdf/help/disaster/WBC_business_continuity_planning_covid-19_checklist.pdfCOVID-19: Five Ways to Maintain Continuity and Reshape for Resiliencehttps://www.ey.com/en_be/transactions/companies-can-reshape-results-and-plan-forcovid-19-recoveryAven, T. (2012). The risk concept—historical and recent development trends. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 99, 33-44. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2011.11.006Oliva, F. L. (2016). A maturity model for enterprise risk management. International Journal of Production Economics, 173, 66-79. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.12.007Aven, T., & Zio, E. (2011). Some considerations on the treatment of uncertainties in risk assessment for practical decision making. 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