149 research outputs found

    Koncept Poljskoga biografskoga leksikona: njegova povijest i urednički izazovi

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    The aim of the article is to present a concept of the Polish Biographical Dictionary (Polski Słownik Biograficzny, PSB), which has been published in Krakow since 1935 as a multi-volume publication of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU), and realised by the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the PAN. Over 28,000 biographies of people associated with Poland (and with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth of Both Nations, and their fiefs), who lived or operated in the country and abroad from the time of legendary Duke Popiel (9th century) to 2000, have been published in 52 volumes so far. The concept of the PSB is presented in the historiographic context as well as the context of contemporary problems and challenges that the PSB is facing.Cilj je ovoga rada predstaviti koncepciju Poljskoga biografskoga leksikona (Polski Słownik Biograficzny, PSB), koji je izdavan u Krakovu od 1935. kao višesveščano izdanje Poljske akademije znanosti (PAN) i Poljske akademije umjetnosti i znanosti (PAU), a koje provodi Institut za povijest Tadeusz Manteuffel PAN. Dosad je u 52 sveska41 izdano više od 28 000 biografija osoba povezanih s Poljskom (kao i Velikom Kneževinom Litvom te Poljsko-Litavskom Unijom i njihovim lenima) koje su živjele ili djelovale u zemlji i inozemstvu od vremena legendarnoga vojvode Popiela (IX. st.) do 2000. Koncept PSB-a predstavljen je u historiografskom kontekstu, kao i u kontekstu suvremenih problema i izazova s kojima se suočava PSB

    Impact of COVID-19 on household’s financial situation in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The main purpose of the article was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial situation of households in Poland. This goal was supplemented with the main hypothesis, auxiliary hypotheses and research questions.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research was conducted in February 2021 by means of an questionnaire survey on a group of 1000 randomly selected Polish residents. The questionnaire was developed in the form of 19 record and substantive single or multiple choice questions. Another method that was used for the research was the review and analysis of bibliographic resources.FINDINGS: The empirical results show that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial situation of households in Poland has slightly deteriorated. Nearly 2/3 of the respondents were negatively affected by the financial effects of the pandemic to a small or medium degree. In 1/4 of the respondents, there was a marked reduction in income related to the pandemic crisis. It is worth noting the change in Poles' attitude to saving. The unpredictability of the pandemic crisis resulted in a significant reduction in purchasing expenses in more than half of the respondents, and nearly three quarters of them began to carefully plan their expenses. Two-thirds of respondents believe that one of the ways to protect themselves against another crisis caused by a pandemic, or another genesis of a phenomenon, is to save money.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: With the pandemic, the approach of Polish households to collecting savings and spending money has changed. This informs potential entities and institutions offering their goods that they should remodel their offers and adapt them to the prevailing conditions on the Polish market.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Unique, authorial survey conducted on a representative research sample, dealing with current issues, concerning not only Poland, but also the entire world. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are described and the impact of respondent characteristics on the financial extent impact of the economic downturn is analyzed.peer-reviewe

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic and financial situation of the micro and small enterprises from the construction and development industry in Poland

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    PURPOSE: The main purpose of the article was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial situation of micro and small enterprises in the construction and development industry in Poland.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research was conducted in February 2021 by means of a survey on a group of 100 randomly selected, representative samples of micro and small entrepreneurs from the construction and development industry in Poland. The survey questionnaire was developed in the form of 15 record and substantive single or multiple choice questions. Another method that was used for the research was the review and analysis of bibliographic resources.FINDINGS: The conducted research shows that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic and financial situation of micro and small enterprises in Poland has deteriorated. However, this was not only due to a reduction in demand. A large part of the problems resulted from the disruption of material logistics chains, which contributed to problems with access to professional equipment (fixed assets) and financial chains, which was reflected in the growing concerns of entrepreneurs about the timely inflow of receivables from recipients.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The pandemic, affecting almost all economic entities, destabilizes their functioning and raises concerns about the future. Support in a more difficult situation granted to entrepreneurs by the government may significantly burden the state budget, and the resignation from investments may hinder economic growth. A significant drop in demand for construction services and concerns about an increase in the prices of materials and wages and salaries may lead to a price fight between entities. Due to the difficulty in predicting the long-term effects of the pandemic, it seems necessary to apply for economic protection outside traditional crisis management systems.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: With the use of an original, authors' survey conducted on a representative research sample, current issues were raised, concerning not only Poland, but also the whole world.peer-reviewe

    The establishment of new businesses as a seasonal phenomenon : a Polish example

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to analyse the phenomenon of seasonality in the context of registration of new economic entities in the form of a sole proprietorship based on the data from the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) in the years 2012-2021.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research method and tools applied in the article are subordinated to the identification of the occurence of statistically significant differences between average values of numbers of applications filed with CEIDG in the assumption category on a month-to-month basis. As part of the research process post hoc tests, preceded by the one-way analysis of variance, ANOVA, were used. Due to the imperfection of statistical tests and the nature of deterministic methods for the verification of the research hypothesis the Kruskal–Wallis was also used. The ANOVA was preceded by the verification of meeting the distribution normality criterion (by means of the Kolmogorowv-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test) and of the variance uniformity (the Levine test).FINDINGS: A stable economic situation in a macroeconomic aspect together with an unchanging regulatory, economic and financial, technical and organisational as well as market environment translates to a statistical repeatability of market behaviours. In this context, a projection of the number of applications filed with CEIDG including seasonal fluctuations was developed.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The knowledge of seasonality in terms of undertaking economic activity may prove helpful in selecting the right economic policy tools, in organising entrepreneur administrative service processes as well as useful for companies providing outsourcing services (inter alia, within the scope of marketing, bookkeeping and human resources service or recapitalisation) for new businesses.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This type of analyses have not been conducted to date on such a wide and diversified time spectre. In addition, the situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to be exact, the observation of correlation between future decisions of entrepreneurs with respect to continuing or establishing business activity and a specified seasonality also seems extremely significant.peer-reviewe

    Myxoma virus expressing LIGHT (TNFSF14) pre-loaded into adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells is effective treatment for murine pancreatic adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a weakly immunogenic fatal neoplasm. Oncolytic viruses with dual anti-cancer properties—oncolytic and immune response-boosting effects—have great potential for PDAC management. Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) of mesenchymal origin were infected ex vivo with recombinant myxoma virus (MYXV), which encodes murine LIGHT, also called tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 14 (TNFSF14). The viability and proliferation of ADSCs were not remarkably decreased (1–2 days) following MYXV infection, in sharp contrast to cells of pancreatic carcinoma lines studied, which were rapidly killed by the infection. Comparison of the intraperitoneal (IP) vs. the intravenous (IV) route of ADSC/MYXV administration revealed more pancreas-targeted distribution of the virus when ADSCs were delivered IP to mice bearing orthotopically injected PDAC. The biodistribution, tumor burden reduction and anti-tumor adaptive immune response were examined. Bioluminescence data, used to assess the presence of the luciferase-tagged virus after IP injection, indicated enhanced trafficking into the pancreata of mice bearing orthotopically-induced PDAC, as compared to tumor-free animals, resulting in extended survival of the treated PDAC-seeded animals and in the boosted expression of key adaptive immune response markers. We conclude that ADSCs pre-loaded with transgene-armed MYXV and administered IP allow for the effective ferrying of the oncolytic virus to sites of PDAC and mediate improved tumor regression

    Formulation of zeolite supported nano-metallic catalyst and applications in textile effluent treatment

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    Textile industry is one of the major industries worldwide and produces a huge amount of coloured effluents. The presence of coloured compounds (dyes) in water change its aesthetic value and cause serious health and environmental consequences. However, the present investigation was carried out to minimize and reduce the colour compounds discharged by the textile industries through a nano-scaled catalyst. This study is mainly focused on the explanation of nanoparticles aggregation by deposition on natural zeolite, and utilization of this natural zeolite as supported material to nano zerovalent iron (NZ-nZVI) in the form of liquid slurry with sodium percarbonate acting as an oxidant in a Fenton like system for the removal of synthetic CI acid orange 52 (AO52) azo dye, in textile effluent. The nano-scaled zerovalent irons were synthesized by borohydride method in ethanolic medium. UV–vis spectrophotometry, FTIR, EDX, SEM, and XRD (powdered) analysis were used for the investigations of surface morphology, composition, and properties of natural zeolite supported nZVI and study the dye removal mechanism. The XRD spectrum revealed that clinoptilolite is the major component of natural zeolite used, while EDX found that the iron content of NZ-nZVI was about 9.5 %. The introduction of natural zeolite as supporting material in the formation of iron nanoparticle resulted in the partial reduction of aggregation of zerovalent iron nanoparticles. The findings revealed that the 94.86 % removal of CI acid orange 52 dye was obtained after 180 min treatment at 15 mg/L initial dye concentration. The highest rapid dye removal of about 60 % was achieved within the first 10 min of treatment at the same dye concentration. Furthermore, the actual dyeing effluent including green, magenta, and the blended colour was successfully decolourized by natural zeolite-supported nZVI/SPC Fenton process. It is concluded that the acceleration of corrosion of NZ-nZVI, breaking of azo bond, and consumption of Fe2+ were the possible mechanisms behind the removal of AO52 dye. It is also recommended that NZ-nZVI/SPC Fenton process could be a viable option for effluent and groundwater remediation

    Insights into interdisciplinary approaches for bioremediation of organic pollutants: innovations, challenges and perspectives

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    Modern industrialization has originated a tremendous industrial growth. Discharge of industrial effluent is a critical threat to a safe environment. Removal of various pollutants from industrial wastewater is obligatory for controlling environmental pollution. Bioremediation using biotechnological interventions has attracted greater attention among the researchers in the field of control and abatement of environmental pollution. This review is aimed to introduce methods for bioremediation on the removal of organic pollutants from industrial wastewater that have been discussed, and the kinetic models that are related to it have been introduced. In addition, biotechnological interventions on bioremediation of pollutants have been discussed fingerprinting of microbial sp. present at polluted sites. Microbial electrochemical technologies such as a green technology for the removal of pollutants from industrial effluents and simultaneous resource recovery from industrial waste have been discussed to generate up-to-date scientific literature. This review also provides detailed knowledge gaps, challenges and research perspectives related to the topic.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Shewanella putrefaciens – a new opportunistic pathogen of freshwater fish

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    In recent years, Shewanella putrefaciens, commonly known as a halophilic bacteria, has been associated with serious health disorders in freshwater fish. Therefore, it has been described as a new aetiological agent of the disease, named shewanellosis. S. putrefaciens is a heterogeneous group of microorganisms, belonging to the Alteromonadaceae family. Based on different criteria, three biovars and biogroups as well as four genomic groups have been distinguished. The first infections of S. putrefaciens in fish were reported in rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Outbreaks in farmed fish were reported in Poland for the first time in 2004. The disease causes skin disorders and haemorrhages in internal organs. It should be noted that S. putrefaciens could also be associated with different infections in humans, such as skin and tissue infections, bacteraemia, otitis. Investigations on pathogenic mechanisms of S. putrefaciens infections are very limited. Enzymatic activity, cytotoxin secretion, adhesion ability, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the presence of siderophores are potential virulence factors of S. putrefaciens. Antimicrobial resistance of S. putrefaciens is different and depends on the isolates. In general, these bacteria are sensitive to antimicrobial drugs commonly used in aquaculture

    Pomiar efektywności działalności podmiotów leczniczych. Wybrane aspekty

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    Samodzielne podmioty lecznicze są powołane do realizacji usług medycznych. Są to usługi o szczególnym znaczeniu, gdyż zdrowie jest dobrem fundamentalnym. W ocenie usług medycznych liczy się nie tylko efektywność, lecz również sprawiedliwość w ich dystrybucji i finansowaniu. Z tych powodów działalność medyczna, w odróżnieniu od wielu innych rodzajów działalności ludzkiej, silniej uzależniona jest od decyzji politycznych. Współczesne państwa ingerują w organizację i finansowanie systemu ochrony zdrowia. Sytuacja ta znacząco wpływa na efektywność funkcjonowania jednostek organizacyjnych ochrony zdrowia. Wobec powyższego w opracowaniu, na podstawie studiów literaturowych, starano się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, na ile w ocenie efektywności zarządzania podmiotami leczniczymi mogą być wykorzystane znane i powszechnie stosowane miary finansowe