457 research outputs found

    A framework for epidemic spreading in multiplex networks of metapopulations

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    We propose a theoretical framework for the study of epidemics in structured metapopulations, with heterogeneous agents, subjected to recurrent mobility patterns. We propose to represent the heterogeneity in the composition of the metapopulations as layers in a multiplex network, where nodes would correspond to geographical areas and layers account for the mobility patterns of agents of the same class. We analyze both the classical Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible and the Susceptible-Infected-Removed epidemic models within this framework, and compare macroscopic and microscopic indicators of the spreading process with extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Our results are in excellent agreement with the simulations. We also derive an exact expression of the epidemic threshold on this general framework revealing a non-trivial dependence on the mobility parameter. Finally, we use this new formalism to address the spread of diseases in real cities, specifically in the city of Medellin, Colombia, whose population is divided into six socio-economic classes, each one identified with a layer in this multiplex formalism.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The Sackur-Tetrode equation and the measure of entropy

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Tutor: Enric PérezIs it really possible to measure absolute entropy? Motivated by this question, and taking advantage of a previous article by W. Grimus on the Sackur-Tetrode equation (2011) [1], I have studied the hypotheses behind this equation and the way it can be experimentally tested with a calorimetric method. I have also analyzed data for Ne, Ar, Kr and Hg and found that they verify the ST equation, as long as the strong version of the Third Law of thermodynamics is assumed

    Las medidas alternativas a la pena de prisión en el ámbito del derecho comparado

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    Given the ongoing criticism that since decades undergo imprisonment, especially concerning the short prison sentences, there are few proposals which mainly aim to provide punitive solutions outside the prison environment. In the context of comparative law, there are several mechanisms that even have a consolidated legal support in recent years. The aim of this paper is to present a number of alternatives to imprisonment contained in the German, Austrian and Swiss criminal law, paying particular attention to the suspension of prisons sentences, community service and diversion programs

    Internet y terrorismo islamista. Aspectos criminológicos y legales

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    [ES] En una era marcada por la globalización de las comunicaciones y el uso de Internet por miles de millones de usuarios, la utilización de este medio de comunicación puede producirse con objetivos radicalmente dispares. Así, no parece descabellado relacionar el terrorismo islamista con la red global. En este trabajo se afronta el estudio de la radicalización yihadista de los jóvenes musulmanes asentados en territorio europeo y el papel que juega Internet en dicho proceso, abordando dicho análisis desde una perspectiva criminológica y jurídica.[EU] Hedabideen globalizazioaren eta milaka miloika Internet erabiltzaileen aroan, hedabide honen erabilera helburu desberdinetarako baliatu daiteke. Terrorismo islamista sare globalarekin erlazionatzea ez da zentzugabea. Idazki honetan, europako lurraldean bizi diren gazte musulmanen radikalizazio yihadistaren hausnarketa burutzen da, eta prozesu honetan internetek daukan papera, analisia ikuspegi kriminologiko eta juridiko batetik egiten delarik.[FR] À l’ère de la globalisation des communications et de l’utilisation d’Internet par des milliers d’usagers, l’utilisation de ce moyen de communication peut se produire avec des objectifs radicalement différents. Ainsi, il ne paraît pas insensé de mettre en rapport le terrorisme islamiste avec le réseau global. Dans ce travail on étude la radicalisation jihadiste des jeunes musulmans installés en territoire européen et le rôle qui joue l’Internet dans ce processus, en abordant cette analyse dans une perspective criminologique et juridique.[EN] In a period marked for the globalization of communications and the use of internet for billions of users, the utilization of this media can produce radically different goals. To link the Islamic terrorism with the global net is not crazy. We study in this work the Yihadist radicalization of the Muslim youth who live in the European land and the role of internet in this process from the juridical and criminological perspective

    Nuevas propuestas de ubicación espacial de la judería medieval de Madrid: evidencias arqueologógicas

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    The exact location of the medieval Jewish quarter in Madrid is still unknown these days, although it seems to have changed over time. The findings from the study of documentary sources, and now archaeological, give us new clues and, thanks to the findings presented here, we raise the possibility that, during the late 13th and the 15th centuries a small Jewish community had been established in the area between the Palacio Real, Almudena Cathedral, Cuesta de la Vega and Campo del Rey in Madrid.La ubicación exacta de la judería medieval de Madrid continúa a día de hoy siendo una incógnita aunque parece que fue cambiando con el tiempo. Las conclusiones derivadas del estudio de las fuentes documentales y ahora arqueológicas, nos otorgan nuevas pistas al respecto y gracias a los hallazgos que presentamos podemos plantear la posibilidad de que entre finales del siglo XIII y el siglo XV se hubiese establecido una pequeña comunidad hebrea en el espacio comprendido entre el actual Palacio Real, Catedral de la Almudena, Cuesta de la Vega y aledaños de lo que fue el Campo del Rey

    Oración fúnebre que en la solemne función cívico religiosa, celebrada... pronunció el presbítero Eugenio Paños y Quintana y la dedica á dicha ilustrísima corporación

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201