8 research outputs found

    Utilização de contrairritante no tratamento da fixação dorsal de patela intermitente em equinos: relato de casos The use of counterirritant in the treatment of upward fixation of intermittent patella in horses: case report

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    Em nove equinos atendidos por apresentarem fixação dorsal de patela intermitente, optou-se pela aplicação de 2mL de contrairritante na região subcutânea, ao longo dos ligamentos patelares medial e intermédio. No período de 12 a 48h após a aplicação, os animais apresentaram aumento de volume e de temperatura local, sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação e relutância à locomoção. Após esse período, os sinais clínicos de inflamação e fixação dorsal de patela foram gradativamente diminuindo até o sétimo dia, em sete dos nove animais avaliados. Após a remissão dos sinais de inflamação, dois animais não responderam ao tratamento, sendo necessária a repetição em um dos casos e realização de desmotomia patelar medial no outro. A aplicação de contrairritante foi eficaz na remissão do sinal clínico de fixação dorsal da patela intermitente. Comparativamente às técnicas cirúrgicas para a correção da enfermidade descritas na literatura, o tratamento promoveu melhora precoce dos sinais, curto período de convalescência e praticidade na realização.<br>Nine horses were admitted showing intermittent lameness due to upward fixation of the patella (UFP) and were injected with 2mL of counter-irritant subcutaneously, through the middle and medial patellar ligaments. From 12 to 48 hours after application, these animals showed increased volume and local temperature, painful response to palpation and reluctance to bear weight. Subsequently, the inflammatory signs were gradually decreasing until the seventh day, along with signs of UFP in seven of the nine animals. After remission of inflammatory signs, two of the nine horses did not respond to the treatment. In these two animals, one horse needed a repeated counter-irritant injection and the other received the medial patellar desmotomy. The use of counter-irritant was effective in the remission of clinical signs of UFP. In comparison with the surgical techniques described in literature used to correct this disease, the proposed treatment promoted early improvement of clinical signs, short term recovery and was easily performed

    The use of counterirritant in the treatment of upward fixation of intermittent patella in horses: case report

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    Em nove equinos atendidos por apresentarem fixação dorsal de patela intermitente, optou-se pela aplicação de 2mL de contrairritante na região subcutânea, ao longo dos ligamentos patelares medial e intermédio. No período de 12 a 48h após a aplicação, os animais apresentaram aumento de volume e de temperatura local, sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação e relutância à locomoção. Após esse período, os sinais clínicos de inflamação e fixação dorsal de patela foram gradativamente diminuindo até o sétimo dia, em sete dos nove animais avaliados. Após a remissão dos sinais de inflamação, dois animais não responderam ao tratamento, sendo necessária a repetição em um dos casos e realização de desmotomia patelar medial no outro. A aplicação de contrairritante foi eficaz na remissão do sinal clínico de fixação dorsal da patela intermitente. Comparativamente às técnicas cirúrgicas para a correção da enfermidade descritas na literatura, o tratamento promoveu melhora precoce dos sinais, curto período de convalescência e praticidade na realização.Nine horses were admitted showing intermittent lameness due to upward fixation of the patella (UFP) and were injected with 2mL of counter-irritant subcutaneously, through the middle and medial patellar ligaments. From 12 to 48 hours after application, these animals showed increased volume and local temperature, painful response to palpation and reluctance to bear weight. Subsequently, the inflammatory signs were gradually decreasing until the seventh day, along with signs of UFP in seven of the nine animals. After remission of inflammatory signs, two of the nine horses did not respond to the treatment. In these two animals, one horse needed a repeated counter-irritant injection and the other received the medial patellar desmotomy. The use of counter-irritant was effective in the remission of clinical signs of UFP. In comparison with the surgical techniques described in literature used to correct this disease, the proposed treatment promoted early improvement of clinical signs, short term recovery and was easily performed

    Mentoring today - the students views: An investigative study of pre-registration nursing students' experiences of mentoring in one theory/practice module of the Common Foundation Programme on a Project 2000 course

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    The study reported in this paper investigated the mentoring experiences and perceptions of pre-registration nursing students in one organization, on a theory/practice nursing module. It considered the extent to which students' understanding and expectations matched their actual experiences. Interviews were conducted with 35 students on a Common Foundation Programme, and 15 allocated mentors, using a semi-structured interview guide. These were done within the clinical setting of the wards on which the students were placed as part of their requirements for completion of the module. A distortion of the actual meaning of mentoring appears to be present because of the lack of clarity provided, both internally by organizations and by the English National Board (ENB) who have provided loose guidelines. The implications of this distortion are discussed. The application of a mentoring role in practice needs to be re-examined, with the provision of a clear structured guide internally and externally, with regard to the needs of students and staff who are expected to act as mentors. The study was small scale and cannot be generalized. Mentoring, however, is now widely used within pre-registration nursing education, even though it is generally considered that its use may not be appropriate. Follow-up studies need to be undertaken on an ongoing basis, to examine what actually happens in practice, and to consider ways of ensuring that the benefits for staff and students are enhanced

    Structures and Motifs Involved in Toll Signaling

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