6 research outputs found

    Leaf-level photosynthetic capacity in lowland Amazonian and high elevation, Andean tropical moist forests of Peru

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    We examined whether variations in photosynthetic capacity are linked to variations in theenvironment and/or associated leaf traits for tropical moist forests (TMFs) in the Andes/west-ern Amazon regions of Peru. We compared photosynthetic capacity (maximal rate of carboxylation of Rubisco (Vcmax),and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax)), leaf mass, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus(P) per unit leaf area (Ma,Naand Pa, respectively), and chlorophyll from 210 species at 18field sites along a 3300-m elevation gradient. Western blots were used to quantify the abun-dance of the CO₂-fixing enzyme Rubisco. Area- and N-based rates of photosynthetic capacity at 25°C were higher in upland than low-land TMFs, underpinned by greater investment of N in photosynthesis in high-elevation trees. Soil [P] and leaf Pa were key explanatory factors for models of area-based Vcmax and Jmax but did not account for variations in photosynthetic N-use efficiency. At any given Na and Pa, the fraction of N allocated to photosynthesis was higher in upland than lowland species. For a smallsubset of lowland TMF trees examined, a substantial fraction of Rubisco was inactive. These results highlight the importance of soil- and leaf-P in defining the photosyntheticcapacity of TMFs, with variations in N allocation and Rubisco activation state further influenc-ing photosynthetic rates and N-use efficiency of these critically important forests

    The Effects of Ash and Black Carbon (Biochar) on Germination of Different Tree Species

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    Forest fires generate large amounts of ash and biochar, or black carbon (BC), that cover the soil surface, interacting with the soil’s constituents and its seedbank. This study concerns reproductive ecology assessments supported by molecular characterisation to improve our understanding of the effects of fire and fire residues on the germination behaviour of 12 arboreal species with a wide geographic distribution. For this purpose, we analysed the effects of three ash and one BC concentration on the germination of Acacia dealbata Link, A. longifolia (Andrews) Willd., A. mearnsii De Wild., A. melanoxylon R. Br., Pinus nigra Arnold, P. pinaster Aiton, P. radiata D. Don, P. sylvestris L., Quercus ilex L., Q. pyrenaica Willd., Q. robur L., and Q. rubra L. Each tree species was exposed to ash and BC created from its foliage or twigs (except for Q. rubra, which was exposed to ash and BC of Ulex europaeus L.). We monitored germination percentage, the T50 parameter, and tracked the development of germination over time (up to 1 yr). The BC of A. dealbata, P. pinaster, and Q. robur was analysed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PY-GC-MS) to assess the molecular composition. In six species, ash inhibited the germination, while in another five species, germination was not affected by ash or by BC. In Q. rubra, ash and BC stimulated its germination. This stimulating effect of the BC on Q. rubra is likely to be related to the chemical composition of the ash and BC obtained from Ulex feedstock. The BC of U. europaeus has a very different molecular composition than the other BC samples analysed, which, together with other factors, probably allowed for its germination stimulating effects.This study was carried out within the Project 10MDS200007PR, financed by the Xunta de Galicia; the Project AGL2013-48189-C2-2-R, financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain; and FEDERS

    International Human Rights of Women

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    The Inter-American System of Human Rights has proven itself to be a forum for the advancement of women?s rights. From developing the first women?s rights treaty specifically designed to address violence against women, to issuing reparations that require states to prevent gender discrimination, the Inter-American System has increasingly led the way in promoting a women?s rights lens to examine international human rights law. While its efforts to uncover the causes of women?s rights violations may fall short at times, the jurisprudence emerging from the Inter-American System of Human Rights provides lessons on how, and how not to, develop women?s rights litigation. This chapter provides an overview of the regional system?s women?s rights convention (the Convention of Bel?m do Par?), highlights notable advancements in developing women?s rights in the Inter-American region, and discusses several landmark women?s rights cases recently decided by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. It concludes by looking forward to the Inter-American System?s upcoming challenges and opportunities for advancing women?s rights in the region

    The effects of ash and black carbon (biochar) on germination of different tree species

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    Forest fires generate large amounts of ash and biochar, or black carbon (BC), that cover the soil surface, interacting with the soil’s constituents and its seedbank. This study concerns reproductive ecology assessments supported by molecular characterisation to improve our understanding of the effects of fire and fire residues on the germination behaviour of 12 arboreal species with a wide geographic distribution. For this purpose, we analysed the effects of three ash and one BC concentration on the germination of Acacia dealbata Link, A. longifolia (Andrews) Willd., A. mearnsii De Wild., A. melanoxylon R. Br., Pinus nigra Arnold, P. pinaster Aiton, P. radiata D. Don, P. sylvestris L., Quercus ilex L., Q. pyrenaica Willd., Q. robur L., and Q. rubra L. Each tree species was exposed to ash and BC created from its foliage or twigs (except for Q. rubra, which was exposed to ash and BC of Ulex europaeus L.). We monitored germination percentage, the T50 parameter, and tracked the development of germination over time (up to 1 yr). The BC of A. dealbata, P. pinaster, and Q. robur was analysed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrome try (PY-GC-MS) to assess the molecular composition. In six species, ash inhibited the germination, while in another five species, germination was not affected by ash or by BC. In Q. rubra, ash and BC stimulated its germination. This stimulating effect of the BC on Q. rubra is likely to be related to the chemical composition of the ash and BC obtained from Ulex feedstock. The BC of U. europaeus has a very different molecular composition than the other BC samples analysed, which, together with other factors, probably allowed for its germination stimulating effects. © 2015, Association for Fire Ecology. All rights reserved.This study was carried out within the Project 10MDS200007PR, financed by the Xunta de Galicia; the Project AGL2013-48189-C2-2-R, financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain; and FEDER.Peer Reviewe