397 research outputs found

    The Lagrangian-space Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures

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    We introduce a Lagrangian-space Effective Field Theory (LEFT) formalism for the study of cosmological large scale structures. Unlike the previous Eulerian-space construction, it is naturally formulated as an effective field theory of extended objects in Lagrangian space. In LEFT the resulting finite size effects are described using a multipole expansion parameterized by a set of time dependent coefficients and organized in powers of the ratio of the wavenumber of interest kk over the non-linear scale kNLk_{\rm NL}. The multipoles encode the effects of the short distance modes on the long-wavelength universe and absorb UV divergences when present. There are no IR divergences in LEFT. Some of the parameters that control the perturbative approach are not assumed to be small and can be automatically resummed. We present an illustrative one-loop calculation for a power law universe. We describe the dynamics both at the level of the equations of motion and through an action formalism.Comment: 38+13 pages. 3 figures. Minor changes. Version to appear in JCA

    Trade and Labor Outcomes in Latin America's Rural Areas: A Cross-Household Surveys Approach

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    This paper explores the potential link between trade and labor outcomes in rural areas in Latin America by estimating cross household-survey regression models with microdata from 60 Latin American household surveys and country aggregate data. We find a significant positive association between labor outcomes in rural areas and some measures of international trade, in particular exports, trade as a share of GDP, and the price of exports. International trade has been associated with higher wages and labor income in rural areas, in particular for those workers located in the bottom quantiles of the conditional wage distribution. Instead, our results suggest that all individuals in rural areas benefit about the same due to higher export prices. Results for urban areas are rarely statistically significant.trade, wages, labor, rural, Latin America

    Análise técnica de visitas a cultivos em tanques-rede em diferentes regiões do Brasil.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Engenharia de Aquicultura.Grande parte da piscicultura praticada hoje no mundo ocorre em ambientes de água doce. O potencial produtivo brasileiro na aquicultura continental está relacionado principalmente ao amplo volume útil de água doce disponível nos reservatórios espalhados pelo país. Na piscicultura atual o sistema de cultivo que tem apresentando maior evolução e, consequentemente, resultados mais expressivos é o modelo intensivo de cultivo em tanques-rede. Neste contexto, foi desenvolvido um projeto P & D ANEEL pelo Laboratório de Biologia e Cultivo de Peixes de Água Doce (LAPAD – UFSC), financiado pela empresa do setor elétrico Barra Grande Energética S.A (BAESA) intitulado “Avaliação da Viabilidade Sócio-econômica e Ambiental de Cultivo de Peixes em Tanques-rede no Reservatório da UHE Barra Grande”. Este projeto teve como uma das etapas de execução o levantamento de dados referentes aos cultivos de peixes em tanques-rede realizados no Brasil. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma análise técnica das visitas realizadas nas diferentes regiões referencia no cultivo de peixes em tanques-rede. A primeira visita ocorreu em cultivos realizados no reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu Binacional, em três áreas aquícolas (AA) licenciadas para o cultivo de peixes em tanques-rede: AA Passo Chue 02, AA Rio Guabiroba e AA Passo Chue 04. Nesta região, o pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus é a espécie cultivada pelos aquicultores, mas outras espécies nativas estão sendo pesquisadas e testadas para o cultivo. A segunda visita foi aos cultivos realizados no complexo hidrelétrico de Paulo Afonso no estado da Bahia, onde foram visitados quatro locais: Associação Jovens Criadores de Peixes, Associações da Malhada Grande 2 e 3, Associação dos Trabalhadores Rurais e a Fazenda Santo Antônio da Glória. A espécie cultivada nesta região é a tilapia Oreochromis sp. da linhagem chitralada. A terceira região visitada foi o noroeste do estado de São Paulo, mais precisamente, aos cultivos realizados nos reservatórios da UHE Nova Avanhandava e UHE Ilha Solteira. No reservatório da UHE Nova Avanhandava os locais visitados estão localizados no entorno dos municípios paulistas de Zacarias e Buritama, os locais visitados no reservatório da UHE Ilha Solteira estão localizados no município paulista de Santa Fé do Sul, sendo que em ambos a espécie cultivada é a tilápia Oreochromis sp da linhagem GIFT. Dentre as regiões visitadas o sudeste do Brasil apresenta uma atividade de piscicultura em tanques-rede mais desenvolvida, local onde é possível afirmar que a cadeia produtiva da tilápia cultivada em tanques-rede está completa. Com relação a região de Paulo Afonso, esta pode ser caracterizada como uma atividade que trabalha preferencialmente na forma de associações. O Paraná esta se desenvolvendo na piscicultura de tanque-rede, tendo como base a criação de espécies nativas, tendo como principal espécie o pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus

    Precaution and protection policies of urban ecosystem in the Iblea north eastern coast of Sicily

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    According to the hypothetical urban scenarios in the future, the urban ecosystem will be the piace where the most part of people live, with a deep negative impact on the world ecosystem. So it is necessary for all the people to get better ways of life in the towns and less and less unbalanced urban space, that to say a clean, efficiency and productive place that satisfies the needs of its inhabitants. A fundamental aim to the restoration of conditions of equity in the city seems to come from the models of development of sustainable city, related to the improvement of the environment and, above all, to a plan of sustainable society. Leaving from the indications of the European urban policies and those coming from issues about European, Mediterranean and Sicilian experiences, the team of present research may suggest he better political and technological choices adapted to the governance of urban ecosystem (with particular care for the waste, he transports, the management of the water and energetic resources) of the greater Sicilian cities an above all, of those if the Eastern Sicily. They will not come finally neglected the problematic related to the monitoring activities, both in function of the control of the environmental state and that of the continue verify of environmental impact of the pursued choices. Particular attention will be turned to the preventing of the seismic risk.

    Trade as a cultural identity aspect in a city. A case study on Catania

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    In the present-day post-industrial society and in a globalised economy there is a strong tendency towards standardization and homologation. If we consider one of the most traditional urban functions - the commercial one - analysing what is happening in the centre of the cities of all the developed countries of the world, we notice a process of standardization regarding the offer, both in the sense of the single articles sold and in the sense of the commercial area in all its complexity (uniformity of the showcases for the exposure, diminution of the historical shops with sale of distinctive articles, diffusion of the branches of national and international chains and the phenomenon of franchising). Therefore, the central areas of our cities tend to be more and more alike. Obviously this is fruit of a more complex process, that is concretized in the tendency towards the diversification of the distributive network through the rapid diffusion of hypermarkets and commercial centres in the outskirts of cities and in the changed behaviour of the consumers, more and more directed to American styles of consumption. What kind of role will the more traditional commercial structures that characterize the Italian historical centres have in the future? Despite the fact that these last ones are, at the moment, under considerable pressure that pushes towards a more radical change, there is the possibility however that the particular "commercial landscape" that characterizes them could itself become a new model of development capable of promoting the urban culture, close to the functionalistic model, currently in expansion, totally directed towards the peripheral spaces. Catania is a city where we find, to a great extent, the evolutionary characteristics of the southern urban system, but in which we find even more the changes and the tendencies present in the cities of the more developed regions when processes of decentralization of economic activities, residential activities and of the social structures are outlined. The commercial patrimony of Catania, besides the cultural one, represents one of the pivots on which the identity of the city is based. It represents a resource for the development of the town and a stimulation of tourism. This research investigates the solidity and the potentialities of traditional commerce in the central areas of the city of Catania in relation to the dynamics of development of the external commercial centres.

    Nueva conducción y mayor densidad de plantación en crisanteno para corte (Dendranthema grandiflora)

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    p.131-135La incorporarción de tecnologías de manejo alternativas para incrementar la productividad en crisantemos para corte requiere una prolongada calibración de las mismas en cultivos comerciales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto del manejo cultural (conducción con y sin despunte de la yema apical) y un aumento en la densidad de plantación sobre la calidad comercial del crisantemo para corte. Las plantas conducidas a un sólo tallo mostraron la mayor acumulación de peso seco y altura de la vara floral, parámetros generalmente asociados con alta calidad comercial y prolongada vida post cosecha. La posibilidad de incrementar la densidad de plantación (de 40 a 80 plantas-m2) permitiría complementar el aumento de calidad de cada vara individual con un mayor número de tallos por unidad de área. Sin embargo, la conducción a un sólo tallo no modificó significativamente el ciclo de cultivo, lo que estaría sugiriendo la necesidad de complementar con un recambio de variedades los cambios en densidad de plantación y sistema de conducción propuestos en este trabajo

    Trade and labor outcomes in Latin America's rural areas: a cross-household surveys approach

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    Este trabajo explora la conexión entre el comercio y los resultados laborales en áreas rurales de América Latina al estimar modelos de regresión a nivel de hogar utilizando una combinación de microdatos de 60 encuestas de hogares y datos agregados. Se encuentra una asociación positiva y significativa entre los resultados laborales en áreas rurales y algunas medidas de comercio internacional, en particular: las exportaciones, el porcentaje que representa el comercio en el PBI y el precio de las exportaciones. El comercio internacional se asocia con mayores salarios e ingresos en el sector rural, especialmente para los trabajadores en los cuantiles inferiores de la distribución salarial. Sin embargo, los resultados sugieren que todos los individuos en áreas rurales se benefician de igual manera por los precios de exportación mayores. Los resultados para áreas urbanas no son estadísticamente significativos.This paper explores the potential link between trade and labor outcomes in rural areas in Latin America by estimating cross household-survey regression models with microdata from 60 Latin American household surveys and country aggregate data. We find a significant positive association between labor outcomes in rural areas and some measures of international trade, in particular exports, trade as a share of GDP, and the price of exports. International trade has been associated with higher wages and labor income in rural areas, in particular for those workers located in the bottom quantiles of the conditional wage distribution. Instead, our results suggest that all individuals in rural areas benefit about the same due to higher export prices. Results for urban areas are rarely statistically significant.Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS

    A philosophical inquiry on Artificial Intelligence

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    O objetivo deste artigo é investigar o conceito de inteligência artificial à luz da filosofia da mente contemporânea. Na primeira parte do artigo, analisaremos o argumento da Sala Chinesa de Searle e as respostas que suscitou. Na segunda parte, iremos abordar o conceito de inteligência artificial na perspectiva da relação corpo e mente.The objective of this article is to investigate the concept of artificial intelligence to the light of the contemporary philosophy of the mind. In the first part of the article, we will analyze the argument of the Chinese Room of Searle and the answers that it excited. In the second part, we will go to approach the concept of artificial intelligence in the perspective of the relation of body and mind