403 research outputs found

    The involvement of Pseudomonas putida in basidiome initiation of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus.

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    The involvement of pseudomonads In the process of basidiome initiation of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus was investigated. Pseudomonads used throughout the study were identified and Pseudomonas putida was shown to be responsible for initiating basidiome morphogenesis. The prodigious morphogenetical capabilities of a single P. putida and P. tolaasii colony was demonstrated and the production of rough colonial forms in peat casing soil was observed. Rough colonial forms of P. putida were found to be capable of promoting basidiome initiation. Cells of the rough colonial forms were better able to withstand nutrient limited conditions, were more resistant to UV light, produced greater amounts of siderophore and respired at a faster rate than the smooth colonial variants which indicates that they are stress tolerant forms. P. putida and P. tolaasii were shown to be positively attracted toward exudates of mushroom mycelium and adherence of these bacteria to hyphae was observed. Quantitative adherence studies, in conjunction with electron microscopy, revealed the ability of P. putida and P. tolaasii cells to adhere rapidly and firmly to hyphae. Differences in the chemotactic and adhesive abilities of smooth and rough colonial forms were observed. A new medium for the growth of A. bisporus was developed and a strain of A. bitorquis W19 which produces primordia in vitro, when grown in association with basidiome stimulatory pseudomonads, was used as a model system for assaying the effect of bacteria on basidiome initiation. Activated charcoal was shown to replace the effects of P. putida and fruit body initiation did not to occur in response to nutrient limitation. Non-living P. putida failed to promote basidiome initiation and iron, and Iron chelating agents did not stimulate fruiting: During the preliminary phase of the interaction between P. putida and A. bisporus, the bacterium was shown to markedly affect hyphal growth, colony morphology and the allocation of resources to the mycelium. Mutants of P. putida defective in their ability to promote basidiome initiation were produced by transposon Tn5 and UV light mutagenesis. The majority of these mutants were defective in their ability to uptake the ferric-siderophore complex implicating the involvement of iron regulated, membrane bound protein porins in the process of fruit body initiation. It is thought that the mushroom mycelium produces a 'self-Inhibitory-compound' which prevents basidiome morphogenesis until levels of this compound are reduced to below a threshold concentration. P. putida is thought facilitate this by Importing the Inhibitory substance into the cell, via the membrane bound protein porins, where it Is subsequently metabolized. A gene cloning and mapping system was developed In P. putida using RP4::mini-Mu. This plasmid was shown to promote transfer of auxotrophic markers in both homologous and heterologous matings and its potential as a gene cloning and mapping system in this organism was demonstrated

    Genetic Diversity of Andean Tuber Crop Species in the in situ Microcenter of Huanuco, Peru

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    peer reviewedAndean tuber crop species oca (Oxalis tuberosa Molina), ulluco (Ullucus tuberosus Caldas), and mashua (Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav.) play major roles in Andean communities. These species show high variability but are threatened with genetic erosion. To study the management of genetic resources of neglected vegetatively propagated crop species, we studied genetic diversity and structure of these species in an in situ diversity microcenter (Huanuco, Peru). A sample of 15 varieties of oca, 15 of ulluco, and 26 of mashua was analyzed with the inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular markers. Mean genetic distances and global genetic diversities were high for the three species, with higher values for mashua than for oca and ulluco. Assignment technique divided both oca and ulluco samples into two genetic clusters; the mashua sample probably belongs to a single genetic cluster. Inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) technique showed intravarietal genetic variability for most varieties, suggesting an underestimation of the in situ genetic variability. These results are discussed considering how variation in breeding systems and farmers' practice influenced patterns of genetic diversity. Our findings confirm the hypothesis of a considerable amount of variability found in neglected Andean tubers and are essential to deserve adequate conservation strategies and to maintain genetic resources of neglected Andean tuber crop species under a threat of genetic erosion

    Mapping Genetic Diversity of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.): Application of Spatial Analysis for Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources

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    There is a growing call for inventories that evaluate geographic patterns in diversity of plant genetic resources maintained on farm and in species' natural populations in order to enhance their use and conservation. Such evaluations are relevant for useful tropical and subtropical tree species, as many of these species are still undomesticated, or in incipient stages of domestication and local populations can offer yet-unknown traits of high value to further domestication. For many outcrossing species, such as most trees, inbreeding depression can be an issue, and genetic diversity is important to sustain local production. Diversity is also crucial for species to adapt to environmental changes. This paper explores the possibilities of incorporating molecular marker data into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to allow visualization and better understanding of spatial patterns of genetic diversity as a key input to optimize conservation and use of plant genetic resources, based on a case study of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.), a Neotropical fruit tree species. We present spatial analyses to (1) improve the understanding of spatial distribution of genetic diversity of cherimoya natural stands and cultivated trees in Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru based on microsatellite molecular markers (SSRs); and (2) formulate optimal conservation strategies by revealing priority areas for in situ conservation, and identifying existing diversity gaps in ex situ collections. We found high levels of allelic richness, locally common alleles and expected heterozygosity in cherimoya's putative centre of origin, southern Ecuador and northern Peru, whereas levels of diversity in southern Peru and especially in Bolivia were significantly lower. The application of GIS on a large microsatellite dataset allows a more detailed prioritization of areas for in situ conservation and targeted collection across the Andean distribution range of cherimoya than previous studies could do, i.e. at province and department level in Ecuador and Peru, respectively

    Triggering mechanism and tsunamogenic potential of the Cape Fear Slide complex, U.S. Atlantic margin

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 8 (2007): Q12008, doi:10.1029/2007GC001722.Analysis of new multibeam bathymetry data and seismic Chirp data acquired over the Cape Fear Slide complex on the U.S. Atlantic margin suggests that at least 5 major submarine slides have likely occurred there within the past 30,000 years, indicating that repetitive, large-scale mass wasting and associated tsunamis may be more common in this area than previously believed. Gas hydrate deposits and associated free gas as well as salt tectonics have been implicated in previous studies as triggers for the major Cape Fear slide events. Analysis of the interaction of the gas hydrate phase boundary and the various generations of slides indicates that only the most landward slide likely intersected the phase boundary and inferred high gas pressures below it. For much of the region, we believe that displacement along a newly recognized normal fault led to upward migration of salt, oversteepening of slopes, and repeated slope failures. Using new constraints on slide morphology, we develop the first tsunami model for the Cape Fear Slide complex. Our results indicate that if the most seaward Cape Fear slide event occurred today, it could produce waves in excess of 2 m at the present-day 100 m bathymetric contour.Acquisition of new data was funded by NOAA Ocean Exploration grant NA03OAR4600100 to C.R., and we thank the National Science Foundation for contributing to transit costs for the ship

    Comparative efficacy of two microdoses of a potentized homoeopathic drug, Cadmium Sulphoricum, in reducing genotoxic effects produced by cadmium chloride in mice: a time course study

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    BACKGROUND: Cadmium poisoning in the environment has assumed an alarming problem in recent years. Effective antimutagenic agents which can reverse or combat cadmium induced genotoxicity in mice have not yet been reported. Therefore, in the present study, following the homeopathic principle of "like cures like", we tested the efficacy of two potencies of a homeopathic drug, Cadmium Sulphoricum (Cad Sulph), in reducing the genotoxic effects of Cadmium chloride in mice. Another objective was to determine the relative efficacy of three administrative modes, i.e. pre-, post- and combined pre and post-feeding of the homeopathic drugs. For this, healthy mice, Mus musculus, were intraperitoneally injected with 0.008% solution of CdCl(2) @ 1 ml/100 gm of body wt (i.e. 0.8 mcg/gm of bw), and assessed for the genotoxic effects through such studies as chromosome aberrations (CA), micronucleated erythrocytes (MNE), mitotic index (MI) and sperm head anomaly (SHA), keeping suitable succussed alcohol fed (positive) and CdCl(2) untreated normal (negative) controls. The CdCl(2) treated mice were divided into 3 subgroups, which were orally administered with the drug prior to, after and both prior to and after injection of CdCl(2) at specific fixation intervals and their genotoxic effects were analyzed. RESULTS: While the CA, MNE and SHA were reduced in the drug fed series as compared to their respective controls, the MI showed an apparent increase. The combined pre- and post-feeding of Cad Sulph showed maximum reduction of the genotoxic effects. CONCLUSIONS: Both Cad Sulph-30 and 200 were able to combat cadmium induced genotoxic effects in mice and that combined pre- and post-feeding mode of administration was found to be most effective in reducing the genotoxic effect of CdCl(2) followed by the post-feeding mode

    Mistrust in marriage-Reasons why men do not accept couple HIV testing during antenatal care- a qualitative study in eastern Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A policy for couple HIV counseling and testing was introduced in 2006 in Uganda, urging pregnant women and their spouses to be HIV tested together during antenatal care (ANC). The policy aims to identify HIV-infected pregnant women to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV through prophylactic antiretroviral treatment, to provide counseling, and to link HIV-infected persons to care. However, the uptake of couple testing remains low. This study explores men's views on, and experiences of couple HIV testing during ANC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted at two time points, in 2008 and 2009, in the rural Iganga and Mayuge districts of eastern Uganda. We carried out nine focus group discussions, about 10 participants in each, and in-depth interviews with 13 men, all of whom were fathers. Data were collected in the local language, Lusoga, audio-recorded and thereafter translated and transcribed into English and analyzed using content analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Men were fully aware of the availability of couple HIV testing, but cited several barriers to their use of these services. The men perceived their marriages as unstable and distrustful, making the idea of couple testing unappealing because of the conflicts it could give rise to. Further, they did not understand why they should be tested if they did not have symptoms. Finally, the perceived stigmatizing nature of HIV care and rude attitudes among health workers at the health facilities led them to view the health facilities providing ANC as unwelcoming. The men in our study had several suggestions for how to improve the current policy: peer sensitization of men, make health facilities less stigmatizing and more male-friendly, train health workers to meet men's needs, and hold discussions between health workers and community members.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, pursuing couple HIV testing as a main avenue for making men more willing to test and support PMTCT for their wives, does not seem to work in its current form in this region. HIV services must be better adapted to local gender systems taking into account that incentives, health-seeking behavior and health system barriers differ between men and women.</p

    Investigation of the role of gas hydrates in continental slope stability west of Fiordland, New Zealand

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    Sediment weakening due to increased local pore fluid pressure is interpreted to be the cause of a submarine landslide that has been seismically imaged off the southwest coast of New Zealand. Data show a distinct and continuous bottom‐simulating reflection (BSR)—a seismic phenomena indicative of the presence of marine gas hydrate—below the continental shelf from water depths of c. 2400 m to c. 750 m, where it intersects the seafloor. Excess pore fluid pressure (EPP) generated in a free gas zone below the base of gas hydrate stability is interpreted as being a major factor in the slope's destabilisation. Representative sediment strength characteristics have been applied to limit‐equilibrium methods of slope stability analysis with respect to the Mohr‐Coulomb failure criterion to develop an understanding of the feature's sensitivity to EPP. EPP has been modelled with representative material properties (internal angle of friction, bulk soil unit weight and cohesion) to show the considerable effect it has on stability. The best estimate of average EPP being solely responsible for failure is 1700 kPa, assuming a perfectly elastic body above a pre‐defined failure surface in a static environment