2,837 research outputs found

    Translation and the Literary Text

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    In the present paper we shall focus on literary translation, on the question ofthe translation of “complex” or “secondary” texts, but with the intention of makinga contribution to the problem of translating non-literary, “simple,” “primary” textsas well. In other words, we shall examine the problem of text translation from asemiotic perspective. In fact, this study founds translation theory in sign theorydeveloping a semiotic-linguistic approach to the problem of translation in thedirection of so-called interpretation semiotics which also implies the semiotics ofsignificance. Translation concerns both simple and complex texts, which correspondrespectively to Mikhail Bakhtin’s primary and secondary texts. Simple texts concernnon literary discourse genres whilst complex texts the literary genres, where theformer are better understood in the light of the latter, and not vice versa. Thispaper also focuses on the concept of the literary text as a hypertext maintainingthat the hypertext is a methodics for translative practice. The relation between thetext and language understood as a modeling device is also important for anadequate theory of translation and sheds light on the question of translatability.Another central issue in this study is the relation between translation andintertextuality.Le présent article s’intéresse à la traduction littéraire et à la traduction destextes complexes ou secondaires, et se penche également sur les problèmes liés à latraduction des textes non littéraires, simples, ou primaires. Nous aborderons donccette problématique sous un angle sémiotique. Cette étude, en plus de révélerl’importance de la théorie de la traduction dans la théorie du signe, développe uneapproche sémiotique et linguistique au problème de traduction en matièred’interprétation sémiotique, laquelle comprend la sémiotique de la signifiance. Latraduction s’intéresse aux textes simples et complexes, lesquels correspondentrespectivement aux textes primaires et secondaires proposés par Mikhaïl Bakhtine.Les textes simples concernent le genre non littéraire, tandis que les textescomplexes sont associés au genre littéraire, qui comporte plus de difficultés que legenre précédent. Par ailleurs, cet article étudie le concept du texte littéraire entant qu’hypertexte et soutient que ce dernier est une méthode pour la pratiquetraduisante. La relation entre le texte etla langue, comprise en tant qu’agent demodélisation, est importante pour forger une théorie adéquate de la traduction.Cette relation nous éclaire également quant à la question de la traduisibilité. Larelation entre la traduction et l’intertextualité est une autre problématiquecruciale dont traite le présent article

    Due donne, un ballerino e una chitarra. Un western dei primi anni Cinquanta: Johnny Guitar

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    En este artículo se analizan los personajes principales de la película Johnny Guitar de Nicholas Ray. A través del examen de alguna escenas y diálogos, Ponzio demuestra cómo la protagonista femenina (Vienna) representa un modelo de superioridad ética que va más allá de lo humano mientras que los dos protagonistas masculinos, Johnny Guitar y Dancin'Kid, aun alejándose de los estereotipos de virilidad propios de los héroes del género western, permanecen encerrados en los límites de los valores masculinos clásicos

    Are Triptan Drugs Safe and Effective for Use in the Prevention of Menstrually Related Migraines (MRMs)?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not Triptan drugs are safe and effective for use in the prevention of menstrually related migraines (MRMs). STUDY DESIGN: Review of two English language randomized controlled trials and one pilot randomized control trial. DATA SOURCES: Randomized controlled trials comparing Triptan drugs to a placebo group were found using Medline, PubMed, and OVID. OUTCOMES MEASURED: Incidence of MRM based on patient self-report; number of relapses; patients’ subjective evaluations of effectiveness based on questionnaire; adverse effects of Triptan treatment. RESULTS: Two randomized controlled trials and one pilot study were included in this review. Oral Triptan drugs were shown to be of benefit in the prevention of menstrually related migraines (MRMs). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the randomized controlled trials reviewed demonstrate that oral Triptan drugs, given short-term, were safe and effective at preventing menstrually related migraines (MRMs). However, in one of the RCTs, some migraineurs experienced post-treatment attacks. There is not a clear explanation for these post-treatment attacks; further studies need to be conducted to allow for more flexible dosing in order to ensure that the migraineurs are being treated during their perimenstrual period (PMP).Additionally, further studies should be conducted comparing Triptan dosing schedules, dosages, duration of treatment, routes of administration as well as the efficacy of the drugs within the Triptan class in preventing MRMs

    Prototyping the new-guard portable device for radiation detection

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    A novel and efficient radiation detection algorithm fused together with a new generation detection unit will produce an effective detector to battle field radiation measurement problems and reduce field surveyor work hazards. The SPRT (Sequential Probability Ratio Test) algorithm helps increase reliability and speed of radiation detection; the new generation detector improves the detector\u27s flexibilities, applications, and functions. A prototype system of the New Generation User Adaptable Radiation Detector (New-GUARD) is developed and analyzed to determine the system feasibility of usage, development, and safety for radiation detection. Development stages include the implementation of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), building the ideal hardware components for the detection unit, and the integration of the two to form the complete New-GUARD system. The New-GUARD GUI is created using the Visual Basic .NET programming language along with the .NET Compact Framework and Windows Mobile 6 SDK for all Windows Mobile based devices. The hardware portion is implemented using a microcontroller that sends data out to the GUI via a wireless transmission medium. New-GUARD system performance metrics are provided to show real-time processing capabilities. Lastly, alternative New-GUARD hardware designs as well as a future plan to eliminate human presence entirely from radiation fields are discussed

    Deep learning at the microscope - Working towards improved microscopy image analysis with deep neural networks

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    On the Methodics of Common Speech

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    The Gift

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    From conventional to organic farming: aspects to consider

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    Main steps to convert to organic agriculture are described, starting from principles of OA as well as general concepts of sustainability. A simple road map driving the conversion is described

    Model Minority Perceptions: The Lived Experiences of Asian American Women in Collegiate Sports

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    This study examines the impact and the implications of the model minority myth in the lives of Asian American women athletes. It draws on thirteen semi-structured, in-depth interviews with women currently competing in college sports who grapple with their intersectional identities as Asian American athletes and as women. I analyze the effects of the model minority expectations through individual internalization of the myth and its associated ideologies. This study looks at the ways that they are physically perceived as female athletes and the racialized nature of sports through the objectification of their appearances. Additionally, it explores the parental influence on their participation in athletics and contradicting factors that affect their current position as Asian American student athletes. I discovered a prominent generational shift in the understanding and implementation of the model minority myth. By focusing on this specific subgroup of Asian Americans in female student athletes, I locate a tension between how they subvert and embody the model minority. This complicates our understanding of the model minority myth because of the unexplored aspects of its effects on student athletes in collegiate sports. To further previous research, the study highlights the importance of challenging hegemonic narratives and developing one’s racialized and gendered identity outside of systemic stereotypes