771 research outputs found

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Import 03/11/2016Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat úkoly a jejich řešení, se kterými jsem setkal v IT centru společnosti Stora Enso nacházející se v Ostravě, ve kterém jsem absolvoval odbornou praxi. Během této doby jsem plnil celou řadu úkolů v~oblasti reportingu a analýzy dat. Tato práce obsahuje popis vybrané skupiny problémů a jejich řešení, ať už teoretické nebo i praktické. Dále jsou zde uvedeny informace o získaných znalostech a zkušenostech.The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe tasks and their solution, which I was carrying out in IT department of company Stora Enso located in Ostrava, where I was working as Intern. My tasks were mainly connected to reporting and analysis of large amount of data. This thesis is describing some of those tasks and their solution from perspective of theory and practice. Furthermore the gained experience and knowledge are described in detail.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Assessing the Financial Efficiency of the Company AGROMORAVIA, a.s. Using Time Series Analysis

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá posouzení finanční výkonnosti podniku AGROMORAVIA, a.s. pomocí časových řad. Nejprve bude provedena finanční analýza, jejíž vstupní data jsou účetní výkazy podniku a následně statistická analýza vybraných ekonomických ukazatelů. Výsledkem finanční analýzy je současné zhodnocení finanční situace podniku. Výsledkem statistické analýzy je predikce jejich budoucího vývoje, ze kterého čerpá cenné informace, které slouží k doporučeným návrhům na zlepšení ekonomické situace firmy. První část práce je věnována teoretickým poznatkům z oblasti finanční analýzy a statistické analýzy a vysvětlení používaných metod a postupů. V druhé části je potom provedena finanční analýza a statistická analýza pomocí časových řad.This bachelor´s thesis is dealing with financial performance of a company called AGROMORAVIA, a.s. using time series. First, financial analysis will be performed, the input data are the financial statements of enterprise and statistical analysis of selected economic indicators. The result of financial analysis is to evaluate the current financial situation. The result of statistical analysis is the prediction of their future development, which draws from valuable information, which is the recommended proposals for improving the economic situation of the company. The first part is devoted to theoretical knowledge in the field of financial analysis and statistical analysis and explanation of used methods and procedures. In the second part is performed a financial analysis and a statistical analysis of company using time series analysis.

    A Tool for Testing User Interface of Web-based Applications

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je tvorba komplexního nástroje pro testování uživatelského rozhraní webových aplikací. Jeho forma bude odpovídat podobě doplňku pro prohlížeč Google Chrome. Testovací nástroje, kterých je možno používat nám dovolují otestovat v prostředí webu většinu GUI aplikací, avšak v dnešní době je mnoho komplexních webových aplikací vytvořeno v prvku HTML5 Canvas. Právě ten tvoří aspekt, jež nám dostupné nástroje nedovolují otestovat. Tato skutečnost je primárním motivem pro vytvoření nového nástroje, s jehož pomocí lze tyto aplikace otestovat.The target of this bachelor thesis is to create a complex tool for testing user interface of web applications. This tool will be available as a Google Chrome add-on. Available testing tools allow us in web test most GUI applications, but nowadays many complex web applications are created in HTML5 Canvas. It is this aspect of our available tools that we do not allow to test. This is the main motive for creating a new tool to test these applications.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Design of the hydraulic shock absorbers characteristics using the acceleration of the sprung mass

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    The force-velocity characteristics of the air-pressure-controlled shock absorbers produced in BRANO a.s. were designed on the basis of the relative deflections of the air springs. These characteristics are verified by means of another approach – the acceleration of the sprung mass criterion. The reference vehicle is the same as in the previous case – the SOR C 12 intercity bus. The bus multibody models created in the alaska simulation tool are used for the designed characteristics verification. The results of both approaches are compared

    Wheel–rail contact: experimental study of the creep forces–creepage relationships

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    The wheel–rail contact problem plays an important role in the simulation methods used to solve railway dynamics problems. As a consequence, many different mathematical models have been developed to calculate wheel–rail contact forces. However, most of them tackle this problem purely from a theoretical point of view and need to be experimentally validated. Such validation could also reveal the influence of certain parameters not taken into account in the mathematical developments. This paper presents the steps followed in building a scaled test-bench to experimentally characterise the wheel–rail contact problem. The results of the longitudinal contact force as a function of the longitudinal creepage are obtained and the divergences with respect to Kalker's simplified theory are analysed. The influence of lateral creepage, angular velocity and certain contaminants such as cutting fluid or high positive friction modifier is also discussed

    ANU Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, General Projects

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    The laboratory is playing an important role in a number of research projects. Indeed, there is a continuing and increasing need for laboratory generated research involving improvements in dating techniques, analysis, interpretation and reporting of results; parameters fundamental to the validity of dating such as environmental contamination and selection of applicable dating standards. Equally important is participation on a cooperative basis in research generated by other departments and institutions, often involving field work

    Základní model pádu regulačního orgánu v jaderných reaktorech

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    This paper is focused on the modelling and dynamic analysis of a nonlinear system representing a control assembly of the VVER 440/V213 nuclear reactor. A simple rigid body model intended for basic dynamic analyses is introduced. It contains the influences of the pressurized water and mainly the e ects of possible control assembly contacts with guiding tubes inside the reactor. Another approach based on a complex multibody model is further described and the suitability of both modelling approaches is discussed.Článek je zaměřen na modelování a dynamickou analýzu nelineárního systému, který reprezentuje regulační orgán jaderného reaktoru VVER 440/V213. Je představen jednoduchý model tuhého tělesa určený pro základní dynamické analýzy. Model zahrnuje vliv stlačené vody a zejména vliv možných kontaktů regulačního orgánu s vodicími trubkami uvnitř reaktoru. Dále je popsán jiný přístup k modelování založený na komplexním multibody modelu a je diskutována vhodnost obou přístupů k modelování

    Turn fast and win: the importance of acyclic phases in top-elite female swimmers

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of start and turn performances on race times in top-elite female swimmers and provide benchmarks for all performance levels, all swimming strokes, and all race distances of the European Short-Course Championships (EC). The individual races (n = 798) of all female competitors (age: 20.6 ± 3.9 years, FINA points: 792 ± 78) were video-monitored for subsequent analysis of start and turn performances. Benchmarks were established across all competitors of each event based on the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles. Start and turn performances contributed up to 27.43% and 56.37% to total race time, respectively. Mechanistic analysis revealed that the fastest swimmers had the lowest contribution of the acyclic phases to race time. Therefore, relative to their faster race times, these swimmers were even faster during starts and turns. Multiple linear regression analysis showed large effects of turn performance on 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 m race times (β = 0.616, 0.813, 0.988, 1.004, and 1.011, respectively), while the effect of start performance continuously decreased the longer the race distance. As turn performance may be the distinguishing factor in modern short-course races, benchmarks should be used to set goals and establish training guidelines depending on the targeted race time