240 research outputs found

    Reprogramming energy metabolism and inducing angiogenesis : co-expression of monocarboxylate transporters with VEGF family members in cervical adenocarcinomas

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    Background: Deregulation of cellular energetic metabolism was recently pointed out as a hallmark of cancer cells. This deregulation involves a metabolic reprogramming that leads to a high production of lactate. Lactate efflux, besides contributing for the glycolytic flux, also acts in the extracellular matrix, contributing for cancer malignancy, by, among other effects, induction of angiogenesis. However, studies on the interplay between cancer metabolism and angiogenesis are scarce. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the metabolic and vascular molecular profiles of cervical adenocarcinomas, their co-expression, and their relation to the clinical and pathological behavior. Methods: The immunohistochemical expression of metabolism-related proteins (MCT1, MCT4, CD147, GLUT1 and CAIX) as well as VEGF family members (VEGF-A, VEGF-C, VEGF-D, VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3) was assessed in a series of 232 cervical adenocarcinomas. The co-expression among proteins was assessed and the expression profiles were associated with patients’ clinicopathological parameters. Results: Among the metabolism-related proteins, MCT4 and CAIX were the most frequently expressed in cervical adenocarcinomas while CD147 was the less frequently expressed protein. Overall, VEGF family members showed a strong and extended expression with VEGF-C and VEGFR-2 as the most frequently expressed and VEGFR-1 as the less expressed member. Co-expression of MCT isoforms with VEGF family members was demonstrated. Finally, MCT4 was associated with parametrial invasion and HPV18 infection, CD147 and GLUT1 with distant metastasis, CAIX with tumor size and HPV18 infection, and VEGFR-1 with local and lymphnode metastasis. Conclusions: The results herein presented provide additional evidence for a crosstalk between deregulating cellular energetics and inducing angiogenesis. Also, the metabolic remodeling and angiogenic switch are relevant to cancer progression and aggressiveness in adenocarcinomas.CP received a post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/69479/2010) and FM-S received a doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BD/87139/2012) from FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). This work was supported by the FCT grant ref. PTDC/SAU-FCF/104347/2008, under the scope of "Programa Operacional Tematico Factores de Competitividade" (COMPETE) of "Quadro Comunitario de Apoio III" and co-financed by Fundo Comunitario Europeu FEDER, and also by FAPESP 2008/03232-1

    Assessment of learning curves in complex surgical interventions: a consecutive case-series study

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    Background: Surgical interventions are complex, which complicates their rigorous assessment through randomised clinical trials. An important component of complexity relates to surgeon experience and the rate at which the required level of skill is achieved, known as the learning curve. There is considerable evidence that operator performance for surgical innovations will change with increasing experience. Such learning effects complicate evaluations; the start of the trial might be delayed, resulting in loss of surgeon equipoise or, if an assessment is undertaken before performance has stabilised, the true impact of the intervention may be distorted. Methods: Formal estimation of learning parameters is necessary to characterise the learning curve, model its evolution and adjust for its presence during assessment. Current methods are either descriptive or model the learning curve through three main features: the initial skill level, the learning rate and the final skill level achieved. We introduce a fourth characterising feature, the duration of the learning period, which provides an estimate of the point at which learning has stabilised. We propose a two-phase model to estimate formally all four learning curve features. Results: We demonstrate that the two-phase model can be used to estimate the end of the learning period by incorporating a parameter for estimating the duration of learning. This is achieved by breaking down the model into a phase describing the learning period and one describing cases after the final skill level is reached, with the break point representing the length of learning. We illustrate the method using cardiac surgery data. Conclusions: This modelling extension is useful as it provides a measure of the potential cost of learning an intervention and enables statisticians to accommodate cases undertaken during the learning phase and assess the intervention after the optimal skill level is reached. The limitations of the method and implications for the optimal timing of a definitive randomised controlled trial are also discussed

    Metabolic markers in relation to hypoxia; staining patterns and colocalization of pimonidazole, HIF-1α, CAIX, LDH-5, GLUT-1, MCT1 and MCT4

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    Contains fulltext : 96097.pdf (postprint version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: The cellular response of malignant tumors to hypoxia is diverse. Several important endogenous metabolic markers are upregulated under hypoxic conditions. We examined the staining patterns and co-expression of HIF-1alpha, CAIX, LDH-5, GLUT-1, MCT1 and MCT4 with the exogenous hypoxic cell marker pimonidazole and the association of marker expression with clinicopathological characteristics. METHODS: 20 biopsies of advanced head and neck carcinomas were immunohistochemically stained and analyzed. All patients were given the hypoxia marker pimonidazole intravenously 2 h prior to biopsy taking. The tumor area positive for each marker, the colocalization of the different markers and the distribution of the markers in relation to the blood vessels were assessed by semiautomatic quantitative analysis. RESULTS: MCT1 staining was present in hypoxic (pimonidazole stained) as well as non-hypoxic areas in almost equal amounts. MCT1 expression showed a significant overall correlation (r = 0.75, p < 0.001) and strong spatial relationship with CAIX. LDH-5 showed the strongest correlation with pimonidazole (r = 0.66, p = 0.002). MCT4 and GLUT-1 demonstrated a typical diffusion-limited hypoxic pattern and showed a high degree of colocalization. Both MCT4 and CAIX showed a higher expression in the primary tumor in node positive patients (p = 0.09 both). CONCLUSIONS: Colocalization and staining patterns of metabolic and hypoxia-related proteins provides valuable additional information over single protein analyses and can improve the understanding of their functions and environmental influences

    Opposing effects of final population density and stress on Escherichia coli mutation rate

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    Evolution depends on mutations. For an individual genotype, the rate at which mutations arise is known to increase with various stressors (stress-induced mutagenesis-SIM) and decrease at high final population density (density-associated mutation-rate plasticity-DAMP). We hypothesised that these two forms of mutation-rate plasticity would have opposing effects across a nutrient gradient. Here we test this hypothesis, culturing Escherichia coli in increasingly rich media. We distinguish an increase in mutation rate with added nutrients through SIM (dependent on error-prone polymerases Pol IV and Pol V) and an opposing effect of DAMP (dependent on MutT, which removes oxidised G nucleotides). The combination of DAMP and SIM results in a mutation rate minimum at intermediate nutrient levels (which can support 7 × 10  cells ml ). These findings demonstrate a strikingly close and nuanced relationship of ecological factors-stress and population density-with mutation, the fuel of all evolution

    MCT1-mediated transport of a toxic molecule is an effective strategy for targeting glycolytic tumors

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    There is increasing evidence that oncogenic transformation modifies the metabolic program of cells. A common alteration is the upregulation of glycolysis, and efforts to target glycolytic enzymes for anticancer therapy are under way. Here, we performed a genome-wide haploid genetic screen to identify resistance mechanisms to 3-bromopyruvate (3-BrPA), a drug candidate that inhibits glycolysis in a poorly understood fashion. We identified the SLC16A1 gene product, MCT1, as the main determinant of 3-BrPA sensitivity. MCT1 is necessary and sufficient for 3-BrPA uptake by cancer cells. Additionally, SLC16A1 mRNA levels are the best predictor of 3-BrPA sensitivity and are most elevated in glycolytic cancer cells. Furthermore, forced MCT1 expression in 3-BrPA–resistant cancer cells sensitizes tumor xenografts to 3-BrPA treatment in vivo. Our results identify a potential biomarker for 3-BrPA sensitivity and provide proof of concept that the selectivity of cancer-expressed transporters can be exploited for delivering toxic molecules to tumors.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH CA103866)Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research (Fellowship)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Fellowship)Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Investigator

    Long-Term Functional Side-Effects of Stimulants and Sedatives in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Background: Small invertebrate animals, such as nematodes and fruit flies, are increasingly being used to test candidate drugs both for specific therapeutic purposes and for long-term health effects. Some of the protocols used in these experiments feature such experimental design features as lifelong virginity and very low densities. By contrast, the ability of both fruit flies and nematodes to resist stress is frequently correlated with their longevity and other functional measures, suggesting that low-stress assays are not necessarily the only useful protocol for testing the long-term effects of drugs. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report an alternative protocol for fruit fly drug-testing that maximizes reproductive opportunities and other types of interaction, with moderately high population densities. We validate this protocol using two types of experimental tests: 1. We show that this protocol detects previously well-established genetic differences between outbred fruit fly populations. 2. We show that this protocol is able to distinguish among the long-term effects of similar types of drugs within two broad categories, stimulants and tranquilizers. Conclusions: Large-scale fly drug testing can be conducted using mixed-sex high-density cage assays. We find that the commonly-used stimulants caffeine and theobromine differ dramatically in their chronic functional effects, theobromine being more benign. Likewise, we find that two generic pharmaceutical tranquilizers, lithium carbonate and valproic acid, differ dramatically in their chronic effects, lithium being more benign. However, these findings do not necessarily apply t

    Effects of APOE, APOB and LDLR variants on serum lipids and lack of association with xanthelasma in individuals from Southeastern Brazil

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    Xanthelasma might be a clinical manifestation of dyslipidemia, a recognized risk factor for coronary artery disease. We investigated the association of apolipoprotein E (APOE HhaI), apolipoprotein B (APOB XbaI and Ins/Del) and LDL receptor (LDLR AvaII and HincII) gene polymorphisms with lipid profiles in 100 Brazilians with xanthelasma and 100 controls. Allele frequencies were similar in both groups. APOE, APOB and LDLR genotypes were not correlated with differences in the serum lipid profile. In individuals with xanthelasma, the APOB D allele was associated with less chance of having increased LDL-cholesterol (O.R. = 0.16, CI95% = 0.03-0.94, p = 0.042). In the control group, the APOB X+ allele was associated with less chance of having both increased total cholesterol (O.R. = 0.16, CI95% = 0.03-0.78, p = 0.023) and increased LDL-cholesterol (O.R. = 0.10, CI95% = 0.02-0.60, p = 0.012). Moreover, there was a significantly higher frequency of control individuals (68%) with elevated serum triglyceride levels, compared to patients (48%, p = 0.008). On the other hand, triglyceride levels in controls also seemed to be influenced by all other gene polymorphisms studied, an effect that might be enhanced by environmental factors
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