241 research outputs found

    Between Hope and Despair is Resolve: Remembering Roger Simon

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    The traditional understanding of abstract does not apply in this case. This article is a memoir written in honour of the late Roger Simon. The work seeks to honour both Roger Simon and his body of work

    A Portrait of Bill Doll 

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    Introduction to A Common Countenance

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    The Curricular Crisis of Technology: Complexities and Practicalities

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    Mentor\u27s Introduction

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    Notes on a Blue Guitar

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    Aesthetic education is … integral to any educational enterprise. -- Maxine Greene (2001, p. 139) For twenty years Maxine Greene delivered lectures at the Lincoln Institute for the Arts in Education. They are collected in Variations on a Blue Guitar (2001). Working from these, I sound notes of my own, variations on Greene’s conception of aesthetic education. As indicated in the epigraph, that conception extends to education generally. Understanding art (whether as performance or object) as event and as simultaneously continuous and disjunctive with everyday experience, Greene envisions aesthetic education as engendering subjective and social reconstruction

    Para a noção de transformação curricular

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    Neste artigo é evidenciada a relação entre currículo e conhecimento, abordando-se o conhecimento escolar na sua seleção, organização e transformação, a partir de uma revisão do conceito de transposição didática e da proposição dos conceitos de transformação curricular e transformação didática. Qualquer debate sobre o currículo exige a dilucidação do conhecimento e uma reflexão sobre os seus diversos significados, sobretudo quando a educação se torna num projeto amplo de questionamento da realidade social. Para além de várias questões colocadas acerca do conhecimento escolar e do modo como a sua organização pode ser realizada, procura-se centrar o debate numa reflexão sobre as fronteiras entre conhecimentos e esclarecer que, sobre essa temática, jamais poderão existir respostas fechadas.This article highlights the link between curriculum and knowledge, the approach of school knowledge’s selection, organization and transformation is based on a revision of the concept of didactic transposition and on the proposal of the concepts of curriculum and didactic transformation. Debates on curriculum demand an explanation and a reflection on the multiple meanings of knowledge mainly when education aims to be a broad project to contest social reality. It aims to focus the discussion on a reflection regarding the borders between knowledges and to show that in this subject there are never closed answers.Dans cet article est mis en évidence le rapport entre le curriculum et la connaissance, en abordant la connaissance scolaire dans sa sélection, son organisation et sa transformation à partir d’une révision du concept de transposition didactique et de la proposition des concepts de transformation du curriculum et de transformation didactique. Toute discussion sur le curriculum exige la dilucidation de la connaissance et une réflexion sur ses plusieurs signifiés, surtout quand l’éducation devient un projet plus large de mise en question de la réalité sociale. Au delà des plusieurs questions posées autour de la connaissance scolaire et de la manière comme son organisation peut être réalisée, on cherche á fixer le débat dans une réflexion sur les frontières entre connaissances et éclaircir que, sur cette thématique jamais ne pourront exister des réponses absolues.En este trabajo se pone en evidencia la relación entre el currículum y el conocimiento, abordándose el conocimiento escolar en su selección, organización y transformación desde una revisión del concepto de transposición didáctica y de la proposición de los conceptos de transformación curricular y transformación didáctica. Cualquier discusión sobre el currículum requiere la aclaración del conocimiento y una reflexión sobre sus diversos significados, especialmente cuando la educación se convierte en un proyecto más amplio de cuestionamiento de la realidad social. Además de varias preguntas sobre el conocimiento escolar y el modo en el que su organización puede tener lugar, se intenta centrar el debate en una reflexión sobre las fronteras entre conocimientos y aclarar que en esta temática jamás podrán existir respuestas cerradas.(undefined

    Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures

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    Human activity causes vibrations that propagate into the ground as high-frequency seismic waves. Measures to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread changes in human activity, leading to a months-long reduction in seismic noise of up to 50%. The 2020 seismic noise quiet period is the longest and most prominent global anthropogenic seismic noise reduction on record. While the reduction is strongest at surface seismometers in populated areas, this seismic quiescence extends for many kilometers radially and hundreds of meters in depth. This provides an opportunity to detect subtle signals from subsurface seismic sources that would have been concealed in noisier times and to benchmark sources of anthropogenic noise. A strong correlation between seismic noise and independent measurements of human mobility suggests that seismology provides an absolute, real-time estimate of population dynamics