1,086 research outputs found

    Estudo numérico de ondas monocromáticas em duas praias e sobre um recife artificial multifuncional na Baía do Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES.

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    Ondas propagando-se em direção à costa sofrem importantes transformações, que são de fundamental importância para o entendimento das mudanças da linha de costa e dos processos que ocorrem nas proximidades da linha de costa. Os modelos numéricos são instrumentos utilizados por engenheiros e oceanógrafos como um método de estudos desses processos dentro de uma pequena margem de erro. Neste trabalho de pesquisa são realizadas simulações numéricas para avaliar dois tipos de interação onda-corpo. No primeiro caso foram consideradas ondas monocromáticas incidentes interagindo com uma região costeira complexa e no segundo caso ondas interagindo com um recife artificial multifuncional. A região costeira escolhida é a Curva da Jurema e o recife artificial multifuncional é colocado em um trecho da praia de Camburi, ambas as regiões estão localizadas na Baia do Espírito Santo e vêm sofrendo processos de erosão. As simulações foram realizadas usando o modelo numérico FUNWAVE 2.0, fundamentado nas equações do tipo Boussinesq de Wei et al. (1995). A grade computacional não-uniforme utilizada tem comprimento típico de 5m para a região da Curva da Jurema e de 1m para a região do Recife Artificial. Na região da Curva da Jurema os resultados de simulações de ondas incidentes do quadrante de Nordeste e de Sudeste mostraram que as amplitudes das ondas são quase que totalmente dissipadas dentro do embaiamento e se aproxima de zero junto à praia. Os processos de refração, de difração e de reflexão da onda incidente com a profundidade e os contornos da costa são evidenciados, no campo de onda, e estes podem ser responsáveis pelo aparecimento de um super-harmônico no espectro de onda proveniente de Sudeste. Em um trecho de praia de Camburi, onde foi colocado o recife artificial, as ondas de Nordeste e de Sudeste incidem perpendicularmente a praia. Sem o recife, o comportamento das ondas neste domínio se mostrou influenciado pelos gradientes batimétricos, gerando fluxos de retorno e grande concentração de energia próxima à linha de costa. Com instalação do recife artificial multifuncional verifico-se uma diminuição da intensidade de energia de onda na linha de costa. O recife foi projetado com uma declividade e ângulos internos propícios para geração de ondas surfáveis. Os resultados das simulações realizadas com a inclusão do recife mostraram que as ondas que se propagam sobre recife são intensificadas em altura até quebrarem, a uma distância de aproximadamente 200m da linha de costa. Ao quebrarem, as ondas se propagam em direção a linha de costa com uma energia menor que aquela sem o recife. Assim, os resultados das simulações numéricas realizadas com o modelo de ondas FUNWAVE mostraram que o modelo é capaz de reproduzir os principais processos que ocorrem em regiões costeiras podendo ser usando como ferramenta para o gerenciamento costeiro

    Strengths and weaknesses of different italian fish indices under the water framework directive guidelines

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    The ISECI (or F index) has been the first fish index to be recommended by the Italian Ministry of the Environment to assess the rivers ecological status with regard to fish communities, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 EC. In addition to ISECI, other fish indices have been developed such as the Forneris Ichthyic Index (I.I.) and a revised version of ISECI, the so-called NISECI. The latter is nowadays the reference Italian index in the framework of the Water Framework Directive. In this work, we analyzed 30 sampling sites along 18 watercourses in Northern Italy and computed the results of fish monitoring to evaluate the strength of ISECI and NISECI, as well as to assess weak points limiting their application. We detected several issues that undermine the ISECI effectiveness. The weakest point regarded the mismatch between the expected reference fish community and the sampled ones, which decreased the overall algorithm efficiency in the evaluation process. On the other hand, the results confirm the improvements introduced by NISECI. Although with some advancement, all three proposed indices revealed their weaknesses in the overall assessment of the ecological status of the water course, as also highlighted by a pioneering comparison with three expert-based blind judgements

    Low-protein diets in CKD: how can we achieve them? A narrative, pragmatic review

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    Low-protein diets (LPDs) have encountered various fortunes, and several questions remain open. No single study, including the famous Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, was conclusive and even if systematic reviews are in favour of protein restriction, at least in non-diabetic adults, implementation is lagging. LPDs are considered difficult, malnutrition is a threat and compliance is poor. LPDs have been reappraised in this era of reconsideration of dialysis indications and timing. The definition of a normal-adequate protein diet has shifted in the overall population from 1 to 1.2 to 0.8 g/kg/day. Vegan-vegetarian diets are increasingly widespread, thus setting the groundwork for easier integration of moderate protein restriction in Chronic Kidney Disease. There are four main moderately restricted LPDs (0.6 g/kg/day). Two of them require careful planning of quantity and quality of food: a â € traditionalâ €™ one, with mixed proteins that works on the quantity and quality of food and a vegan one, which integrates grains and legumes. Two further options may be seen as a way to simplify LPDs while being on the safe side for malnutrition: adding supplements of essential amino and keto acids (various doses) allows an easier shift from omnivorous to vegan diets, while protein-free food intake allows for an increase in calories. Very-low-protein diets (vLPDs: 0.3 g/kg/day) combine both approaches and usually require higher doses of supplements. Moderately restricted LPDs may be adapted to virtually any cuisine and should be tailored to the patients' preferences, while vLPDs usually require trained, compliant patients; a broader offer of diet options may lead to more widespread use of LPDs, without competition among the various schemas

    Dental implants with anti-biofilm properties: A pilot study for developing a new sericin-based coating

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    Aim: several strategies have been tested in recent years to prevent bacterial colonization of dental implants. Sericin, one of the two main silk proteins, possesses relevant biological activities and also literature reports about its potential antibacterial properties, but results are discordant and not yet definitive. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different experimental protocols in order to obtain a sericin-based coating on medical grade titanium (Ti) able to reduce microbial adhesion to the dental implant surface. Materials and Methods: different strategies for covalent bonding of sericin to Ti were pursued throughout a multi-step procedure on Ti-6Al-4V disks. The surface of grade 5 Ti was initially immersed in NaOH solution to obtain the exposure of functional -OH groups. Two different silanization strategies were then tested using aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES). Eventually, the bonding between silanized Ti-6Al-4V and sericin was obtained with two different crosslinking processes: glutaraldehyde (GLU) or carbodiimide/N-Hydroxy-succinimide (EDC/NHS). Micro-morphological and compositional analyses were performed on the samples at each intermediate step to assess the most effective coating strategy able to optimize the silanization and bioconjugation processes. Microbiological tests on the coated Ti-6Al-4V disks were conducted in vitro using a standard biofilm producer strain of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) to quantify the inhibition of microbial biofilm formation (anti-biofilm efficacy) at 24 hours. Results: both silanization techniques resulted in a significant increase of silicon (Si) on the Ti-6Al-4V surfaces etched with NaOH. Differences were found between GLU and EDC/NHS bioconjugation strategies in terms of composition, surface micro-morphology and anti-biofilm efficacy. Ti-6Al-4V samples coated with GLU-bound sericin after silanization obtained via vapor phase deposition proved that this technique is the most convenient and effective coating strategy, resulting in a bacterial inhibition of about 53% in respect to the uncoated Ti-6Al-4V disks. Conclusions: The coating with glutaraldehyde-bound sericin after silanization in the vapor phase showed promising bacterial inhibition values with a significant reduction of S. aureus biofilm. Further studies including higher number of replicates and more peri-implant-relevant microorganisms are needed to evaluate the applicability of this experimental protocol to dental implants. View Full-Tex

    Psychosocial empowerment-based interventions for smoking reduction: concepts, measures and outcomes. A systematic review

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    Although empowerment is a widely used concept in health-related areas, its definition remains unclear. While there is evidence for the effectiveness of empowerment interventions in improving some psychosocial factors linked to health (e.g. patient self-care strategy, coping skills, access and effective use of health services) and some health outcomes like mental health and HIV/AIDS-related behaviour, other data appear to contradict this. Moreover, concepts, measures, and outcomes related to empowerment are operationalized in different ways. Using the case of tobacco control programmes, we wanted to explore: (a) how research on smoking reduction/prevention has conceptualized empowerment; (b) which measures and instruments have been used to assess behaviour outcomes and the empowerment process. We hypothesized that the transformative potential that characterizes empowerment is marginally considered. A total of 18 studies reporting on the effect of prevention interventions on smoking and/or empowerment outcomes were reviewed. Two kinds of study were distinguished: (a) studies reporting behaviour outcomes without data about the impact on empowerment; (b) studies analysing the empowerment process. Among this latter type, some studies did not provide information about the specific behaviour (smoking), while others examined the impact of intervention on both smoking and empowerment. In about half of all studies, empowerment strategies were found to be effective in improving smoking outcomes, while no differences were found between intervention and control groups in the remaining studies. The present review suggests that pragmatic definitions of empowerment need to be developed in order to promote its transferability and evaluation

    Two-way multi-lane traffic model for pedestrians in corridors

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    We extend the Aw-Rascle macroscopic model of car traffic into a two-way multi-lane model of pedestrian traffic. Within this model, we propose a technique for the handling of the congestion constraint, i.e. the fact that the pedestrian density cannot exceed a maximal density corresponding to contact between pedestrians. In a first step, we propose a singularly perturbed pressure relation which models the fact that the pedestrian velocity is considerably reduced, if not blocked, at congestion. In a second step, we carry over the singular limit into the model and show that abrupt transitions between compressible flow (in the uncongested regions) to incompressible flow (in congested regions) occur. We also investigate the hyperbolicity of the two-way models and show that they can lose their hyperbolicity in some cases. We study a diffusive correction of these models and discuss the characteristic time and length scales of the instability

    Endophytic fungi community in eremanthus erythropappus tree from anthropogenic and natural areas of Minas Gerais.

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    It is know that many plants live in symbiosis with microorganisms that can be found on their interior, the endophytes. Environment and tissue type are modulating factors of this community, in which most of these microorganisms produce important antimicrobial molecules and they may be powerful biocontrol agents in agriculture. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the community of Endophytic fungi from Eremanthus erythropappus in anthropogenic and natural areas (with human interaction, natural habitat and planned planting) of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, through cultivation-based approach and verify their antimicrobial activity against phytopathogenic fungal and pathogenic bacteria. The endophytic fungi isolated were identified by sequencing of the ITS region and subjected an in vitro antagonism test. The antagonisms that show antibiosis were submitted to tests on split plates to verify the volatile compound production. In the pairing testes, the endophytic fungi of the genera Cryptosporiopsis, Diaporthe, Xylaria, Paraconiothyrium and Camarosporium presented antibiosis against phytopathogenic fungi by releasing compounds in the medium. To our knowledge, this paper is the first report on the isolation of twelve genera fungi in E. erythropappus besides verifying their antagonist capacity, which opens the way for discovery of bioactive substances produced by endophytic fungi that inhibit pathogens

    Inhibition of Sphingolipid Synthesis as a Phenotype-Modifying Therapy in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease associated with a variety of mutations affecting the CFTR gene. A deletion of phenylalanine 508 (F508) affects more than 70% of patients and results in unfolded proteins accumulation, originating a proteinopathy responsible for inflammation, impaired trafficking, altered metabolism, cholesterol and lipids accumulation, impaired autophagy at the cellular level. Lung inflammation has been extensively related to the accumulation of the lipotoxin ceramide. We recently proved that inhibition of ceramide synthesis by Myriocin reduces inflammation and ameliorates the defence response against pathogens infection, which is downregulated in CF. Here, we aim at demonstrating the mechanisms of Myriocin therapeutic effects in Cystic Fibrosis broncho-epithelial cells