14 research outputs found

    Who are the visitors of the art museums: Particularities of the publics of the weekends at the Art Museum of Tigre (Argentina)

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    Saber quiénes son sus visitantes es una de las principales tareas de los museos en la actualidad, en la medida en que fluctúan entre ajustarse a las imposiciones del sistema capitalista y convertirse en instituciones democráticas y participativas. No obstante, este aspecto resulta aun más dificultoso en los museos de arte, en virtud de los atributos particulares de su estructura y actores. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo aproximar algunos criterios que permitan conocer quiénes son los visitantes de los museos de arte creados en Argentina desde el inicio del nuevo milenio. Dada la magnitud del desafío, se procura, con el foco puesto en un caso particular, trazar algunos lineamientos sostenidos en los enfoques teórico-críticos aplicados a la museología y en los estudios de públicos. En cuanto a lo metodológico, se recurrió a un estudio de visitantes que apeló a orientaciones cuantitativas y cualitativas, realizado en el Museo de Arte de Tigre durante 2017, centrado en los públicos del fin de semana. Se considera que, al indagar los rasgos singulares de esta entidad patrimonial, pueden identificarse algunos indicios que permitan comenzar a trazar un perfil, tanto general como específico, de los visitantes de los museos de arte.Knowing who its visitors are is one of the main tasks of museums today, as they fluctuate between conforming to the impositions of the capitalist system and becoming democratic and participatory institutions. However, this aspect is even more difficult in the arts museums because of the particular attributes of their structure and its diverse actors. The present work has as main object to bring near some criteria that may allow to know who are the visitors of the art museums in Argentina since the beginning of the new millennium. Given the extent of the challenge, we’ll try, focusing in a particular case, draw some guidelines sustained in the theorical-critical approaches applied to museology and studies of the publics. In terms of methodology, a visitor study was carried out at the Tigre Art Museum in 2017, using both quantitative and qualitative guidelines, focusing on weekend audiences. It is considered that, when we question the singularities of this entity, there are some indications that a general and specific profile of visitors to art museums can begin to be identified.Saber quem são seus visitantes é uma das principais tarefas dos museus na atualidade, na medida em que flutuam entre amoldar-se às imposições do sistema capitalista e converter-se em instituições democráticas e participativas. Não obstante, este aspecto resulta ainda mais dificultoso nos museus de arte, devido aos atributos particulares de sua estrutura e atores. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aproximar alguns critérios que permitam conhecer quem são os visitantes dos museus de arte criados na Argentina desde o início do novo milênio. Dada a magnitude do desafio, e com o foco posto em um caso particular, buscou-se traçar alguns lineamentos sustentados nos enfoques teórico-críticos aplicados à museologia e nos estudos de públicos. Quanto à metodologia, a pesquisa teve como base um estudo de visitantes que apelou a orientações quantitativas e qualitativas, realizado no Museu de Arte de Tigre durante o ano de 2017, focado nos públicos de fim de semana. Considera-se que, ao indagarmos os traços singulares desta entidade, podem ser identificados alguns indícios que permitam começar a esboçar um perfil, tanto geral quanto específico, dos visitantes dos museus de arte.Fil: Panozzo Zenere, Alejandra Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales. Instituto de Investigaciones. Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin

    A novel thermoeconomic analysis under dynamic operating conditions for space heating and cooling systems

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    Thermoeconomic analysis allows for a deep understanding of the cost formation process within an energy system, providing insights into the possible routes for improvement. Several thermoeconomic approaches are well-established for application in systems with steady operating conditions, such as power plants, while a limited number of applications to air-conditioning systems in buildings have been proposed, due to the difficulties in dealing with very irregular load profiles and unsteady plant operating conditions. This study investigates the potential of Thermoeconomics as a support for decision making in building energy systems, proving its capability to identify trade-offs between cost fractions related to capital investment and efficiency. The proposed approach to thermoeconomic analysis of dynamic systems introduces some methodological novelties, such as the use of a preliminary dynamic simulation to calculate “averaged energy flows” on an arbitrary time basis and the adoption of a flexible superstructure, capable to reflect the different operating conditions throughout the year. That is then applied to a school dwelling, supplied with space heating and cooling and a mechanical ventilation Air Handling Unit. The sources of irreversibility are evaluated and the main targets for improvement are identified, calculating the trends of exergetic, exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental costs on a monthly basis

    Reconciling depressed Ca2+ sparks occurrence with enhanced RyR2 activity in failing mice cardiomyocytes

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    Abnormalities in cardiomyocyte Ca2+ handling contribute to impaired contractile function in heart failure (HF). Experiments on single ryanodine receptors (RyRs) incorporated into lipid bilayers have indicated that RyRs from failing hearts are more active than those from healthy hearts. Here, we analyzed spontaneous Ca2+ sparks (brief, localized increased in [Ca2+](i)) to evaluate RyR cluster activity in situ in a mouse post-myocardial infarction (PMI) model of HF. The cardiac ejection fraction of PMI mice was reduced to. 30% of that of sham-operated (sham) mice, and their cardiomyocytes were hypertrophied. The [Ca2+](i) transient amplitude and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ load were decreased in intact PMI cardiomyocytes compared with those from sham mice, and spontaneous Ca2+ sparks were less frequent, whereas the fractional release and the frequency of Ca2+ waves were both increased, suggesting higher RyR activity. In permeabilized cardiomyocytes, in which the internal solution can be controlled, Ca2+ sparks were more frequent in PMI cells (under conditions of similar SR Ca2+ load), confirming the enhanced RyR activity. However, in intact cells from PMI mice, the Ca2+ sparks frequency normalized by the SR Ca2+ load in that cell were reduced compared with those in sham mice, indicating that the cytosolic environment in intact cells contributes to the decrease in Ca2+ spark frequency. Indeed, using an internal "failing solution" with less ATP (as found in HF), we observed a dramatic decrease in Ca2+ spark frequency in permeabilized PMI and sham myocytes. In conclusion, our data show that, even if isolated RyR channels show more activity in HF, concomitant alterations in intracellular media composition and SR Ca2+ load may mask these effects at the Ca2+ spark level in intact cells. Nonetheless, in this scenario, the probability of arrhythmogenic Ca2+ waves is enhanced, and they play a potential role in the increase in arrhythmia events in HF patients