77 research outputs found

    On the Nature of the Phase Transition in SU(N), Sp(2) and E(7) Yang-Mills theory

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    We study the nature of the confinement phase transition in d=3+1 dimensions in various non-abelian gauge theories with the approach put forward in [1]. We compute an order-parameter potential associated with the Polyakov loop from the knowledge of full 2-point correlation functions. For SU(N) with N=3,...,12 and Sp(2) we find a first-order phase transition in agreement with general expectations. Moreover our study suggests that the phase transition in E(7) Yang-Mills theory also is of first order. We find that it is weaker than for SU(N). We show that this can be understood in terms of the eigenvalue distribution of the order parameter potential close to the phase transition.Comment: 15 page

    Vacuum Energy Density in the Quantum Yang - Mills Theory

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    Using the effective potential approach for composite operators, we have formulated a general method of calculation of the truly non-perturbative Yang-Mills vacuum energy density (this is, by definition, the Bag constant apart from the sign). It is the main dynamical characteristic of the QCD ground state. Our method allows one to make it free of the perturbative contributions ('contaminations'), by construction. We also perform an actual numerical calculation of the Bag constant for the confining effective charge. Its choice uniquely defines the Bag constant, which becomes free of all the types of the perturbative contributions now, as well as possessing many other desirable properties as colorless, gauge independence, etc. Using further the trace anomaly relation, we develop a general formalism which makes it possible to relate the Bag constant to the gluon condensate not using the weak coupling solution for the corresponding ÎČ\beta function. Our numerical result for the Bag constant shows a good agreement with other phenomenological estimates of the gluon condensate.Comment: 28 pages and 4 figures, typos corrected, added new appendices and new references in comparison with the published versio

    Effect of the intermediate velocity emissions on the quasi-projectile properties for the Ar+Ni system at 95 A.MeV

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    The quasi-projectile (QP) properties are investigated in the Ar+Ni collisions at 95 A.MeV taking into account the intermediate velocity emission. Indeed, in this reaction, between 52 and 95 A.MeV bombarding energies, the number of particles emitted in the intermediate velocity region is related to the overlap volume between projectile and target. Mean transverse energies of these particles are found particularly high. In this context, the mass of the QP decreases linearly with the impact parameter from peripheral to central collisions whereas its excitation energy increases up to 8 A.MeV. These results are compared to previous analyses assuming a pure binary scenario

    Scaling laws near the conformal window of many-flavor QCD

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    We derive universal scaling laws for physical observables such as the critical temperature, the chiral condensate, and the pion decay constant as a function of the flavor number near the conformal window of many-flavor QCD in the chiral limit. We argue on general grounds that the associated critical exponents are all interrelated and can be determined from the critical exponent of the running gauge coupling at the Caswell-Banks-Zaks infrared fixed point. We illustrate our findings with the aid of nonperturbative functional Renormalization Group (RG) calculations and low-energy QCD models.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, references added and discussion expanded (matches JHEP version

    The Infrared Behaviour of the Pure Yang-Mills Green Functions

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    We review the infrared properties of the pure Yang-Mills correlators and discuss recent results concerning the two classes of low-momentum solutions for them reported in literature; i.e. decoupling and scaling solutions. We will mainly focuss on the Landau gauge and pay special attention to the results inferred from the analysis of the Dyson-Schwinger equations of the theory and from "{\it quenched}" lattice QCD. The results obtained from properly interplaying both approaches are strongly emphasized.Comment: Final version to be published in FBS (54 pgs., 11 figs., 4 tabs

    A single evolutionary innovation drives the deep evolution of symbiotic N<sub>2</sub>-fixation in angiosperms

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    Symbiotic associations occur in every habitat on earth, but we know very little about their evolutionary histories. Current models of trait evolution cannot adequately reconstruct the deep history of symbiotic innovation, because they assume homogenous evolutionary processes across millions of years. Here we use a recently developed, heterogeneous and quantitative phylogenetic framework to study the origin of the symbiosis between angiosperms and nitrogen-fixing (N2) bacterial symbionts housed in nodules. We compile the largest database of global nodulating plant species and reconstruct the symbiosis’ evolution. We identify a single, cryptic evolutionary innovation driving symbiotic N2-fixation evolution, followed by multiple gains and losses of the symbiosis, and the subsequent emergence of ‘stable fixers’ (clades extremely unlikely to lose the symbiosis). Originating over 100 MYA, this innovation suggests deep homology in symbiotic N2-fixation. Identifying cryptic innovations on the tree of life is key to understanding the evolution of complex traits, including symbiotic partnerships
