345 research outputs found

    Northern Hemisphere atmospheric pattern enhancing Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events during the past 1000 years

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    High-resolution climate model simulations for the last millennium were used to elucidate the main winter Northern Hemisphere atmospheric pattern during enhanced Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT-type) events, a situation in which an additional overturning cell is detected in the Mediterranean at the Aegean Sea. The differential upward heat flux between the Aegean Basin and the Gulf of Lion was taken as a proxy of EMT-type events and correlated with winter mean geopotential height at 500 mbar in the Northern Hemisphere (20-90 degrees N and 100 degrees W-80 degrees E). Correlations revealed a pattern similar to the East Atlantic/Western Russian (EA/WR) mode as the main driver of EMT-type events, with the past 1000 years of EA/WR-like mode simulations being enhanced during insolation minima. Our model results are consistent with alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions that documented an increase in the west-east basin gradients during EMT-type events

    Potential and Actual Terrestrial Rabies Exposures in People and Domestic Animals, Upstate South Carolina, 1994–2004: A Surveillance Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although there has been a reduction of rabies in pets and domestic animals during recent decades in the United States, rabies remains enzootic among bats and several species of terrestrial wildlife. Spillover transmission of wildlife rabies to domestic animals therefore remains a public health threat</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective analysis of surveillance data of reported animal incidents (bites, scratches, mucous membrane contacts) from South Carolina, 1995 to 2003, was performed to assess risk factors of potential rabies exposures among human and animal victims.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Dogs and cats contributed the majority (66.7% and 26.4%, respectively) of all reported incidents, with stray dogs and cats contributing 9.0% and 15.1 respectively. Current rabies vaccination status of dogs and cats (40.2% and 13.8%, respectively) were below World Health Organization recommended levels. Owned cats were half as likely to be vaccinated for rabies as dogs (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.48, 0.58). Animal victims were primarily exposed to wildlife (83.0%), of which 27.5% were rabid. Almost 90% of confirmed rabies exposures were due to wildlife. Skunks had the highest prevalence of rabies among species of exposure animals (63.2%). Among rabid domestic animals, stray cats were the most commonly reported (47.4%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While the majority of reported potential rabies exposures are associated with dog and cat incidents, most rabies exposures derive from rabid wildlife. Stray cats were most frequently rabid among domestic animals. Our results underscore the need for improvement of wildlife rabies control and the reduction of interactions of domestic animals, including cats, with wildlife.</p

    Long-term changes in habitat and trophic level of Southern Ocean squid in relation to environmental conditions

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    Long-term studies of pelagic nekton in the Southern Ocean and their responses to ongoing environmental change are rare. Using stable isotope ratios measured in squid beaks recovered from diet samples of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans, we assessed decadal variation (from 1976 to 2016) in the habitat (ή13C) and trophic level (ή15N) of five important Southern Ocean squid species in relation to indices of environmental conditions—Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Based on ή13C values, corrected for the Suess effect, habitat had changed over the last 50 years for Taonius sp. B (Voss), Gonatus antarcticus, Galiteuthis glacialis and Histioteuthis atlantica but not Moroteuthopsis longimana. By comparison, mean ή15N values were similar across decades for all five species, suggesting minimal changes in trophic levels. Both SAM and SOI have increased in strength and frequency over the study period but, of the five species, only in Taonius sp. B (Voss) did these indices correlate with, ή13C and ή15N values, indicating direct relationships between environmental conditions, habitat and trophic level. The five cephalopod species therefore changed their habitats with changing environmental conditions over the last 50 years but maintained similar trophic levels. Hence, cephalopods are likely to remain important prey for top predators in Southern Ocean food webs, despite ongoing climate change

    Determinants in early life for asthma development

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    A reliable screening test in newborns for the subsequent development of bronchial asthma (BA) has not been found yet. This is mainly due to the complexity of BA, being made up by different types and underlying mechanisms. In different studies, a number of risk factors for BA have been identified. These include a positive family history of BA, passive smoking (also during pregnancy), prematurity (including pulmonary infections, RDS and BPD), early viral respiratory infections (such as RSV-bronchiolitis), male gender, early lung function abnormalities and atopic constitution. The major risk factor for persistent BA is an underlying allergic constitution. Therefore, early symptoms and markers of allergy (i.e. The Allergic March) and a positive family history for allergy should be considered as important risk factors for the development of BA

    The Cosmological Constant

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    This is a review of the physics and cosmology of the cosmological constant. Focusing on recent developments, I present a pedagogical overview of cosmology in the presence of a cosmological constant, observational constraints on its magnitude, and the physics of a small (and potentially nonzero) vacuum energy.Comment: 50 pages. Submitted to Living Reviews in Relativity (http://www.livingreviews.org/), December 199

    Pyronaridine-Artesunate versus Chloroquine in Patients with Acute Plasmodium vivax Malaria: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Non-Inferiority Trial

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    BACKGROUND: New antimalarials are needed for P. vivax and P. falciparum malaria. This study compared the efficacy and safety of pyronaridine-artesunate with that of chloroquine for the treatment of uncomplicated P. vivax malaria. METHODS AND FINDINGS: This phase III randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority trial included five centers across Cambodia, Thailand, India, and Indonesia. In a double-dummy design, patients (aged >3-≀ 60 years) with microscopically confirmed P. vivax mono-infection were randomized (1:1) to receive pyronaridine-artesunate (target dose 7.2:2.4 mg/kg to 13.8:4.6 mg/kg) or chloroquine (standard dose) once daily for three days. Each treatment group included 228 randomized patients. Outcomes for the primary endpoint, Day-14 cure rate in the per-protocol population, were 99.5%, (217/218; 95%CI 97.5, 100) with pyronaridine-artesunate and 100% (209/209; 95%CI 98.3, 100) with chloroquine. Pyronaridine was non-inferior to chloroquine: treatment difference -0.5% (95%CI -2.6, 1.4), i.e., the lower limit of the 2-sided 95%CI for the treatment difference was greater than -10%. Pyronaridine-artesunate cure rates were non-inferior to chloroquine for Days 21, 28, 35 and 42. Parasite clearance time was shorter with pyronaridine-artesunate (median 23.0 h) versus chloroquine (32.0 h; p<0.0001), as was fever clearance time (median 15.9 h and 23.8 h, respectively; p = 0.0017). Kaplan-Meier estimates of post-baseline P. falciparum infection incidence until Day 42 were 2.5% with pyronaridine-artesunate, 6.1% with chloroquine (p = 0.048, log-rank test). Post-baseline P. vivax or P. falciparum infection incidence until Day 42 was 6.8% and 12.4%, respectively (p = 0.022, log rank test). There were no deaths. Adverse events occurred in 92/228 (40.4%) patients with pyronaridine-artesunate and 72/228 (31.6%) with chloroquine. Mild and transient increases in hepatic enzymes were observed for pyronaridine-artesunate. CONCLUSION: Pyronaridine-artesunate efficacy in acute uncomplicated P. vivax malaria was at least that of chloroquine. As pyronaridine-artesunate is also efficacious against P. falciparum malaria, this combination has potential utility as a global antimalarial drug. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00440999

    Surface Plasmon Resonance Reveals a Different Pattern of Proinsulin Autoantibodies Concentration and Affinity in Diabetic Patients

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is characterized by autoimmune aggression against pancreatic beta cells resulting in absolute deficiency of insulin secretion. The first detectable sign of emerging autoimmunity during the preclinical asymptomatic period is the appearance of diabetes-related autoantibodies. In children at risk for type 1 DM, high-affinity Insulin autoantibodies reactive to proinsulin, are associated with diabetes risk. Autoantibodies are usually measured by radioligand binding assay (RBA) that provides quasi-quantitative values reflecting potency (product between concentration and affinity) of specific autoantibodies. Aiming to improve the characterization of the specific humoral immune response, we selected surface plasmon resonance (SPR) as an alternative method to measure proinsulin autoantibodies (PAA). This novel technology has allowed real time detection of antibodies interaction and kinetic analysis. Herein, we have employed SPR to characterize the PAA present in sera from 28 childhood-onset (mean age 8.31±4.20) and 23 adult-onset diabetic patients (≄65 years old, BMI<30) in terms of concentration and affinity. When evaluating comparatively samples from both groups, childhood-onset diabetic patients presented lower PAA concentrations and higher affinities (median 67.12×10−9 M and 3.50×107 M−1, respectively) than the adults (median 167.4×10−9 M and 0.84×107 M−1, respectively). These results are consistent with those from the reference method RBA (Standard Deviation score median 9.49 for childhood-onset group and 5.04 for adult-onset group) where the binding can be directly related to the intrinsic affinity of the antibody, suggesting that there is a different etiopathogenic pathway between both types of clinical presentation of the disease. This technology has shown to be a useful tool for the characterization of PAAs parameters as an alternative to radioimmunoassay, with high versatility and reproducibility associated to low occupational and environmental risk. However, this technology is not eligible for routine marker screening, but this is a powerful technique for a fine description of the thermodynamic parameters of antigen-antibody interaction

    Spatiotemporal variation of the epifaunal assemblages associated to Sargassum muticum on the NW Atlantic coast of Morocco

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    Epifaunal assemblages inhabiting the non-indigenous macroalga Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt were investigated on two physically distinct intertidal rocky (S1) and sandy (S2) sites along the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The objective of this study was to test whether the habitat-forming marine alga S. muticum invasive in these sites supported different epifaunal assemblages under different environmental conditions and through time. The gastropods Steromphala umbilicalis, S. pennanti, and Rissoa parva and the isopod Dynamene bidentata were the most contributive species to the dissimilarity of epifaunal assemblage structure between both sites throughout seasons. SIMPER analysis showed a dissimilarity of 58.3-78.5% in the associated species composition of S. muticum between study sites with respect to sampling season. Species diversity and total abundance were significantly higher at the rocky site compared to the sandy site. PERMANOVA analyses showed significant differences of associated epifaunal assemblage structure for the season and site interaction. Accordingly, site and season were determinant factors conditioning the role of habitat in structuring epifaunal assemblages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sequential Isotopic Signature Along Gladius Highlights Contrasted Individual Foraging Strategies of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas)

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    International audienceBackground: Cephalopods play a major role in marine ecosystems, but knowledge of their feeding ecology is limited. In particular, intra- and inter-individual variations in their use of resources has not been adequatly explored, although there is growing evidence that individual organisms can vary considerably in the way they use their habitats and resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using d13C and d15N values of serially sampled gladius (an archival tissue), we examined high resolution variations in the trophic niche of five large (.60 cm mantle length) jumbo squids (Dosidicus gigas) that were collected off the coast of Peru. We report the first evidence of large inter-individual differences in jumbo squid foraging strategies with no systematic increase of trophic level with size. Overall, gladius d13C values indicated one or several migrations through the squid's lifetime (,8-9 months), during which d15N values also fluctuated (range: 1 to 5%). One individual showed an unexpected terminal 4.6% d15N decrease (more than one trophic level), thus indicating a shift from higher- to lower-trophic level prey at that time. The data illustrate the high diversity of prey types and foraging histories of this species at the individual level. Conclusions/Significance: The isotopic signature of gladii proved to be a powerful tool to depict high resolution and ontogenic variations in individual foraging strategies of squids, thus complementing traditional information offered by stomach content analysis and stable isotopes on metabolically active tissues. The observed differences in life history strategies highlight the high degree of plasticity of the jumbo squid and its high potential to adapt to environmental changes

    Imaging spectroscopy predicts variable distance decay across contrasting Amazonian tree communities

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    1. The forests of Amazonia are among the most biodiverse on Earth, yet accurately quantifying how species composition varies through space (i.e., beta‐diversity) remains a significant challenge. Here, we use high‐fidelity airborne imaging spectroscopy from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory to quantify a key component of beta‐diversity, the distance decay in species similarity through space, across three landscapes in Northern Peru. We then compared our derived distance decay relationships to theoretical expectations obtained from a Poisson Cluster Process, known to match well with empirical distance decay relationships at local scales. 2. We used an unsupervised machine learning approach to estimate spatial turnover in species composition from the imaging spectroscopy data. We first validated this approach across two landscapes using an independent dataset of forest composition in 49 forest census plots (0.1–1.5 ha). We then applied our approach to three landscapes, which together represented terra firme clay forest, seasonally flooded forest and white‐sand forest. We finally used our approach to quantify landscape‐scale distance decay relationships and compared these with theoretical distance decay relationships derived from a Poisson Cluster Process. 3. We found a significant correlation of similarity metrics between spectral data and forest plot data, suggesting that beta‐diversity within and among forest types can be accurately estimated from airborne spectroscopic data using our unsupervised approach. We also found that estimated distance decay in species similarity varied among forest types, with seasonally flooded forests showing stronger distance decay than white‐sand and terra firme forests. Finally, we demonstrated that distance decay relationships derived from the theoretical Poisson Cluster Process compare poorly with our empirical relationships. 4. Synthesis. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of using high‐fidelity imaging spectroscopy to estimate beta‐diversity and continuous distance decay in lowland tropical forests. Furthermore, our findings suggest that distance decay relationships vary substantially among forest types, which has important implications for conserving these valuable ecosystems. Finally, we demonstrate that a theoretical Poisson Cluster Process poorly predicts distance decay in species similarity as conspecific aggregation occurs across a range of nested scales within larger landscapes
