1,734 research outputs found

    Stringy instanton corrections to N=2 gauge couplings

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    We discuss a string model where a conformal four-dimensional N=2 gauge theory receives corrections to its gauge kinetic functions from "stringy" instantons. These contributions are explicitly evaluated by exploiting the localization properties of the integral over the stringy instanton moduli space. The model we consider corresponds to a setup with D7/D3-branes in type I' theory compactified on T4/Z2 x T2, and possesses a perturbatively computable heterotic dual. In the heteoric side the corrections to the quadratic gauge couplings are provided by a 1-loop threshold computation and, under the duality map, match precisely the first few stringy instanton effects in the type I' setup. This agreement represents a very non-trivial test of our approach to the exotic instanton calculus.Comment: 63 pages, 5 figures. V2: final version with minor corrections published on JHEP05(2010)10

    Un-oriented Quiver Theories for Majorana Neutrons

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    In the context of un-oriented open string theories, we identify quivers whereby a Majorana mass for the neutron is indirectly generated by exotic instantons. We discuss two classes of (Susy) Standard Model like quivers, depending on the embedding of SU(2)_W in the Chan-Paton group. In both cases, the main mechanism involves a vector-like pair mixing through a non-perturbative mass term. We also discuss possible relations between the phenomenology of Neutron-Antineutron oscillations and LHC physics in these models. In particular, a vector-like pair of color-triplet scalars or color-triplet fermions could be directly detected at LHC, compatibly with n-\bar{n} limits. Finally we briefly comment on Pati-Salam extensions of our models.Comment: More comments on phenomenology and fluxes, Re-discussion of SM-quivers compatible with n-cycles conditions Version accepted by JHE

    Non-perturbative Vacuum Destabilization and D-brane Dynamics

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    We analyze the process of string vacuum destabilization due to instanton induced superpotential couplings which depend linearly on charged fields. These non-perturbative instabilities result in potentials for the D-brane moduli and lead to processes of D-brane recombination, motion and partial moduli stabilization at the non-perturbative vacuum. By using techniques of D-brane instanton calculus, we explicitly compute this scalar potential in toroidal orbifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes by summing over the possible discrete instanton configurations. We illustrate explicitly the resulting dynamics in globally consistent models. These instabilities can have phenomenological applications to breaking hidden sector gauge groups, open string moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking. Our results suggest that breaking supersymmetry by Polonyi-like models in string theory is more difficult than expected.Comment: 61 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables; Minor corrections, version published in JHE

    Holomorphic variables in magnetized brane models with continuous Wilson lines

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    We analyze the action of the target-space modular group in toroidal type IIB orientifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes and continuous Wilson lines. The transformation of matter fields agree with that of twisted fields in heterotic compactifications, constituting a check of type I/heterotic duality. We identify the holomorphic N = 1 variables for these compactifications. Matter fields and closed string moduli are both redefined by open string moduli. The redefinition of matter fields can be read directly from the perturbative Yukawa couplings, whereas closed string moduli redefinitions are obtained from D-brane instanton superpotential couplings. The resulting expressions reproduce and generalize, in the presence of internal magnetic fields, previous results in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; v2: conventions for Wilson lines changed, major simplifications in expressions, discussions extended, typos corrected, some references adde

    Graphene Saturable Absorbers at Terahertz Frequency from Liquid Phase Exfoliation of Graphite

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    © 2018 OSA. We report on the development of terahertz (THz) saturable-absorbers exploiting printable graphene inks. The achieved 80% transparency modulation at 3.5 THz makes these devices potential candidates as passive components for THz solid-state lasers.EPSR

    Broad-band X-ray spectral analysis of the Seyfert 1 galaxy GRS 1734-292

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    We discuss the broad-band X-ray spectrum of GRS 1734−292 obtained from non-simultaneous XMM–Newton and NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array) observations, performed in 2009 and 2014, respectively. GRS1734−292 is a Seyfert 1 galaxy, located near the Galactic plane at z = 0.0214. The NuSTAR spectrum (3–80 keV) is dominated by a primary power-law continuum with Γ = 1.65 ± 0.05 and a high-energy cut-off Ec=53+11−8 keV, one of the lowest measured by NuSTAR in a Seyfert galaxy. Comptonization models show a temperature of the coronal plasma of kTe=11.9+1.2−0.9 keV and an optical depth, assuming a slab geometry, τ=2.98+0.16−0.19 or a similar temperature and τ=6.7+0.3−0.4 assuming a spherical geometry. The 2009 XMM–Newton spectrum is well described by a flatter intrinsic continuum (⁠Γ=1.47+0.07−0.03⁠) and one absorption line due to Fe XXV Kα produced by a warm absorber. Both data sets show a modest iron Kα emission line at 6.4 keV and the associated Compton reflection, due to reprocessing from neutral circumnuclear material

    Stringy instanton effects in N=2 gauge theories

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    We study the non-perturbative effects induced by stringy instantons on N=2 SU}(N) gauge theories in four dimensions, realized on fractional D3 branes in a C^3/Z_3 orientifold. The stringy instantons, corresponding to D(-1) branes that occupy a node of the orientifold quiver diagram where no D3 brane is present, have the right content of zero-modes to produce non-perturbative terms in the four-dimensional effective action. In the SU(2) theory these terms have the same structure for all instanton numbers and yield a series of non-perturbative corrections to the prepotential. We explicitly compute these corrections up to instanton number k=5 using localization methods.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, PdfLaTe

    Fluxes and Warping for Gauge Couplings in F-theory

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    We compute flux-dependent corrections in the four-dimensional F-theory effective action using the M-theory dual description. In M-theory the 7-brane fluxes are encoded by four-form flux and modify the background geometry and Kaluza-Klein reduction ansatz. In particular, the flux sources a warp factor which also depends on the torus directions of the compactification fourfold. This dependence is crucial in the derivation of the four-dimensional action, although the torus fiber is auxiliary in F-theory. In M-theory the 7-branes are described by an infinite array of Taub-NUT spaces. We use the explicit metric on this geometry to derive the locally corrected warp factor and M-theory three-from as closed expressions. We focus on contributions to the 7-brane gauge coupling function from this M-theory back-reaction and show that terms quadratic in the internal seven-brane flux are induced. The real part of the gauge coupling function is modified by the M-theory warp factor while the imaginary part is corrected due to a modified M-theory three-form potential. The obtained contributions match the known weak string coupling result, but also yield additional terms suppressed at weak coupling. This shows that the completion of the M-theory reduction opens the way to compute various corrections in a genuine F-theory setting away from the weak string coupling limit.Comment: 46 page

    Heterotic T-folds with a small number of neutral moduli

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    We discuss non-geometric supersymmetric heterotic string models in D=4, in the framework of the free fermionic construction. We perform a systematic scan of models with four a priori left-right asymmetric Z_2 projections and shifts. We analyze some 2^{20} models, identifying 18 inequivalent classes and addressing variants generated by discrete torsions. They do not contain geometrical or trivial neutral moduli, apart from the dilaton. However, we show the existence of flat directions in the form of exactly marginal deformations and identify patterns of symmetry breaking where product gauge groups, realized at level one, are broken to their diagonal at higher level. We also describe an "inverse Gepner map" from Heterotic to Type II models that could be used, in certain non geometric settings, to define "effective" topological invariants.Comment: 37 page

    Semi-natural habitats support biological control, pollination and soil conservation in Europe:A review

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    Semi-natural habitats are integral to most agricultural areas and have the potential to support ecosystem services, especially biological control and pollination by supplying resources for the invertebrates providing these services and for soil conservation by preventing erosion and run-off. Some habitats are supported through agri-environment scheme funding in the European Union, but their value for ecosystem service delivery has been questioned. An improved understanding of previous research approaches and outcomes will contribute to the development of more sustainable farming systems, improve experimental designs and highlight knowledge gaps especially for funders and researchers. Here we compiled a systematic map to allow for the first time a review of the quantity of evidence collected in Europe that semi-natural habitats support biological control, pollination and soil conservation. A literature search selected 2252 publications, and, following review, 270 met the inclusion criteria and were entered into the database. Most publications were of pest control (143 publications) with less on pollination (78 publications) or soil-related aspects (31). For pest control and pollination, most publications reported a positive effect of semi-natural habitats. There were weaknesses in the evidence base though because of bias in study location and the crops, whilst metrics (e.g. yield) valued by end users were seldom measured. Hedgerows, woodland and grassland were the most heavily investigated semi-natural habitats, and the wider landscape composition was often considered. Study designs varied considerably yet only 24% included controls or involved manipulation of semi-natural habitats. Service providers were commonly measured and used as a surrogate for ecosystem service delivery. Key messages for policymakers and funders are that they should encourage research that includes more metrics required by end users, be prepared to fund longer-term studies (61% were of only 1-year duration) and investigate the role of soils within semi-natural habitats in delivering ecosystem services