931 research outputs found

    Team Theory and Person-by-Person Optimization with Binary Decisions.

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    In this paper, we extend the notion of person-by-person (pbp) optimization to binary decision spaces. The novelty of our approach is the adaptation to a dynamic team context of notions borrowed from the pseudo-boolean optimization field as completely local-global or unimodal functions and submodularity. We also generalize the concept of pbp optimization to the case where groups of mm decisions makers make joint decisions sequentially, which we refer to as mmbmm optimization. The main contribution is a description of sufficient conditions, verifiable in polynomial time, under which a pbp or an mmbmm optimization algorithm converges to the team-optimum. As a second contribution, we present a local and greedy algorithm characterized by approximate decision strategies (i.e., strategies based on a local state vector) that return the same decisions as in the complete information framework (where strategies are based on full state vector). As a last contribution, we also show that there exists a subclass of submodular team problems, recognizable in polynomial time, for which the pbp optimization converges for at least an opportune initialization of the algorithm

    Quantized Dissensus in Networks of Agents subject to Death and Duplication

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    Dissensus is a modeling framework for networks of dynamic agents in competition for scarce resources. Originally inspired by biological cells behaviors, it fits also marketing, finance and many other application areas. Competition is often unstable in the sense that strong agents, those having access to large resources, gain more and more resources at the expense of weak agents. Thus, strong agents duplicate when reaching a critical amount of resources, whereas weak agents die when loosing all their resources. To capture all these phenomena we introduce systems with a discrete time gossip and unstable state dynamics interrupted by discrete events affecting the network topology. Invariancy of states and topologies and network connectivity are explored

    Non-linear protocols for optimal distributed consensus in networks of dynamic agents.

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    We consider stationary consensus protocols for networks of dynamic agents with fixed topologies. At each time instant, each agent knows only its and its neighbors’ state, but must reach consensus on a group decision value that is function of all the agents’ initial state. We show that the agents can reach consensus if the value of such a function is time-invariant when computed over the agents’ state trajectories. We use this basic result to introduce a non-linear protocol design rule allowing consensus on a quite general set of values. Such a set includes, e.g., any generalized mean of order p of the agents’ initial states. As a second contribution we show that our protocol design is the solution of individual optimizations performed by the agents. This notion suggests a game theoretic interpretation of consensus problems as mechanism design problems. Under this perspective a supervisor entails the agents to reach a consensus by imposing individual objectives. We prove that such objectives can be chosen so that rational agents have a unique optimal protocol, and asymptotically reach consensus on a desired group decision value. We use a Lyapunov approach to prove that the asymptotical consensus can be reached when the communication links between nearby agents define a time-invariant undirected network. Finally we perform a simulation study concerning the vertical alignment maneuver of a team of unmanned air vehicles

    Relationship between molecular connectivity and carcinogenic activity: a confirmation with a new software program based on graph theory.

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    For a database of 826 chemicals tested for carcinogenicity, we fragmented the structural formula of the chemicals into all possible contiguous-atom fragments with size between two and eight (nonhydrogen) atoms. The fragmentation was obtained using a new software program based on graph theory. We used 80% of the chemicals as a training set and 20% as a test set. The two sets were obtained by random sorting. From the training sets, an average (8 computer runs with independently sorted chemicals) of 315 different fragments were significantly (p < 0.125) associated with carcinogenicity or lack thereof. Even using this relatively low level of statistical significance, 23% of the molecules of the test sets lacked significant fragments. For 77% of the molecules of the test sets, we used the presence of significant fragments to predict carcinogenicity. The average level of accuracy of the predictions in the test sets was 67.5%. Chemicals containing only positive fragments were predicted with an accuracy of 78.7%. The level of accuracy was around 60% for chemicals characterized by contradictory fragments or only negative fragments. In a parallel manner, we performed eight paired runs in which carcinogenicity was attributed randomly to the molecules of the training sets. The fragments generated by these pseudo-training sets were devoid of any predictivity in the corresponding test sets. Using an independent software program, we confirmed (for the complex biological endpoint of carcinogenicity) the validity of a structure-activity relationship approach of the type proposed by Klopman and Rosenkranz with their CASE program

    A highly-collimated SiO jet in the HH212 protostellar outflow

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    We mapped the HH212 Class 0 outflow in SiO(2--1, 5--4) and continuum using the PdBI in its extended configurations. The unprecedented angular resolution (down to 0.34") allows accurate comparison with a new, deep H2 image obtained at the VLT. The SiO emission is confined to a highly-collimated bipolar jet (width 0.35") along the outflow axis. The jet can be traced down to within 500 AU of the protostar, in a region that is heavily obscured in H2 images. Where both species are detected, SiO shows the same overall kinematics and structure as H2, indicating that both molecules are tracing the same material. We find that the high-velocity SiO gas near the protostar is not tracing a wide-angle wind but is already confined to a flow inside a narrow cone of half-opening angle < 6 deg.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter, in pres

    Neuro-dynamic programming for cooperative inventory control

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    In Multi-Retailer Inventory Control the possibility of sharing set up costs motivates communication and coordination among the retailers. We solve the problem of finding suboptimal distributed reordering policies which minimize set up, ordering, storage and shortage costs, incurred by the retailers over a finite horizon. Neuro-Dynamic Programming (NDP) reduces the computational complexity of the solution algorithm from exponential to polynomial on the number of retailers

    Dissensus, death and division

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    The modeling of switching systems describing networks where death and duplication processes occur is described. A dissensus protocol, complementary to consensus protocol, is introduced and the convergence or divergence of the agents' state evolution is studied. We discuss some properties of the topology reached by the network when different rules of duplication and inheritance are implemented. © 2009 AACC

    Multiple UAV cooperative path planning via neuro-dynamic programming

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    In this paper, a team of n Unmanned Air-Vehicles (UAVs) in cooperative path planning is given the task of reaching the assigned target while i) avoiding threat zones ii) synchronizing minimum time arrivals on the target, and iii) ensuring arrivals coming from different directions. We highlight three main contributions. First we develop a novel hybrid model and suit it to the problem at hand. Second, we design consensus protocols for the management of information. Third, we synthesize local predictive controllers through a distributed, scalable and suboptimal neuro-dynamic programming (NDP) algorithm

    Hazardous Materials Transportation: a Literature Review and an Annotated Bibliography

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    The hazardous materials transportation poses risks to life, health, property, and the environment due to the possibility of an unintentional release. We present a bibliographic survey on this argument paying particular attention to the road transportation. We attempt to encompass both theoretical and application oriented works. Research on this topic is spread over the broad spectrum of computer science and the literature has an operations research and quantitative risk assessment focus. The models present in the literature vary from simple risk equations to set of differential equations. In discussing the literature, we present and compare the underlying assumptions, the model specifications and the derived results. We use the previous perspectives to critically cluster the papers in the literature into a classification scheme
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