1,946 research outputs found

    O uso ritual da ayahuasca

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    Book review of O uso ritual da ayahuasca. Beatriz Caiuby Labate & Wladimyr Sena Araújo (editors). Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil): Mercado das Letras / FAPESP, 2002. 686 pp. ISBN 85 85725-91-5

    On-line assessment of comprehension processes

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    In this paper we describe a new version of a former paper-and-pencil standardized comprehension test called Test of Comprehension Processes (Vidal-Abarca, Gilabert, Martínez, & Sellés, 2007). The new version has been adapted to a computer-based environment based on the moving window technique. It can be used to assess comprehension strategies of students from fifth to tenth grades (11 to 16 years old). Comprehension strategies are registered on-line using reading times and visits to relevant sections of the text during the question-answering process. Data show that the computerbased version draws similar results to those provided by the paper-and-pencil version. In addition, we identify the particular strategies deployed during the question-answering process by high, medium and low [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    CarbonNanotubesConjugatedwithTriazole-BasedTetrathiafulvalene-TypeReceptorsfor C60Recognition

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    Fullerene receptors prepared by a twofold CuI -catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction with -extended tetrathiafulvalene (exTTF) have been covalently linked to singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). The nanoconjugates obtained were characterized by several analytical, spectroscopic and microscopic techniques (TEM, FTIR, Raman, TGA and XPS), and evaluated as C60 receptors by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The complexation between the exTTF-triazole receptor in the free state and C60 was also studied by UV-Vis and 1 H NMR titrations, and compared with analogous triazole-based tweezer-type receptors containing the electron-acceptor 11,11,12,12-tetracyano-9,10-anthraquinodimethane (TCAQ) and benzene rings instead of exTTF motifs, providing in all cases very similar values for the association constant (log Ka 3.0‒3.1). Theoretical density functional theory (DFT) calculations demonstrated that the enhanced interaction between the host and the guest upon increasing the size of the -conjugated arms of the tweezer is compensated by an increase in the energy penalty needed to distort the geometry of the host to wrap C60

    Manejo de las crisis glucémicas en pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus: Guía de Práctica Clínica basada en evidencia, Lima - Perú.: Management of glycemic crises in adult patients with diabetes mellitus: Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline, Lima - Peru.

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    The manuscript summarizes the process of elaboration of the Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) for the management of glycemic crises in adult patients with diabetes mellitus of the AUNA Clinic Network. A multidisciplinary team of medical assistants and methodologists carried out the development of the CPG and then there was an external review by a specialist in the field. The Elaboration Group of the CPG (GEG) concluded on 10 PICO questions. A systematic search for CPG, systematic reviews and primary studies was carried out to answer these PICO questions.  To make recommendations we used the "GRADE-Adolopment" methodology and the guidelines of the national regulations. Ten recommendations were made (nine strong and one weak), 18 points of good clinical practice and two flowcharts for management (one for diagnosis and the other for the treatment of glycemic crises), 04 consensus tables on management and 01 table for surveillance and monitoring. The topics covered by the recommendations for the management of glycemic crises were hyperglycemic crises (glycosylated hemoglobin evaluation; b-hydroxybutyrate evaluation; insulin, potassium, 0.9% sodium chloride, phosphorus, sodium bicarbonate treatments) and hypoglycemic crises (carbohydrate administration, monitoring, educational program to avoid reentry)El artículo resume el proceso de elaboración de la Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) para el manejo de las crisis glucémicas en pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus de la Red de Clínicas AUNA. El proceso de elaboración se llevó a cabo con la participación de un equipo multidisciplinario de médicos asistenciales, metodólogos y un revisor externo (un especialista con dominio en la metodología y el tema). La priorización de preguntas PICO fue realizada por el Grupo Elaborador de la GPC (GEG) luego de lo cual se concluyó en trabajar 10 preguntas PICO. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de GPC, revisiones sistemáticas y estudios primarios. Se utilizó la metodología “GRADE-Adolopment” y los lineamientos de la normativa nacional para la formulación de recomendaciones. Se formularon 10 recomendaciones (nueve fuertes y una débil), 18 puntos de buena práctica clínica, dos flujogramas para el manejo (uno para el diagnóstico y el otro para el tratamiento de crisis glucémicas), cinco (05) tablas resumen sobre el manejo y una (01) tabla para la vigilancia y seguimiento. Los temas que abarcaron las recomendaciones para el manejo de las crisis glucémicas fueron: crisis hiperglucémicas (evaluación de hemoglobina glucosilada; evaluación de b-hidroxibutirato; tratamiento con insulina, potasio, cloruro de sodio 0.9%, fósforo, bicarbonato de sodio) y crisis hipoglucémicas (administración de carbohidratos, monitoreo, programa educativo para evitar el reingreso)


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    The aim of this research was the food offered at school among the Mbya Guarani who live in Cotinha Isle, Parana coast, and its target was to develop and apply adequate methodological instruments for a better understanding of the circumstances in which the National Program of School Nutrition (PNAE) is run among the Indian peoples. Thus, the ethnography of school food of the Mbya community was carried out aiming to refine and improve the understanding of the nutrition at school implications in their daily lives.Esta pesquisa teve por objeto a alimentação escolar entre os Mbya Guarani que vivem na Ilha da Cotinha, litoral do Paraná, e foi orientada segundo o objetivo de desenvolver e aplicar instrumentos metodológicos adequados para um melhor conhecimento das circunstâncias nas quais o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) é executado em contextos de populações indígenas. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma etnografia da alimentação escolar procurando refinar e aprimorar a compreensão das implicações da alimentação escolar no cotidiano da comunidade Mbya

    Calculation of the carrying capacity and multi-criteria tourist reception capacity for the El Encenillo biological reserve, Guasca-Cundinamarca, Colombia

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal realizar una comparación entre dos metodologías para calcular el número máximo de visitantes que pueden ingresar diariamente a un área natural en donde se realiza turismo, para establecer las fortalezas y debilidades de cada una. Como caso de estudio se seleccionó la reserva Biológica El Encenillo ubicada en el municipio de Guasca, departamento de Cundinamarca – Colombia. Las metodologías utilizadas fueron la Capacidad De Carga Turística (CCT), ampliamente utilizada, pero que en la actualidad ha ido cayendo en desuso y se le tacha de subjetiva y el Cálculo de Acogida Turística Multicriterio – CATUM, que sigue un método basado en la ponderación de los factores de corrección mediante el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (Analytic Hierarchy Process - AHP), aplicado en 3 niveles de consulta: Sui validatio, Scientatis validatio y Societatis validatio, como mecanismo para reducir la subjetividad.The main objective of this research is to carry out a comparison between two methodologies to calculate the maximum daily number of visitors that can enter a natural area where tourism is carried out, to establish the strengths and weaknesses of each of them. The biological reserve El Encenillo was selected as a case study. It is located in the municipality of Guasca, department of Cundinamarca - Colombia. The methodologies used were the Tourist Carrying Capacity (CCT), which was formerly widely used, but has now fallen into disuse and is considered to be subjective, and the Multi-criteria Tourism Hosting Calculation, which follows a method based on the weighting of correction factors through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), applied at 3 levels of consultation: Sui validatio, Scientatis validatio and Societatis validatio, as a mechanism to reduce subjectivity

    Guía de Práctica Clínica para el Manejo del Dolor en pacientes Oncológicos de una Red de Clínicas Privadas, Lima - Perú

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    Background: The article summarizes the process of elaboration of the Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) for the management of cancer patients. The elaboration process was carried out with the participation of a multidisciplinary team of assisting physicians, methodologists and various external reviewers (specialists with mastery in the methodology and the subject). The prioritization of PICO questions was carried out by the GPC Elaboration Group (GEG), after which 05 PICO questions were concluded. To answer the questions, a systematic search of CPGs, systematic reviews and primary studies was carried out. The “GRADE” methodology and the guidelines of national regulations were used to formulate recommendations. Twelve recommendations were made (ten strong and two weak), 5 points of good clinical practice, 04 consensus tables on the management of cancer pain. The topics that covered the recommendations for pain management in cancer patients were: early treatment intervention, analgesic therapy in mild to moderate pain and moderate to severe pain, neuropathic pain and non-pharmacological interventions.Introducción: El presente artículo resume el proceso de elaboración de la Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) para el manejo de dolor en pacientes oncológicos. Este proceso se llevó a cabo con la participación de un equipo multidisciplinario de médicos asistenciales, metodólogos y diversos revisores externos (especialistas con dominio en la metodología y el tema). La priorización de preguntas PICO fue realizada por el Grupo Elaborador de la GPC (GEG), acordando trabajar cinco preguntas PICO. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de GPC, revisiones sistemáticas y estudios primarios. Se utilizó la metodología GRADE y los lineamientos de la normativa nacional para la formulación de recomendaciones. Se formularon 12 recomendaciones (10 fuertes y 2 débiles), 5 puntos de buena práctica clínica y 4 cuadros consensuados sobre el manejo de dolor oncológico. Los temas que abarcaron las recomendaciones para el manejo de dolor en pacientes oncológicos fueron: intervención temprana de tratamiento, terapia analgésica en dolor leve a moderado y en dolor moderado a severo, dolor neuropático e intervenciones no farmacológicas

    Accurate and fast identification of Campylobacter fetus in bulls by real-time PCR targeting a 16S rRNA gene sequence

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    Campylobacter fetus is an important animal pathogen that causes infectious infertility, embryonic mortality and abortions in cattle and sheep flocks. There are two recognized subspecies related with reproductive disorders in livestock: Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus (Cff) and Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis (Cfv). Rapid and reliable detection of this pathogenic species in bulls is of upmost importance for disease control in dairy and beef herds as they are asymptomatic carriers. The aim of the present work was to assess the performance a real-time PCR (qPCR) method for the diagnosis of Campylobacter fetus in samples from bulls, comparing it with culture and isolation methods. 520 preputial samples were both cultured in Skirrow's medium and analyzed by qPCR. The estimated sensitivity of qPCR was 90.9% (95% CI, 69.4%–100%), and the specificity was 99.4% (95% CI, 98.6% - 100%). The proportion of C. fetus positive individuals was 2.1% by isolation and 2.5% by qPCR. Isolates were identified by biochemical tests as Cfv (n = 9) and Cff (n = 2). Our findings support the use of qPCR for fast and accurate detection of C. fetus directly from field samples of preputial smegma of bulls. The qPCR method showed to be suitable for massive screenings because it can be performed in pooled samples without losing accuracy and sensitivity.EEA BalcarceFil: Delpiazzo, Rafael. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Veterinaria. Estación Experimental "Dr. Mario A. Cassinoni"; Uruguay.Fil: Barcellos, Maila. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay.Fil: Barros, Sofía. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay.Fil: Bentacor, Laura. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina; Uruguay.Fil: Fraga, Martín. Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental La Estanzuela; Uruguay.Fil: Gil, Jorge. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Veterinaria. Estación Experimental "Dr. Mario A. Cassinoni"; Uruguay.Fil: Iraola, Gregorio. Institut Pasteur de Montevideo. Laboratorio de Genómica Microbiana; Uruguay. Universidad Mayor. Facultad de Ciencias; Chile. Wellcome Genome Campus, Wellcome Sanger Institute; United Kingdom.Fil: Morsella, Claudia Graciela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Paolicchi, Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Ruben. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay.Fil: Riet-Correa, Franklin. Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental La Estanzuela; Uruguay.Fil: Sanguinetti, Margarita. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay.Fil: Silva, Alfonso. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay.Fil: Silva Silveira, Caroline da. Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental La Estanzuela; Uruguay.Fil: Caballeros, Lucía. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Facultad de Ciencias; Uruguay