133 research outputs found
As orientações curriculares nacionais de 2006 na perspectiva da promoção da saúde na Educação Física escolar
O presente estudo teve como meta averiguar a relevância da saúde nas Orientações Curriculares Nacionais de 2006 para a Educação Física no Ensino Médio. Por meio de uma análise documental, foram averiguados o texto introdutório do documento e os objetivos de ensino elencados para a Educação Física. A análise do documento mostra que o papel da Educação Física na Promoção da Saúde é muito pouco destacado na proposição curricular. Dessa forma, cobra-se uma maior atenção a essa temática, já que a mesma pode vir a contribuir na superação de muitas limitações pedagógicas na atual realidade da Educação Física na escola
The difficulty of the Lacanian text
Procurando compreender a dificuldade do texto lacaniano, levantamos, a partir de um estudo teórico, as interpretações dadas tanto por autores que abordam o tema do estilo de Lacan sob uma perspectiva crítica, quanto por aqueles que o justificam e defendem sua legitimidade, utilizando também algumas obras do próprio Lacan. A análise do trabalho desses comentadores nos levou a oito explicações diferentes para o estilo lacaniano. Ressalta-se o debate entre a corrente científica, que exige clareza e condena as características desse estilo como impróprias para um discurso científico, e a corrente subjetiva, que o justifica como um modo intencional e particular de transmissão da psicanálise.Palavras-chave: Lacan; estilo; crítica; psicanálise; transmissão. Trying to comprehend the difficulty of the Lacanian text through a theoretical study, we compiled interpretations by commentators that address the subject of the Lacanian style from a critical perspective and from those who justify and defend its legitimacy, using also some of Lacan’s own work. The analysis of these commentators’s work has driven us to list eight different explanations to the Lacanian style. It is emphasized the importance of the debate between the scientific current, that demands clarity and condemns the characteristics of the Lacanian style as inadequate to a scientific discourse, and the subjective current, that justifies it as an intentional and particular way of transmitting psychoanalysis. Keywords: Lacan; style; criticism; psychoanalysis; transmission
Aprendizagem motora em crianças: "feedback" após boas tentativas melhora a aprendizagem?
Estudos recentes (Chiviacowsky & Wulf, 2007) têm mostrado que a aprendizagem é realmente beneficiada em adultos se, aos aprendizes, for fornecido "feedback" após "boas" tentativas em vez de após "más" tentativas. O presente estudo procurou examinar se o mesmo efeito pode ser observado em crianças. Foram utilizadas 40 crianças como sujeitos. Os participantes praticaram uma tarefa de arremessar saquinhos de feijão em um alvo, com a mão não-dominante, sem enxergar o alvo durante os arremessos. Todos os participantes receberam 50% de freqüência de conhecimento de resultados (CR), ou seja, em três tentativas em cada bloco de seis tentativas. Enquanto a um grupo foram fornecidos CRs para as três tentativas mais efetivas de cada bloco, a outro grupo foram fornecidos CRs para as três tentativas menos efetivas de cada bloco. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da ANOVA, utilizando-se o pacote estatístico SPSS. Discordando dos resultados encontrados em adultos, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos na fase de retenção.Recent studies (Chiviacowsky & Wulf, 2007) have shown that learning is in fact beneficial in adults if feedback is supplied to learners after "good" trials instead of after "bad" trials. The current study made an attempt to examine if the same effect can be observed in children. Forty children were selected. The participants practiced a task of throwing bean bags at a target, using the non-dominant hand, without seeing the target during the throws. All of the participants received knowledge of result (KR) with a 50% frequency, or in three trials in each block of six trials. While KR was supplied to one group for the three most effective trials of each block, KR were supplied for the three less effective trial of each block in the other group. The analysis of the data was accomplished through ANOVA, using the SPSS statistical package. Significant differences were not verified among the groups in the retention phase, disagreeing with the results found in adults
Atividades físicas e esportivas na adolescência: mudanças de preferências ao longo das últimas décadas
A prática de atividades físicas na adolescência aparece como um dos determinantes de um estilo de vida ativo na idade adulta. Sendo assim, parece apropriada a preocupação sobre quais atividades físicas e esportivas têm despertado o interesse da população jovem. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar as preferências por atividades físicas e esportivas durante a adolescência ao longo das últimas décadas. Um estudo transversal, de base populacional foi conduzido em Pelotas - RS. Os indivíduos da amostra (N = 3100), com idade igual ou superior a 20 anos, responderam perguntas sobre a prática de atividades físicas sistematizadas (pelo menos seis meses consecutivos) na sua adolescência. Os resultados mostram que a prática do futebol e do voleibol entre os homens e do voleibol e a da dança entre as mulheres são as atividades mais praticadas. Entretanto, cabe destacar que atividades como a ginástica de academia e a musculação tiveram um considerável aumento na preferência dos jovens. Reconhecer quais atividades físicas e focar iniciativas naquelas que tem despertado mais o interesse da população jovem pode ser um caminho para a diminuição das elevadas taxas de sedentarismo.Physical activity in adolescence seems to be one of the main indicators of an active lifestyle in adulthood. Therefore, it is well-advised to examine which activities and sports interest young people. The objective of the present study is to investigate preferences for physical activities and sports during adolescence over the last decades. A population based cross-sectional study was carried-out in Pelotas-RS. Individuals aged 20 years or older (N=3100) answered questions involving the practice of regular physical activity (of at least 6 months) in adolescence. The results showed that soccer and volleyball among men and volleyball and dance among women are the most practiced activities. Gym-based activities such as gymnastics and weight lifting have gained considerable popularity among young people. Recognizing which physical activities young people participate in and focusing initiatives to their preferences could be an efficient method to control the increasing rates of sedentarism in this population
Amebiasis in a Backyard Red-Foot Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria)
Background: Amebiasis is a parasitic infection caused by obligate or facultative amoeboid protozoans, as well as free-living forms. The genus Entamoeba includes both pathogenic and commensal species that can affect humans and animals. Entamoeba histolytica is the most important species associated with intestinal and extraintestinal infections in humans, while Entamoeba invadens is considered the most common and serious pathogen to many reptile species, including lizards, snakes and crocodilians. The aim of this manuscript is to report a case of amebiasis in a backyard red-foot tortoise in northeastern Brazil.Case: A 10-month-old male red-foot tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) was presented at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital of Federal University of Campina Grande for necropsy with a 1-week history of anorexia, apathy, and reluctance to move. According to the owner, the animal suffered from heat stress in the backyard, where it was housed with another male red-foot tortoise. At post-mortem examination, there were approximately 1 mL of yellowish viscous transudate in the coelomic cavity. The liver was large, with rounded edges and multifocal to coalescing yellowish areas in the subcapsular surface. When cut, the parenchyma was more friable and yellowish. At the opening of the small intestine, the mucosa was thickened, reddened, and contained many variably sized, dark red ulcers with depressed and hemorrhagic centers. Histopathology of the liver reveals diffuse macro and microvacuolar degeneration of the hepatocyte cytoplasm, often displacing the nucleus peripherally (fatty degeneration). There were extensive and multifocal areas of necrosis characterized by shrunken, hypereosinophilic and pyknotic hepatocytes. Amebic trophozoites were seen through the areas of necrosis and degeneration and the morphological features were suggestive of the genus Entamoeba. In the portal triads and slightly extending to the sinusoidal spaces, there is a moderate inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and rare heterophils. There were amebic trophozoites and thrombi in hepatic vessels, and mild intracanalicular cholestasis. The small intestine contained areas of transmural necrosis and ulceration associated with inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. The ulcers were covered by a thick fibrinonecrotic exudate mixed with a varying number of heterophils and macrophages. The submucosa contained hemorrhage and edema. Similar amebic trophozoites were found within the mucosa and submucosa, and also detected in the lumens of blood vessels at the submucosa. The amebic trophozoites, seen in the liver and intestine, were intensely Periodic acid–Schiff positive.Discussion: The diagnosis of amebiasis was based on the epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological findings. Amebiasis is a well-recognized disease that usually is diagnosed post-mortem in numerous species of reptiles. Unfortunately, there are no scientific articles describing these cases in Brazil. In reptiles, the major pathogenic specie is Entamoeba invadens, while several other species are considered non-pathogenic, such as E. barreti, E. insolita, E. terrapinae, E. ctenosaurae, and E. knowlesi, among others. Although cultivation of E. invadens was not undertaken, the anatomopathological findings and the morphological appearance of the agent is highly suggestive of infection with this organism. In conclusion, amebiasis is a severe infectious disease that can affect young red-footed tortoises under adverse environmental conditions. Clinical signs are nonspecific and may be difficult to identify. The diagnosis is usually made post-mortem by anatomopathological findings and the morphological appearance of the agent
O processo educacional evoluiu bastante nessas ultimas décadas. Contudo nenhum método de ensino evoluiu tanto quando a Educação a Distância – EaD. Na vanguarda da educação, a modalidade EaD apresenta-se como uma solução para problemas de infra estrutura e permite o contato educador-educando de uma forma inimaginável nos modelos presenciais. Diante desse grau de importância concebido a modalidade EaD, surge um problema: Quais os principais benefícios e desafios presentes hoje na Educação a Distância? A presente pesquisa busca diagnosticar essas informações, elencando os principais benefícios e pontos fracos da EaD, bem como permitir a formulação de estratégias maduras na busca de melhoria do serviço prestado. O ambiente pesquisado foi a cidade de Mossoró-RN, com a aplicação de um questionário a uma amostra aleatória de seus habitantes, de forma a atingir um nível satisfatório de segurança. O resultado foi à constatação que os estudantes que realizaram algum tipo de formação na modalidade EaD ficaram satisfeitos com o método. Outro ponto verificado é que as desvantagens identificadas têm maior relação com a conscientização educacional autônoma do estudante do que com a forma como o ensino é ofertado. Dessa forma, e em consonância com levantamento do ultimo censo EaD, a modalidade de educação a distância está em constante crescimento, e com qualidade
Influência do ambiente no desempenho de arremessos de lances-livres no basquetebol profissional
The purposes of the current study were: a) to compare the percentage of success of professional basketball athlete’s in a same task (free-throw), executed in different environments (training vs. competition/matches); b) to verify if the percentage of the athletes success differ between themselves in the situations of training and competition. Participated five men, average age of 28,2 years (± 6,06), of a first division club of the National Championship. The McNemar’s test showed that two athletes had gotten inferior performance (p ≤ 0,05) during the training and the KrusKal-Wallis that the athletes had not differed between themselves in the percentage of success. Ability to control the anxiety and the technical level of the athlete’s can be related with these results.Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (a) comparar o percentual de aproveitamento de atletas profissionais de basquetebol, em uma mesma tarefa (lances-livre), executada em ambientes diferentes (treinamento vs. competição/jogos); (b) verificar se o aproveitamento dos atletas difere entre si nas situações de treino e competição. Participaram cinco atletas homens, com média de idade de 28,2 anos (± 6,06), de um clube da Série A do Campeonato Nacional. O teste de McNemar mostrou que dois atletas obtiveram rendimento estatisticamente inferior (p ≤ 0,05) durante os treinamentos e o de KrusKal-Wallis, que os atletas não diferiram entre si no percentual de acertos. Habilidade de controlar a ansiedade e o nível técnico dos atletas pode estar relacionada com estes resultados
Physical education in middle school: development of concepts and health-related physical fitness
The aim of this study was to investigate the development of concepts, levels of physical fitness related to health and physical activity patterns provided by the Physical Education (PE) classes. The sample consisted of 40 students (24 boys, 16 girls) high school students. Physical fitness was measured by the sit and reach test, running in 9 minutes and abdominal strength in 1 minute, belonging to the battery of tests PROESP. The knowledge was determined by theoretical test. The physical activity score was estimated by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). In 30 PE classes the teaching contents were related to the concepts of stretching and gym exercises: Interval fitness and running. There were significant changes in abdominal strength, flexibility and knowledge to both sexes and aerobic endurance for girls, indicating that classes, worked through teaching procedures aimed at health promotion can modify the concepts and health-related physical fitness of high school students.O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o desenvolvimento de conceitos, níveis de aptidão física relacionados à saúde, e padrão de atividade física proporcionado pelas aulas de Educação Física (EF). Compuseram a amostra 40 alunos (24 meninos, 16 meninas) do ensino médio. A aptidão física (APF) foi avaliada mediante os testes sentar e alcançar, corrida de nove minutos e resistência abdominal em um minuto, pertencentes à bateria de testes da PROESP. Os conceitos foram analisados por prova teórica com questões objetivas. O escore de atividade física (ATF) foi estimado pela versão longa do International Physical Activity Questionaire (IPAQ). Em 30 aulas de EF os conteúdos de ensino se relacionaram aos conceitos sobre alongamento e exercícios gímnicos: ginástica intervalada e corridas. Encontraram-se mudanças significativas na resistência abdominal, flexibilidade e conhecimento para ambos os sexos e na resistência aeróbia para meninas, indicando que as aulas, trabalhadas mediante procedimentos de ensino visando à promoção da saúde podem modificar os conceitos e a aptidão física relacionados à saúde de alunos do Ensino Médio
Axonopatia degenerativa associada com deficiência de cobre em suínos
The epidemiological, clinic and morphological (pathological and ultrastructural) aspects of four outbreaks of copper deficiency affecting 21- to 90-day-old pigs in the Northeast region of Brazil are reported. Clinical signs began with paraparesis and ataxia and progressed to flaccid or spastic paralysis of the pelvic and thoracic limbs, followed by sternal and/or lateral recumbence. In addition, some animals showed dog-sitting position and intention tremors. The clinical manifestation period was 5-20 days. Significant gross lesions were not observed; however, microscopically, symmetrical degeneration of the white matter with ballooned myelin sheaths containing occasional macrophages was observed, mainly in the spinal cord. Two pigs presented with necrosis ad loss of Purkinje cells and ectopic Purkinje cells in the granular layer and cerebellar white matter. A ultrastructural analysis showed different degrees of damage of myelinated axons in the spinal segments, including an absence of the axoplasm structures with only axonal residues remaining. The myelin sheaths were degenerated and often collapsed into the space previously occupied by the axon. These results suggest that myelin degeneration is secondary to the axonal lesion. Finally, the concentration of copper in the liver was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and was found to be low (ranging from 2.2 to 10.8 ppm). In conclusion, in the Brazilian semiarid region, Cu deficiency occurs in 21 to 90-day-old pigs that ingested different types of waste in their food.São relatados os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e morfológicos (patológicos e ultraestruturais) de quatro surtos de deficiência de cobre em suínos afetados entre 21 e 90 dias de idade na região Nordeste do Brasil. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram com paraparesia e ataxia, que progrediu a paralisia flácida ou espástica dos membros pélvicos e torácicos, seguido de decúbito esternal e/ou lateral. Além disso, alguns animais apresentaram posição de cão sentado e tremores de intenção. O período de manifestação clínica variou de 5-20 dias. Não foram observadas lesões macroscópicas significativas; no entanto, microscopicamente, foi observada degeneração simétrica da substância branca com fragmentação das bainhas de mielina, contendo ocasionais macrófagos, principalmente na medula espinal. Dois suínos apresentaram necrose e perda de células de Purkinje e células de Purkinje ectópicos na camada granular da substância branca cerebelar. A análise ultraestrutural mostrou diferentes graus de lesões em axônios mielinizados em segmentos da medula espinhal, incluindo o desaparecimento de estruturas do axoplasma, restando apenas restos axonais. A bainha de mielina encontrava- se degenerada e muitas vezes, colapsada dentro do espaço previamente ocupado pelo axônio. Esses resultados sugerem que a degeneração da mielina é secundária à lesão axonal. Finalmente, a concentração do cobre no fígado foi determinada usando espectrometria de absorção atômica e revelou baixos valores (variando de 2,2-10,8ppm). Conclui-se que na região semiárida do Brasil ocorre deficiência de cobre em suínos de 21 a 90 dias de idade alimentados com diferentes tipos de resíduos
Congenital Malformations in Sheep - Outbreak Caused by Mimosa tenuiflora
Background: Congenital malformations are anomalies, structural or functional, that occur during the embryonic or fetal phase. There are several causes, one of which is the ingestion of toxic plants. Considering the importance of native toxic plants in the Central Backlands of Ceará state - Brazil, this paper reports cases of congenital malformations in sheep due to ingestion of Mimosa tenuiflora.
Cases: Cases of abortion and malformations in sheep, were monitored in a rural property in the municipality of Piquet Carneiro with 20 ruminants (15 sheep and 5 cows) raised on a semi-intensive regime. The animals grazed during the day and were supplemented with corn, having unrestricted access to dam water. On its margins, there was a large amount of jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora), which the owner reported that the sheep consumed daily. The owner was unaware of the toxicity of M. tenuiflora but reported that cases of malformations had already occurred on his property some time ago. In an interval of approximately 12 days, 3 sheep miscarriage fetuses with multiple malformations. Malformed fetuses were referred for anatomopathological examination at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital of Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos, Paraíba, Brazil. The fetuses were necropsied and tissue samples of the nervous system and organs from the thoracic and abdominal cavities were collected, fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, routinely processed for histopathology, included in paraffin, cut into 3 µm sections and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). At necropsies were observed permanent contracture of the thoracic limb joints (arthrogryposis), particularly at the radio-carpal joints; incomplete medial fusion of the palatal bone, with communication between the oral and nasal cavities (palatoschisis); hypoplasia of the mandibular bone (micrognathia); unilateral hypoplasia of the incisive bone with discontinuity of the upper lip (cheiloschisis); unilateral hypoplasia of the eyeball (microphthalmia); lateral curvature of the cervical spine (scoliosis); and chest deformity characterized by ventral protrusion of the sternum and ribs (Pectus carinatum). At the histopathological evaluation of the tissues, no alterations were observed.
Discussion: The diagnosis was based on the epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological findings. The semi-intensive management system applied on the property predisposed the sheep to ingestion of M. tenuiflora, which grows abundantly on the property and throughout the Central Backlands of Ceará, Brazil, with a high rate of geographical coverage. Despite that, most rural producers, especially subsistence farmers, are unaware of the toxic and teratogenic properties of the plant. In the northeastern, where there are long periods of drought coupled with forage shortages, poisoning by M. tenuiflora is a common cause of malformation and mortality in lambs. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt preventive measures in herds, such as raising awareness among producers about the toxic potential of some native plants and the practice of producing and supplying silage to animals, so that native toxic plants are not the only food source during the scarcity period.
Keywords: arthrogryposis, jurema preta, anomalies, cleft lip, toxic plants.
Título: Malformações congênitas em ovinos - surto causado por Mimosa tenuiflora
Descritores: artrogripose, jurema preta, anomalias, lábio leporino, plantas tóxicas
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