274 research outputs found

    A Brascamp-Lieb–Rary of Examples

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    This paper focuses on the Brascamp-Lieb inequality and its applications in analysis, fractal geometry, computer science, and more. It provides a beginner-level introduction to the Brascamp-Lieb inequality alongside re- lated inequalities in analysis and explores specific cases of extremizable, simple, and equivalent Brascamp-Lieb data. Connections to computer sci- ence and geometric measure theory are introduced and explained. Finally, the Brascamp-Lieb constant is calculated for a chosen family of linear maps


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    This study investigates if companies that actively use export information have higher export growth rates or greater satisfaction with export performance measures than non-users. Organizational communication structures relating to information flow to decision makers is investigated to provide further insight into the role of export information. The study is based upon the knowledge utilization theory which states company/user characteristics are as important to information utilization as the characteristics of the specific piece of information. Bivariate analysis does not indicate a direct relationship between information use and reported higher export growth rates over the past four years. However, there are indications of divergence in how information users and non-users view and utilize information. One critical finding is that information users have a statistically significant relationship toward symbolic utilization of export information. Additional differences were observed in third-party information use versus monitoring world news to evaluate export operations. The study investigates company characteristics against the three components of knowledge utilization (instrumental, conceptual and symbolic use) and the five components of information use (competitive advantage, information acquisition/need, influence of information on decisionmaking, organizational learning and organizational knowledge/information processing)

    Ungdomsskoleelevers læringsutbytte av ekskursjoner – En casestudie av skolebesøk til ARKIVET freds- og menneskerettighetssenter

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    I løpet av skolegangen skal elever blant annet tilegne seg kunnskap, ferdigheter og kompetanse på ulike områder. Dette kan gjøres gjennom ulike undervisningsmetoder, blant annet ekskursjoner. Ved bruk av en casestudie av ungdomsskoleelever som drar på skolebesøk til ARKIVET freds- og menneskerettighetssenter, har jeg i denne studien undersøkt hvordan elever og lærere opplever at elevenes læringsutbytte blir påvirket av å dra på ekskursjoner sammenlignet med klasseromsundervisning. Det ble benyttet et spørreskjema som ble besvart av 34 elever fra tre ulike klasser, samt tre fokusgruppeintervju med til sammen elleve elever fra de samme klassene, og individuelle intervju med tre av lærerne til elevene. Funnene i studien viser at de fleste av elevene og alle lærerne var positive til bruk av ekskursjoner i skolen. Blant annet uttrykte de at skolehverdagen får variasjon, eksterne undervisere har bedre kunnskap enn lærerne innenfor det aktuelle fagfeltet og elevene får en annen opplevelse av fagstoffet enn de får ellers i klasserommet. Men elever og lærere fant også negative sider med ekskursjoner. Blant annet kan løsere rammer i undervisnings-situasjonen gi økt uro blant elevene, for- og etterarbeid må gjennomføres på en hensiktsmessig måte for at læringsutbyttet skal bli optimalt og ekskursjoner tar tid fra andre fag. De fleste av elevene opplever likevel at de får et høyere læringsutbytte, både av ekskursjoner generelt, og ekskursjonen til ARKIVET freds- og menneskerettighetssenter spesielt, enn av klasseromsundervisning.Throughout school, pupils will, among other things, acquire knowledge, skills and competence in various areas. This can be done through various teaching methods, including excursions. In this study, I have examined how pupils and teachers experience that pupils' learning outcome is affected by going on excursions, compared to ordinary classroom teaching. This was done by using a case study of secondary school pupils who go on an excurion to ARKIVET Peace and Human Rights Centre. A questionnaire was answered by 34 pupils from three different classes. Three focus group interviews were held with eleven pupils from the same classes, and individual interviews with three of the pupils' teachers. The findings of the study shows that most of the pupils, and all the teachers, were positive about the use of excursions as a teaching method. Among other things, they expressed that standard school life becomes more varied, external educators have better knowledge of the relevant field than the teachers, and the pupils receive a different experience of the subject field than they would otherwise get in the classroom. However, the pupils and teachers also found negative aspects of excursions. Among other things, a loose framework in the teaching situation can lead to increased disorder among pupils, pre- and post-work must be carried out appropriately for the learning outcome to be optimal, and the excursion takes time away from other subjects. Nonetheless, most of the pupils experienced that they gained greater learning outcomes, from excursions in general, and the excursion to ARKIVET Peace and Human Rights Centre in particular, than from ordinary classroom teaching

    Er intensivavdelinger et godt sted for intensivsykepleieren å jobbe? : en kvantitativ undersøkelse av intensivsykepleierens jobbtilfredshet og grad av utbrenthet

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    Masteroppgave i spesialsykepleie – Universitetet i Agder 2016Background: There is a lack of intensive care nurses at the Norwegian intensive care units (ICU). Norwegian Nurses Organisation concludes this is crucial regarding the capacity and quality within health services. We underline a good working environment is of great importance in order to keep and recruit colleagues with relevant competence. It is of importance that the intensive care nurse experiences high degree of job satisfaction and experiences low degree of burnout in order to provide good/professional intensive care treatment. Aim: 1. To investigate the relationship between demographic and job-related variables and the ICU nurse jobsatisfaction. 2. To investigate the relationship between demographic and job-related variables and the ICU nurse level of burnout. Method: We have used a quantitative study with a cross section design. We have collected data through electronic surveys. There was a selection of 400 intensive care unit nurses at several ICU`s in South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. We used two validated questionnaires, Nursing Work Index-Revised (NWI-R) and Bergen Burnout Indicator (BBI). Statistical methods used are chi-square test, t-test and multiple regression analyses (procedure GLM). Result: Multiple regression analyses showed that there was a connection between job satisfaction and burnout and job autonomy and salary. The more job autonomy in practicing and salary the greater experience in job satisfaction and lower degree of burnout was found. Job satisfaction was connected with how much a position of employment, seniority and nursing supervision. There were no significant statistic differences in sexes when it comes to job satisfaction and burnout. Conclusions: Job autonomy at work and salary are areas that seem to have impact in connection with job satisfaction and level of burnout. These are factors that might be of importance in order to recruit and keep the intensive care nurses at the intensive care units. Keywords: Critical care, intensive care nurse, job satisfaction, burnou

    Design of a genetically stable high fidelity coxsackievirus B3 polymerase that attenuates virus growth in vivo

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    Positive strand RNA viruses replicate via a virally encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) that uses a unique palm domain active site closure mechanism to establish the canonical two-metal geometry needed for catalysis. This mechanism allows these viruses to evolutionarily fine-tune their replication fidelity to create an appropriate distribution of genetic variants known as a quasispecies. Prior work has shown that mutations in conserved motif A drastically alter RdRP fidelity, which can be either increased or decreased depending on the viral polymerase background. In the work presented here, we extend these studies to motif D, a region that forms the outer edge of the NTP entry channel where it may act as a nucleotide sensor to trigger active site closure. Crystallography, stoppedflow kinetics, quench-flow reactions, and infectious virus studies were used to characterize 15 engineered mutations in coxsackievirus B3 polymerase. Mutations that interfere with the transport of the metal A Mg2+ ion into the active site had only minor effects on RdRP function, but the stacking interaction between Phe364 and Pro357, which is absolutely conserved in enteroviral polymerases, was found to be critical for processive elongation and virus growth. Mutating Phe364 to tryptophan resulted in a genetically stable high fidelity virus variant with significantly reduced pathogenesis in mice. The data further illustrate the importance of the palm domain movement for RdRP active site closure and demonstrate that protein engineering can be used to alter viral polymerase function and attenuate virus growth and pathogenesis

    Conformational changes of calmodulin upon Ca2+ binding studied with a microfluidic mixer

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    A microfluidic mixer is applied to study the kinetics of calmodulin conformational changes upon Ca2+ binding. The device facilitates rapid, uniform mixing by decoupling hydrodynamic focusing from diffusive mixing and accesses time scales of tens of microseconds. The mixer is used in conjunction with multiphoton microscopy to examine the fast Ca2+-induced transitions of acrylodan-labeled calmodulin. We find that the kinetic rates of the conformational changes in two homologous globular domains differ by more than an order of magnitude. The characteristic time constants are ≈490 μs for the transitions in the C-terminal domain and ≈20 ms for those in the N-terminal domain of the protein. We discuss possible mechanisms for the two distinct events and the biological role of the stable intermediate, half-saturated calmodulin

    Predictors of caregiving satisfaction in informal caregivers of people with dementia

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    [Abstract] Objective. The prevalence of dementia is increasing and consequently the demands from families, institutions and healthcare system. Although a substantial amount of research on caregiving has emphasized the negative aspects of caregiving, specifically on caregiver burden and depression, less attention has been paid to the positive aspects of caregiving. The aim of the present work was to study the phenomenon of caregiving satisfaction in informal caregivers of people with dementia by assessing their likely predictors. Methods. A stress process model was used to study caregiver's satisfaction (measured using the Revised Caregiving Satisfaction Scale) on 101 informal caregivers of patients with dementia in relation to the caregiver's background and context, stress-related factors, and mediators. Results. The regression model has an adjusted R2 of 0.20, which indicates that having a consanguinity relationship with the care recipient, suffering from lower levels of subjective burden, and managing individuals with severe cognitive impairment are the most important predictors of higher caregiving satisfaction. Conclusion. Interventions focused on the enhancement of the caregiving satisfaction by increasing the understanding of the disease, should be especially addressed to caregivers without a consanguinity relationship and with high levels of subjective burden, and to those managing care recipients with mild or moderate stages of dementia.Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo; AAL-2012-5-10

    Rehabilitering og sekundærforebygging etter hjerteinfarkt ved sykehus

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    BAKGRUNN I norske studier er det dokumentert dårlig kardiovaskulær risikofaktorkontroll og høy forekomst av nye hjerte- og karhendelser hos hjerteinfarktpasienter. Det foreligger lite kunnskap om omfang av sekundærforebyggende behandling og hjerterehabilitering ved norske sykehus. Vi ønsket derfor å gjennomføre en kartlegging av rutiner ved utskrivning og poliklinisk oppfølging etter hjerteinfarkt. MATERIALE OG METODE I oktober 2018 ble avdelingsoverleger på hjerteavdelinger og avdelingssykepleier/fysioterapeut på hjertepoliklinikker ved alle norske sykehus (N = 51) kontaktet med forespørsel om å delta i et telefonintervju. RESULTATER Til sammen 40 (78 %) leger og 51 (100 %) sykepleiere/fysioterapeuter gjennomførte telefonintervjuet. Elleve sykehus brukte standardiserte epikrisemaler med behandlingsmål og forventet oppfølging. Ti sykehus tilbød rutinemessig poliklinisk kontroll. 47 sykehus (92 %) tilbød tverrfaglig hjerterehabilitering, hjerteskole eller hjertetrening, og av disse tilbød ni (18 %) tverrfaglig, sammensatt hjerterehabilitering i henhold til internasjonale anbefalinger. FORTOLKNING Kartleggingen avdekket betydelige forskjeller i rapporterte rutiner ved utskrivning og tilbud om hjerterehabilitering og poliklinisk oppfølging ved norske sykehus. HOVEDFUNN Vi fant betydelig variasjon i rapporterte rutiner for utskrivning og omfang av hjerterehabilitering for pasienter etter akutt koronarsykdom. Under 20 % av norske sykehus tilbød tverrfaglig, sammensatt hjerterehabilitering