361 research outputs found

    O papel dos exemplos trabalhados para ensinar mapeamento de conceitos

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    The growing interest in concept mapping has expanded the use of this graphical organizer as a way to represent and share declarative knowledge. However, training beginners to elaborate concept maps (Cmaps) has not received the deserved attention. Students must to think intensely about how to select and organise the content into coherent structures, using an unfamiliar graphic organiser. These concurrent tasks can exceed the students’ working memory capacity (overload situation), impairing meaningful learning. The aim of this paper was to explore the worked example approach to teach students how to construct good Cmaps in real classroom settings. Graduate students were divided into control (n = 32, did not study WE) and experimental groups (n = 34, studied WE). They were asked to perform five transfer tests involving Cmap elaboration. The WE approach helped the students to (1) develop highquality propositions, (2) apply a conceptual hierarchy to guarantee general-to-specific organisation, and (3) evaluate the propositional network integrity. However, there was no WE effect on learning how to state a proper focus question for the Cmap. The use of WE is valuable to set up reliable training activities about concept mapping, and the presented materials (WE) can be applied in any educational setting with some adaptations. Future studies should combine the use of WE with other instructional approaches to teach how to state a proper focus question.O crescente interesse na técnica de mapeamento conceitual expandiu o uso deste organizador gráfico como forma de representar e compartilhar conhecimento. Entretanto, o treinamento de iniciantes na elaboração de mapas conceituais (MCs) não vem recebendo a devida atenção. Os alunos devem pensar sobre como selecionar e organizar o conteúdo de forma coerente, usando um organizador gráfico desconhecido. Essas tarefas simultâneas podem extrapolar a capacidade de memória de trabalho dos alunos (situação de sobrecarga), prejudicando a aprendizagem significativa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar exemplos trabalhados (ETs) para ensinar aos alunos como construir bons MCs nas condições operacionais usualmente encontradas na sala de aula. Alunos de pós-graduação foram divididos em grupo controle (n = 32, não estudaram ETs) e experimental (n = 34, estudaram ETs). Eles foram convidados a realizar cinco testes de transferência envolvendo a elaboração de MCs. O uso de ETs ajudou os alunos a (1) desenvolver proposições de alta qualidade, (2) aplicar uma hierarquia conceitual para garantir a organização do geral para o específico, e (3) avaliar a integridade da rede proposicional. No entanto, não houve um efeito sobre como declarar uma pergunta focal adequada para o Cmap. O uso de ETs é valioso para configurar atividades de treinamento confiáveis sobre os MCs e os materiais apresentados (ETs) podem ser aplicados em qualquer contexto educacional, desde que sejam feitas as devidas adaptações. Estudos futuros devem combinar o uso de ETs com outras abordagens instrucionais para ensinar a declarar uma pergunta focal apropriada

    Rediscovery of Bothynus cribrarius (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae, Pentodontini): description of the male and precise location data

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    AbstractBothynus cribrarius (Fairmaire) was rediscovered after studying the MNRJ and FIOC collections. The male is described and illustrated for the first time. Accurate location data is presented after 130 years since its species description

    1,2,6-thiadiazinones as novel narrow spectrum calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CaMKK2) inhibitors

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    We demonstrate for the first time that 4H-1,2,6-thiadiazin-4-one (TDZ) can function as a chemotype for the design of ATP-competitive kinase inhibitors. Using insights from a co-crystal structure of a 3,5-bis(arylamino)-4H-1,2,6-thiadiazin-4-one bound to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CaMKK2), several analogues were identified with micromolar activity through targeted displacement of bound water molecules in the active site. Since the TDZ analogues showed reduced promiscuity compared to their 2,4-dianilinopyrimidine counter parts, they represent starting points for development of highly selective kinase inhibitors

    Habitat structure and neighbor linear features influence more carabid functional diversity in olive groves than the farming system

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    The effects of land-use management and environmental features at different scales on carabid beetle diversity and trait structure were assessed across olive groves in northeastern Portugal. We selected organic and integrated olive groves that were distinct in terms of specific management practices, local linear features and landscape configurations. Besides the management intensification levels, differences in carabid diversity and community traits were mainly due to local habitat and ecological linear structures at a finer spatial scale. Carabid community traits related to disturbance, namely traits of body size and species dispersal ability, responded to land-use intensity and particular olive grove features were influencing diversity patterns. Within the olive grove patches, larger and brachypterous species were associated to plots with more dense vegetation cover while macropterous and small-sized species were more associated to open areas. Also, larger carabid species benefitted from higher patch size heterogeneity within the landscape mosaics. Our findings indicate that the effects of farming system is contingent on the specific management practices, local and linear features present in agroecosystems such as olive groves. Particularly, the influence of local features on carabid diversity patterns and community traits linked to dispersal and movement may be crucial in maintaining pest control at a landscape scale.The authors would like to thank all farmers who allowed our access to their olive groves. This work and the writing of this manuscript was funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the project PTDC/AGR-PRO/111123/2009 (The use of biological indicators as tools for assessing the impact of agricultural practices in sustainability of olive grove) and the project BiodivERsA/001/2014 (ECOSERVE − Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes). P. Martins da Silva was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BPD/ 109511/2015). The authors are indebted to two anonymous reviewers who helped to improve a previous version of this study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Testing a modified cognitive interview with category clustering recall in Iran

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    The cognitive interview (CI) has been an effective method for interviewing eyewitnesses often leading to changes in legislation and practice in many countries. This study was the first to employ the CI in Iran and test whether category clustering recall (CCR) was superior to a free recall when incorporated within an investigative interview. A between‐subjects design assigned 66 participants to one of three interview conditions after they watched a mock robbery. The participants were interviewed 48 hr later using either a structured interview (SI), the CI, or a modified cognitive interview (MCI) that replaced free recall with CCR at the first retrieval attempt. Analysis of variance suggests CCR was more effective than free recall and the CI group recalled more information than the SI group, replicating the CI superiority effect. This has implications for law enforcement in Iran and worldwide by suggesting these techniques can be used to enhance recall

    Prevalence, geographic and seasonal distribution of protozoan and myxozoan parasites of jaú (Zungaro jahu) in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Estudo realizado no Pantanal Matogrossense, avaliou a prevalência, a distribuição geográfica e sazonal de protozoários e mixozoários parasitos de jaú (Zungaro jahu). Os peixes foram capturados no Sul do Pantanal, na região dos rios Aquidauana, Miranda e Paraguai, em 2001, 2002 e 2003, na região Central (Parque Nacional do Pantanal - PARNA Pantanal) em 2003, 2004, 2005 e 2008, e na região Norte (rios Cuiabá e Manso, no município de Nobres) em 2003, 2004 e 2005. Foi identificado Trichodina sp. parasitando pele e brânquias de jaú nas três regiões estudadas. Ocorrência de Epistylis sp. na pele e Cryptobia sp. nas brânquias foram restritas às coletas da região Central, enquanto Ichthyophthirius multifiliis foi identificado parasitando a pele nas três regiões estudadas. Também foi observada a ocorrência de mixozoários, Myxobolus cordeiroi parasitando vários órgãos e Henneguya sp. parasitando brânquias de jaú das três regiões estudadas

    Interior of a Schwarzschild black hole revisited

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    The Schwarzschild solution has played a fundamental conceptual role in general relativity, and beyond, for instance, regarding event horizons, spacetime singularities and aspects of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. However, one still encounters the existence of misconceptions and a certain ambiguity inherent in the Schwarzschild solution in the literature. By taking into account the point of view of an observer in the interior of the event horizon, one verifies that new conceptual difficulties arise. In this work, besides providing a very brief pedagogical review, we further analyze the interior Schwarzschild black hole solution. Firstly, by deducing the interior metric by considering time-dependent metric coefficients, the interior region is analyzed without the prejudices inherited from the exterior geometry. We also pay close attention to several respective cosmological interpretations, and briefly address some of the difficulties associated to spacetime singularities. Secondly, we deduce the conserved quantities of null and timelike geodesics, and discuss several particular cases in some detail. Thirdly, we examine the Eddington-Finkelstein and Kruskal coordinates directly from the interior solution. In concluding, it is important to emphasize that the interior structure of realistic black holes has not been satisfactorily determined, and is still open to considerable debate.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Revtex4. V2: Version to appear in Foundations of Physic

    Tree canopy enhances Collembola functional richness and diversity across typical habitats of the Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique)

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    ABSTRACT: The role of tree canopies in protecting soil functional diversity is essential for ecosystems threatened by the longer lasting periods of drought, which are predicted to increase in the southern afro-tropical region. Nonetheless, biodiversity inventories of soil mesofauna are scarce in afro-tropical ecosystems, even in emblematic and well-studied protected areas, such as the Gorongosa National Park (GNP). Understanding the interrelationships between tree canopies and soil fauna functional diversity can provide insightful information for future adaptive management to protect wildlife and ecosystem services in the GNP, in the context of climate change. Here we assessed collembolan functional type richness and functional diversity in the dry period and during the rainfall across major GNP habitat types: miombo forests, mixed forests, and open savanna/floodplains. Besides the significant positive influence of rainfall, habitat types also influenced functional type’ richness and diversity of collembolan life-forms. Environmental gradients across habitat types, namely the area of tree canopy cover and its indirect effect on soil local conditions (pH and nutrient availability), explained collembolan functional parameters. Calcium concentrations and soil alkalinity significantly enhanced collembolan functional type richness and functional diversity, respectively. Collembola survival across GNP habitats depended on the canopy buffering in the dry sampling period. These results highlight the key role of tree canopies in creating suitable microhabitat conditions supporting soil functional diversity and the sustainability of soil processes and ecosystem services in GNP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio