17,022 research outputs found

    Kualitas Pelayanan Publik: Studi Izin Reklame pada Badan Penanaman Modal Kota Batu

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    : Public Services which has been pursued by the government still get complaints from the society. The society complaints related to: quickness, accuracy, the officer ability, procedures, facilities and infrastructure, also transparency and efficiency. This issue also occurs in Batu, although the government has issued the regulation of advertisement with the Mayor Regulation No. 31 of 2009. The fact is, the advertisement which is appeared along the roadway is still a dilemma because some of them did not have the advertisement license yet. This research has a purpose to detect the Quality of the Public Services Advertisement Permit. The method used in this study is qualitative. The main data source is primary data, and supported by secondary data, with data collecting technique, through: observation, interviews and documentation, sampling technique selected through purposive sampling. The validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The results obtained in this research are, the Quality of Public Services Investment Board Batu particularly on billboard/advertisement regulation are appropriate with the requirement/demands of the society. There are two factors in the quality of public services. They are the supporting and inhibiting factors. Public Service Advertisement Permits can be good quality, because the service system based on the standard Operational Services, it is supported by communication factor, facilities, and infrastructure. Although it's already at the stage of the improvement efforts, include: simplicity, security, openness, efficient and economical. Keywords: Quality, Public Service, licens

    Effectiveness of computer-based auditory training in improving the perception of noise-vocoded speech

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    Five experiments were designed to evaluate the effectiveness of “high-variability” lexical training in improving the ability of normal-hearing subjects to perceive noise-vocoded speech that had been spectrally shifted to simulate tonotopic misalignment. Two approaches to training were implemented. One training approach required subjects to recognize isolated words, while the other training approach required subjects to recognize words in sentences. Both approaches to training improved the ability to identify words in sentences. Improvements following a single session (lasting 1–2 h) of auditory training ranged between 7 and 12 %pts and were significantly larger than improvements following a visual control task that was matched with the auditory training task in terms of the response demands. An additional three sessions of word- and sentence-based training led to further improvements, with the average overall improvement ranging from 13 to 18 %pts. When a tonotopic misalignment of 3 mm rather than 6 mm was simulated, training with several talkers led to greater generalization to new talkers than training with a single talker. The results confirm that computer-based lexical training can help overcome the effects of spectral distortions in speech, and they suggest that training materials are most effective when several talkers are included

    Extended-release niacin increases anti-apolipoprotein A-I antibodies that block the antioxidant effect of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol: the EXPLORE clinical trial.

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    Extended-release niacin (ERN) is the most effective agent for increasing high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C). Having previously identified anti-HDL antibodies, we investigated whether ERN affected the antioxidant capacity of HDL and whether ERN was associated with the production of antibodies against HDL (aHDL) and apolipoprotein A-I (aApoA-I). METHODS: Twenty-one patients older than 18 years, with HDL-C ≤40 mg dl-1 (men) or ≤50 mg dl-1 (women) were randomly assigned to receive daily ERN (n = 10) or placebo (n = 11) for two sequential 12-week periods, with 4 weeks of wash-out before cross-over. Primary outcome was change of paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity and secondary outcomes were changes in aHDL and aApoA-I antibodies. Clinical Trial Unique Identifier: EudraCT 2006-006889-42. RESULTS: The effect of ERN on PON1 activity was nonsignificant (coefficient estimate 20.83 U l-1 , 95% confidence interval [CI] -9.88 to 51.53; P = 0.184). ERN was associated with an increase in HDL-C levels (coefficient estimate 5.21 mg dl-1 , 95% CI 1.16 to 9.25; P = 0.012) and its subclasses HDL2 (coefficient estimate 2.46 mg dl-1 , 95% CI 0.57 to 4.34; P = 0.011) and HDL3 (coefficient estimate 2.73 mg dl-1 , 95% CI 0.47 to 4.98; P = 0.018). ERN was significantly associated with the production of aApoA-I antibodies (coefficient estimate 0.25 μg ml-1 , 95% CI 0.09-0.40; P = 0.001). aApoA-I titres at baseline were correlated with decreased PON activity. CONCLUSIONS: The rise in HDL-C achieved with ERN was not matched by improved antioxidant capacity, eventually hampered by the emergence of aApoA-I antibodies. These results may explain why Niacin and other lipid lowering agents fail to reduce cardiovascular risk.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arp2/3 complex activity in filopodia of spreading cells

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    Background Cells use filopodia to explore their environment and to form new adhesion contacts for motility and spreading. The Arp2/3 complex has been implicated in lamellipodial actin assembly as a major nucleator of new actin filaments in branched networks. The interplay between filopodial and lamellipodial protrusions is an area of much interest as it is thought to be a key determinant of how cells make motility choices. Results We find that Arp2/3 complex localises to dynamic puncta in filopodia as well as lamellipodia of spreading cells. Arp2/3 complex spots do not appear to depend on local adhesion or on microtubules for their localisation but their inclusion in filopodia or lamellipodia depends on the activity of the small GTPase Rac1. Arp2/3 complex spots in filopodia are capable of incorporating monomeric actin, suggesting the presence of available filament barbed ends for polymerisation. Arp2/3 complex in filopodia co-localises with lamellipodial proteins such as capping protein and cortactin. The dynamics of Arp2/3 complex puncta suggests that they are moving bi-directionally along the length of filopodia and that they may be regions of lamellipodial activity within the filopodia. Conclusion We suggest that filopodia of spreading cells have regions of lamellipodial activity and that this activity affects the morphology and movement of filopodia. Our work has implications for how we understand the interplay between lamellipodia and filopodia and for how actin networks are generated spatially in cells

    Full spectral fitting of Milky Way and M31 globular clusters: ages and metallicities

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    Context: The formation and evolution of disk galaxies are long standing questions in Astronomy. Understanding the properties of globular cluster systems can lead to important insights on the evolution of its host galaxy. Aims: We aim to obtain the stellar population parameters - age and metallicity - of a sample of M31 and Galactic globular clusters. Studying their globular cluster systems is an important step towards understanding their formation and evolution in a complete way. Methods: Our analysis employs a modern pixel-to-pixel spectral fitting technique to fit observed integrated spectra to updated stellar population models. By comparing observations to models we obtain the ages and metallicities of their stellar populations. We apply this technique to a sample of 38 globular clusters in M31 and to 41 Galactic globular clusters, used as a control sample. Results: Our sample of M31 globular clusters spans ages from 150 Myr to the age of the Universe. Metallicities [Fe/H] range from -2.2 dex to the solar value. The age-metallicity relation obtained can be described as having two components: an old population with a flat age-[Fe/H] relation, possibly associated with the halo and/or bulge, and a second one with a roughly linear relation between age and metallicity, higher metallicities corresponding to younger ages, possibly associated with the M31 disk. While we recover the very well known Galactic GC metallicity bimodality, our own analysis of M31's metallicity distribution function (MDF) suggests that both GC systems cover basically the same [Fe/H] range yet M31's MDF is not clearly bimodal. These results suggest that both galaxies experienced different star formation and accretion histories.Comment: A&A, in pres


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    With the objective of reducing the computational cost of the iterative processes of aerodynamic components design, tests were carried out to study under what conditions, and with what difference, only part of the calculation domain can be solved using as input information obtained from complete simulations already solved. An experimental study of an airfoil exposed to the wake interference of an upstream airfoil at a Reynolds number of 150,000 was used to verify the solutions of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations solved applying the k-ω Shear Stress Transport model for turbulence closure. A Grid Convergence Index study was performed to verify if the solution of the equations for the adopted discretization leads to results within the asymptotic range. With the physical coherence of the numerical methodology verified, comparisons between the simulations with the domain comprising the two airfoils and the domain comprising only the downstream airfoil were performed. Computational time reductions in the order of 40% are observed. The differences in the aerodynamic coefficients for the two types of simulation are presented as a function of distances non-dimensionalized by the characteristic length of the body that disturbs the flow forming the wake, showing that the difference between the two methods was inversely proportional to the distance between the two bodies. Behavior that was maintained until a point where the simulation diverges, equivalent to 25% of the characteristic length of the body that generates the wake

    The association among diet, dietary fiber, and bowel preparation at colonoscopy

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pre-colonoscopy dietary restrictions vary widely and lack evidence-based guidance. We investigated whether fiber and various other foods/macronutrients consumed during the 3 days before colonoscopy are associated with bowel preparation quality. METHODS: This was a prospective observational study among patients scheduled for outpatient colonoscopy. Patients received instructions including split-dose polyethylene glycol, avoidance of vegetables/beans 2 days before colonoscopy, and a clear liquid diet the day before colonoscopy. Two 24-hour dietary recall interviews and 1 patient-recorded food log measured dietary intake on the 3 days before colonoscopy. The Nutrition Data System for Research was used to estimate dietary exposures. Our primary outcome was the quality of bowel preparation measured by the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS). RESULTS: We enrolled 201 patients from November 2015 to September 2016 with complete data for 168. The mean age was 59 years (standard deviation, 7 years), and 90% of colonoscopies were conducted for screening/surveillance. Only 17% and 77% of patients complied with diet restrictions 2 and 1 day(s) before colonoscopy, respectively. We found no association between foods consumed 2 and 3 days before colonoscopy and BBPS scores. However, BPPS was positively associated with intake of gelatin, and inversely associated with intake of red meat, poultry, and vegetables on the day before colonoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support recent guidelines encouraging unrestricted diets >1 day before colonoscopy if using a split-dose bowel regimen. Furthermore, we found no evidence to restrict dietary fiber 1 day before colonoscopy. We also found evidence to promote consumption of gelatin and avoidance of red meat, poultry, and vegetables 1 day before colonoscopy.Dr Jacobson has acted as a consultant for MOTUS GI and Remedy Partners. All other authors disclosed no financial relationships relevant to this publication. Supported by NIH/NIDDK R21DK105476. (R21DK105476 - NIH/NIDDK)Accepted manuscrip

    Avaliação de traduções: a vez e a voz do aprendiz

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    According to Education specialists, evaluation is a topic at once controversial and relevant due to its pedagogic, psychological, and socioeconomic implications. In their search for a fair and accurate evaluation, teachers tend to favor practices that are supposedly objective. This paper challenges this notion of objectivity and presents an alternative approach involvinginteraction andnegotiation. These are processes that take into account the inextricable subject/object relationship and the circumstances of each piece of work to be assessed.Segundo especialistas da área da educação, a avaliação constitui tema ao mesmo tempo polêmico e relevante, consideradas suas implicações pedagógicas, psicológicas e sócioeconômicas. Observa-se, entre professores, a tendência a realizarem, sem maior reflexão, práticas avaliatórias de natureza objetivizante na busca de uma avaliação exata e justa. Neste trabalho, faremos a crítica a esse paradigma, ao lado da qual apresentaremos algumas alternativas envolvendo interaçãoe negociação, processos que levam em conta os sujeitos e as circunstâncias implicadas na produção dos trabalhos avaliados

    Methods of isolation and identification of pathogenic and potential pathogenic bacteria from skins and tannery effluents

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    Currently there is no standard protocol available within the leather industry to isolate and identify pathogenic bacteria from hides, skins or tannery effluent. This study was therefore carried out to identify simple but effective methods for isolation and identification of bacterial pathogens from the effluent and skins during leather processing. Identification methods based on both phenotypic and genotypic characteristics were investigated. Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were used as indicator bacteria to evaluate the isolation and identification methods. Decontaminated calfskins were inoculated with a pure culture of the above mentioned bacterial species followed by a pre-tanning and chromium tanning processes. Effluent samples were collected and skins were swabbed at the end of each processing stage. Bacterial identification was carried out based on the phenotypic characteristics; such as colony appearance on selective solid media, cell morphology following a standard Gram-staining and spore staining techniques, and biochemical reactions, e.g., the ability of a bacterial species to ferment particular sugars and ability to produce certain enzymes. Additionally, an identification system based on bacterial phenotypic characteristics, known as Biolog® system was applied. A pulsed-filed gel electrophoresis (PFGE) method for bacterial DNA fingerprinting was also evaluated and used for the identification of the inoculated bacteria. The methods described in the study were found to be effective for the identification of pathogenic bacteria from skins and effluent
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