7 research outputs found

    Émotions et stratégies d'autonomie en Grèce égéenne

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    Traduit de l'anglais par Tina Jolas Tout récemment, depuis les travaux pionniers de C. Geertz (1976), R. Lévy (1973), M. Rosaldo (1980) et les premiers articles publiés dans Ethos, les ethnologues ont ajouté au catalogue déjà ancien de leurs intérêts l'étude des émotions, un champ de recherche qui procède théoriquement de ce que l'on a appelé la position constructiviste. Les émotions ne sont pas des objets matériels ; elles ne sont pas, comme le veut William James, des « instincts de "fil de..

    Emotions of protest in times of crisis: representation, dislocation and remedy in the Greek ‘squares movement’

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    This paper focuses on the 2011 ‘squares movement’ in Greece to enquire into the importance of (popular) sovereignty for mobilized individuals in relation to representation and crisis. We draw on tools of political theory and discourse analysis, adopt a ‘bottom up’ ethnographic perspective, and incorporate insights from social movement studies and the sociology of emotions. The aim is to reconstruct the key narratives and frames used by individuals to make sense of their motivations and aspirations, but also to trace the movement’s legacy. Our data is drawn from archival research in media outlets and semi-structured interviews with individuals that participated in or observed the ‘squares movement’. Our findings highlight the importance of the moment of dislocation and its destabilizing effect on individuals, while stressing the positive/productive aspect of crisis. Using emotions as a thread that runs through the mobilization and links it to subsequent ones, we highlight the explanatory value of our analysis for understanding the radical realignment of the political system and the rise of anti-establishment parties, and show how a cycle of tensions at the heart of representation that opened up in 2010 seems to have now closed

    Les émotions

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    Y a-t-il des émotions universelles ou sont-elles toutes culturelles ? Quoi qu'il en soit, ethnologues et historiens montrent comment l'expression de ces émotions varie fortement selon les cultures et les époques

    Silent Bodies in Religion and Work: Migrant Filipinas and the Construction of Relational Power

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    The present article explores the relationship of silences, as vocal and non-vocal bodily practices, to forms of power in religion and work. More specifically, it focuses on Filipina domestic workers in Greece who are members of Iglesia ni Cristo, an independent Filipino church. In the hierarchical contexts of the church and paid domestic work, where the church expands its influence, silence is a dominant embodied religious ethos, an ideal behavior for female workers and an expression of obedience. This silence enhances women’s subordination resulting in strict power relationships. Silencing the body, however, is also an agential practice of Filipina immigrants themselves, a tool to transform power relationships into more reciprocal ones. By reflective and unreflective practices of bodily silence, migrant Filipinas reverse subjection, transform the power relationships in which they are involved and attribute to them a more relational character

    Mágoas de amizade: um ensaio em antropologia das emoções

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    Neste ensaio, analiso a recorrência das categorias grosseria (rudeness) e ofensa (offence) no discurso sobre a amizade de um grupo de ingleses de camadas médias em Londres. Mais do que outros sentimentos ditos positivos, a menção freqüente a essas categorias aponta para uma tensão que atravessa o discurso sobre a amizade e que problematiza o espaço das amizades no conjunto mais amplo das relações sociais. Adoto, aqui, uma abordagem pragmática dentro do campo da "antropologia das emoções". Se, em um primeiro momento, os estudos priorizavam a relativização das categorias de emoções entre as culturas, verifica-se, mais recentemente, um movimento no sentido de tomar os discursos emotivos como práticas situadas em jogos de relações sociais e negociações de poder. Com isso, a emoção deixa de ser vista como experiência interna, subjetiva, para ser analisada como prática discursiva com efeitos externos, extrapolando o chamado domínio do privado.<br>In this essay, I discuss the presence of the categories rudeness and offence in the discourse on friendship produced by a group of middle class English people resident in London. The frequent reference to these categories, rather than to the so called positive emotions, reveals the tensions regarding the negotiation of personal space which crosscut this discourse, which in turn highlight the problematic space that friendship occupies within the field of social relations. This essay draws on the analytical tools of a pragmatic approach within the area known as "anthropology of emotions", developed in the last decade in the Unites States. If at first emotion concepts were mainly studied cross-culturally, nowadays they are seen as discursive practices situated within the wider field of social relations and negotiations of power. As such, emotions cease to be treated as an internal, purely subjective experience, in order to be analysed as a discursive practice with external effects on both private and public spheres