2,526 research outputs found

    Models de educació i formació de persones adultes

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    Models d'educació i formació de persones adultes.

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    En el present article es descriuen en primer lloc les tres tipologies de models de formació d'adults que han estat predominants en aquestes dues darreres dècades. A la segona part de l'article es comentaran alguns deis problemes que es donen i, es descriuran algunes propostes que a la llum de les diferents experiències poden ser més innovadores i poden resultar més convincents

    Lucena y los Insausti

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    Union strategies in the era of globalisation: case studies from Chile's large-scale copper mining sector (1982-2009)

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    Trade unions, workers’ collective organisations, are facing tough times almost everywhere. Research on union strategies of revitalisation has largely focused on advanced industrialised countries thereby overlooking potentially interesting developments elsewhere. This thesis aims at contributing to fill this gap by widening the breath of empirical research and bringing in evidence from Chile’s large-scale copper mining sector. Chile and its copper sector are often heralded as prominent examples of the benefits globalisation can bring to developing countries but much less publicised has been the extent to which neoliberal policy has negatively affected workers and their organisations. The purpose of this thesis is to understand these challenges and to address the issues of in what ways, why, and how far workers and trade unions have effectively confronted their changing environments. More specifically, the thesis aims at analysing and explaining similarities and differences in the emergence, form, and outcomes of union strategy. The research is based on a comparative multi case study of nine union organisations and draws on semi-structured interviews with union leaders, senior managers, state officials, academics, and elite interviewees. This work employs a preliminary framework of analysis that conceives of union strategy as multi-dimensional and aims at explaining its changing nature by elaborating on Frege and Kelly’s (2003) social movement model of union strategic choice, thereby integrating structural determinants with purposeful agency. The thesis shows that since the early 1980s Chile’s labour regulatory regimes have been redesigned to subordinate groups’ disadvantage, severely impacting workers and unions structure of opportunity. It distinguishes three groups. (1) Unions of core workers in union-accepting regimes have stabilised their situation by engaging in different forms of union-management co-operation and membership de-mobilisation. (2) Unions of core workers in anti-union regimes have developed successful organising campaigns and union-building strategies, transforming their original ‘unionfree’ status into a heavily unionised one. (3) Unions of contract workers in harsh anti-union regimes have developed militant ‘direct action’ strategies, becoming prominent nation-wide organisations. At its most general, the thesis argues that meaningful union strategic choice is possible, even in the most difficult of conditions, thereby contradicting claims that unions have become powerless, ineffective, and unnecessary organisations in the era of ‘globalisation’. It acknowledges the relevance of different strategic paths to union effectiveness but suggests that broadly defined militant types of unionism may be better placed to promote union revitalisation. It suggests that structural determinants are insufficient in explaining the form and outcomes of union choices, and that renewed attention must be paid to the social processes of collective action, in particular to the dynamics of micromobilisation

    Value Chain: From iDMU to Shopfloor Documentation of Aeronautical Assemblies

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    Competition in the aerospace manufacturing companies has led them to continuously improve the efficiency of their processes from the conceptual phase to the start of production and during operation phase, providing services to clients. PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) is an end-to-end business solution which aims to provide an environment of information about the product and related processes available to the whole enterprise throughout the product’s lifecycle. Airbus designs and industrializes aircrafts using Concurrent Engineering methods since decades. The introduction of new PLM methods, procedures and tools, and the need to improve processes efficiency and reduce time-to-market, led Airbus to pursue the Collaborative Engineering method. Processes efficiency is also impacted by the variety of systems existing within Airbus. Interoperability rises as a solution to eliminate inefficiencies due to information exchange and transformations and it also provides a way to discover and reuse existing information. The ARIADNE project (Value chain: from iDMU to shopfloor documentation of aeronautical assemblies) was launched to support the industrialization process of an aerostructure by implementing the industrial Digital Mock-Up (iDMU) concept in a Collaborative Engineering framework. Interoperability becomes an important research workpackage in ARIADNE to exploit and reuse the information contained in the iDMU and to create the shop floor documentation. This paper presents the context, the conceptual approach, the methodology adopted and preliminary results of the project

    Clinicopathological and targeted exome gene features of a patient with metastatic acinic cell carcinoma of the parotid gland harboring an ARID2 nonsense mutation and CDKN2A/B deletion

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    We describe the presentation, treatment, clinical outcome, and targeted genome analysis of a metastatic salivary acinic cell carcinoma (AciCC). A 71-year-old male presented with a 3 cm right tail of a parotid lesion, first detected as a nodule by the patient seven months earlier. He had a right total parotidectomy with cranial nerve VII resection, right facial nerve resection and grafting, resection of the right conchal cartilage, and right modified radical neck dissection. The primary tumor revealed AciCC with two distinct areas: a well-differentiated component with glandular architecture and a dedifferentiated component with infiltrative growth pattern associated with prominent stromal response, necrosis, perineural invasion, and cellular pleomorphism. Tumor staging was pT4 N0 MX. Immunohistochemistry staining showed pankeratin (+), CD56 (−), and a Ki67 proliferation index of 15%. Upon microscopic inspection, 49 local lymph nodes resected during parotidectomy were negative for cancer cells. Targeted sequencing of the primary tumor revealed deletions of CDKN2A and CDKN2B, a nonsense mutation in ARID2, and single missense mutations of unknown significance in nine other genes. Despite postoperative localized radiation treatment, follow-up whole body PET/CT scan showed lung, soft tissue, bone, and liver metastases. The patient expired 9 months after resection of the primary tumor

    Influence of MCPA on Fusarium oxysporum root rot and red clover growth under controlled greenhouse conditions

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    Root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum is a disease that reduces red clover persistence. Agronomical management of red clover includes MCPA application, and there is no information regarding the effects of this herbicide on the disease. MCPA was evaluated for its effects on F. oxysporum root rot and red clover (Trifolium pratense) growth in a greenhouse experiment. Additionally, in vitro mycelial growth and conidial germination of F. oxysporum were studied. For shoot dry weight and crown diameter of seedlings, the interaction of herbicide and inoculum was significant at 30 d. The herbicide–inoculum treatment reduced shoot dry weight by 20% at 1X rate and by 24% at 2X rate, and crown diameter was reduced by 10% at the high rate. The MCPA treatment caused a 40% reduction of root dry weight by the end of the experiment. Application of MCPA caused fusarium root rot to increase in severity on red clover seedlings and caused phytotoxicity at the high rate. Interaction with the other growth parameters was not significant, indicating that the effects of herbicide and inoculum were independent. Conidial germination and mycelial growth in vitro were reduced by MCPA. Results suggest that red clover growth could be negatively affected by F. oxysporum after MCPA application and that root rot severity increases at high rates of MCPA.La pourriture fusarienne des racines, causée par le Fusarium oxysporum, est une maladie qui diminue la pérennité du trèfle rouge. Les pratiques agronomiques pour la culture du trèfle rouge incluent l'application de MCPA, mais on ne connaît pas les effets de cet herbicide sur la maladie. Les effets du MCPA sur la pourriture fusarienne des racines, causée par le Fusarium oxysporum, et sur la croissance du trèfle rouge (Trifolium pratense) furent évalués lors d'une expérience en serre. De plus, la croissance mycélienne in vitro et la germination des conidies du F. oxysporum furent étudiées. Pour le poids de matière sèche du système foliacé et pour le diamètre du collet des plantules, l'interaction de l'herbicide et de l'inoculum était significative à 30 jours. Le traitement herbicide–inoculum diminua le poids de matière sèche du système foliacé de 20 % à une fois la dose et de 24 % à deux fois la dose, et le diamètre du collet fut réduit de 10 % à la dose la plus élevée. À la fin de l'expérience, le traitement au MCPA avait réduit de 40 % le poids de matière sèche des racines. L'application de MCPA a fait augmenter l'intensité de la pourriture fusarienne des racines sur les plantules de trèfle rouge et a provoqué de la phytotoxicité à forte dose. L'interaction avec les autres paramètres de la croissance n'était pas significative, ce qui indique que l'effet de l'herbicide et celui de l'inoculum étaient indépendants. Le MCPA a réduit la germination des conidies et la croissance mycélienne in vitro. Les résultats suggèrent que la croissance du trèfle rouge pourrait être affectée négativement par le F. oxysporum après l'application de MCPA et que l'intensité de la pourriture fusarienne des racines augmente avec de fortes doses de MCPA

    Tendencia periódica en las propiedades del Laplaciano de la Densidad Electrónica de Complejos de Metales de la primera serie del Bloque “d”.

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    El compuesto N,N,N´,N´-tetrakis(2-piridilmetil)etilendiamina, también conocido como TPEN, es un ligante hexadentado con seis átomos de nitrógenos donadores y una variedad de modos de coordinación a iones metálicos. Gracias a la habilidad de cruzar membranas tanto naturales como artificiales, este ligante es útil para realizar investigaciones acerca del rol de los metales en celdas, en particular del zinc. También se ha demostrado que el TPEN es activo, in vivo, contra las neurotoxinas botulínicas A y B, debido a que presumiblemente abstrae al Zn(II) del sitio activo de la metaloproteasa de las toxinas. Sin embargo, puesto que esta acción quelante no se limita a la toxina, el TPEN es también considerablemente citotóxico. El laplaciano de la densidad (∇2 ρ(r)) es un campo escalar que describe localmente, la concentración (CC) y deficiencia (CD) de la densidad electrónica. El arreglo de CC y CD en complejos metálicos da soporte físico al modelo donador-aceptor, ya que los CC de los ligantes se encuentran en dirección a los CD del metal. El presente trabajo es un estudio de las propiedades del ∇2 ρ(r) de los métales en el complejo M-tpen, donde M son átomos de la primera serie del bloque “d” complejados con el ligante tpen. El objetivo principal es encontrar la tendencia periódica en la gráfica atómica de los metales en dichos complejos. Los complejos M-tpen presentan una geometría octaédrica y se usaron las coordenadas cristalográficas como estructura de partida para las optimizaciones al nivel de teoría B3LYP/6-311++G(2d,2p) con el programa Gaussian 09. Las funciones de onda obtenidas del cálculo anterior fueron utilizadas para el cálculo del laplaciano de la densidad con el programa AIMall. Después de realizados los análisis correspondientes, fue posible encontrar cierto patrón repetitivo en la gráfica atómica de los metales. Por otro lado, se introdujo un concepto denominado LSI (índice de laplaciano) para los valores del laplaciano de la densidad electrónica en una cara de la gráfica atómica del metal. El LSI nos permite relacionar el valor del laplaciano presente en la cara de la gráfica atómica que se encuentra involucrada en la interacción con el ligante

    Una interpretación metodológica sobre la incorporación de los bienes y servicios culturales al análisis económico

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    Los bienes y servicios culturales son insumos para ‘producir’ el bien básico de ocio denominado experiencia cultural, en el marco de las ‘funciones de producción’ de los hogares. El origen de esta modelación se puede rastrear desde el pensamiento económico, en el papel otorgado a los bienes y servicios culturales en su contribución a vivir agradablemente, y la dificultad inherente en dos procesos: la medición del valor y la formación del gusto, por lo que a prestigiosos economistas estos les parecieron bienes de escaso interés. Y, desde el análisis económico, en la discusión que incorpora al ocio como objeto de análisis. El artículo contribuye a la literatura de la economía de la cultura integrando en forma coherente y comprensiva el pensamiento económico con el análisis económico a partir del caso concreto de los bienes culturales

    Economía de la cultura. Una nueva área de especialización de la economía

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    La consolidación de la economía de la cultura como campo especializado de la ciencia económica es reciente. La obra seminal que le dio origen se remonta a 1966: Performing Arts: The Economic Dilemma de William Baumol y William Bowen. Pese a su corta vida es un área dinámica de aplicación del análisis económico a diferentes temas y áreas: “enfermedad de los costos”, política cultural, modelos de consumo de bienes culturales, conceptos de capital y valor cultural, formas organizativas y de gestión de las empresas culturales, funcionamiento de los mercados del arte, construcción de las cuentas económicas del sector