1,231 research outputs found

    Spiritual Formation Within the Faith Community: the Beginning of a Life Journey

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    Problem. Providing effective opportunities for church members to learn how to grow spiritually is becoming increasingly important, especially since the benefits of many programs do not seem to last over the long term. This project was designed to test whether a multi-dimensional program shows promise of being more effective than a more traditional program. Method. A multidimensional pilot program was designed, implemented, and evaluated. It included the social dimension by creating a community emphasis, the emotional health and maturity dimension that culminated in discovering a God-ordained life calling, and an integration of the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, worship, and transformational prayer throughout the sessions. The program, designed for a small group, consisted of 12 sessions of two hours each, with two sessions per week. Sixteen of the 21 participants attended regularly. They completed four different surveys before the program started and again after it was completed. These revealed their perceptions of their personal spiritual health, emotional health, level of maturity, and readiness for change. A participant evaluation was conducted at the end of the program. Results. The program experience and self-perceptions of participants, as well as the observations of the program’s designer-facilitator-presenter, showed that a multidimensional program for spiritual formation holds greater promise for more effective spiritual growth over time than traditional programs that focus primarily on a spiritual dimension without a relevant and meaningful integration of the primary spiritual disciplines, and without the intentional inclusion of the dimensions of community, emotional health and maturity, and the God-given purpose elements. Conclusions. Every element integrated into the multidimensional program is relevant and necessary. Providing a community context, leading participants to understand and experience greater emotional health and maturity, and guiding them to discover their God-given calling met their felt needs. The spiritual disciplines of Bible study, worship and prayer integrated these elements into a meaningful relationship with God and each other through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit

    Culture dimensions in software development industry: The effects of mentoring

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    Software development is a human centric and sociotechnical activity and like all human activities is influenced by cultural factors. However, software engineering is being further affected because of the globalization in software development. As a result, cultural diversity is influencing software development and its outcomes. The software engineering industry, a very intensive industry regarding human capital, is facing a new era in which software development personnel must adapt to multicultural work environments. Today, many organizations present a multicultural workforce which needs to be managed. This paper analyzes the influence of culture on mentoring relationships within the software engineering industry. Two interesting findings can be concluded from our study: (1) cultural differences affect both formal and informal mentoring, and (2) technical competences are not improved when implementing mentoring relationships

    NoOps – A Multivocal literature review

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    Traditionally, an organization had to have in-house servers and hardware to build a web application. This evolved into Cloud computing where the possibility for cost reduction and scalable data storage became a reality. With the introduction of cloud computing came a concept known as NoOps, or No Operations. This paper aims to take a closer look into what NoOps is and the benefits and challenges of NoOps. The authors identified three RQs that could help to give more insight into NoOps. Further we discussed the findings and RQs and lay out the way forward for future studies into NoOps. We also looked at artificial intelligence (AI) and how AI seems to be heavily linked with a true NoOps environment. With the lack of scientific studies into NoOps, a Multivocal literature review was selected as the method used to investigate the concept and its implications. We try to show voices both for and against NoOps. Further, we try to look at a misconception of what NoOps really is, what true NoOps could be. Finally we look at what requirements there are for companies wanting to go NoOps, and discuss the possibility that many companies unknowingly are moving towards a NoOps environment.publishedVersio

    Convergence of Gamification and Machine Learning: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Recent developments in human–computer interaction technologies raised the attention towards gamification techniques, that can be defined as using game elements in a non-gaming context. Furthermore, advancement in machine learning (ML) methods and its potential to enhance other technologies, resulted in the inception of a new era where ML and gamification are combined. This new direction thrilled us to conduct a systematic literature review in order to investigate the current literature in the field, to explore the convergence of these two technologies, highlighting their influence on one another, and the reported benefits and challenges. The results of the study reflect the various usage of this confluence, mainly in, learning and educational activities, personalizing gamification to the users, behavioral change efforts, adapting the gamification context and optimizing the gamification tasks. Adding to that, data collection for machine learning by gamification technology and teaching machine learning with the help of gamification were identified. Finally, we point out their benefits and challenges towards streamlining future research endeavors.publishedVersio

    Key Opportunities and Challenges of Data Migration in Cloud: Results from a Multivocal Literature Review

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    Cloud data migration is the procedure of moving information, localhost applications, services, and data to the distributed cloud computing infrastructure. The success of this data migration process is depending on several aspects like planning and impact analysis of existing enterprise systems. One of the most common operations is moving locally stored data in a public cloud computing environment. This paper, through a multivocal literature review, identifies the key advantages and consequences of migrating data into the cloud. There are five different cloud migration strategies and models prescribed to evaluate the performance, identifying security requirements, choosing a cloud provider, calculating the cost, and making any necessary organizational changes. The results of this research paper can give a road map for the data migration journey and can help decision makers towards a safe and productive migration to a cloud computing environment.publishedVersio

    La Perspectiva de la matriz sociopolítica y sus transformaciones previas al estallido social: una proximidad al norte chileno (2016-2018)

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    This material shows the political characteristics of Chilean society during the three years prior to the outbreak of October 2019. To account for this situation we have considered a theoretical and methodological contribution. In the theoretical aspect, we have considered the concept of sociopolitical matrix (MSP) and its destructuring process since the last decades of the 20th century. As a methodological element we have considered the «Longitudinal Social Study of Chile» (ELSOC) and the evidence that allows us to account for the destructuring of the MSP during the years prior to the outbreak. Thus, far from considering it an unforeseeable situation, the outbreak was the result of the MSP's deregulation processes and the processes of subjectivation within the framework of neoliberalism. Finally, with the present material we intend to realize that the processes of destructuring of the MSP, as well as those of neoliberal subjectivation, must be substantially located in a territorial framework, for which we expose the particularities of this phenomenon in the northern region of Chile.El presente material evidencia las características polí- ticas de la sociedad chilena durante los tres años previos al estallido de octubre de 2019. Para dar cuenta de esta situación hemos considerado un aporte teórico y metodo- lógico. En el aspecto teórico, hemos considerado el con- cepto de matriz sociopolítica (MSP) y su proceso de deses- tructuración desde las últimas décadas del siglo XX. Como elemento metodológico hemos considerado el «Estudio longitudinal social de Chile» (ELSOC) y las evidencias que nos permiten dar cuenta de la desestructuración de la MSP durante los años previos al estallido. Así, lejos de conside- rarlo una situación no previsible, el estallido fue resultado de los procesos de desregulación de la MSP y los procesos de subjetivación en el marco del neoliberalismo. Final- mente, con el presente material pretendemos dar cuenta que los procesos de desestructuración de la MSP, así como los de subjetivación neoliberal, deben ser sustancialmente situados en un marco territorial, por lo que exponemos las particularidades de este fenómeno en la región norte de Chile.         &nbsp

    Mentoring & coaching: It perspective

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    The development of the intellectual capital of the corporations nowadays represents one of the most significant challenges for the managers of and one of the most fertile fields for the enterpreneurial innovation. The present article shows a vision over two of the techniques of formation of people with greater impact at the present time: the Mentoring and the Coaching. Both terms have been object of debates regarding to their applications, existing, in spite of their notoriety, great confusion on their differences and possible applications. The article reviews the origin of the concepts, its differences and similarities and explores with depth, the applications of it in the field of the Management of the Technologies of the Information.El desarrollo del capital intelectual de las corporaciones representa uno de los retos más significativos para los gestores de hoy en día y uno de los campos más fértiles para la innovación empresarial. En el presente artículo se presenta una visión sobre dos de las técnicas de desarrollo de personas que cuentan con mayor impacto en la actualidad: el Mentoring y el Coaching. Ambos términos han sido objeto de multitud de debates sobre sus aplicaciones, existiendo, pese a su notoriedad, gran confusión sobre sus diferencias y posibles aplicaciones. El artículo repasa el origen de los conceptos, sus diferencias y similitudes y explora con profundidad las aplicaciones del mismo en el campo de la Gestión de las Tecnologías de la Información.Publicad

    A case study for measuring informal learning in PLEs

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    The technological support for learning and teaching processes is constantly changing. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied to education, cause changes that affect the way in which people learn. This application introduces new software systems and solutions to carry out teaching and learning activities. Connected to ICT application, the emergence of Web 2.0 and its use in learning contexts enables an online implementation of the student-centred learning paradigm. In addition, 2.0 trends provide “new” ways to exchange, making easier for informal learning to become patent. Given this context, open and user-centered learning environments are needed to integrate such kinds of tools and trends and are commonly described as Personal Learning Environments. Such environments coexist with the institutional learning management systems and they should interact and exchange information between them. This interaction would allow the assessment of what happens in the personal environment from the institutional side. This article describes a solution to make the interoperability possible between these systems. It is based on a set of interoperability scenarios and some components and communication channels. In order to test the solution it is implemented as a proof of concept and the scenarios are validated through several pilot experiences. In this article one of such scenarios and its evaluation experiment is described to conclude that functionalities from the institutional environments and the personal ones can be combined and it is possible to assess what happens in the activities based on them.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Implementación de un programa de mantenimiento basado en la metodología de diagnóstico de fallas por síntomas para incrementar la confiabilidad de los camiones Komatsu 730E de la compañía minera Misky Mayo

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    El objetivo general de este trabajo, es incrementar la confiabilidad de los camiones Komatsu 730E de la Compañía Minera Misky Mayo. Para lograrlo, se realizó un diagnóstico recopilando información y verificando el estado, comportamiento y funcionamiento durante su operación, para conocer la situación operativa de los camiones Komatsu 730E. Luego se aplicó la técnica de causa efecto para determinar las fallas. Se estableció como hipótesis generalque, con la implementación de un programa de mantenimiento basado en la metodología de diagnóstico por fallas por síntomas se podrá incrementar confiabilidad de los camiones de Komatsu 730E. Para ello la población estuvo conformada por 20 camiones mineros Komatsu 730E. Para su análisis se realizó un estudio experimental con un diseño de investigación de pre test y post test. En cuanto a la recolección de datos se utilizaron formatos para determinar las causas y efectos de fallas, control e inspección, tiempo medio entre fallas, tiempode reparación de fallas. Finalmente se realizó un análisis de los resultados obtenidos y con ellos las conclusiones para mejorar el funcionamiento de los camiones Komatsu 730E. El beneficio que aportó el siguiente trabajo fue incrementar la confiabilidad de los camiones Komatsu 730E de 53%a 66% logrando así alcanzar el objetivo propuesto