863 research outputs found

    Membrane solitons in eight-dimensional hyper-Kaehler backgrounds

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    We derive the BPS equations satisfied by lump solitons in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional sigma models with toric 8-dimensional hyper-K\"ahler (HK8{HK}_8) target spaces and check they preserve 1/2 of the supersymmetry. We show how these solitons are realised in M theory as M2-branes wrapping holomorphic 2-cycles in the \bE^{1,2}\times {HK}_8 background. Using the κ\kappa-symmetry of a probe M2-brane in this background we determine the supersymmetry they preserve, and note that there is a discrepancy in the fraction of supersymmetry preserved by these solitons as viewed from the low energy effective sigma model description of the M2-brane dynamics or the full M theory. Toric HK8{HK}_8 manifolds are dual to a Hanany-Witten setup of D3-branes suspended between 5-branes. In this picture the lumps correspond to vortices of the three dimensional N=3{\mathcal N}=3 or N=4{\mathcal N}=4 theory.Comment: 12+1 pages. LaTex. v2: Typos corrected and references adde


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    Witten proposed that the low energy physics of strongly coupled D=10 type-IIA superstring may be described by D=11 supergravity. To explore the stringy aspects of the underlying theory we examine the stringy massive states. We propose a systematic formula for identifying non-perturbative states in D=10 type-IIA superstring theory, such that, together with the elementary excited string states, they form D=11 supersymmetric multiplets multiplets in SO(10) representations. This provides hints for the construction of a weakly coupled D=11 theory that is dual to the strongly coupled D=10 type IIA superstring.Comment: LaTeX, revtex, 2-column, 10 pages

    Dyonic p-branes from self-dual (p+1)-branes

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    The `electromagnetic' Sl(2;\bZ) duality group in spacetime dimension D=4kD=4k can be given a Kaluza-Klein interpretation in D=4k+2D=4k+2 as the modular group of a compactifying torus. We show how dyonic 2(k1)2(k-1)-branes in D=4kD=4k can be interpreted as self-dual (2k1)(2k-1)-branes in D=4k+2D=4k+2 wound around the homology cycles of the torus. In particular, dyons of the D=4 N=4 heterotic string theory are interpreted as winding modes of a D=6 self-dual string, while D=8 dyonic membranes are interpreted as wound 3-branes of D=10 IIB superstring theory. We also discuss the T-dual IIA interpretations of D=8 dyonic membranes.Comment: 16 pp. phyzzx. 1 fi

    Compactification of D=11 supergravity on spaces of exceptional holonomy

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    We investigate the compactification of D=11 supergravity to D=5,4,3, on compact manifolds of holonomy SU(3)SU(3) (Calabi-Yau), G2G_2, and Spin(7)Spin(7), respectively, making use of examples of the latter two cases found recently by Joyce. In each case the lower dimensional theory is a Maxwell/Einstein supergravity theory. We find evidence for an equivalence, in certain cases, with heterotic string compactifications from D=10 to D=5,4,3, on compact manifolds of holonomy SU(2)SU(2) (K3×S1K_3\times S^1), SU(3)SU(3), and G2G_2, respectively. Calabi-Yau manifolds with Hodge numbers h1,1=h1,2=19h_{1,1}=h_{1,2}=19 play a significant role in the proposed equivalences.Comment: Minor amendments plus some new reference

    Analysis of travelling waves associated with the modelling of aerosolised skin grafts

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    A previous model developed by the authors investigates the growth patterns of keratinocyte cell colonies after they have been applied to a burn site using a spray technique. In this paper, we investigate a simplified one-dimensional version of the model. This model yields travelling wave solutions and we analyse the behaviour of the travelling waves. Approximations for the rate of healing and maximum values for both the active healing and the healed cell densities are obtained

    Intersecting M-branes

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    We present the magnetic duals of G\"uven's electric-type solutions of D=11 supergravity preserving 1/41/4 or 1/81/8 of the D=11 supersymmetry. We interpret the electric solutions as nn orthogonal intersecting membranes and the magnetic solutions as nn orthogonal intersecting 5-branes, with n=2,3n=2,3; these cases obey the general rule that pp-branes can self-intersect on (p2)(p-2)-branes. On reduction to D=4D=4 these solutions become electric or magnetic dilaton black holes with dilaton coupling constant a=1a=1 (for n=2n=2) or a=1/3a=1/\sqrt{3} (for n=3n=3). We also discuss the reduction to D=10.Comment: Derivation of an intersection rule added. Some additional refs. Version accepted for publication in PLB. Phyzzx macr

    Phase field analysis of eutectic breakdown.

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    In this paper an isotropic multi-phase-field model is extended to include the effects of anisotropy and the spontaneous nucleation of an absent phase. This model is derived and compared against a published single phase model. Results from this model are compared against results from other multi-phase models, additionally this model is used to examine the break down of a regular two dimensional eutectic into a single phase dendritic front

    Duality of Type II 7-branes and 8-branes

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    We present a version of ten-dimensional IIA supergravity containing a 9-form potential for which the field equations are equivalent to those of the standard, massless, IIA theory for vanishing 10-form field strength, F10F_{10}, and to those of the `massive' IIA theory for non-vanishing F10F_{10}. We present a multi 8-brane solution of these equations that generalizes the 8-brane of Polchinski and Witten. We show that this solution is T-dual to a new multi 7-brane solution of S1S^1 compactified IIB supergravity, and that the latter is T-dual to the IIA 6-brane. When combined with the Sl(2;Z)Sl(2;\Z) U-duality of the type IIB superstring, the T-duality between type II 7-branes and 8-branes implies a quantization of the cosmological constant of type IIA superstring theory. These results are made possible by the construction of a new {\it massive} N=2 D=9 supergravity theory. We also discuss the 11-dimensional interpretation of these type II p-branes.Comment: Includes corrections to last section that will appear in the version to be published in Nuclear Physics B. 36 pp. Phyzz

    Mersenne Primes, Polygonal Anomalies and String Theory Classification

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    It is pointed out that the Mersenne primes Mp=(2p1)M_p=(2^p-1) and associated perfect numbers Mp=2p1Mp{\cal M}_p=2^{p-1}M_p play a significant role in string theory; this observation may suggest a classification of consistent string theories.Comment: 10 pages LaTe