258 research outputs found

    Impact of 90 minutes running exercise on plantar loading of the forefoot: a prospective study on symptom-free athletes

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    Many studies have demonstrated that individuals who engage in running exercises appear to develop musculo-skeletal injuries more frequently [1]. Considering the foot, the most common injuries include stress fractures of the metatarsals, plantar fasciitis, tibialis posterior lesions and ankle sprains. Studies have been conducted who analysed the loading characteristics of the foot in repeated measurement designs – before and after exercise – in order to find a pathomechanical pathway for metatarsal stress fractures [2-4]. The published studies evaluated the in-shoe plantar pressure during treadmill running [2,3] or barefoot after a marathon [4]. To date, no investigation have been conducted who evaluated the impact of a regular training session onto the forefoot loading characteristics. The objective of this investigation was therefore to identify changes in loading characteristics of the foot after a 90 minute running exercise

    The DAC system and associations with multiple myeloma

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    Despite the clear progress achieved in recent years in the treatment of MM, most patients eventually relapse and therefore novel therapeutic options are still necessary for these patients. In this regard, several drugs that target specific mechanisms of the tumor cells are currently being explored in the preclinical and clinical setting. This manuscripts offers a review of the rationale and current status of the antimyeloma activity of one of the most relevant examples of these targeted drugs: deacetylase inhibitors (DACi). Several studies have demonstrated the prooncogenic activity of deacetylases (DACs) through the targeting not only of histones but also of non histone proteins relevant to tumor progression, such as p53, E2F family members, Bcl-6, Hsp90, HIF-1α or Nur77. This fact together with the DACs overexpression present in several tumors, has prompted the development of some DACi with potential antitumor effect. This situation is also evident in the case of MM as two mechanisms of DACi, the inhibition of the epigenetic inactivation of p53 and the blockade of the unfolded protein response, through the inhibition of the aggressome formation (by targeting DAC6) and the inactivation of the chaperone system (by acetylating HSP-90), provides the rationale for the exploration of the potential antimyeloma activity of these compounds. Several DACi with different chemical structure and different selectivity for targeting the DAC families have been tested in MM. Their preclinical activity in monotherapy has been quite exciting and has been described to be mediated by various mechanisms: the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest mainly by the upregulation of p21; the interferece with the interaction between plasma cells and the microenvironment, by reducing the expression and signalling of several cytokines or by inhibiting angiogenesis. Finally they also have a role in protecting murine models from myeloma bone disease. Neverteless, the clinical activity in monotherapy of these drugs in relapsed/refractory MM patients has been very modest. This has prompted the development of combinations such as the one with bortezomib or lenalidomide and dexamethasone, which have already been taken into the clinics with positive preliminary results

    Towards a TILLING platform for functional genomics in Piel de Sapo melons

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    Background The availability of genetic and genomic resources for melon has increased significantly, but functional genomics resources are still limited for this crop. TILLING is a powerful reverse genetics approach that can be utilized to generate novel mutations in candidate genes. A TILLING resource is available for cantalupensis melons, but not for inodorus melons, the other main commercial group. Results A new ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized (EMS) melon population was generated for the first time in an andromonoecious non-climacteric inodorus Piel de Sapo genetic background. Diverse mutant phenotypes in seedlings, vines and fruits were observed, some of which were of possible commercial interest. The population was first screened for mutations in three target genes involved in disease resistance and fruit quality (Cm-PDS, Cm-eIF4E and Cm-eIFI(iso)4E). The same genes were also tilled in the available monoecious and climacteric cantalupensis EMS melon population. The overall mutation density in this first Piel de Sapo TILLING platform was estimated to be 1 mutation/1.5 Mb by screening four additional genes (Cm-ACO1, Cm-NOR, Cm-DET1 and Cm-DHS). Thirty-three point mutations were found for the seven gene targets, six of which were predicted to have an impact on the function of the protein. The genotype/phenotype correlation was demonstrated for a loss-of-function mutation in the Phytoene desaturase gene, which is involved in carotenoid biosynthesis. Conclusions The TILLING approach was successful at providing new mutations in the genetic background of Piel de Sapo in most of the analyzed genes, even in genes for which natural variation is extremely low. This new resource will facilitate reverse genetics studies in non-climacteric melons, contributing materially to future genomic and breeding studies.González, M.; Xu, M.; Esteras Gómez, C.; Roig Montaner, MC.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ.; Troadec, C.; Pujol, M.... (2011). Towards a TILLING platform for functional genomics in Piel de sapo melons. BMC Research Notes. 4(289):289-299. doi:10.1186/1756-0500-4-289S2892994289The International Cucurbit Genomics Initiative (ICuGI). [ http://www.icugi.org ]González-Ibeas D, Blanca J, Roig C, González-To M, Picó B, Truniger V, Gómez P, Deleu W, Caño-Delgado A, Arús P, Nuez F, García-Mas J, Puigdomènech P, Aranda MA: MELOGEN: an EST database for melon functional genomics. BMC Genomics. 2007, 8: 306-10.1186/1471-2164-8-306.Fita A, Picó B, Monforte A, Nuez F: Genetics of Root System Architecture Using Near-isogenic Lines of Melon. J Am Soc Hortic Sci. 2008, 133: 448-458.Fernandez-Silva I, Eduardo I, Blanca J, Esteras C, Picó B, Nuez F, Arús P, Garcia-Mas J, Monforte AJ: Bin mapping of genomic and EST-derived SSRs in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Theor Appl Genet. 2008, 118: 139-150. 10.1007/s00122-008-0883-3.Deleu W, Esteras C, Roig C, González-To M, Fernández-Silva I, Blanca J, Aranda MA, Arús P, Nuez F, Monforte AJ, Picó MB, Garcia-Mas J: A set of EST-SNPs for map saturation and cultivar identification in melon. BMC Plant Biol. 2009, 9: 90-10.1186/1471-2229-9-90.Mascarell-Creus A, Cañizares J, Vilarrasa J, Mora-García S, Blanca J, González-Ibeas D, Saladié M, Roig C, Deleu W, Picó B, López-Bigas N, Aranda MA, Garcia-Mas J, Nuez F, Puigdomènech P, Caño-Delgado A: An oligo-based microarray offers novel transcriptomic approaches for the analysis of pathogen resistance and fruit quality traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.). BMC Genomics. 2009, 10: 467-10.1186/1471-2164-10-467.Blanca JM, Cañizares J, Ziarsolo P, Esteras C, Mir G, Nuez F, Garcia-Mas J, Pico B: Melon transcriptome characterization. SSRs and SNPs discovery for high throughput genotyping across the species. Plant Genome. 2011, 4 (2): 118-131. 10.3835/plantgenome2011.01.0003.González VM, Benjak A, Hénaff EM, Mir G, Casacuberta JM, Garcia-Mas J, Puigdomènech P: Sequencing of 6.7 Mb of the melon genome using a BAC pooling strategy. BMC Plant Biology. 2010, 10: 246-10.1186/1471-2229-10-246.Moreno E, Obando JM, Dos-Santos N, Fernández-Trujillo JP, Monforte AJ, Garcia-Mas J: Candidate genes and QTLs for fruit ripening and softening in melon. Theor Appl Genet. 2007, 116: 589-602.Essafi A, Díaz-Pendón JA, Moriones E, Monforte AJ, Garcia-Mas J, Martín-Hernández AM: Dissection of the oligogenic resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus in the melon accession PI 161375. Theor Appl Genet. 2009, 118: 275-284. 10.1007/s00122-008-0897-x.Comai L, Henikoff S: TILLING: practical single-nucleotide mutation discovery. Plant J. 2006, 45: 684-94. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02670.x.Cooper JL, Till BJ, Laport RG, Darlow MC, Kleffner JM, Jamai A, El-Mellouki T, Liu S, Ritchie R, Nielsen N, et al: TILLING to detect induced mutations in soybean. BMC Plant Biol. 2008, 8 (1): 9-10.1186/1471-2229-8-9.Dalmais M, Schmidt J, Le Signor C, Moussy F, Burstin J, Savois V, Aubert G, de Oliveira Y, Guichard C, Thompson R, Bendahmane A: UTILLdb, a Pisum sativum in silico forward and reverse genetics tool. Genome Biol. 2008, 9: R43-10.1186/gb-2008-9-2-r43.Dierking EC, Bilyeu KD: New sources of soybean meal and oil composition traits identified through TILLING. BMC Plant Biol. 2009, 9: 89-10.1186/1471-2229-9-89.Perry J, Brachmann A, Welham T, Binder A, Charpentier M, Groth M, Haage K, Markmann K, Wang TL, Parniske M: TILLING in Lotus japonicus identified large allelic series for symbiosis genes and revealed a bias in functionally defective ethyl methanesulfonate alleles toward glycine replacements. Plant Physiol. 2009, 151 (3): 1281-1291. 10.1104/pp.109.142190.Caldwell DG, McCallum N, Shaw P, Muehlbauer GJ, Marshall DF, Waugh R: A structured mutant population for forward and reverse genetics in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant J. 2004, 40 (1): 143-150. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2004.02190.x.Henikoff S, Bradley JT, Comai L: TILLING. Traditional mutagenesis meets functional genomics. Plant Physiol. 2004, 135: 630-636. 10.1104/pp.104.041061.Wu JL, Wu C, Lei C, Baraoidan M, Bordeos A, Madamba MR, Ramos-Pamplona M, Mauleon R, Portugal A, Ulat VJ, et al: Chemical- and irradiation-induced mutants of indica rice IR64 for forward and reverse genetics. Plant Mol Biol. 2005, 59 (1): 85-97. 10.1007/s11103-004-5112-0.Slade AJ, Fuerstenberg SI, Loeffler D, Steine MN, Facciotti D: A reverse genetic, nontransgenic approach to wheat crop improvement by TILLING. Nat Biotechnol. 2005, 23: 75-81. 10.1038/nbt1043.Till BJ, Cooper J, Tai TH, Colowit P, Greene EA, Henikoff S, Comai L: Discovery of chemically induced mutations in rice by TILLING. BMC Plant Biol. 2007, 7: 19-10.1186/1471-2229-7-19.Xin Z, Wang ML, Barkley NA, Burow G, Franks C, Pederson G, Burke J: Applying genotyping (TILLING) and phenotyping analyses to elucidate gene function in a chemically induced sorghum mutant population. BMC Plant Biol. 2008, 8: 103-10.1186/1471-2229-8-103.Dong C, Dalton-Morgan J, Vincent K, Sharp P: A modified TILLING method for wheat breeding. Plant Genome. 2009, 2: 39-47. 10.3835/plantgenome2008.10.0012.Sestili F, Botticella E, Bedo Z, Phillips A, Lafiandra D: Production of novel allelic variation for genes involved in starch biosynthesis through mutagenesis. Mol Breeding. 2010, 25: 145-154. 10.1007/s11032-009-9314-7.Watanabe S, Mizoguchi T, Aoki K, Kubo Y, Mori H, Imanishi S, Yamazaki Y, Shibata D, Ezura H: Ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis of Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom for large-scale mutant screens. Plant Biotech. 2007, 24: 33-38. 10.5511/plantbiotechnology.24.33.Elias R, Till BJ, Mba Ch, Al-Safadi B: Optimizing TILLING and Ecotilling techniques for potato (Solanum tuberosum L). BMC Res Notes. 2009, 2: 141-10.1186/1756-0500-2-141.Piron F, Nicolaı M, Minoıa S, Piednoir E, Moretti A, Salgues A, Zamir D, Caranta C, Bendahmane A: An induced mutation in tomato eIF4E leads to immunity to two Potyviruses. PLoS ONE. 2010, 5 (6): e11313-10.1371/journal.pone.0011313.Himelblau E, Gilchrist EJ, Buono K, Bizell C, Mentzer L, Vogelzang R, Osborn T, Amasino RM, Parkin IAP, Haughn : Forward and reverse genetics of papid cycling Brassica oleracea. Theor Appl Genet. 2009, 118: 953-961. 10.1007/s00122-008-0952-7.Stephenson P, Baker D, Girin T, Perez A, Amoah S, King GJ, Østergaard L: A rich TILLING resource for studying gene function in Brassica rapa. BMC Plant Biol. 2010, 10: 62-10.1186/1471-2229-10-62.Pitrat M: Melon (Cucumis melo L.). Handbook of Crop Breeding Vol I. Vegetables. Edited by: Prohens J, Nuez F. 2008, New York:Springer, 283-315.Dahmani-Mardas F, Troadec Ch, Boualem A, Leveque S, Alsadon AA, Aldoss AA, Dogimont C, Bendahman A: Engineering Melon Plants with Improved Fruit Shelf Life Using the TILLING Approach. PLoS ONE. 2010, 5: e15776-10.1371/journal.pone.0015776.Nieto C, Piron F, Dalmais M, Marco CF, Moriones E, Gómez-Guillamón ML, Truniger V, Gómez P, Garcia-Mas J, Aranda MA, Bendahmane A: EcoTILLING for the identification of allelic variants of melon eIF4E, a factor that controls virus susceptibility. BMC Plant Biol. 2007, 7: 34-10.1186/1471-2229-7-34.Qin G, Gu H, Ma L, Peng Y, Deng XW, Chen Z, Qu LJ: Disruption of phytoene desaturase gene results in albino and dwarf phenotypes in Arabidopsis by impairing chlorophyll, carotenoid, and gibberellin biosynthesis. Cell Res. 2007, 17: 471-482. 10.1038/cr.2007.40.Codons Optimized to Deliver Deleterious Lesions (CODDLe). [ http://www.proweb.org/input ]Lasserre E, Bouquin T, Hernández JA, Bull J, Pech JC, Balague C: Structure and expression of three genes encoding ACC oxidase homologs from melon (Cucumis melo L.). Mol Gen Genet. 1996, 251 (1): 81-90.Giovannoni JJ: Fruit ripening mutants yield insights into ripening control. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007, 10: 1-7. 10.1016/j.pbi.2006.11.012.Davuluri GR, van Tuinen A, Mustilli AC, Manfredonia A, Newman R, Burgess D, Brummell DA, King SR, Palys J, Uhlig J, Pennings HMJ, Bowler C: Manipulation of DET1 expression in tomato results in photomorphogenic phenotypes caused by post-transcriptional gene silencing. Plant J. 2004, 40: 344-354. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2004.02218.x.Wei S, Li X, Gruber MI, Li R, Zhou R, Zebarjadi A, Hannoufa A: RNAi-mediated suppression of DET1 alters the levels of carotenoids and sinapate esters in seeds of Brassica napus. J Agric Food Chem. 2009, 57 (12): 5326-5333. 10.1021/jf803983w.Wang TW, Zhang CG, Wu W, Nowack LM, Madey E, Thompson JE: Antisense suppression of deoxyhypusine synthase in tomato delays fruit softening and alters growth and development DHS mediates the first of two sequential enzymatic reactions that activate eukaryotic translation initiation factor-5A. Plant Physiol. 2005, 138: 1372-1382. 10.1104/pp.105.060194.Ng PC, Henikoff S: SIFT: predicting amino acid changes that affect protein function. Nucleic Acids Res. 2003, 31 (13): 3812-3814. 10.1093/nar/gkg509.Guzman P, Ecker JR: Exploiting the triple response of Arabidopsis to identify ethylene-related mutants. The Plant Cell. 1990, 2: 513-523.Henikoff S, Comai L: Single-nucleotide mutations for plant functional genomics. Ann Rev Plant Biol. 2003, 54: 375-401. 10.1146/annurev.arplant.54.031902.135009.Greene EA, Codomo CA, Taylor NE, Henikoff JG, Till BJ, Reynolds SH, Enns LC, Burtner C, Johnson JE, Odden AR, et al: Spectrum of chemically induced mutations from a large-scale reverse genetic screen in Arabidopsis. Genetics. 2003, 164 (2): 731-740.Britt AB: DNA damage and repair in plants. Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol. 1996, 47: 75-100. 10.1146/annurev.arplant.47.1.75.Truniger V, Nieto C, González-Ibeas D, Aranda M: Mechanism of plant eIF4E-mediated resistance against a Carmovirus (Tombusviridae): cap-independent translation of a viral RNA controlled in cis by an (a)virulence determinant. Plant J. 2008, 56 (5): 716-727. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03630.x.Gao Z, Johansen E, Eyers S, Thomas CL, Ellis THN, Maule AJ: The potyvirus recessive resistance gene, sbm1, identifies a novel role for translation initiation factor eIF4E in cell-to-cell trafficking. Plant J. 2004, 40 (3): 376-385. 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2004.02215.x.Kang BC, Yeam I, Frantz JD, Murphy JF, Jahn MM: The pvr1 locus in Capsicum encodes a translation initiation factor eIF4E that interacts with Tobacco etch virus VPg. 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    Transcriptomic Events Involved in Melon Mature-Fruit Abscission Comprise the Sequential Induction of Cell-Wall Degrading Genes Coupled to a Stimulation of Endo and Exocytosis

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    Background: Mature-fruit abscission (MFA) in fleshy-fruit is a genetically controlled process with mechanisms that, contrary to immature-fruit abscission, has not been fully characterized. Here, we use pyrosequencing to characterize the transcriptomes of melon abscission zone (AZ) at three stages during AZ-cell separation in order to understand MFA control at an early stage of AZ-activation. Principal Findings: The results show that by early induction of MFA, the melon AZ exhibits major gene induction, while by late induction of MFA, melon AZ shows major gene repression. Although some genes displayed similar regulation in both early and late induction of abscission, such as EXT1-EXT4, EGase1, IAA2, ERF1, AP2D15, FLC, MADS2, ERAF17, SAP5 and SCL13 genes, the majority had different expression patterns. This implies that time-specific events occur during MFA, and emphasizes the value of characterizing multiple time-specific abscission transcriptomes. Analysis of gene-expression from these AZs reveal that a sequential induction of cell-wall-degrading genes is associated with the upregulation of genes involved in endo and exocytosis, and a shift in plant-hormone metabolism and signaling genes during MFA. This is accompanied by transcriptional activity of small-GTPases and synthaxins together with tubulins, dynamins, V-type ATPases and kinesin-like proteins potentially involved in MFA signaling. Early events are potentially controlled by down-regulation of MADS-box, AP2/ERF and Aux/IAA transcription-factors, and up-regulation of homeobox, zinc finger, bZIP, and WRKY transcription-factors, while late events may be controlled by up-regulation of MYB transcription-factors. Significance: Overall, the data provide a comprehensive view on MFA in fleshy-fruit, identifying candidate genes and pathways associated with early induction of MFA. Our comprehensive gene-expression profile will be very useful for elucidating gene regulatory networks of the MFA in fleshy-fruit

    Promoter methylation-associated loss of ID4 expression is a marker of tumour recurrence in human breast cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inhibitor of DNA binding/Inhibitor of differentiation 4 (<it>ID4</it>) is a critical factor for cell proliferation and differentiation in normal vertebrate development. <it>ID4</it> has regulative functions for differentiation and growth of the developing brain. The role of <it>ID1</it>, <it>ID2</it> and <it>ID3</it> are expected to be oncogenic due to their overexpression in pancreatic cancer and colorectal adenocarcinomas, respectively. Aside from these findings, loss of <it>ID3</it> expression was demonstrated in ovarian cancer. The aim of the present study was to reveal the factual role of <it>ID4</it> in carcinogenesis in more detail, since its role for the pathogenesis of human breast cancer has been discussed controversially, assigning both oncogenic and tumour suppressive functions. </p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>ID4</it> promoter methylation, <it>ID4</it> mRNA expression and <it>ID4</it> protein expression were analysed in primary human breast cancer specimens using methylation-specific PCR (MSP) (n=170), semiquantitative realtime RT-PCR (n=46) and immunhistochemistry (n=3), respectively. In order to demonstrate a functional association of <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation with its gene silencing, we performed DNA demethylation analysis with four human breast cell lines using MSP and semiquantitative realtime RT-PCR. In addition, we performed correlations of <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation with <it>ID4</it> mRNA and <it>ID4</it> protein expression in matched samples of breast tumour and corresponding normal tissue. We carried out statistical analyses in order to find correlations between <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation and clinicopathological parameters. </p> <p>Results</p> <p>Frequent <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation was observed in primary breast cancer samples (69%, 117/170). We found a tight correlation (P<0.0001) between <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation and loss of <it>ID4</it> expression in primary breast cancer 3 specimens. Demethylating treatment with breast cancer cell lines was associated with clear ID4 mRNA re-expression. Tumours with <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation showed distinct loss of <it>ID4</it> expression on both transcription and protein level. Interestingly, <it>ID4</it> promoter methylation was a factor for unfavourable recurrence-free survival (P=0.036) and increased risk for lymph node metastasis (P=0.030). </p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ID4 is indeed a novel tumour suppressor gene in normal human breast tissue and is epigenetically silenced during cancer development, indicating increased risk for tumour relapse. Thus, <it>ID4</it> methylation status could serve as a prognostic biomarker in human breast cancer.</p

    Absence of a specific radiation signature in post-Chernobyl thyroid cancers

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    Thyroid cancers have been the main medical consequence of the Chernobyl accident. On the basis of their pathological features and of the fact that a large proportion of them demonstrate RET-PTC translocations, these cancers are considered as similar to classical sporadic papillary carcinomas, although molecular alterations differ between both tumours. We analysed gene expression in post-Chernobyl cancers, sporadic papillary carcinomas and compared to autonomous adenomas used as controls. Unsupervised clustering of these data did not distinguish between the cancers, but separates both cancers from adenomas. No gene signature separating sporadic from post-Chernobyl PTC (chPTC) could be found using supervised and unsupervised classification methods although such a signature is demonstrated for cancers and adenomas. Furthermore, we demonstrate that pooled RNA from sporadic and chPTC are as strongly correlated as two independent sporadic PTC pools, one from Europe, one from the US involving patients not exposed to Chernobyl radiations. This result relies on cDNA and Affymetrix microarrays. Thus, platform-specific artifacts are controlled for. Our findings suggest the absence of a radiation fingerprint in the chPTC and support the concept that post-Chernobyl cancer data, for which the cancer-causing event and its date are known, are a unique source of information to study naturally occurring papillary carcinomas

    Engineering Melon Plants with Improved Fruit Shelf Life Using the TILLING Approach

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    Background: Fruit ripening and softening are key traits that have an effect on food supply, fruit nutritional value and consequently, human health. Since ethylene induces ripening of climacteric fruit, it is one of the main targets to control fruit over ripening that leads to fruit softening and deterioration. The characterization of the ethylene pathway in Arabidopsis and tomato identified key genes that control fruit ripening. [br/] Methodology/Principal Findings: To engineer melon fruit with improved shelf-life, we conducted a translational research experiment. We set up a TILLING platform in a monoecious and climacteric melon line, cloned genes that control ethylene production and screened for induced mutations that lead to fruits with enhanced shelf life. Two missense mutations, L124F and G194D, of the ethylene biosynthetic enzyme, ACC oxidase 1, were identified and the mutant plants were characterized with respect to fruit maturation. The L124F mutation is a conservative mutation occurring away from the enzyme active site and thus was predicted to not affect ethylene production and thus fruit ripening. In contrast, G194D modification occurs in a highly conserved amino acid position predicted, by crystallographic analysis, to affect the enzymatic activity. Phenotypic analysis of the G194D mutant fruit showed complete delayed ripening and yellowing with improved shelf life and, as predicted, the L124F mutation did not have an effect. [br/] Conclusions/Significance: We constructed a mutant collection of 4023 melon M2 families. Based on the TILLING of 11 genes, we calculated the overall mutation rate of one mutation every 573 kb and identified 8 alleles per tilled kilobase. We also identified a TILLING mutant with enhanced fruit shelf life. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of TILLING as a reverse genetics tool to improve crop species. As cucurbits are model species in different areas of plant biology, we anticipate that the developed tool will be widely exploited by the scientific community