247 research outputs found

    Understanding behaviour change in context: examining the role of midstream social marketing programmes

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    This research examines how midstream social marketing programmes that adopt a relational and community-based approach create opportunities for individuals to make incremental changes to health behaviour. Specifically, it applies Bourdieusian theory to explore how interactions between community healthcare workers (CHWs) and members of the public generate impetus for change and foster individual agency for improved health. Qualitative interviews were carried out with members of the public and CHWs engaged in a Smokefree homes and cars initiative. The findings suggest that although CHWs are challenged by resource constraints, their practices in working with individuals and families build trust and enable dialogue that bridges smoking-related health insight with home logics. These interactions can promote individual agency with a transformative effect through small changes to smoking-related dispositions, norms and practices. However, tensions with the habitus of other household members and other capital deficits can inhibit progress towards embedding new practices. The study concludes that interventions built upon community relationships show potential for addressing limitations of information-focused campaigns but there is a need to also respond to key social structures relating to the field of action for new health dispositions to become embedded in practice

    Computational modeling of ovarian cancer dynamics suggests optimal strategies for therapy and screening

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    High-grade serous tubo-ovarian carcinoma (HGSC) is a major cause of cancer-related death. Treatment is not uniform, with some patients undergoing primary debulking surgery followed by chemotherapy (PDS) and others being treated directly with chemotherapy and only having surgery after three to four cycles (NACT). Which strategy is optimal remains controversial. We developed a mathematical framework that simulates hierarchical or stochastic models of tumor initiation and reproduces the clinical course of HGSC. After estimating parameter values, we infer that most patients harbor chemoresistant HGSC cells at diagnosis and that, if the tumor burden is not too large and complete debulking can be achieved, PDS is superior to NACT due to better depletion of resistant cells. We further predict that earlier diagnosis of primary HGSC, followed by complete debulking, could improve survival, but its benefit in relapsed patients is likely to be limited. These predictions are supported by primary clinical data from multiple cohorts. Our results have clear implications for these key issues in HGSC management

    Política de estabilização de renda para a agricultura familiar: uma análise de risco.

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    Os produtores familiares foram prejudicados pelas políticas de substituição de importações e de modernização da agricultura, sofrendo com elevadas transferências de renda para fora do setor. Uma forma de ressarci-los seria implementando uma política de estabilização de renda que asseguraria rentabilidade estável aos produtores. O objetivo deste artigo é determinar os benefícios de uma política de estabilização de renda implementada na agricultura familiar para agricultores e consumidores de arroz, feijão, milho e mandioca, e os custos para agricultores comerciais nesses mercados. Utilizou-se o modelo de Newbery e Stiglitz, que considera a redução do risco com a política de estabilização de renda. A política implicaria aumento de receita para produtores familiares. Os benefícios de transferência superariam os de eficiência para produtores familiares e consumidores. Os benefícios para a agricultura familiar superariam os custos da agricultura comercial com a política nos mercados de feijão, mandioca e milho, e os benefícios totais superariam os custos totais nos mercados de feijão e milho, ao contrário ocorreria nos mercados de arroz e mandioca, embora neste fosse pequena a diferença. Conclui-se que a implementação da política seria viável nos mercados onde a participação da agricultura familiar fosse maior que a da comercial e naqueles importadores

    Migrant workers' engagement with labour market intermediaries in Europe: symbolic power guiding transnational exchange

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    This article explores the strategies of migrant workers from post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) within the process of transnational exchange characterized by transnational labour market intermediaries that have substantially altered the former national bilateral employment relations. Utilizing a Bourdieuian conceptual framework it examines Slovenian and Polish workers’ migration strategies and struggles to acquire and convert capitals within the process of transnational exchange and upon arrival in the UK. The article uncovers the (self-)colonial cultural capital embodied in CEE workers’ habitus that drives their strategies to take up various working and training opportunities in the UK in order to acquire (trans)nationally recognized cultural capital. This labour of acquisition drives Polish and Slovenian workers to seek specific cross-cultural and ethnic-niche intermediary services that can manipulate the most reliable symbolic signs in order to make profits from migrant worker-consumers. In this regard the article also exposes inter- and intra-ethnic variations

    The role of viral and bacterial infections in the pathogenesis of IPF: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic progressive lung disease. Several risk factors such as smoking, air pollution, inhaled toxins, high body mass index and infectious agents are involved in the pathogenesis of IPF. In the present study, this meta-analysis study investigates the prevalence of viral and bacterial infections in the IPF patients and any possible association between these infections with pathogenesis of IPF. Methods: The authors carried out this systematic literature review from different reliable databases such as PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar to December 2020.Keywords used were the following �Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis�, �Infection�, �Bacterial Infection� and �Viral Infection�, alone or combined together with the Boolean operators "OR�, �AND� and �NOT� in the Title/Abstract/Keywords field. Pooled proportion and its 95 CI were used to assess the prevalence of viral and bacterial infections in the IPF patients. Results: In this systematic review and meta-analyses, 32 studies were selected based on the exclusion/inclusion criteria. Geographical distribution of included studies was: eight studies in American people, 8; in European people, 15 in Asians, and one in Africans. The pooled prevalence for viral and bacterial infections w ere 53.72 (95 CI 38.1�69.1) and 31.21 (95 CI 19.9�43.7), respectively. The highest and lowest prevalence of viral infections was HSV (77.7 95 CI 38.48�99.32), EBV (72.02, 95 CI 44.65�90.79) and Influenza A (7.3, 95 CI 2.66�42.45), respectively. Whereas the highest and lowest prevalence in bacterial infections were related to Streptococcus sp. (99.49, 95 CI 96.44�99.9) and Raoultella (1.2, 95 CI 0.2�3.08), respectively. Conclusions: The results of this review were confirmed that the presence of viral and bacterial infections are the risk factors in the pathogenesis of IPF. In further analyses, which have never been shown in the previous studies, we revealed the geographic variations in the association strengths and emphasized other methodological parameters (e.g., detection method). Also, our study supports the hypothesis that respiratory infection could play a key role in the pathogenesis of IP. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Citizen to Stay or Citizen to Go? Naturalization, Security, and Mobility of Migrants in Italy

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    https://doi.org/10.1080/15562948.2016.1208316We analyze the relation between naturalization, mobility, and security through 50 in-depth interviews with migrants of different origins living in two Italian regions. We show how migrants pursue naturalization both to protect themselves against bureaucracy and deportation and to move to a third country. The second migration is motivated by improving one's conditions, forced by the economic crisis, or completes the original migratory project once a strong passport is obtained. We argue that citizenship is not essentially linked to either stability or mobility and that mobility should be understood as neither exceptional nor always chosen