688 research outputs found

    Scholarly Publishing : Why Smart Researcher Hesitate to Publish in/with Top Ranking Journals/Publishers

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    Scholarly publishing is the subfield of publishing in which research work is published in the form of an academic journal article, edited book or thesis form. Due to the monopoly of top ranking publishers, the researchers are struggling to publish their research articles quickly and at low publication cost. In order to reach the research findings to the entire world, every author prefers to publish in open access journal but, so called top ranking journals are charging a huge fee as article processing charges which are in general between 1,000to1,000 to 3,000 and some journals charges even $5,000 apart from article submission fee. Since such journals are not paying any remuneration for peer review process, the review process and final publication take a long time, generally eight to ten months. This constraint of a long time and huge cost involved in scholarly publishing made the smart publishers find an alternative strategy for publishing their research. In this paper, we have discussed why smart publishers hesitate to publish in top ranking journals and their alternative strategy based on their objectives. We have also discussed the black ocean strategy formulated by such publishers as a counter strategy to face such move

    Ideal Banking Concept and Characteristics

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    A bank is a financial intermediary and creates money by lending money to a borrower, thereby creating a corresponding deposit on the bank's balance sheet. Lending activities can be performed directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets. After the advent of technology and its penetration to all business fields, the responsibility of banks is enhanced to provide better, speedy, and ubiquitous service to the customers so that it can create more money and hence profit. Banks are formulating various strategies in order to attract more deposits and lend it to genuine customers to get a better return and hence make more profit. Based on such objective of a general banking system, the ideal concept of the banking system is developed. The ideal bank is a system with ideal banking characters. In this paper, a model of the ideal banking system is proposed by considering the ideal characteristics expected under input conditions, output conditions, system requirements, and environmental conditions. The factors affecting these characteristics are identified using a qualitative data collection instrument namely focus group method


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    The third harmonic optical applications such as optical phase conjugation, image processing, optical switching, and optical limiting in Photonics requires efficient nonlinear optical materials to be used with low power laser beams. During the last three decades, organic molecules have attracted the attention of many researchers due to their high nonlinear optical susceptibility and the possibility of tailoring their properties suitable to be used to protect optical detection components and devices such as human eyes and optical sensors, by controlling the output energy on the image plane below the desired level. Extensive studies have been performed and reported for the case of single crystals of organic molecules, organic molecules in liquid solutions, and organics and organometallics doped in various solid substances. One of the major benefits of organic optical materials is that they are usually much less costly and easier to process in device form than their inorganic materials. In this paper, an extensive literature survey on nonlinear optical materials is depicted. This includes review of organic nonlinear material research, materials for reverse saturation absorption, molecules for two-photon and multi-photon absorption, experimental techniques for nonlinear refraction, nonlinear absorption, optical limiting, and optical phase conjugation. Finally, the review includes the materials used in photonic devices, materials used for optical phase conjugation like nonresonant media and resonant media including absorbing liquid and solid materials, lasing gain media, metal vapors, and photorefractive materials

    Quantitative ABCD Analysis of IEDRA Model of Placement Determination

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    The current technological and digital era has always directed campus recruitment process towards eruption of paradigm shifts matching new systems of industrial workforce engagements. The dilemma of job seeking graduates today in campus has ever more convoluted towards the rapid changes in industry and employment market. IEDRA Model of Student Campus Placement Realization was a more comprehensive study undertaken by Shenoy & Aithal (2017) to resolve such a dilemma of students. Therefore here, a brief study is undertaken to discover practical viabilities, understand the usefulness, resourcefulness and universal applications of IEDRA Model of campus placement determination towards concerned stakeholders. A new model of framework analysis named ABCD analysis developed by Aithal et al. (2015) is adopted here for arriving at appropriate theory, hypothesis or postulate constructs regarding the ubiquitous appeal of the IEDRA Framework


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    By definition, Authentication is using one or multiple mechanisms to show that you are who you claim to be. As soon as the identity of the human or machine is demonstrated, then human or machine is authorized to grant some services. The modern research study reveals that fingerprint is not so secured like secured a password which consists of alphanumeric characters, number and special characters. Fingerprints are left at crime places, on materials or at the door which is usually class of latent fingerprints. We cannot keep fingerprint as secure like rigid passwords. Using some modern technology with copper and graphite spray it's easy to mimic fingerprint image. Fingerprints are a half-secret if passwords are leaked or hacked, it easily revocable using another password. But in a biometric security system, which uses only biometric features, is not easy to change fingerprint key or fingerprint are static biometric, which never change much throughout the lifespan. Fingerprints are left at car, door or anyplace where every person goes and places his finger. Fingerprint Hash code is not used for full security or authentication purpose but it can be combined with other security elements like password or OTP in order to enhance security. In this paper, a novel method for Authentication is proposed by making use of Fingerprint Hash Code, Password, and OTP. In this study, we make use of Euclidean Distance to generate fingerprint Hash Code. Fingerprint Hash code is generated using MD5 Hash Function. The Model is implemented using MATLAB2015a. This paper also analyzes novel Authentication model used in this study with the aid of ABCD analysis

    Cloud Computing Security Issues - Challenges and Opportunities

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    Cloud computing services enabled through information communication technology delivered to a customer as services over the Internet on a leased basis have the capability to extend up or down their service requirements or needs. In this model, the infrastructure is owned by a third party vendor and the cloud computing services are delivered to the requested customers. Cloud computing model has many advantages including scalability, flexibility, elasticity, efficiency, and supports outsourcing non-core activities of an organization. Cloud computing offers an innovative business concept for organizations to adopt IT enabled services without advance investment. This model enables convenient, on-request network accessibility to a shared pool of IT computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services. Cloud computing can be quickly provisioned and released with negligible management exertion or service provider interaction. Even though organizations get many benefits of cloud computing services, many organizations are slow in accepting cloud computing service model because of security concerns and challenges associated with management of this technology. Security, being the major issues which hinder the growth of cloud computing service model due to the provision of handling confidential data by the third party is risky such that the consumers need to be more attentive in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment. In this paper, we have discussed the security issues, the challenges and the opportunities in the adoption and management of cloud computing services model in an organization

    A Study on the Influence of Emotional Intelligence Interventions in the Banking Sector

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    Purpose: Emotional Intelligence, often referred to as EQ, is a skill set that involves recognizing, understanding, managing, and effectively using our own emotions as well as understanding and influencing the emotions of others. The study of emotional intelligence in the banking sector serves a crucial purpose in enhancing client relationships, conflict resolution, leadership, and stress management. Adaptation to technological changes, and risk management. As the industry continues to evolve, the ability to understand and manage emotions – both our own and those of others – will only become more essential for success. Developing emotional intelligence is a valuable investment that can lead to improved client satisfaction stronger teams, and a more resilient banking sector overall. Design: This research adopted the conceptual research by using a descriptive research design. Secondary data has been collected and analyzed to find out the factors affecting the Banking sector. This will help them to cope with the work environment and to effectively handle different situations. It could be absorbed that the students with high levels of IQ at school levels were also not able to shine in their profession, just because of lacking a moderate level of EQ. Findings: The findings from studies on emotional intelligence in the banking sector underscore its profound impact on customer relationships and leadership effectiveness. Conflict resolution, sales performance. Risk management, employee well-being, and adaptation to technological shifts. As the sector continues to evolve in response to changing market dynamics. These findings emphasize the enduring importance of emotional intelligence as a critical skill set for success. Research consistently shows that employees in the banking sector who possess higher emotional intelligence tend to create more positive and empathetic interactions with clients. These interactions lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Clients are more likely to feel understood, valued, and supported when they engage with banking professionals who exhibit emotional intelligence skills. Originality/value: This study includes a detailed analysis of the Emotional Intelligence Interventions in the Banking Sector. Paper type: Conceptual Researc

    In severe alcoholic hepatitis, serum keratin-18 fragments are diagnostic, prognostic, and theragnostic biomarkers.

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    INTRODUCTION: Up to 40% of patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis (AH) die within 6 months of presentation, making prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment essential. We determined the associations between serum keratin-18 (K18) and histological features, prognosis, and differential response to prednisolone in patients with severe AH. METHODS: Total (K18-M65) and caspase-cleaved K18 (K18-M30) were quantified in pretreatment sera from 824 patients enrolled in the Steroids or Pentoxifylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis trial (87 with suitable histological samples) and disease controls. RESULTS: K18 fragments were markedly elevated in severe AH and strongly predicted steatohepatitis (alcoholic steatohepatitis) on biopsy (area under receiver operating characteristics: 0.787 and 0.807). Application of published thresholds to predict alcoholic steatohepatitis would have rendered biopsy unnecessary in 84% of all AH cases. K18-M30 and M65 were associated with 90-day mortality, independent of age and Model for End-stage Liver Disease score in untreated patients. The association for K18-M65 was independent of both age and Model for End-stage Liver Disease in prednisolone-treated patients. Modelling of the effect of prednisolone on 90-day mortality as a function of pretreatment serum K18 levels indicated benefit in those with high serum levels of K18-M30. At low pretreatment serum K18 levels, prednisolone was potentially harmful. A threshold of K18-M30 5 kIU/L predicted therapeutic benefit from prednisolone above this level (odds ratio: 0.433, 95% confidence interval: 0.19-0.95, P = 0.0398), but not below (odds ratio: 1.271, 95% confidence interval: 0.88-1.84, P = 0.199). Restricting prednisolone usage to the former group would have reduced exposure by 87%. DISCUSSION: In a large cohort of patients with severe AH, serum K18 strongly correlated with histological severity, independently associated with 90-day mortality, and predicted response to prednisolone therapy. Quantification of serum K18 levels could assist in clinical decision-making

    How mobile technologies support business models: Case study-based empirical analysis

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    [Otros] Les technologies mobiles ont poussé la connectivité des systèmes informatiques à la limite, permettant aux personnes et aux objets de se connecter les uns aux autres à tout moment. La quantité d'informations dont disposent les entreprises a augmenté de façon exponentielle, en grande partie grâce à la géolocalisation et à la vaste gamme de capteurs intégrés dans les appareils mobiles. Ces informations peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer les activités et les processus métier, mais également pour créer de nouveaux modèles d'affaires. En nous concentrant sur les modèles d'affaires, nous analysons les technologies mobiles comme catalyseurs des changements d'activité. Nous examinons les caractéristiques distinctives des technologies mobiles et examinons comment celles¿ci peuvent supporter différentes fonctions de l'entreprise. Une étude basée sur une analyse qualitative comparée d'ensemble floue (fsQCA) de 30 cas, de différents secteurs, a permis d'identifier les facteurs de succès de la technologie mobile pour différentes activités du cœur de métier des firmes. Les résultats montrent que plusieurs combinaisons de technologie mobile procurent un avantage concurrentiel lorsqu'elles correspondent au modèle d'affaire.[EN] Mobile technologies have pushed the connectivity of IT systems to the limit, enabling people and things to connect to one another at all times. The amount of information companies have at their disposal has increased exponentially, thanks largely to geolocation and to the vast array of sensors that have been integrated into mobile devices. This information can be used to enhance business activities and processes, but it can also be used to create new business models. Focusing on business models, we analyze mobile technologies as enablers of activity changes. We consider the differentiating characteristics of mobile technologies and examine how these can support different business functions. A study based on fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) of 30 cases across different industries allows us to identify mobile technology success factors for different core activities. The results show that several combinations of mobile technology initiatives provide a competitive advantage when these initiatives match the business model.Peris-Ortiz, M.; Devece Carañana, CA.; Hikkerova, L. (2020). How mobile technologies support business models: Case study-based empirical analysis. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Administration. 37(1):95-105. https://doi.org/10.1002/cjas.1550S95105371Al-Debei, M. M., & Avison, D. (2010). Developing a unified framework of the business model concept. European Journal of Information Systems, 19(3), 359-376. doi:10.1057/ejis.2010.21Arlotto, J., Sahut, J.-M., & Teulon, F. (2011). Le concept de Business Model au travers de la littérature. Gestion 2000, 28(4), 33. doi:10.3917/g2000.284.0033Clemons, E. K. (2009). Business Models for Monetizing Internet Applications and Web Sites: Experience, Theory, and Predictions. Journal of Management Information Systems, 26(2), 15-41. doi:10.2753/mis0742-1222260202Comberg, C., & Velamuri, V. K. (2017). The introduction of a competing business model: the case of eBay. International Journal of Technology Management, 73(1/2/3), 39. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2017.082356Coursaris C. Hassanein H. &Head M. (2006).Mobile technologies and the value chain: Participants activities and value creation(p. 8) sInternational Conference on Mobile Business Copenhagen Denmark.Ehrenhard, M., Wijnhoven, F., van den Broek, T., & Zinck Stagno, M. (2017). Unlocking how start-ups create business value with mobile applications: Development of an App-enabled Business Innovation Cycle. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 115, 26-36. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.09.011European Parliament(2015).The Internet of things: Opportunities and challenges. Retrieved fromwww.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2015/557012/EPRS_BRI(2015)557012_EN.pdfGurrin, C., Smeaton, A. F., & Doherty, A. R. (2014). LifeLogging: Personal Big Data. Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval, 8(1), 1-125. doi:10.1561/1500000033Hübner, A. H., Kuhn, H., & Wollenburg, J. (2016). Last mile fulfilment and distribution in omni-channel grocery retailing: a strategic planning framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44(3). doi:10.1108/ijrdm-11-2014-0154Kauffman, R. J., & Wang, B. (2008). Tuning into the digital channel: evaluating business model characteristics for Internet firm survival. 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Mobile commerce: Strategies, technologies, and applications. Decision Support Systems, 43(1), 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2005.05.002Palattella, M. R., Dohler, M., Grieco, A., Rizzo, G., Torsner, J., Engel, T., & Ladid, L. (2016). Internet of Things in the 5G Era: Enablers, Architecture, and Business Models. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 34(3), 510-527. doi:10.1109/jsac.2016.2525418Pateli, A. G., & Giaglis, G. M. (2005). Technology innovation‐induced business model change: a contingency approach. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 18(2), 167-183. doi:10.1108/09534810510589589Piccoli, & Ives. (2005). Review: IT-Dependent Strategic Initiatives and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature. MIS Quarterly, 29(4), 747. doi:10.2307/25148708Porter M. E.(2001).Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review March 63–78.Ragin C. C.(2008).User's Guide to Fuzzy‐Set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis. 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    Prevention and management of idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials

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    Conducting randomised clinical trials (RCTs) in idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is challenging. This systematic review aims to summarise the design and findings of RCTs in the prevention and management of idiosyncratic DILI. A systematic literature search up to January 31st, 2020 was performed. Recognised scales were used to assess methodological bias and quality of the studies. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed. Heterogeneity was assessed with I2 statistic. Overall, 22 RCTs were included: 12 on prevention (n = 2,471 patients) and 10 in management (n = 797) of DILI/non-acetaminophen DILI-related acute liver failure (ALF). Silymarin (eight studies), bicyclol (four), magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate (three), N-acetylcysteine (three), tiopronin (one), L-carnitine (one), and traditional Chinese medicines (two) were tested in the intervention arm, while control arm mostly received standard supportive care or placebo. Main efficacy criteria in the prevention RCTs was DILI incidence or peak of liver enzymes value. In management RCTs, the efficacy parameter was usually 50 % decrease or normalisation of liver enzymes, or survival rate in DILI-related ALF patients. Overall, 15 trials described the randomisation method, eight were double-blind (n = 672) and nine had sample size esti- mation (n = 880). Four RCTs involving 377 patients used an intention-to-treat analysis. Based on the scarce number of trials available, tested agents showed limited efficacy in DILI prevention and management and a favourable safety profile. In conclusion, heterogeneity among studies in DILI case qualification and methodologic quality was evident, and the RCTs performed demonstrated limited efficacy of specific interventions. Interna- tional research networks are needed to establish a framework on RCTs design and therapeutic endpoints.This work was supported by grants of Instituto de Salud Carlos III cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional - FEDER (contract numbers: PI18/00901; PI18/01804; PT17/0017/0020; PT 20/00127) and Agencia Espan ̃ola del Medicamento. Plataforma de Investigacio ́n Clínica and CIBERehd are funded by ISCIII. MRD holds a Joan Rodes (JR16/00015)/Accio ́n B clinicos investigadores (B-0002-2019), JSC a Rio Hortega (CM17/00243) and IAA a Sara Borrell (CD20/00083) research contract from ISCIII and Consejería de Salud de Andalucía. This publication is based upon work from COST Action “CA17112 - Pro- spective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network” supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). www.cost.e