30 research outputs found

    Meningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe STAD dengan Pendekatan Scientific pada Siswa Kelas X Akutansi SMK Muhammadiyah Aimas

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Reseach) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika melalui Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Tipe STAD dengan Pendekatan Scientific Pada Siswa Kelas X Akutansi SMK Muhammadiyah Aimas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas Akutansi SMK Muhammadiyah Aimas dengan jumlah siswa 15. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pembelajaran Cooperatve Learning Tipe STAD dengan Pendekatan Scientific. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus, siklus I dilaksanakan 4 kali kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilangsungkan dengan tes siklus I, demikian juga siklus ke II dilaksanakan 4 kali kegiatan pembelajaran. Hasil tes siklus I dan siklus II dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan data hasil observasi siswa dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar matematika kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah Aimas pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata 59.44. Pada siklus II diperoleh skor rata-rata 85,17 dan standar deviasi 11.00 dengan skor ideal 100. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan penerapan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pembelajaran Cooperatve Learning Tipe STAD dengan Pendekatan Scientific dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMK Muhammadiyah Aimas yang indikatornya berupa peningkatan skor rata-rata hasil belajar matematika siswa dari kategori rendah pada siklus I sebesar 59,44 menjadi 85,17 pada siklus II yang berada pada kategori tingg

    Dampak Pengungkapan Sumber Daya Manusia terhadap Reputasi Perusahaan

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of human resource disclosure on corporate image. This study attempts to examine it with 1 independent variable (human resource disclosure) and 5 control variables such as : corporate size, leverage, ROA, type of industry and ownership concentration. This research is an empirical study with purposive sampling techniques in collecting data. The population is 133 companies listed in Indonesian Corporate Image Amard 2012 with excellent result. The data obtained from secondary data on the annual report of non-financial companies in 2011. After reduces with several criteria, 48 companies non-financial are determined as research samples. The analysis technique in this study uses a linear regression analysis with help from a program named SPSS. The result indicates that human resource disclosure is significantly influence on corporate image. Furthermore, control variabels like corporate size and ROA are signicantly influence on corporate image but leverage, type of industry and ownership conscentration are does not significantly influence on corporate image


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    This study aims to analyze the collaborative governance process in ecotourism development at Klayar Beach, Pacitan. This study implies that the sustainability of the role of collaboration between the government and non-government must be carried out by looking at the aspects of building trust, and commitment, as well as understanding and mutual agreement with the sustainability goal of marine ecotourism being able to be carried out optimally. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The results showed that the dynamics of tourists visiting the Klayar Beach ecotourism destination continued to increase every year, even though there had been a decline due to the disaster. However, the government through a collaboration scheme has succeeded in rebuilding the tourism aspect through trust and commitment to development. Looking at future projections, local governments must prepare further strategies in the context of common understanding. In addition, today's progress, which has shown a positive local socio-economic impact with nature conservation that has been implemented, must be able to be maintained and continuously improved along with opportunities for increasing tourists in the future. The conclusion shows that collaboration by local government in Pacitan Regency and non-government in general has shown a positive impact, but it is necessary to pay attention to mutual understanding and agreement within the scope of harmony between implementing parties, considering challenges faced in multi-actor development. It is very complex and has the potential to become an obstacle in the process of development of Klayar Beach Ecotourism

    Pengaruh Latihan Menggunakan Hula Hoop Terhadap Kecepatan Renang Gaya Kupu-Kupu Pada Atlet Caruban Aquatic Club Cirebon

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    Keterampilan gerak pinggul pada gerakan kaki gaya kupu-kupu atlet Caruban Aquatic Club masih rendah, indikasi kesalahan yang dilakukan yaitu gerakan kaki gaya kupu-kupu yang dimulai dari lutut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh latihan menggunakan hula hoop dan latihan konvensional terhadap kecepatan renang gaya kupu-kupu. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Populasinya adalah atlet renang Caruban Aquatic Club Cirebon, menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 10 orang atlet yang dibagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol melalui teknik pengambilan sampel random sederhana dengan cara diundi. Menggunakan instrumen tes kecepatan renang gaya kupu-kupu. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 17. Uji hipotesis kecepatan renang diperoleh Thitung 0,002 < Ttabel 2.77 dan Sig. (2-tailed) 0.0998 > 0.05, maka hipotesis yang diajukan terdapat perbedaan pengaruh latihan menggunakan hula hoop dan latihan secara konvensional terhadap kecepatan renang gaya kupu-kupu, tidak dapat diterima. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh latihan hula hoop dan latihan konvensional terhadap kecepatan renang gaya kupu-kupu pada atlet renang di perkumpulan Caruban Aquatic Club Cirebon

    Aquatic Sport Center Di Sukoharjo Dengan Pendekatan Eco - Friendly

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    Sukoharjo Regency is one of the regencies in Central Java that has a population of 906,403 people, famous for its moot, which is "Makmur" which has an extension of Advanced, Safe, Constitutional, Solid, Excellent, and Neat. The large number of residents makes Sukoharjo Regency follow the development of the sports world, one of which is aquatic. Sport has an important role in supporting health and does not rule out the possibility of education, improving achievement, and recreation. Increased interest in water sports (aquatic) is not matched by the quality and quantity of sports facilities, so it cannot accommodate its activities. The purpose of writing the basic architectural planning and design program (DP3A) is to create an Aquatic Sport Center that can facilitate the swimming branch of water sports activities as a place of education, achievement and recreation, as well as improving community health status. The planning and design of the Aquatic Sport Center as a water sports arena uses the Eco-Friendly design concept approach. The discussion method uses the primary, secondary, and data analysis stages of the data analysis stage, as well as formulating the design concept. The application of the Eco-Friendly concept is to reduce the use of conventional energy by utilizing renewable energy around the environment. The building design considers the use of the latest technology in order to create comfort for the user


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    Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengukuran kadar metilen biru, logam berat Cd, dan Cr total dalam air limbah artificial dengan menggunakan suspensi aktif pada biosistem vertikal menggunakan rumput gajah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan suspensi aktif terbaik yang ditumbuhkan dari sumber nutrien yang berbeda (nutrien NPK, pupuk NPK, dan molase), ditentukan efektivitas dan kapasitas biosistem, serta menentukan pengaruh jumlah waktu retensi hidrolik biosistem. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengalirkan limbah artificial secara kontinyu dalam bak biosistem yang diinokulasi suspensi aktif sebanyak 3 kali waktu retensi hidrolik. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu metode uji-t deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suspensi aktif terbaik diperoleh dari sampel tanah dengan sumber nutrien NPK dan pupuk NPK (pasaran) dengan pertumbuhan biomassa mencapai 1200 mg/L pada waktu 18 jam. Efektivitas biosistem vertikal tumbuhan rumput gajah dengan pupuk NPK dalam menurunkan kadar zat warna metilen biru, Cd, dan Cr berturut-turut sebesar 99,7587%, 99,8011%, dan 63,4927%. Kapasitas maksimum dalam menurunkan metilen biru, Cd, dan Cr total berturut-turut sebesar 2,7512 x103 mg/m3, 3,2220 x103 mg/m3, dan 2,2842 x103 mg/m3. Pengaruh jumlah waktu retensi hidrolik biosistem vertikal tumbuhan rumput gajah berdasarkan uji-t yaitu sudah mampu menurunkan kadar limbah metilen biru hingga ? 5 ppm dalam 1 kali waktu retensi hidrolik dan menurunkan kadar Cd ? 0,05 ppm dalam 3 kali waktu retensi hidrolik. Akan tetapi system ini tidak mampu menurunkan kadar Cr total ? 1 ppm. Kata kunci: biosistem, efektivitas,  kapasitas, inokulasi, dan suspensi akti


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar fenol dan flavonoid total dari ekstrak akar kersen serta aktivitas antioksidannya. Hasil ekstraksi 1 kg akar kersen menghasilkan ekstrak etanol (30,56 g), kloroform (6,52 g), etilasetat (6,1 g), n-butanol (3,21 g) dan air (4,65 g). Penapisan fitokimia menunjukkan ekstrak yang positif flavonoid adalah ekstrak air, kloroform, etanol dan etil asetatsedangkankelimaekstrak tersebut positif mengandung polifenol.  Ekstrak etanol, n-butanol, kloroform, etil asetat, dan air memiliki kandungan total fenol berturut-turut yaitu 12,62%, 3,81%, 6,12%, 8,75%, dan 11,93%. Kandungan flavonoid pada ekstrak etanol, kloroform, etil asetat, dan air berturut-turut yaitu 0,22%, 0,05%, 0,12%, dan 0,03%. Aktivitas antioksidan pada ekstrak etanol diukur dengan metode DPPH dan dinyatakan dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 36,44 pp

    Interactive Architectural Compositions in 3D Real-Time Virtual Environments

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    This paper presents an interactive computational system for developing architectural compositions within a 3D real-time virtual environment. The features of implemented system within the interface of Activeworlds platform includes (a) providing a set of 3D building objects that are made available within the virtual environment and can be utilized by the user to construct architectural compositions, (b) allowing users to modify both geometrical and non-geometrical properties of these objects, and (c) maintaining interrelationships between these objects using constrain-based rules automated by the developed system in real-time. The developed IAMVE (Interactive Architectural Modelling in Virtual Environments) system provides more flexibility to architectural designers and develops an edge to multi-user real time 3D virtual environments to be better utilized in the context of architectural desig

    Cerita Bersambung Lurung karya Suhindriyo Analisis Struktural

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    Serial is a creative story presented in chronologically continuous installments in the magazine or newspaper. Serial has many elements in order to create one whole unity. Those elements are important to understand the author�s purpose. The elements which can be found on the literary works need to be described to clarify the relationship between them. Those elements consist of facts (plot, character and background), theme, and tools (title, point of view, language style, symbol and irony). Clear interrelation among the elements will raise a captivating understanding during the process of story reading. Readers will become more interested in the story and understand the meaning that the author intends to convey. The object of the research is a serial entitled Lurung. The serial written by Suhindriyo was published in the Javanese-speaking magazine Djaka Lodang in 2011 from the 6th to 12th episodes out of 16 episodes. The structural theory is used to analyze the elements of this serial by analyzing the elements of literary works in an attempt to find the interconnected functions to reveal the meaning that the literary work wants to convey.The structural theory obtained from many books is used to understand the structure of the serial and the relation among those elements. This research analyzes the narrative structure of the serial Lurung to explain the meaning as intended by the author. The result is revealed through the theme, facts and tools in this serial which shows the whole unity of the story of someone�s journey of life. Through the life of the character, the author wants to convey some values. Keywords: serial, structural analysis, relation among the element

    Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 (Studi Kasus : Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi Bali)

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    One of the organizations requiring the implementation of good IT governance is BNNP Bali. This audit is conducted to determine the level of IT process capability based on COBIT 5 standard to know the level of gap (GAP) owned by BNNP Bali. The process of conducting the audit begins by making observations in the environment related institutions and activities of data implementation and then carried out from the data is mapping with business goals according to COBIT 5, followed by mapping business goals with IT goals to obtain IT process. The acquired IT process is then selected to get an important IT process according to company officials. The process of IT obtained then performed data processing that is by using guttman method. Results of the capability level of the IT process ie EDM01, EDM02 and APO09 are at level 3 (Establised). The GAP found need to be given improvement strategy to achieve the expected capability of the institution that is 4 (predictable process) by providing recommendations related steps to achieve the expected capability value. Recommendations and improvements provided using ISO / IEC 15504: 2 2003 and ISO27002 standards obtained by mapping the IT process on COBIT 5