230 research outputs found

    Assessing the accuracy of energy turbulent diffusion dispersion correlation in a porous two-fluid model dedicated to PWR core simulations

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    International audienceCATHARE is a 2-fluid thermal-hydraulic code, capable of simulating thermal and mechanical phenomena occurring in the primary and secondary circuits of Pressurized Water Reactor under a wide variety of accidental situations. One of the medium-term objectives of system code CATHARE-3 is modeling a PWR core at assembly scale to simulate various accidental situations such as the loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and steam line break accident. This requires the monophasic and two-phase models that adapted to the assembly scale. However, there exists 3D models for the whole core and sub-channel scale models, which have a certain degree of validation. For more macroscopic three-dimensional models, we only have global validations without local measurements, which is necessary for the validations of each closure law's separate effects. The objective of my PhD project is improving the sub-channel scale models and developing the assembly scale models in CATHARE-3 system code with the sub-channel scale simulations and experiments results

    Hydrodynamic dispersion within porous biofilms

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    Many microorganisms live within surface-associated consortia, termed biofilms, that can form intricate porous structures interspersed with a network of fluid channels. In such systems, transport phenomena, including flow and advection, regulate various aspects of cell behavior by controlling nutrient supply, evacuation of waste products, and permeation of antimicrobial agents. This study presents multiscale analysis of solute transport in these porous biofilms. We start our analysis with a channel-scale description of mass transport and use the method of volume averaging to derive a set of homogenized equations at the biofilm-scale in the case where the width of the channels is significantly smaller than the thickness of the biofilm. We show that solute transport may be described via two coupled partial differential equations or telegrapher's equations for the averaged concentrations. These models are particularly relevant for chemicals, such as some antimicrobial agents, that penetrate cell clusters very slowly. In most cases, especially for nutrients, solute penetration is faster, and transport can be described via an advection-dispersion equation. In this simpler case, the effective diffusion is characterized by a second-order tensor whose components depend on (1) the topology of the channels' network; (2) the solute's diffusion coefficients in the fluid and the cell clusters; (3) hydrodynamic dispersion effects; and (4) an additional dispersion term intrinsic to the two-phase configuration. Although solute transport in biofilms is commonly thought to be diffusion dominated, this analysis shows that hydrodynamic dispersion effects may significantly contribute to transport

    Improvement of Neuroenergetics by Hypertonic Lactate Therapy in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Is Dependent on Baseline Cerebral Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio.

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    Energy dysfunction is associated with worse prognosis after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Recent data suggest that hypertonic sodium lactate infusion (HL) improves energy metabolism after TBI. Here, we specifically examined whether the efficacy of HL (3h infusion, 30-40 μmol/kg/min) in improving brain energetics (using cerebral microdialysis [CMD] glucose as a main therapeutic end-point) was dependent on baseline cerebral metabolic state (assessed by CMD lactate/pyruvate ratio [LPR]) and cerebral blood flow (CBF, measured with perfusion computed tomography [PCT]). Using a prospective cohort of 24 severe TBI patients, we found CMD glucose increase during HL was significant only in the subgroup of patients with elevated CMD LPR >25 (n = 13; +0.13 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.08-0.19] mmol/L, p < 0.001; vs. +0.04 [-0.05-0.13] in those with normal LPR, p = 0.33, mixed-effects model). In contrast, CMD glucose increase was independent from baseline CBF (coefficient +0.13 [0.04-0.21] mmol/L when global CBF was <32.5 mL/100 g/min vs. +0.09 [0.04-0.14] mmol/L at normal CBF, both p < 0.005) and systemic glucose. Our data suggest that improvement of brain energetics upon HL seems predominantly dependent on baseline cerebral metabolic state and support the concept that CMD LPR - rather than CBF - could be used as a diagnostic indication for systemic lactate supplementation following TBI

    Homogenization via formal multiscale asymptotics and volume averaging: How do the two techniques compare?

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    A wide variety of techniques have been developed to homogenize transport equations in multiscale and multiphase systems. This has yielded a rich and diverse field, but has also resulted in the emergence of isolated scientific communities and disconnected bodies of literature. Here, our goal is to bridge the gap between formal multiscale asymptotics and the volume averaging theory. We illustrate the methodologies via a simple example application describing a parabolic transport problem and, in so doing, compare their respective advantages/disadvantages from a practical point of view. This paper is also intended as a pedagogical guide and may be viewed as a tutorial for graduate students as we provide historical context, detail subtle points with great care, and reference many fundamental works

    Homogenization via formal multiscale asymptotics and volume averaging: How do the two techniques compare?

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    A wide variety of techniques have been developed to homogenize transport equations in multiscale and multiphase systems. This has yielded a rich and diverse field, but has also resulted in the emergence of isolated scientific communities and disconnected bodies of literature. Here, our goal is to bridge the gap between formal multiscale asymptotics and the volume averaging theory. We illustrate the methodologies via a simple example application describing a parabolic transport problem and, in so doing, compare their respective advantages/disadvantages from a practical point of view. This paper is also intended as a pedagogical guide and may be viewed as a tutorial for graduate students as we provide historical context, detail subtle points with great care, and reference many fundamental works

    Toward the Control of the Smoldering Front in the Reaction-Trailing Mode in Oil Shale Semicoke Porous Media

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    Results of an experimental investigation on the feasibility of propagating a smoldering front in reaction-trailing mode throughout an oil shale semicoke porous medium are reported. For oil recovery applications, this mode is particularly interesting to avoid low-temperature oxidation reactions, which appear simultaneously with organic matter devolatilization in the reaction-leading mode and are responsible for oxidation of part of the heavy oil. The particularity of this mode is that, contrary to the reaction-leading mode largely studied in the literature, the heat-transfer layer precedes the combustion layer. This leads to two separated high-temperature zones: (i) a devolatilization zone (free of oxygen), where the organic matter is thermally decomposed to incondensable gases, heavy oil, andfixed carbon, also called coke in the literature, without any oxidation, followed by (ii) an oxidation zone, where thefixed carbon left by devolatilization is oxidized. The transition from reaction-leading to reaction-trailing mode was obtained using low oxygen contents in the fed air. It is shown that two distinct layers, the heat-transfer layer and the combustion layer, propagate in a stable and repeatable way. The decrease of the oxygen fraction leads to a decrease of the smoldering temperature and to strongly limit the decarbonation of the mineral matrix. The CO2 emissions are limited. Regardless of the front temperature, all of the fed oxygen is consumed and all of thefixed carbon is oxidized at the passage of the smoldering front

    Polymer Flow Through Porous Media: Numerical Prediction of the Contribution of Slip to the Apparent Viscosity.

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    The flow of polymer solutions in porous media is often described using Darcy’s law with an apparent viscosity capturing the observed thinning or thickening effects. While the macroscale form is well accepted, the fundamentals of the pore-scale mechanisms, their link with the apparent viscosity, and their relative influence are still a matter of debate. Besides the complex effects associated with the rheology of the bulk fluid, the flow is also deeply influenced by the mechanisms occurring close to the solid/liquid interface, where polymer molecules can arrange and interact in a complex manner. In this paper, we focus on a repulsive mechanism, where polymer molecules are pushed away from the interface, yielding a so-called depletion layer in the vicinity of the wall. This depletion layer acts as a lubricating film that may be represented by an effective slip boundary condition. Here, our goal is to provide a simple mean to evaluate the contribution of this slip effect to the apparent viscosity. To do so, we solve the pore-scale flow numerically in idealized porous media with a slip length evaluated analytically in a tube. Besides its simplicity, the advantage of our approach is also that it captures relatively well the apparent viscosity obtained from core-flood experiments, using only a limited number of inputs. Therefore, it may be useful in many applications to rapidly estimate the influence of the depletion layer effect over the macroscale flow and its relative contribution compared to other phenomena, such as non-Newtonian effects

    X-ray micro-tomography and pore network modeling of single-phase fixed-bed reactors.

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    A three-dimensional (3D) irregular and unstructured pore network was built using local topological and geometrical properties of an isometric bead pack imaged by means of a high-resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography technique. A pore network model was developed to analyze the 3D laminar/inertial(non-Darcy) flows at the mesoscopic (pore level) and macroscopic (after ensemble-averaging) levels. The non-linear laminar flow signatures were captured at the mesoscale on the basis of analogies with contraction and expansion friction losses. The model provided remarkably good predictions of macroscopic frictional loss gradient in Darcy and non-Darcy regimes with clear-cut demarcation using channel-based Reynolds number statistics. It was also able to differentiate contributions due to pore and channel linear losses, and contraction/expansion quadratic losses. Macroscopic mechanical dispersion was analyzed in terms of retroflow channels, and transverse and longitudinal Péclet numbers. The model qualitatively retrieved the Péclet-Reynolds scaling law expected for heterogeneous networks with predominance of mechanical dispersion. Advocated in watermark is the potential of pore network modeling to build a posteriori constitutive relations for the closures of the more conventional macroscopic Euler approaches to capture more realistically single-phase flow phenomena in fixed-bed reactor applications in chemical engineering

    Evolution of the germline mutation rate across vertebrates

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    The germline mutation rate determines the pace of genome evolution and is an evolving parameter itself1. However, little is known about what determines its evolution, as most studies of mutation rates have focused on single species with different methodologies2. Here we quantify germline mutation rates across vertebrates by sequencing and comparing the high-coverage genomes of 151 parent–offspring trios from 68 species of mammals, fishes, birds and reptiles. We show that the per-generation mutation rate varies among species by a factor of 40, with mutation rates being higher for males than for females in mammals and birds, but not in reptiles and fishes. The generation time, age at maturity and species-level fecundity are the key life-history traits affecting this variation among species. Furthermore, species with higher long-term effective population sizes tend to have lower mutation rates per generation, providing support for the drift barrier hypothesis3. The exceptionally high yearly mutation rates of domesticated animals, which have been continually selected on fecundity traits including shorter generation times, further support the importance of generation time in the evolution of mutation rates. Overall, our comparative analysis of pedigree-based mutation rates provides ecological insights on the mutation rate evolution in vertebrates