167 research outputs found

    The Emergence of Cooperative Playing Routines: Optimality and Learning

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    We investigate the emergence of (optimal and suboptimal) behavioural routines in the context of a cooperative game. In particular we construct a search model of the gradient descent type for the optimization of 'static' and 'dynamic' playing routines. That optimality study sets the basis for the analysis of the dynamics and modelling of routine learning. In the last part of the paper we propose a learning heuristics for the development of routinized behaviour on the basis of a simple network model of the subject player

    Influence of trust in institutions on public acceptance of nuclear power from a historical context across nuclear countries

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    Several studies have tried to determine what is behind peoples’ attitudes to different energy sources and their overall rather negative opinion on nuclear power. The issue of public perception of nuclear power has been going on for decades. Recently it gained even greater interest thanks to the support of the UK governmental nuclear industrial strategy to promote and support nuclear growth. Nuclear power is negatively influenced by events from the past such as nuclear accidents and connection of nuclear power with cold war and the use of nuclear bombs. As one of many other factors, the level of trust in authorities is perceived to influence the opposition or support for nuclear power. This study aims at analyzing data on trust in four main institutions (government, businesses, media and non-governmental organizations) from a historical perspective in several nuclear countries and finding evidence for relationship between trust in authorities and support for nuclear power. Structural Equation Modelling and Multiple Regression Analysis have been used to analyze data Structural Equation modelling requires a large sample set to provide meaningful results, therefore performance can deteriorate when sample size reduces. Hence, Multiple Regression analysis has been carried out. Results from Multiple Regression analysis did not prove that the trust in institutions is significant predictor of support for nuclear power. Although around 55% of variance in support for nuclear was explained by trust institutions in UK as well as in USA case. Large sample size is required to authenticate model and obtain more robust results. It is likely that Multiple Regression analysis will be used for future data analyses when more data will be available

    Investigations on nucleophilic layers made with a novel plasma jet technique

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    In this work a novel plasma jet technique is used for the deposition of nucleophilic films based on (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane at atmospheric pressure. Film deposition was varied with regard to duty cycles and working distance. Spectral ellipsometry and chemical derivatization with 4-(trifluoromethyl)benzaldehyde using ATR- FTIR spectroscopy measurements were used to characterize the films. It was found that the layer thickness and the film composition are mainly influenced by the duty cycle

    Tuning ZnO nanorods photoluminescence through atmospheric plasma treatments

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    Room temperature atmospheric plasma treatments are widely used to activate and control chemical functionalities at surfaces. Here, we investigated the effect of atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) treatments in reducing atmosphere (Ar/1 parts per thousand H-2 mixture) on the photoluminescence (PL) properties of single crystal ZnO nanorods (NRs) grown through hydrothermal synthesis on fluorine-doped tin oxide glass substrates. The results were compared with a standard annealing process in air at 300 degrees C. Steady-state photoluminescence showed strong suppression of the defect emission in ZnO NRs for both plasma and thermal treatments. On the other side, the APPJ process induced an increase in PL quantum efficiency (QE), while the annealing does not show any improvement. The QE in the plasma treated samples was mainly determined by the near band-edge emission, which increased 5-6 fold compared to the as-prepared samples. This behavior suggests that the quenching of the defect emission is related to the substitution of hydrogen probably in zinc vacancies (V-Zn), while the enhancement of UV emission is due to doping originated by interstitial hydrogen (H-i), which diffuses out during annealing. Our results demonstrate that atmospheric pressure plasma can induce a similar hydrogen doping as ordinarily used vacuum processes and highlight that the APPJ treatments are not limited to the surfaces but can lead to subsurface modifications. APPJ processes at room temperature and under ambient air conditions are stable, convenient, and efficient methods, compared to thermal treatments to improve the optical and surface properties of ZnO NRs, and remarkably increase the efficiency of UV emission. (c) 2019 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    A novel plasma jet with RF and HF coupled electrodes

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    In order to achieve low processing temperature and efficient coatings deposition for manufacturing applications, a novel torch has been developed that couples in a double DBD design high frequency (HF ~17 kHz) and radio frequency (RF ~27 MHz) excitations. The design allows to obtain a stable RF plasma also in reactive processes and with the possibility to control on the treated substrates ions flux and surface charging, avoiding the micro-discharges. The plasma has been electrically and optically characterized by emission spectroscopy

    Incidence of complications in bronchoscopy. Multicentre prospective study of 20,986 bronchoscopies.

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    Aim. To evaluate the frequency of complications in bronchoscopy from data compiled between 1/2/2002 to 1/2/2003. Materials and methods. Nineteen Italian centres of thoracic endoscopy participated in the study, for a total of 20,986 bronchoscopies (FBS), including 10,658 explorative bronchoscopies (EB) (50.79%), 5,520 bronchial biopsies (BB) (26.30%), 1,660 transbronchial biopsies (TBB) (7.91%), 1,127 broncho-alveolar lavages (BAL) (5.37%), 930 transbronchial needle-aspirates (TBNA) (4.43%), 1.091 therapeutic bronchoscopies (TB), comprising NDYAG Laser, argon-plasma, electrocautery knife, stent insertion (5.20%). 82.4% of the procedures involved the use of a flexible bronchoscope, 16.3% were carried out using a rigid bronchoscope and 1.3% using the mixed technique. Results. The total number of complications recorded was 227 (1.08% of the cases examined), including 20 (0.09%) during local anesthesia and pre-medication, 195 (0.92%) during the endoscopic procedures and 12 (0.05%) in the two hours following FBS. The total number of deaths was 4 (0.02%), due to cardiac arrest, pulmonary edema, delayed respiratory failure and shock in pre-medication, respectively. 68.28% of the complications were treated medically, 25.99% by means of endoscopy and 5.72% with surgery. The healing percentage was 98.2%. Conclusions. This study has shown that bronchoscopy is a safe method with low incidence of mortality and complications. The preparation, experience and continuous training of the operators of the medical and nursing team seem to play a fundamental role in reducing the incidence of complications at least in certain procedures such as BB and TBB

    Liquid biopsy for rectal cancer: a systematic review

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    Background: The management of locally advanced rectal cancer (RC) is an evolving clinical field where the multidisciplinary approach can reach its best, and liquid biopsy for obtaining tumor-derived component such as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) might provide complementary informations. Methods: A systematic review of studies available in literature of liquid biopsy in non-metastatic RC has been performed according to PRISMA criteria to assess the role of ctDNA as a diagnostic, predictive and prognostic biomarker in this setting. Results: Twenty-five publications have been retrieved, of which 8 full-text articles, 7 abstracts and 10 clinical trials. Results have been categorized into three groups: diagnostic, predictive and prognostic. Few but promising data are available about the use of liquid biopsy for early diagnosis of RC, with the main limitation of sensitivity due to low concentrations of ctDNA in this setting. In terms of prediction of response to chemoradiation, still inconclusive data are available about the utility of a pre-treatment liquid biopsy, whereas some studies report a positive correlation with a dynamic (pre/post-treatment) monitoring. The presence of minimal residual disease by ctDNA was consistently associated with worse prognosis across studies. Conclusions: The use of liquid biopsy for monitoring response to chemoradiation and assess the risk of disease recurrence are the most advanced potential applications for liquid biopsy in RC, with implications also in the context of non-operative management strategies

    Outcomes and Risk Factors for Complications of Laser Ablation for Thyroid Nodules: A Multicenter Study on 1531 Patients

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    Image-guided laser ablation therapy (LAT) of benign thyroid nodules demonstrated favorable results in randomized trials with fixed modalities of treatment. The aim of this retrospective multicenter study was to assess the effectiveness, tolerability, and complications of LAT in a large consecutive series of patients from centers using this technique in their routine clinical activity
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