129 research outputs found

    Evaluation of interspecific populations of grapevine in breeding for complex resistance to fungal diseases and phylloxera

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    Roentgenoscopy was used as a method to determine the quality of hybrid seeds and to predict the development of viable plants from interspecific hybridization. The seeds were grouped into five classes of quality (embryo classes) depending on embryo size and degree of endosperm development As the index number of a class increased, the proportion of plantlets and vigorous plants produced also increased. In order to evaluate genotypic peculiarities of the original forms and seedlings, the seedlings were studied at the juvenile stage of ontogeny. Analysis of development of the hybrids studied during 5-6 years under conditions of complex infection pressure at a special planting site made it possible to evaluate the degree of their resistance to phylloxera, pathogenic soil microflora and fungal diseases and to eliminate susceptible genotypes. The heritability of resistance to fungal diseases (mildew, oidium, grey rot) and phylloxera was studied, conclusions were made concerning the combining ability of the original forms, and these forms were evaluated as donors of the desirable characters. Using transgressive resistant hybrids as donors in backcrossing provided improved quality with a broad range of resistance variability, which made it possible to select promising genotypes

    Porous matrixes based on ion-irradiated polymer as templates for synthesis of nanowires

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    Irradiation with swift heavy ions is usually used for production of track membranes (nuclear filters). These membranes traditionally used as filters for fine filtration in medicine and biology. Another application is matrixes for so called matrix synthesis. The idea of this technique is to fill pores by any desired material- metal,polymer, semiconductor and so on. This work is devoted to formation of membrane for template synthesis, to investigation of filling process and to study some properties of obtained structures. It was found that filtration track membranes are not the best material for template synthesis –another type of matrixes are needed- with different pores profiles and parallel pores orientation These parameters could be obtained during irradiation. Different types of etching gave possibility to vary by will the shape of the pores and to obtain pores with conical shape. The process of etching in the alkali solution in mixture of water and alcohol was investigated. The main part of the work devoted to fabrication of micro- and nanowires via electrodeposition. Different types of metals-copper, silver, cobalt and nickel were used for galvanic deposition of the pores. Two types of the processes- galvanostatic and potentiostatic were investigated. It was also demonstrated that obtained metallic nanowires could be used as the substrates for deposition of the probe (biological molecules) in mass-spectrometer. The application of such structures in non-linear optic was also described. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2083


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    The estimation of state of vegetative nervous system (by cardiointervalography) in 20 children and. adolescents of 10-17 years (13,5 ± 2,1 years in average) with dysplastic coxarthrosis was realized. The study showed that before the treatment increase of activity of sympathetic nervous system prevails. During the first week after surgery acetylcholine type of regulation of heart rate accompanied by increased activity of sympathetic division of vegetative nervous system was registered. Postoperative treatment time (during 1 month) and. increased physical activity contribute to the restoration of regulatory systems to the original level. During the treatment by Ilizarov apparatus the decrease of level of tolerance to hypoxia and. decrease of processes of general adaptation are registered

    Resonance energy transfer in self-organized organic/inorganic dendrite structures

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    Hybrid materials formed by semiconductor quantum dots and J-aggregates of cyanine dyes provide a unique combination of enhanced absorption in inorganic constituents with large oscillator strength and extremely narrow exciton bands of the organic component. The optical properties of dendrite structures with fractal dimension 1.7–1.8, formed from J-aggregates integrated with CdTe quantum dots (QDs), have been investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. Our results demonstrate that (i)J-aggregates are coupled to QDs by F¨orster-type resonant energy transfer and (ii) there are energy fluxes from the periphery to the centre of the structure, where the QD density is higher than in the periphery of the dendrite. Such an anisotropic energy transport can be only observed when dendrites are formed from QDs integrated with J-aggregates. These QD/ J-aggregate hybrid systems can have applications in light harvesting systems and optical sensors with extended absorption spectra.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Метеорологические условия экстремального лавинообразования в горах Кавказа по данным наблюдений и реанализов

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    The possibility of using the data of modern ERA-Interim, CFSR and NCEP-NCAR re-analyses to assess an avalanche danger in the mountains of the North Caucasus is considered. Previously, the mean seasonal values of the surface air temperature and seasonal precipitation amounts obtained from the reanalysis archives were compared with the data of meteorological stations. The mean temperature of the cold period (November–March) was best reproduced by the ERA-Interim reanalysis: the correlation coefficients amounted to 0.8–0.9, and the average deviation from the station data ±1.7 °C. The accuracy of measurements of precipitation is lower, but the magnitude of the errors does not exceed the limits of inter-seasonal variability. To estimate the avalanche hazard, a correlation matrix was used based on the relationship of the avalanche hazard indicator with the standard deviations of seasonal values of temperature and precipitation. The ERA-Interim reanalysis reproduces the avalanche danger in the North Caucasus most adequately (71% of coincidences with the actually observed events). Synoptic processes which may promote formation of catastrophic avalanches in the North Caucasus were also determined. The most typical situation is the position of a high-level cyclone over the Eastern Europe, accompanied by the invasion of cold air masses from Scandinavia that activates cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean. It was found that the extreme avalanche hazards occurred at negative anomalies of mean seasonal air temperature near the ground and in the middle troposphere (about 1.5–2 °C) when the integral water content of the atmosphere was close to the norm.Рассмотрена возможность использования данных современных реанализов ERA-Interim, CFSR и NCEP-NCAR для оценки лавинной опасности в горах Северного Кавказа, которые предварительно сравнивали с материалами метеорологических станций (средние сезонные значения приземной температуры и осадков). Для расчёта лавинной опасности использовалась корреляционная матрица, основанная на связи показателя лавинной опасности со стандартными отклонениями сезонных значений температуры и осадков. Установлены синоптические процессы, способствующие формированию катастрофических лавин. Показано, что аномально высокая лавинная опасность возникает при отрицательной аномалии температуры воздуха у земли и на высотах при близком к норме интегральном влагосодержании атмосферы

    Neoglycolipids Micelle-like Structures as a Basis for Drug Delivery Systems

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    Targeted drug delivery is one of the most promising tasks of nanomedicine, as this is a real way to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic effects against many diseases. In this regard, the development of new inexpensive highly effective stimulating and non-immunogenic drug delivery systems (DDS) is of great importance. In this work new molecular candidates were proposed and studied for the creation of such systems based on the use of new compounds, neoglycolipids. It is shown that these compounds are capable of self-association in aqueous solutions and can serve as potential carriers of drug compounds with targeted delivery determined by their terminal groups (in particular, glycans). The processes of their associates formation and features of their structure are investigated. The results show that these selforganizing nanoscale systems can be used as a basis for developing new drug delivery systems. Keywords: neoglycolipids, micelle-like structures, small-angle X-ray scattering, molecular dynamics simulatio

    Strain-Transcendent Immune Response to Recombinant Var2CSA DBL5-ε Domain Block P. falciparum Adhesion to Placenta-Derived BeWo Cells under Flow Conditions

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) is a serious consequence of the adhesion to the placental receptor chondroitin sulfate A (CSA) of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes (PE) expressing the large cysteine-rich multi-domain protein var2CSA. Women become resistant to PAM, and develop strain-transcending immunity against CSA-binding parasites. The identification of var2CSA regions that could elicit broadly neutralizing and adhesion-blocking antibodies is a key step for the design of prophylactic vaccine strategies. METHODOLOGY: Escherichia coli expressed var2CSA DBL domains were refolded and purified prior to immunization of mice and a goat. Protein-G-purified antibodies were tested for their ability to block FCR3(CSA)-infected erythrocytes binding to placental (BeWo) and monkey brain endothelial (ScC2) cell lines using a flow cytoadhesion inhibition assay mimicking closely the physiological conditions present in the placenta at shear stress of 0.05 Pa. DBL5-ε, DBL6-ε and DBL5-6-ε induced cross-reactive antibodies using Alum and Freund as adjuvants, which blocked cytoadhesion at values ranging between 40 to 96% at 0.5 mg IgG per ml. Importantly, antibodies raised against recombinant DBL5-ε from 3 distinct parasites genotypes (HB3, Dd2 and 7G8) showed strain-transcending inhibition ranging from 38 to 64% for the heterologuous FCR3(CSA). CONCLUSIONS: Using single and double DBL domains from var2CSA and Alum as adjuvant, we identified recombinant subunits inducing an immune response in experimental animals which is able to block efficiently parasite adhesion in a flow cytoadhesion assay that mimics closely the erythrocyte flow in the placenta. These subunits show promising features for inclusion into a vaccine aiming to protect against PAM


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    Objective of the study was to develop the methodology for identification of administratively independent areas under potential risk of “external” epidemiological threat realization, by the example of cholera.Materials and methods. Analysis was conducted using free software package with open source code (QGIS 2.8 and GRASS GIS 7.0) on the basis of the data received from Rosgranitsa and the Federal State Statistics Service. The construction of risk cartogram was performed on the base of Euclidean distance and estimation of nuclear density.Results and conclusions. In accordance with the obtained results, the GIS containing information about the checkpoints on the Russian border, settlements, roads and railway lines was worked out. The method of identification of risk areas due to importation of infectious diseases based on the cholera model has been developed, and the total area of such territories was less than 1 % of the total area of the country. It was found that in some cases the risk area is located at a certain distance from the checkpoint, but the existence of checkpoint does not lead to the formation of risk areas. The developed GIS is available on the geo-information portal of FGHI Rostov-on-Don Research Anti-Plague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor

    Differential Recognition of P. falciparum VAR2CSA Domains by Naturally Acquired Antibodies in Pregnant Women from a Malaria Endemic Area

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    Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells (iRBC) express variant surface antigens (VSA) of which VAR2CSA is involved in placental sequestration and causes pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM). Primigravidae are most susceptible to PAM whereas antibodies associated with protection are often present at higher levels in multigravid women. However, HIV co-infection with malaria has been shown to alter this parity-dependent acquisition of immunity, with more severe symptoms as well as more malaria episodes in HIV positive women versus HIV negative women of a similar parity.Using VAR2CSA DBL-domains expressed on the surface of CHO-745 cells we quantified levels of DBL-domain specific IgG in sera from pregnant Malawian women by flow cytometry. Dissociations constants of DBL5epsilon specific antibodies were determined using a surface plasmon resonance technique, as an indication of antibody affinities.VAR2CSA DBL5epsilon was recognized in a gender and parity-dependent manner with anti-DBL5epsilon IgG correlating significantly with IgG levels to VSA-PAM on the iRBC surface. HIV positive women had lower levels of anti-DBL5epsilon IgG than HIV negative women of similar parity. In primigravidae, antibodies in HIV positive women also showed significantly lower affinity to VAR2CSA DBL5epsilon.Pregnant women from a malaria-endemic area had increased levels of anti-DBL5epsilon IgG by parity, indicating this domain of VAR2CSA to be a promising vaccine candidate against PAM. However, it is important to consider co-infection with HIV, as this seems to change the properties of antibody response against malaria. Understanding the characteristics of antibody response against VAR2CSA is undoubtedly imperative in order to design a functional and efficient vaccine against PAM

    Взаимосвязь спектроскопических и структурных свойств j-агрегатов индоцианина зеленого

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    Indocyanine green (ICG), when in free form in a liquid, can form stable nanoparticle structures or colloidal solution, while changing its spectroscopic properties. In the work, the aggregation degree and the average size of nanoparticles depending on the concentration of a colloidal solution of indocyanine green (ICG NPs) in the form of J-aggregates were investigated by various methods based on light scattering. The size of nanoparticles is an important parameter from the point of view of clinical application, because the technique of intravenous administration of drugs, in order to avoid microvascular thrombosis and embolism, provides dosage forms with inclusions of individual molecules or their clusters, not exceeding 500 nm diameter. In turn, small nanoparticles less than 30 nm lead to prolonged circulation of the drug in the body with an increased possibility of permeation into cells of healthy tissue. In the course of studies, it was found that an increase in the concentration of ICG NPs in the solution leads to an increase in the average size of spontaneously formed J-aggregates, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the absorption coefficient in the aggregates. Presumably, this phenomenon, i.e. the established nonlinear dependence of the J-aggregate absorption on its size, can be explained by the formation of absorption centers on the J-aggregate surface in the form of mobile surface molecules. The threshold range of ICG molecule concentration was determined, at which there is a transition from aggregation with an increase in size with a slow addition of ICG J-aggregate molecules in height to a rapid addition in width.Индоцианин зеленый (ICG), находясь в растворе, способен образовывать стабильные структуры наночастиц или коллоидный раствор, изменяя при этом свои спектроскопические свойства. В работе различными методами, основанными на светорассеянии, были исследованы степень агрегации и средний размер наночастиц в зависимости от концентрации коллоидного раствора наночастиц индоцианина зеленого (ICG NPs) в форме J-агрегатов. Размер наночастиц представляет собой важный параметр с точки зрения клинического применения, так как техника внутривенного введения препаратов, с целью избежания тромбозов микрососудов и эмболии, предусматривает лекарственные формы с включениями, в виде отдельных молекул или их кластеров, не превышающими в диаметре 500 нм. С другой стороны, наночастицы размером менее 30 нм длительно циркулируют в организме и могут проникать в клетки здоровой ткани. В ходе исследований, было установлено, что увеличение концентрации ICG NPs в растворе ведет к увеличению среднего размера спонтанно формируемых J-агрегатов, что в свою очередь ведет к уменьшению коэффициента поглощения в агрегатах. Предположительно, нелинейная зависимость поглощения J-агрегата от его размера, может быть объяснен формированием центров поглощения на поверхности J-агрегата в виде подвижных поверхностных молекул. Был определен пороговый диапазон концентрации молекул ICG, при котором происходит переход от агрегации с увеличением размера с медленным прибавлением молекул J-агрегата ICG в высоту, но с быстрым прибавлением в ширину