41 research outputs found

    Combining preclinical tools and models to unravel tumor complexity: Jump into the next dimension

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    Tumors are complex and heterogeneous diseases characterized by an intricate milieu and dynamically in connection with surrounding and distant tissues. In the last decades, great efforts have been made to develop novel preclinical models able to recapitulate the original features of tumors. However, the development of an in vitro functional and realistic tumor organ is still utopic and represents one of the major challenges to reproduce the architecture of the tumor ecosystem. A strategy to decrypt the whole picture and predict its behavior could be started from the validation of simplified biomimetic systems and then proceed with their integration. Variables such as the cellular and acellular composition of tumor microenvironment (TME) and its spatio-temporal distribution have to be considered in order to respect the dynamic evolution of the oncologic disease. In this perspective, we aim to explore the currently available strategies to improve and integrate in vitro and in vivo models, such as three-dimensional (3D) cultures, organoids, and zebrafish, in order to better understand the disease biology and improve the therapeutic approaches

    Guida alla redazione degli atti amministrativi

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    La "Guida alla redazione degli atti amministrativi" intende fornire indicazioni per la redazione degli atti per tutti i funzionari della pubblica amministrazione. Si articola in tre parti: (a) la lingua degli atti, (b) la struttura del provvedimento amministrativo, (c) il rinvio ad altri atti. Ne è autore un gruppo di linguisti e giuristi facenti capo all'ITTIG-CNR (Istituto per le Tecniche e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Giuridica) e dell'Accademia della Crusca

    Detection of mammaglobin mRNA in peripheral blood is associated with high grade breast cancer: Interim results of a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We sought to examine the detection rate of cancer cells in peripheral blood (PBL) and in bone marrow (BM) using an established 7-gene marker panel and evaluated whether there were any definable associations of any individual gene with traditional predictors of prognosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with T1-T3 primary breast cancer were enrolled into a prospective, multi-institutional cohort study. In this interim analysis 215 PBL and 177 BM samples were analyzed by multimarker, real-time RT-PCR analysis designed to detect circulating and disseminated breast cancer cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At a threshold of three standard deviations from the mean expression level of normal controls, 63% (136/215) of PBL and 11% (19/177) of BM samples were positive for at least one cancer-associated marker. Marker positivity in PBL demonstrated a statistically significant association with grade II-III (vs. grade I; p = 0.0083). Overexpression of the mammaglobin (<it>mam</it>) gene alone had a statistically significant association with high tumor grade (p = 0.0315), and showed a trend towards ER-negative tumors and a high risk category. There was no association between marker positivity in PBL and the pathologic (H&E) and/or molecular (RT-PCR) status of the axillary lymph nodes (ALN).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study suggests that molecular detection of circulating cancer cells in PBL detected by RT-PCR is associated with high tumor grade and specifically that overexpression of the <it>mam </it>gene in PBL may be a poor prognostic indicator. There was no statistically significant association between overexpression of cancer-associated genes in PBL and ALN status, supporting the concept of two potentially separate metastatic pathways.</p

    Tecnologies lingüístiques per a llengües minoritzades el cas de l'alguerès

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    La tecnologia pot jugar un rol decisiu en els processos de normalització lingüística. La creació de recursos lingüístics -amb el potencial formatiu o de disseminació que comporten, especialment en llengües en procés d'estandardització- és una possibilitat que cal tenir present en dissenyar estratègies per a la normalització. Aquest article se proposa contribuir al procés de normalització de l'alguerès, varietat parlada a l'Alguer (Sardenya) per unes dotze mil persones, mitjançant una anàlisi de les obres de consulta digitals i dels recursos lingüístics existents. En la primera part se proporcionen dades sobre el context sociolingüístic i se fa un estat de la qüestió sobre el procés d'estandardització de l'alguerès. La segona part mira d'identificar, amb referències a altres comunitats lingüístiques en situacions similars, accions en l'àmbit tecnològic que podrien dur-se a terme en paral·lel al procés d'estandardització de l'alguerès.Technology can play a decisive role in linguistic normalisation processes. The creation of linguistic resources (with the potential they have for education or to encourage the spread of languages, especially those in the process of standardisation) is a possibility that should be taken into account in designing normalisation strategies. This article proposes contributing to the process of normalising Algherese, a variety spoken in Alghero (Sardinia) by around twelve thousand people, through an analysis of digital reference works and existing linguistic resources. The first part provides data about the sociolinguistic context and establishes the current situation regarding the process of standardising Algherese. The second part seeks to identify, with references to other language communities in similar situations, actions in the technological sphere that could be carried out in parallel with the process of standardising Algheres

    Cambiamenti morfologici tridimensionali condilari e mandibolari nell&#8217;Artrite Idiopatica Giovanile

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    Obiettivo: Lo scopo di questo studio \ue8 quello di mostrare l\u2019importanza della Tomografia Computerizzata Cone Beam (CBCT) nel quantificare volumetricamente i danni all\u2019articolazione temporomandibolare (ATM) in pazienti con Artrite Idiopatica Giovanile (AIG), misurando i volumi reali condilari e mandibolari. Materiali e Metodi: 34 bambini affetti da Artrite Idiopatica Giovanile con il coinvolgimento temporomandibolare sono stati osservati mediante la CBTC. 4 sono stati esclusi a causa di parecchi rumori delle immagini. La mandibola \ue8 stata isolata dalle altre strutture cranio-facciali. Il volume dell\u2019intera mandibola e i volumi delle sue componenti (condilo, ramo, emicorpo, emisinfisi) sia sul lato destro e sul lato sinistro sono stati calcolati da una tecnica di rendering volumetrica 3D. Risultati: I risultati mostrano una differenza statistica altamente significativa tra i valori volumetrici del lato colpito rispetto ai valori volumetrici del lato normale soprattutto in corrispondenza della regione del condilo (p<0,01), mentre non mostra alcuna differenza statistica tra lato destro rispetto al lato sinistro. Conclusione: La CBCT rappresenta un enorme miglioramento nella comprensione dei cambiamenti morfologici condilari e mandibolari persino nelle prime fasi dell\u2019Artrite Idiopatica Giovanile. L\u2019AIG pu\uf2 provocare nei bambini un danno alle articolazioni temporomandibolari con alterazioni dello sviluppo e crescita facciale