97 research outputs found

    Anthropological approach to the study of people's heroes : cultural construction and typology of heroic characters

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    Ова докторска дисертација бави се истраживањем културне конструкције и типологијом ликова народних хероја установљених за време и након Другог светског рата у Југославији. Народни хероји су били широко познати и популарни ликови из Другог светског рата који су становништво стално подсећали на херојску борбу југословенских народа. Одражавали су јединствену борбу свих Југословенских народа и свих Република за слободу. Бирани су из свих Република, што је требало да укаже на исте тежње и заједничкo учешће партизана и комуниста из свих крајева земље у рату. Данас се често посматрају као историјски и политички мит. У раду се истражује како је текла хероизација ових ликова, које су херојске типове отелотворили, како и зашто су митологизовани. Анализа је спроведена кроз заједничке наративе који их прате (нормативни акти, биографије, мемоарску грађу, билтене Главног Штаба, партизанске песме). Примећује се недостатак истраживања која би обухватила класификацију херојских типова и њихову анализу у одређеном контексту. Ранији радови најчешће се баве херојским ликовима као делом истинитих или лажних историјских наратива што их је класификовало у историју или у мит. У дискурсно орјентисаним истраживањима могуће је користити дијахрони и синхрони интеркултурни приступ како би се откриле функције и значења које су хероји имали у друштву у време када су се појављивали...This doctoral dissertation deals with the research of cultural construction and typology of characters of people’s heroes established during and after the Second World War in Yugoslavia. People’s heroes were widely known and popular figures from the Second World War who were constantly reminded by the population of the heroic struggle of the Yugoslav people. They reflected the unique struggle of all Yugoslav nations and all the Republics for freedom. They were elected from all the Republics, which should have pointed to the same aspirations and the joint participation of partisans and communists from all over the country in the war. Today, they are often seen as a historical and political myth. This dissertation investigates the heroisation of these characters, which the heroic types have embodied, how and why they are mythologized. The analysis was carried out through common narratives that followed them (normative acts, biographies, memoirs, bulletins of the Supreme Headquarters, partisan songs). There is a lack of research that would include the classification of heroic types and their analysis in a particular context. Earlier works most often deal with heroic characters as part of true or false historical narratives that classify them in history or in the myth. In discourse-based research, it is possible to use a diachronic and a synchronoic intercultural approach to discover the functions and meanings that the heroes had in society at the time they appeared..

    A Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering View of Vertically Aligned ZnO Nanowires

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    We report a grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering study of ZnO films with vertically aligned and randomly distributed nanowires, grown through a hydrothermal growth process on nanostructured ZnO seeding coatings and deposited by electron beam evaporation on silicon and glass, respectively. The comparison of the scattering patterns of seeding coatings and nanowires showed that the scattering of vertically aligned nanowires exhibited a specific feature: the dominant characteristic of their scattering patterns is the appearance of fine structure effects around the specular peak. These effects were clarified by the combined reflection and scattering phenomena, suggested for the aligned nanowires-substrate system. Furthermore, they enabled the calculation of the average gyration radius of nanowires in horizontal direction. The calculated value was in good agreement with the radii of nanowires estimated by surface electron microscopy. Therefore, the observed feature in the scattering pattern can serve as evidence of the aligned growth of nanowires

    GISAXS/GIXRD View of ZnO Films with Hierarchical Structural Elements

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    ZnO films constituted of porous sheet-like structures, formed by calcination of precursor, were examined using scanning electron microscopy and simultaneous small-angle scattering and diffraction of the synchrotron-sourced X-rays, under the grazing-incidence conditions. The presented analysis enabled insight into the complexity of the film morphology, which revealed substrate sensitivity on the microscopic and nanoscopic length scales. The average size and spatial arrangement of nanoparticles, single-crystal domains, and the average size and features of nanopores in sheet-like structures were determined for films deposited on glass, polycrystalline ZnO layer, and silicon

    SuRVoS: Super-Region Volume Segmentation workbench

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    Segmentation of biological volumes is a crucial step needed to fully analyse their scientific content. Not having access to convenient tools with which to segment or annotate the data means many biological volumes remain under-utilised. Automatic segmentation of biological volumes is still a very challenging research field, and current methods usually require a large amount of manually-produced training data to deliver a high-quality segmentation. However, the complex appearance of cellular features and the high variance from one sample to another, along with the time-consuming work of manually labelling complete volumes, makes the required training data very scarce or non-existent. Thus, fully automatic approaches are often infeasible for many practical applications. With the aim of unifying the segmentation power of automatic approaches with the user expertise and ability to manually annotate biological samples, we present a new workbench named SuRVoS (Super-Region Volume Segmentation). Within this software, a volume to be segmented is first partitioned into hierarchical segmentation layers (named Super-Regions) and is then interactively segmented with the user's knowledge input in the form of training annotations. SuRVoS first learns from and then extends user inputs to the rest of the volume, while using Super-Regions for quicker and easier segmentation than when using a voxel grid. These benefits are especially noticeable on noisy, low-dose, biological datasets

    The role of a pharmacist in pharmacovigilance system

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    Introduction: Although they represent an important mediator between patients and National Pharmacovigilance Centre, pharmacists still don't participate enough in system of reporting adverse drug reactions (ADR). By reporting ADR both quality of therapy and quality of patient's life are improving, and pharmaceutical industry is also encouraged to invent and produce new formulations which will be better beared and whose use will significantly improve risk-benefi t ratio. Aim: The aim of this work is that by collecting information about ADRs, based on direct contact of a pharmacist and patients, explain and improve the role of a pharmacist in pharmacovigilance system. Subjects and Methods: Information about adverse reactions were being collected in three private pharmacies in Inđija and in one private pharmacy in Sombor. In period from 20.12.2017.-10.01.2018. pharmacists collected data about adverse reactions of medicines. In period from 11.01.-01.02.2018. patients were additionally informed about unexpected and adverse drug reactions. The standard form for reporting an adverse reaction, which was taken from the site of Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS), was fi lled for each reported case and sent to National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC). Suspect drugs were classified in categories according to Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical classification (ATC). Results: In first period, there were 19 reported reactions. After additional information given to patients, there were 33 reported adverse reactions. The most numerous adverse drug reactions were reported for the group of cardiovascular drugs (32.7%), the group of anti-infective drugs with systemic effects (15.4%) and for group of drugs which affect nervous system (13.5%). After analyzing reported reactions, according to NPC all of reactions were expected (52), but 3 of them fulfilled criteria of seriousness. Conclusions: Thanks to additional information and direct communication between a pharmacist and patients, reporting unexpected and adverse drug reactions is significantly improving

    Cryo-electron tomography of cells: connecting structure and function

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    Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) allows the visualization of cellular structures under close-to-life conditions and at molecular resolution. While it is inherently a static approach, yielding structural information about supramolecular organization at a certain time point, it can nevertheless provide insights into function of the structures imaged, in particular, when supplemented by other approaches. Here, we review the use of experimental methods that supplement cryo-ET imaging of whole cells. These include genetic and pharmacological manipulations, as well as correlative light microscopy and cryo-ET. While these methods have mostly been used to detect and identify structures visualized in cryo-ET or to assist the search for a feature of interest, we expect that in the future they will play a more important role in the functional interpretation of cryo-tomograms

    Chemical Defence in a Millipede: Evaluation and Characterization of Antimicrobial Activity of the Defensive Secretion from Pachyiulus hungaricus (Karsch, 1881) (Diplopoda, Julida, Julidae)

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    The chemical defence of the millipede Pachyiulus hungaricus is reported in the present paper, in which a chemical characterization is given and antimicrobial activity is determined. In total, independently of sex, 44 compounds were identified. All compounds belong to two groups: quinones and pentyl and hexyl esters of long-chain fatty acids. The relative abundances of quinones and non-quinones were 94.7% vs. 5.3% (males) and 87.3% vs. 12.7% (females), respectively. The two dominant quinones in both sexes were 2-methyl-1,4,-benzoquinone and 2-methoxy-3-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of the defensive secretion was evaluated in vitro against seven bacterial strains and eight fungal species. With the aid of a dilution technique, the antimicrobial potential of the secretion and high sensitivity of all tested strains were confirmed. The lowest minimum concentrations of these compounds (0.20-0.25 mg/mL) were sufficient for inhibition of Aeromonas hydrophila, Listeria monocytogenes and Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The growth of eight tested fungal species was inhibited by slightly lower concentrations of the secretion, with Fusarium equisetias the most sensitive fungus and Aspergillus flavus as the most resistant. Values of MIC and MFC in the employed microdilution assay ranged from 0.10 to above 0.35 mg/m L. The given extract contains antimicrobial components potentially useful as therapeutic agents in the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries

    Anthropological approach to the study of people's heroes : cultural construction and typology of heroic characters

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    Ова докторска дисертација бави се истраживањем културне конструкције и типологијом ликова народних хероја установљених за време и након Другог светског рата у Југославији. Народни хероји су били широко познати и популарни ликови из Другог светског рата који су становништво стално подсећали на херојску борбу југословенских народа. Одражавали су јединствену борбу свих Југословенских народа и свих Република за слободу. Бирани су из свих Република, што је требало да укаже на исте тежње и заједничкo учешће партизана и комуниста из свих крајева земље у рату. Данас се често посматрају као историјски и политички мит. У раду се истражује како је текла хероизација ових ликова, које су херојске типове отелотворили, како и зашто су митологизовани. Анализа је спроведена кроз заједничке наративе који их прате (нормативни акти, биографије, мемоарску грађу, билтене Главног Штаба, партизанске песме). Примећује се недостатак истраживања која би обухватила класификацију херојских типова и њихову анализу у одређеном контексту. Ранији радови најчешће се баве херојским ликовима као делом истинитих или лажних историјских наратива што их је класификовало у историју или у мит. У дискурсно орјентисаним истраживањима могуће је користити дијахрони и синхрони интеркултурни приступ како би се откриле функције и значења које су хероји имали у друштву у време када су се појављивали...This doctoral dissertation deals with the research of cultural construction and typology of characters of people’s heroes established during and after the Second World War in Yugoslavia. People’s heroes were widely known and popular figures from the Second World War who were constantly reminded by the population of the heroic struggle of the Yugoslav people. They reflected the unique struggle of all Yugoslav nations and all the Republics for freedom. They were elected from all the Republics, which should have pointed to the same aspirations and the joint participation of partisans and communists from all over the country in the war. Today, they are often seen as a historical and political myth. This dissertation investigates the heroisation of these characters, which the heroic types have embodied, how and why they are mythologized. The analysis was carried out through common narratives that followed them (normative acts, biographies, memoirs, bulletins of the Supreme Headquarters, partisan songs). There is a lack of research that would include the classification of heroic types and their analysis in a particular context. Earlier works most often deal with heroic characters as part of true or false historical narratives that classify them in history or in the myth. In discourse-based research, it is possible to use a diachronic and a synchronoic intercultural approach to discover the functions and meanings that the heroes had in society at the time they appeared..